Читайте также:
1. Most injuries occur to hands and feet. Fingers should be kept in the clear (out of the way of tongs, spinning chain, etc.), and the proper gloves should be worn. Also, shoes with protective metal caps on the toes should be worn.
2. Improper use of the cathead causes more serious injuries than any other single operation. The new man should use the cathead only under close supervision.
3. Back injuries arise from using an improper stance while lifting a heavy weight. It is important to learn the right way to lift-with the knees, not the back.
4. Tools, grease guns, and other equipment taken up in the derrick should be tied down securely. While these are being used on the derrick, the men on the floor should "stay out from under." No member of the crew should go on the floor unless he is wearing his hard hat.
5. Every rig has safety goggles to prevent eye injuries. Certain operations such as working with chemicals and chemically treated mud should never be undertaken without wearing them.
6. Pipe tongs are safe when treated with respect but can become extremely dangerous if used carelessly. Crew members should check the safety line and stand clear when tongs are used under heavy strain.
7. Pipe wrenches and chain tongs that are prone to slip instead of grip probably need new jaws, which should be replaced for safe use.
8. Slippery floors should be avoided. Because drilling mud is slippery, it is especially important for the crew to wash the floor whenever it gets muddy.
9. Loose, floppy clothing that might catch on moving equipment should be avoided.
10. A crew member should take evasive action to avoid injury to himself. He should also always try to avoid injuring another crew member.
11. Handrails should be used when on the steps.
12. Insecure guardrails are worse than none at all, and crew members should be on the lookout for them.
13. The crew member should locate and learn to use such emergency equipment as (1) the first-aid kit to avoid infections; (2) fire extinguishers for small flames that could grow into major fires; and (3) a source of water for washing out the eyes and for washing corrosive chemicals from the body.
14. When a crew member is in doubt about an apparently unsafe condition, he should consult the driller.
Fill in the gaps with given words and word and word combinations.
requirements, approved, processes, in case, explosive hazardous, inscriptions, permitted.
Technological………...should be carried out in accordance with regulations, operating norms and other officially………...technical and operating documentation. Equipment assigned for use of fire and………...substances and materials should meet designing documentation………....
While working with them, one must follow requirements contained in marking and warning………...on packing and accompanying documentation. It is not………...to use, store and transport substances and materials………...their interaction can result in inflammation, explosion or can form combustible and toxic gases (mixtures).
Fill in the gaps with given words and word and word combinations.
Daily, storehouse, inflammable, fire fighting, safety containers, exceeding, taken away.
In the main operational building materials storage is permitted only in………...in amounts not………...racks capacity. For stockpile storage distance norms between passages, from walls, ………...equipment and fire cocks should be not less than 1 meter. Flammables and………...substances supply should be centralized and they should be taken to workplace in special………...in amounts not exceeding………...requirements. It is prohibited to use open containers, boxes, metal drums and after business hours………...from operational building for further disposal.
Combine two corresponding sentence parts.
1) Rig equipment designed to prevent accidents -and fires includes handrails on walkways and stairways, 2) Safety clothing should, of course, be worn at appropriate times by 3) Safety clothing includes a hard hat to protect the head 4) A constant awareness of the danger of accidents around rigs and defensive action to avoid 5) Safety meetings and discussions of procedures for accomplishing jobs on the rig, 6) Many drilling contractors, as well as the International Association of Drilling Contractors, 7) The new man on the rig should study 8) Meanwhile, the following brief suggestions can serve as the | A) men working on hazardous assignments or in hazardous locations. B) the proper handling of equipment, and other safety practices are an essential part of any program designed to protect the men, rig, and well from accidents and fire. C) this information early in his career. D) publish manuals and other releases on the subject of accident prevention. E) from falling objects and safety shoes to protect the feet. F) guards on all moving machinery (including belts and chains), and pressure relief devices on mud lines and mud pumps. G) beginning of those safety measures needed to avoid accidents. H) them are equally as important as equipment and clothing designed to prevent accidents. |
Correct combination
1 -__ 2 -__ 3 -__ 4 -__ 5 -__ 6 -__ 7 -__ 8 -__
8. Translate the sentences with the help of the text:
1. Для того чтобы избежать несчастных случаев и пожара, современные буровые оборудованы лестницами и перилами в проходах.
2. При выполнении опасных заданий и на опасных участках буровой рабочим необходимо надевать защитную одежду.
3. Защитной одеждой являются каска и специальные ботинки.
4. Очень важным является осознание того, что работа на буровой представляет опасность.
5. Обучение правилам техники безопасности и их выполнение, являются неотъемлемой частью при выполнении работ на буровой.
6. Международная Ассоциация Буровых Подрядчиков издаёт учебники и публикует другие работы по предмету предотвращения несчастных случаев на буровой вышке.
7. Каждый вновь прибывший член бригады должен изучить правила по технике безопасности и выполнять их.
1. Name the three major systems used on all rotary drilling rigs.
2. Name the two principal types of drilling bits.
3. Name the parts of the drill string that collectively make up the drill stem.
4. What three main functions does the swivel perform?
5. What are the two functions performed by the rotary?
6. What three main components of the hoisting system connect the derrick or mast to the load of pipe?
7. What two principal advantages does the mast have over the standard derrick?
8. What are two main purposes of a derrick-substructure?
9. Drill pipe is usually pulled in stands of three joints, called thribbles. Each stand is about_____ feet long.
10. A mast or derrick can usually withstand winds of ________ miles per hour.
11. The two main purposes of the drawworks are –
12. Most rotary rig drawworks are fitted with two rake systems. Name them.
13. There are usually two semiautomatic catheads on a rotary rig drawworks. The ________, or _______, cathead is on the driller`s side of the drawworks. The _________ cathead is used to loosen the drill pipe.
14. The five principal purposes of circulating fluid in a well being drilled by the rotary method are –
15. Name the eight main components of the circulating system.
16. Most modern rotary rigs are powered by engines that use _________ fuel, but some engines on rigs are fueles by natural gas or ________ _________ gas.
17. What are the three main power loads on rotary rig engines.
18. The very largest rigs are generally powered by ___________ engines, which drive generators to supply electricity to the motors that drive the machinery.
19. Name four uses of alternating-current power on a rotary rig, excluding hoisting, pumping, and rotating.
20. Compressed air is used on large drilling rigs for many purposes. Name four.
21. Name six instruments used on a modern drilling rig.
22. Name six auxiliary facilities of a modern drilling rig and briefly explain the function of each.
23. What are some dangerous effects of a blowout?
24. What causes a blowout?
25. Name the two basic types of blowout preventers and briefly explain how each operates.
26. What is the function of an accumulator?
Comprhension test
Say True or False.
1. The driller is making a trip for a bit. The reason for this is to make it possible for the driller to examine the bit.
2. The kelly is hexagonal. The reason for this is to make it possible for the rotary table to turn the kelly without slipping.
3. Cuttings in a well mean cracks on wellbore walls.
4. Drilling mud is a waste material formed by a drilling rig in summer time.
5. Drill pipe is hollow. The reason for this is to make it possible for the mud to pass through it.
6. Elevator is a device for lifting derrickman to the monkey board.
7. Cement job is performed only when quality of casing is poor.
8. Sumpless drilling means that drilling crew personnel unfortunately did not have a chance to make a sump.
9. Rotation drilling includes rotary and downhole engine methods.
10. Pulling and running operations are costly and performed only when needed.
11. Drilling cuttings are washed out to the surface with drilling mud made of clay, water and various chemicals.
12. Tackle system includes crown block, traveling block and drilling hook.
13. Drilling bits have different design and shape only because they were produced by different manufacturers.
14. Core bit is used for cone taking along with core barrel.
15. Shale-shaker is used to separate drilling cuttings and drilling mud.
16. Pipe making up when running in the hole and also pipe breaking when pulling out are performed with a spinner.
17. The first type of casing to be run in and cemented is surface casing and the second is conductor.
18. Drilling crew members use scratches to scratch each other and thus clean
19. themselves of oil.
20. Centralizer is an officer coordinating work of drilling crews.
21. Bent sub is a sub bent in the well due to improper use.
22. Clay drilling muds are the most common for well drilling.
23. Key parameters of drilling muds are gravity, viscosity, filtration indicator, etc.
A | |
Abrasive rock | абразивная порода |
Advanced drilling progress | значительная проходка бурением |
Aerated drilling mud | аэрированный буровой раствор |
Annulus | затрубное пространство |
Armored | армированный |
B | |
Back pressure | противодавление |
Back-pressure valve | обратный клапан |
Ball-valve | шаровый клапан |
Barium sulfate | барит |
Bentonite | бентонит |
Bentonitic clay | бентонитовая глина |
Biopolymer mud | биополимерный раствор |
Bit | долото |
Bit breaker | устройство для откручивания долота |
Bit change | замена долота |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | выброс (нефти и газа из скважины) |
Bottom hole | забой скважины |
Box | резьбовой соединительный замок |
Breaking joints | развинчивание труб |
Brown field | разработанное месторождение |
C | |
Саble drilling | ударно-канатное бурение |
Calibration | поверка |
Casing shoe | колонный башмак |
Casing spool | колонная головка |
Casing string | обсадная колонна |
Catwalk | подающие мостки |
Cement plug | цементировочная пробка |
Cement slurry | цементный раствор |
Cementing stage collar | муфта ступенчатого цементирования (МСЦ) |
Centralizer | центратор |
Chemicals | химреагенты |
Civilengineering | гражданское строительство |
Clay drilling mud | глинистый буровой раствор |
Clayless drilling mud | неглинистый буровой раствор |
Conductor | направление (обсадная колонна) |
Core | керн |
Core barrel | керноотборник |
Core bit | керновое долото |
Core taking | отбор керна |
Core well | структурная скважина |
Crossover | переводник |
Crown block | кронблок |
Crushing-abrasionaction | дробяще-истирающее действие |
Cutters | резцы |
Cuttings | шлам |
D | |
Deadend | мертвый конец (талевого каната) |
Derrick | мачта (бурового станка) |
Derrickman monkey board | рабочая площадка верхового |
Desander | пескоотделитель |
Design | конструкция |
Desilter | илоотделитель |
Deterioration | износ (оборудования) |
Detonate charges | детонировать заряды |
Developed area | разработанный участок |
Diamond bit | алмазное долото |
Diamond inserts | алмазные вставки |
Displacement fluid | жидкость замещения |
Disposal site | место захоронения (отходов) |
Double | двухтрубка |
Drain valve | сбросный клапан |
Drawworks drum | барабан лебедки |
Drawwworks shaft | вал лебедки |
Drift | шаблон |
Drift | шаблонировать |
Drill collars | утяжеленные бурильные трубы (УБТ) |
Drill pipe | бурильные трубы |
Drill string | бурильная колонна |
Drilling bit | буровое долото |
Drilling derrick | буровая вышка |
Drilling hook | буровой крюк |
Drilling line | талевый канат |
Drilling mud | буровой раствор |
Drilling rig | буровой станок |
Drilling string | бурильная колонна |
Drilling tool | буровой снаряд |
Drilling | бурение |
E | |
Electric drill | электробур |
Elevators | элеватор |
Emergency valve | аварийный клапан |
Emulsifier | эмульгатор |
Emulsion-based drilling mud | эмульсионный буровой раствор |
Enhanced oil recovery | повышение нефтеотдачи пласта |
Exploration well | разведочная скважина |
F | |
Field | месторождение |
Filtrate | фильтрат |
Filtration factor | показатель фильтрации |
Fingers | пальцы для свечей |
Fish-tailbit | долото лопастного типа |
Flocculating | флоккулирующий |
Fluid compression | сжимаемость жидкости |
Formation pressure maintenance | поддержание пластового давления |
Formation waters | пластовые воды |
Fourble | четырехтрубка |
Fresh water | пресная вода |
Friction cathead | фрикционная шпилевая катушка |
Frother | пенообразователь |
G | |
Gasblanket | газовая подушка |
Gooseneck | горловина вертлюга |
Greenfield | новое месторождение |
Guiding shoe | направляющий башмак |
H | |
Hard minerals | твердые полезные ископаемые |
Hex-nut wrench | шестигранный ключ |
Hinged doors | шарнирный затвор |
Hook-block | крюкоблок |
Hydrofracture | гидроразрыв |
Hydrocarbon-based drilling mud | буровой раствор на углеводородной основе |
Hydrostatic pressure | гидростатическое давление |
I | |
Injection pressure | давление нагнетания |
Injection well | нагнетательная скважина |
Insert bit | штыревое долото |
Intermediate casing | промежуточная (техническая) колонна |
Intermediate casing spool | промежуточная катушка |
Inverted emulsion | инвертная эмульсия |
Isolation | разобщение (пластов) |
J | |
Joint | одиночная труба |
K | |
Kelly | «квадрат», ведущая труба |
Kelly bushing | втулка квадрата |
Kelly cock | запорный клапан «квадрата» |
Кеllу saver sub | переходник «квадрата» |
Key well | опорная скважина |
M | |
Main rotary bushing | главная втулка роторного стола |
Making up joints | наращивание (труб) |
Mast | вышка мачтового типа |
Mechanical drilling | механическое бурение |
Milled teeth | фрезерованные зубья |
Mud pump | буровой насос |
Multi-stage cementing | многоступенчатое цементирование |
N | |
Natural drilling mud | естественный буровой раствор |
Natural gas | природный газ |
Nitrogen | азот |
Non-mechanical drilling | немеханическое бурение |
O | |
Observation well | наблюдательная скважина |
Off-shore drilling | морское бурение |
Oil -and-gas bearing rock | нефтегазосодержащая порода |
One-stage cementing | одноступенчатое цементирование |
Operating pressure | рабочее давление |
Oxidized bitumen | окисленный битум |
P | |
Parametric well | параметрическая скважина |
Pay zone penetration | вскрытие продуктивного пласта |
Percussion drilling | ударное бурение |
Permeable interval | проницаемый горизонт |
Pin | конец трубы с внешней резьбой |
Pipe string | колонна труб |
Pipe tripping | спускоподъемные операции |
Pit | котлован |
Polycristalline bit | поликристаллическое долото |
Power tongs | силовой ключ |
Pressing | сжатие |
Pressure pulsation | пульсация давления |
Pressure pulsation absorption | поглощение пульсации давления |
Process operations | технологические операции |
Production casing | эксплуатационная колонна |
Production liner | эксплуатационный хвостовик |
Production well | эксплуатационная скважина |
Prospect drilling | поисково-разведочное бурение |
Рullеу | шкив |
Pulling and ranning operations | спуско-подъемные операции |
Pulsation dampener | гаситель пульсаций |
Pup-joint | патрубок |
R | |
Reciprocating | расхаживание (скважины) |
Reservoir characteristics | параметры пласта |
Rig floor | рабочая площадка буровой установки |
Rock | порода |
Roller-cutter bit | шарошечное долото |
Roller-cutters | шарошки |
Rotary bit | роторное долото |
Rotary drilling | роторное бурение |
Rotary hose | роторный шланг |
Rotary system | роторная система |
Rotary table | роторный стол |
Rotary table collar | муфт роторного стола |
Rotation drilling | вращательное бурение |
Rotor | ротор |
Rubber membrane | резиновая диафрагма |
S | |
Sand content | содержание песка |
Scratcher | скребок |
Screw engine | винтовой двигатель |
Selective cementing | селективное цементирование |
Shale-shaker | вибросито |
Shearing | скалывание |
Shearing bit | режущее долото |
Shoe with float collar | башмак с обратным клапаном |
Sidewallcore | боковой керн |
Sidewall coring tool | боковой керно-отборник |
Slips | клинья |
Solids | твердая фаза |
Spinner | силовой ключ |
Stagecollar | муфта ступенчатого цементирования |
Stand | свеча |
Static shift stress | статическое напряжение сдвига |
Stop-ring | стопорное кольцо |
Sulphate - containing | сульфат содержащий |
Sumpless drilling | безамбарное бурение |
Surface casing | кондуктор (обсадная колонна) |
Surfactant | поверхностно – активное вещество |
Swing joint | шарнирное соединение |
Swivel | вертлюг |
T | |
Tаckle system | талевая система |
Tally | замерять трубы рулеткой |
Technical expert review | техническая экспертиза |
Top plug | верхняя цементная пробка |
Torque | крутящий момент |
Tower | башенная вышка |
Trap | ловушка (нефти и газа в пласте) |
Traveling block | талевый блок |
Triple | трехтрубка |
Tungsten carbide | карбид вольфрама |
Tungsten inserts | вольфрамовые вставки |
Turbodrill | турбобур |
U | |
Unexplored region | неразведанный район |
V | |
Viscosimeter | вискозиметр |
W | |
Wish fluid loss | поглощение промывочной жидкости |
Wish out | вымывать (из скважины) |
Water supply well | водная скважина |
Water suspension | водная суспензия |
Well bottom | забой скважины |
Well | скважина |
Wellbore | ствол скважины |
Wellhead | устье скважины |
Wildcat | поисковая скважина |
Для заметок
Список литературы
1. Gerding Mildred. The Rotary Rig and its components. Fourth edition. The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas 2000.
2. A Primer of Oil well Service and Work over. The University of Texas at Austin, Seventh Impression, 1999.
3. Белоусов В. С. Нефтяная промышленность. Учебное пособие для переводчиков. The FLT Ltd Архангельск, 2000г.
4. Белоусов В. С. Нефтегазовая промышленность. Основные процессы и англо-русская терминология. Москва: ООО «Техинпут», 2006
5. Булатов А. И. Пальчиков В.В. Англо-русский словарь по нефти и газу. – М.: РУССО. 2004.
6. www.nefte.ru
Учебное пособие
Островерхова Татьяна Александровна
Rig in detail
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