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Personal qualities

Читайте также:
  1. A Personal Letter (2) Stage 1
  2. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  3. A. Defining Interpersonal Communication
  4. Accounting personal statement
  5. Advertising and Marketing Communications personal statement
  6. Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  7. Apple and the personal computer era
Positive characteristics Kind Kind-hearted, good-natured Energetic Quick Active Calm, quiet Generous Tolerant Patient Persistent Industrious, hardworking Clever, bright, smart gifted Modest Decent Noble Frank, sincere open-hearted Honest, fair Tender, mild, gentle Shy, timid Friendly Considerate, Careful Tactful Merciful, sensitive Selfless, unselfish Cheerful Merry Optimistic Well-balanced, self-balanced Reserved Sociable Reliable Educated Broad-minded Well-bred   Easy to get along with Negative characteristics Unkind Evil, wicked Cruel Passive Restless Greedy Intolerant Impatient Lazy Foolish, silly, stupid Boastful Dishonorable Sly, cunning Dishonest, unfair Rude Bold, impudent, insolent Haughty, bossy Careless Tactless Stale-hearted Selfish, egoistic Pessimistic Hot tempered Unrestrained Unsociable, bottled-up Unreliable Uneducated Narrow-minded Ill-bred   Hard to get along with Hard to please Hard nut to crack Положительные характеристики Добрый Добродушный Энергичный Быстрый Активный Спокойный Щедрый Толерантный Терпеливый Упорный Трудолюбивый Умный Одаренный Скромный Порядочный Благородный Откровенный Открытый Честный Нежный, мягкий Робкий Дружелюбный Внимательный Заботливый Тактичный Милосердный, чувствительный Бескорыстный Жизнерадостный Веселый Оптимистичный Уравновешенный Сдержанный Общительный Надежный Образованный С широким кругозором Хорошо воспитанный   Легкий в общении Отрицательныe характеристики Недобрый Злой Жестокий Пассивный Неутомимый, неугомонный Жадный Нетерпимый Нетерпеливый Ленивый Глупый Хвастливый Непорядочный Хитрый Бесчестный Грубый Наглый, бессовестный Высокомерный Беспечный, беззаботный Бестактный Черствый Эгоистичный Пессимистичный Вспыльчивый Несдержанный Необщительный Ненадежный Необразованный Недалекий Плохо воспитанный Тяжелый в общении Трудно угодить Твердый орешек

& 1. Read the following ideas about people’s features of character and say who you would like to make friends with.

Marry is my group-mate. She is the brightest student in our group. She is clever and well-read, persistent and hardworking. But she is very hard to get along with. Sometimes she can be bossy and rude; she is rather selfish and intolerant. To tell the truth I can hardly bear her company.

Steve is a practical person. He always tries to do the work that will help him in future. He is very honest and doesn’t like people who lie; he always notices it and tells them about it. Many people say that he is tactless and bossy, but I do not think so. I respect him for his honesty and can rely on him. But frankly speaking it is not very easy to be with him around.

Kathy says she is very home-loving. She likes to stay at home with her relatives. I am not sure that it is good for a young girl to be a couch potato. May be she is rather shy and timid and so she avoids noisy companies. On the other hand she is tender, open-hearted and I really love her for her generosity and kindness.

Mark is very active and always as busy as a bee. But on the other hand he is lazy, because you’ll never make him do something you want him to do. He is known to be a leading person and wants other people follow him. He is very easy to get on with. His friends and group-mates respect him for his cheerfulness and optimism.

@2. Transform adjectives into nouns according to the patterns. Translate the new words:

1. Kind – kind ness Unkind – Cheerful – Quick – Calm – Tender – Selfish – Unselfish – Careless – Shy – Careful – Broad-minded – 2. Cruel – cruel ty Loyal – Modest – Honest – Dishonest – Stupid – Noble – Reliable – Generous – Industrious – Curious – 3. Patient – patie nce Impatient – Persistent – Impudent – Insolent – Tolerant – Confident –

@3. Complete the sentences:

1. To tell the truth I am …

2. I must confess I am …

3. It’s a pity I am not very…

4. Sometimes I can be … sorry to say.

5. People say that I am … but I think that I am …

6. Only my parents know that I am …

7. I can be proud that I am …

8. The only thing I don’t like about myself is my …

9. One thing I don’t like about my friend that he is …

10. John is an unpleasant person. He is …

11. We all dislike him for his …

12. Mary is hard to please. She is so …

13. My friend is easy to get along with, she is …

14. I respect my colleague because he is …

15. We respect Peter for his …

16. Millie is known to be a … person.

17. Her sister is known for her ….

4. Match the adjectives with the sentences

1. He is usually smiling and happy. 2. He enjoys the company of other people. 3. He finds it difficult to meet new people. 4. It is important to him to succeed in the carrier. 5. His mood changes very often suddenly for no reason. 6. He notices other people’s feelings. 7. He thinks future will be good. 8. His friends can depend and rely on him. 9. His room is often in a mess. 10. He is annoyed if he has to wait for somebody. 11. He often puts off till tomorrow what he could do today. 12. He works hard. 13. He keeps his feelings and ideas to himself. 14. He often gives presents. 15. He talks a lot. 16. He is usually calm and not worried by things. 17. a. Untidy b. Reserved c. Lazy d. Careless e. Optimistic f. Shy g. Generous h. Reliable i. Sociable j. Impatient k. Moody l. Cheerful m. Talkative n. Ambitious o. Industrious p. Sensitive  

5. How would you call the person in the descriptions?

1. He never brought me a drink all the time we were together.

2. I have to tell her what to do every minute of the working day. She wouldn’t open a window without somebody’s permission.

3. He often promises to do things but half the time he forgets.

4. She is always here on time.

5. I don’t think he’s done any work since he’s been here.

6. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers.

7. He could work in any of the departments, and it doesn’t matter to him if he is on his own or part of the team.

8. One of the great thing about her is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel.

9. Bob, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He is always making people angry or upset he just doesn’t consider their feelings.

10. The other thing about Bob is that he wants to get the supervisor’s job and then become boss of the department.

6. Find the Russian equivalents for the following idioms. Use these sayings in the sentences of your own.

Neither fish nor flesh

A hard nut to crack

As true as steel

As melancholy as a cat

As merry as a cricket (сверчок)

As old as the hills

As fit as a fiddle (скрипка)

As busy as a bee

As bold as a brass (медь)


@7. Translate from Russian into English

1. С ним очень трудно ладить, потому что он эгоистичен и нетерпим.

2. Мы очень уважаем Питера за его честность.

3. N. Очень легкий в общении человек. Он веселый, открытый. Характером он пошел в мать.

4. что вы можете сказать о М.? – она не слишком умна, ленива и беспечна.

5. У него не простой характер. Он вспыльчив, груб, хитер и к тому же бестактный. Он – непростой орешек.

6. Сказать по правде, я не люблю Джорджа за его жадность.

7. Должен признаться, я не всегда бываю честным.

8. Как тебе нравится наш новый начальник? – ни рыба, ни мясо.

9. Что вы можете сказать о братьях G? – они похожи, как две капли воды, но по характеру они – небо и земля.

10. Моя сестра – вечно занята. Она такая упорная, трудолюбивая.

11. Единственное, что мне не нравится в моем друге – что он хвастливый.

12. Мери очень дружелюбный человек, терпеливый к людям, добросердечный и скромный.

@8. Translate from Russian into English

1.Он очень робок, когда встречается впервые с людьми. Ему трудно разговаривать с людьми. Но когда он знает человека хорошо, он гораздо более раскрепощенный и разговорчивый.

2. Люди считают, что британцы очень сдержанные люди и не выставляют свои чувства.

3. Моя сестра очень добрый и веселый человек, она всегда добра и терпима к людям. Единственное, что мне в ней не нравится, это то, что она беспечная.

4. Макс Браун очень ленив. Он всегда откладывает на потом то, что можно сделать сегодня. Его брат наоборот очень добросовестный и трудолюбивый человек.

5. Билл очень честный человек, он всегда говорит правду. Он очень ответственный человек, вы можете на него положиться.

6. Елена человек творческий, талантливый и одаренный. Она всегда полна оригинальных и свежих идей.

& 9. Reading


Some people believe in the influence of stars on people’s character and fate. Here are the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

^ARIES March 21-April 20 Bold and tactless, they are very ambitious and enthusiastic. However, they are not only careless of others’ feelings, they can be warm and sensitive.
Very hard-working, calm and honest, they can be stubborn sometimes. Reliable and friendly can be unforgiving. _ TAURUS April 21- May 21
` GEMINI May 22-June 21 They are charming, intelligent and friendly, although I wouldn’t trust them much. They are creative and easy-going. They get fed up very quickly.
They are happiest when they are at home. They are domesticated, cheerful, and affectionate. They are also sympathetic and sensitive, kind, loyal friends. aCANCER June 22- July 23
b LEO July 24 – August 23 They go from one extreme to another. Life is a series of ups and downs. Hot-tempered, proud and rude, they are hospitable, passionate and generous.
They are very just and believe in fairness. They always want good relations with everyone. They have excellent taste, and can also be artistic. They can be dreamers, and money slips through their fingers. cVIRGO August 24 – September 23
d LIBRA September 24 – October 23 They are calm and hate quarrelling, perhaps they are unambitious. They make excellent parents. One the negative side they can be cool and mean with money.
They have hot tempers and biting tongues. They like giving orders. Furthermore they are strong-willed, brave, passionate and determined. eSCORPIO October 24 – November 22  
fSAGITTARIUS November 23 – December 21 They are athletic and love outdoor life. They are very good with their hands. They are honest, cheerful and broadminded, though sometimes risk-taking and undisciplined.
They are patient, serious, business-like and hard-working. Sometimes bossy, narrow-minded and conservative, but usually polite and sociable. gCAPRICORN December 22 – January 20
h AQUARIUS January 21 – February 19 Although honest, humanitarian, tolerant and sociable, they can be unstable, temperamental and impractical.
They are idealistic, sympathetic, loving, trusting, sensitive and emotional. Very artistic and imaginative. But sometimes gloomy and depressed. i PISCES February 20- March 20

Let’s talk.

· What is your star sign? Is the characteristic of your sign true? What is wrong?

· Study the signs of three people who you know well. What is true and what is wrong about the characteristics of these people?


& 10. Reading. Read the letter of recommendation given Bob by his chief. What is his opinion of Bob? Is the characteristic positive?

Letter of recommendation

Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found

hard at work in the cubicle. Bob works independently, without

wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never

thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and he always

finishes given assignment on time. Often Bob takes extended

measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee

breaks. Bob is dedicated individual who has absolutely no

vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound

knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be

classed as a high-caliber employee, the type which can not be

dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be

promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be

sent away as soon as possible.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 427 | Нарушение авторских прав

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