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Read the text and answer the questions

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

Part II




Базовый курс разговорного английского языка



Meeting - This is my new acquaintance - Meet my friend … - Let me introduce my colleague …   - I’d like you to meet …. - Let me introduce myself. My name is… My surname is… - Nice to meet you (pleased to meet you, glad to meet you, happy to meet you) - It’s a pleasure to meet you Interview - Where are you from? (where do you come from?) - How old are you? - What are you? /what do you do?/ what is your occupation? - Are you married /single - /divorced/ engaged? - What languages do you speak? Greetings - Hello, how are you? - How are things? - How is life? - How are you keeping? - How are you getting on? - How are you getting on with your work? - How are you feeling today? - How are things at home? - Fine, thanks. - Splendid! - Not too bad - More or less the same - The same old way. - Nothing special. - Nothing to boast about. - Couldn’t be worse - Worse than ever. - I’d rather not say. Leave-taking - I’m afraid I must be going - I must be off now. - I can’t stay any longer. - It’s time I was going. - My best regards to you family. - Remember me to your family. - Well, I won’t keep you then. - Keep in touch. - It was nice to see you again. - See you later (soon) Hobbies and interests Sport Chess Draughts Music (pop, jazz, rock, classical…) Handicrafts Sewing Knitting Embroidering Reading (detectives, love stories, poetry, adventures, fiction, science fiction, tales) Gardening Dancing Singing Playing sports Playing musical instruments (the piano, the guitar, the accordion, the violin, etc.) Computer Playing computer games Making up poems Hunting Fishing Driving Cycling Collecting things (stamps, coins, painting) Looking after pets Learning languages Cooking Baking Painting Drawing   What are you fond of? - I am fond of … What are you keen on? - I am keen on … What are you good at? - I am good at … What are you interested in? -I am interested in I adore …/I am mad about …/ I enjoy… I hate …/ I dislike… Who shares your hobby? - … I share my mother’s interest. Знакомство - Это мой новый знакомый … - Познакомьтесь с моим другом - Позвольте представить моего коллегу - Познакомьтесь с … - Разрешите представиться. Мое имя.., фамилия … - Рад с вами познакомиться     - приятно с вами познакомиться. Интервью - откуда вы родом?   - Сколько вам лет? - Кто вы по профессии? /чем вы занимаетесь? - Вы женаты /одиноки / разведены/ помолвлены? - На каких языках вы говорите? Приветствия - привет, как поживаешь? - Как дела? - Как жизнь? - Как поживаешь? - Как поживаешь? - Как твоя работа?   - как чувствуешь себя сегодня? - Как дела дома? - хорошо, спасибо. - Отлично. - Неплохо. - Более или менее - Все по-старому. - Ничего особенного - Похвалиться нечем. - Хуже не бывает - Хуже, чем когда-либо - Уж лучше промолчу. Прощание - Боюсь, мне нужно уходить. - Я должен идти - Не могу больше оставаться - Пора идти - Наилучшие пожелания семье - Привет семье. - Не буду Вас задерживать. - Встретимся - Было приятно встретиться снова - Увидимся Увлечения и интересы Спорт Шахматы Шашки Музыка Рукоделие, ремесла Шитье Вязание Вышивание Чтение (детективов, любовных романов, поэзии, беллетристики, науч.фантастики, сказок) Садоводство Танцы Пение Спортивные игры Игра на муз. инструментах (пианино, гитаре, баяне, скрипке) Компьютер Компьютерные игры Сочинение стихов Охота Рыбалка Вождение машины Мотоцикла Коллекционирование (марок, монет, картин) Выращивание животных Изучение языков Кулинария Выпечка Живопись Рисунок   Чем ты увлекаешься? – я увлекаюсь … Что у тебя хорошо получается? - … Чем ты интересуешься? – я интересуюсь... Я обожаю …/ Я без ума от …/   Мне доставляет удовольствие… Я терпеть не могу …/ Я не люблю Кто разделяет твои интересы? - … Я разделяю мамино увлечение

& 1. Introductory reading.

Read the text and answer the questions


Hello! My name is Mike, Mike Young. I am 17 and I am from the USA. I live in Winfield. It is a small town not far from New York. I study in Winfield High school. Next year I’ll be in my final year and I’ll have to decide what to do next. My parents want me to study at Winfield Community College but I do not know for sure if it is a right choice. Best of all I like sport. I am mad about sport games like soccer and basketball. I am also a dance-lover and you can often see me in our dance club.

I live with my family. It is rather big according to modern standards. We are six. My Dad, Howard Young, is 46 now. He is an engineer. He is rather tall, well-built and very sportive. He is fond of playing tennis and very good at it. He also likes swimming. My Mom, Elinor Young, is a woman of 44. She is very attractive and charming. She is easy to get along with and we seldom quarrel. She is a doctor in Winfield Hospital and, as they say, a very good one. Mom is very handy with everything she does. She is good at everything in the world: knitting, sawing, embroidering, cooking, baking and so on. Our Mom is interested in gardening and I think she has a green thumb.

I have two sisters and a brother. My elder sister Liz is 21 now so she is 4 years my senior. She is single so far and she lives in New York where she works as a telephone operator for a big company. She speaks three foreign languages: German, French and Italian. And she speaks them fluently. She is very clever and bright and we miss her very much.

My younger sister Joyce is only 12. She is the youngest in our family. She is at Winfield Elementary school. To tell the truth she is a bright student and is very good at drawing, dancing and singing. She is also keen on sports. In this she takes after our father. You can often find her on a sport ground playing basketball or soccer. Like me and our father she is a good tennis player.

My brother Ted is 2 years my junior. So he is 15 now. People say we look like two peas but I do not think so. He looks like our mother but I resemble both my Mom and Dad. He is a good guy, very active and merry, but we often quarrel and even fight with him. I can’t stand when he pokes his nose into my business and takes my things without my permission. But he has a great sense of humor and you’ll never be bored with him around.

All in all we are a happy and friendly family.


1. How big is the family of the Youngs?

2. Who is the youngest in the family? The oldest?

3. What are Mike’s parents? How old are they?

4. What does Liz do? Where does she live? Is she married?

5. What kind of person is Ted?

6. What does Mike like and dislike about him?

7. What are the interests and hobbies of all the members of the family?

8. What is every person good at?

2. Find English equivalents in the text and reproduce them in the context:

Быть в выпускном классе, знать наверняка, увлекаться, интересоваться, преуспевать в чем-либо, быть замужем, быть одиноким, быть без ума от чего-либо, быть умелым, совать свой нос в чужие дела, брать без разрешения, ссориться, чувство юмора, походить на кого-либо, быть похожим как две капли воды, быть на 2 года моложе, быть на 3 года старше, хорошо ладить, говорить на иностранном языке бегло.


@ 3. Fill in the prepositions and adverbs:

1. Hello! My name is Ann. I’m … Cardiff.

2. It ‘s the capital … Wales.

3. I am a teacher … Music.

4. I work … school for handicapped children.

5. My family is not big, we are 4 … the family.

6. We are a family … 4.

7. I live … my parents and my younger brother.

8. He is 16 and he is … his final year … school.

9. He is fond … sports and is very good … football.

10. He plays … football very well.

11. As for me I am not interested … football at all.

12. To tell the truth I adore … music.

13. When I am tired after my work I enjoy … music.

14. I’m keen … classical music.

15. I am mad … Mozart and Chopin.

16. I also have a sister but she doesn’t live … us.

17. She is a student … Cambridge University.

18. Now she is taking a course … French.

19. She speaks … French rather fluently.

20. She is very good … French.

21. I look like …my mother.

22. She takes … our father.


4. Ask the questions so that the sentences could serve the answers.

1. Gloria Rivera. 2. 16 years old. 3. At Winfield High school. 4. I am from New York. 5. I speak Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. 6. No, I am single. 7. Yes, she is married. 8. Yes, I am fond of volleyball and tennis. 9. Yes, I speak German and Chinese. 10. She is 12 years old. 11. I am a secretary. 12. He is a computer programmer. 13. No, he is my senior. 14. She is good at gardening. 15. Yes, we are seven in the family. 16. Her hobbies are knitting and gardening.

@ 5. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Мама, познакомься: это мои новые друзья Дик и Фред. – очень приятно.

2. Позвольте представить вам моего старого знакомого. Это Джон Силвер. Он врач из Нью-Йорка. – Рады познакомиться.

3. Ваше имя? – Элен Браун. – чем вы занимаетесь, Мисс Браун? – Я студентка Гарвардского университета. Я изучаю английский, немецкий, итальянский. – Вы говорите по-русски? – немного.

4. Я хочу познакомить вас с моей однокурсницей. Это Долли.

– Привет, Долли, рады с тобой познакомиться. Я – Кэтти, а это – Джекки. Мы студенты колледжа, а ты чем занимаешься?

– Я собираюсь изучать теорию музыки в колледже искусств.

5.Ваша сестра замужем? – Нет, она незамужняя. Она живет с мамой и братом недалеко от Лидза.

6.Жаль, но мне нужно уходить, до встречи. – Не могу Вас задерживать. Было приятно встретить Вас

6. Writing and listening .

@ 1) Here is an interview with Emma.

Complete the interviewer’s part.

Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Hello, Emma. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, especially as I believe you are studying for your exams at the moment. Yes, I am. But I am happy to do this interview. Now, the questions. First of all, ……………(1)…………………? Oxford in England. And ……………………(2)………………………………….….? At home with my mother. You see, my parents are divorced. Ah! I am sorry about that.…………………(3)…………………? Yes I have. I’ve got a brother. ………………………………(4)………………………………..? No, he is younger. He is 12. And …………………………(5)………………………………..? Well, he’s either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always does after school. And …………………………(6)……………………………….? He lives in Scotland, near Edinburgh. …………………………………(7)………………...…………...? Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him. Now, a final question, Emma. ……………(8)………………….? I listen to music, especially pop music. That’s great, Emma. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very much.


² 2) Now listen to the tape and compare your answers

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 820 | Нарушение авторских прав

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