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Work in the groups of 3-4. Act one of the following situations:
1. You introduce your new group-mate to your mother (parents)
2. You have a newcomer in your group.
3. You are looking for a part-time job and come to an interview in person.
Brush up your phonetics
This and that This is Jack and that is Jill This is Mike and that Bill, This is Kate and that is Dot, This is Rex and that is Spot. | My name is Ann My name is Ann, His name is Ben, Her name is Nan, Say it again. |
Is There Anybody Here from Thailand?
Is there anybody here from Thailand?
Are there any students here from Peru?
Is there anybody here from Tahiti?
Is anyone from Katmandu?
Is there anybody here from Bali?
Are there any students here from Rome?
Is there anybody here from Quito?
Is anyone from Nome?
There’s one student here from Thailand.
There are two students here from Peru.
There are two students here from Tahiti.
There’s no one here from Katmandu.
Are You French?
Are you French?
No, I am not. I am Italian.
Is he Korean?
No, he is not. He’s Japanese.
Is she Spanish?
No, she’s not. She’s Venezuelan.
Are they Indonesian?
No, they’re not. They are Taiwanese.
Is Sam Married?
Is Sam married?
– No, he is not. He is single.
Is Anne married?
– no, she’s not. She’s divorced.
Are the Brown divorced?
- No, they’re not. They are separated.
Are Bill and Sue in love?
- No, they’re not. They’re just good friends.
♫ Let’s sing
What is your name
What is your name?
What is your name?
Now tell me please,
What is your name?
My name is Janet,(3)
That's my name
How old are you?
I am seven, (3)
That’s my age
Where are you from?
I’m from Great Britain, (3)
That’s where I’m from
Where do you live?
I live in London, (3)
That’s where I live.
I met a little girl
I met a little girl
Who came from another land,
I couldn’t speak her language
But I took her by the hand, by the hand.
We danced together, had such fun,
Dancing’s the language
You can speak with everyone
We danced together (3)
Had such fun!
Two fat gentlemen
1.Two fat gentlemen met in a lane,
Bowed most politely, bowed once again.
How do you do, how do you do.
And how do you do again?
2. Two thin ladies met in a lane …
3. Two tall postmen met in a lane …
4. Two little schoolboys met in a lane …
5. Two little babies met in a lane…
Do you speak English?
Do you speak English,
Do you speak English?
Yes, but just a little bit,
Are you from Chili?
Are you from Chili?
No, I’m not, I’m from Brazil.
What is your hobby? (2)
I am interested in chess
What are you keen on? (2)
My hobby’s looking after pets
What are you fond of? (2)
I am mad about draughts.
What are you good at? (2)
I am good at playing sports
Face:long oval round square pimpled wrinkled swarthy Complexion: dark fair Nose:straight aquiline hooked snub Lips:full thick thin painted compressed Cheeks:plump hollow pale pink with dimples Eyes:wide-set close-set deep-set warm kind vivid dark grey, steel-grey blue brown, hazel Eyebrows: arched Bushy penciled Forehead: broad high, tall open large low narrow Hair: black dark Brown Fair red blond gray thick thin straight wavy curly short – long Chin: double pointed massive round with a dimple Teeth: even – uneven large - small Figure: fat, plump, stout slim (women), lean (men) slender graceful well fed well built A person can be Beautiful Pretty (about women and children) Handsome (about men) Attractive, good-looking Pleasant, sweet Cute Unpleasant Ugly | Лицо: удлиненное овальное круглое квадратное прыщавое морщинистое смуглое Цвет лица: Темный светлый Нос: прямой орлиный крючком курносый Губы: пухлые полные тонкие накрашенные поджатые Щеки: пухлые впалые бледные розовые с ямочками Глаза: широко посаженные близко посаженные глубоко посаженные теплые добрые живые темные серые, стальные. синие, голубые карие Брови: дугой густые хорошо очерченные Лоб: широкий высокий открытый большой низкий узкий Волосы: черные темные, Коричневые Русые Рыжие Светлые седые густые жидкие прямые волнистые кудрявые короткие – длинные Подбородок: двойной острый массивный круглый с ямочкой. Зубы: ровные, неровные крупные – мелкие Фигура: толстая, пухлая, тучная худая стройная грациозная упитанная хорошо сложенная Человекможет быть Красивым Хорошеньким (о женщинах и детях) Симпатичным Привлекательным Приятным, милым Симпатичным Неприятным Уродливым |
& 1. Introductory reading.
Read and translate the texts paying attention to the adjectives
Simon. This is Simon. He isn’t well-known (=famous), he isn’t well-off (=rich), and I’ve never heard anyone say he was good-looking (=handsome / attractive). But he is a very good man – kind, friendly and very easy-going (=relaxed). He is wearing a short-sleeved shirt and a brand-new (=completely new) hat.
Bob is a black-haired, sun-tanned, brown-eyed, plump-cheeked, thin-lipped, broad-shouldered, left-handed, slim-hipped, long-legged, flat-footed young man, wearing an open-necked pullover, snow-white shirt, brand-new, tight-fitting jeans and open-toed sandals.
2. Complete the sentences according to the patterns:
Pattern 1: a person with fair hair is fair-hair ed
1. a person with red hair is …
2. a person with oval face is …
3. a person with green eyes is …
4. somebody with narrow shoulders is …
5. somebody with long legs …
6. people who write with their right hand …
7. a girl with freckles on the nose …
pattern 2: a brown eyed man – a man with brown eyes.
8. a grey-haired lady – a lady …
9. a left handed child - a child …
10. a thin-faced man - …
11. a dark-eyed woman - …
12. a round-faced boy - …
13. a blond-haired girl - ….
14. a wrinkled-faced old lady - …
? 3. Describe a member of your family or one of your friends using compound adjectives
Shoulders Eyes Hands Legs Hair Face | Brand or narrow color which one do they write with long or short length and color shape |
? 4. Match the words from paragraph A with words from paragraph B. translate the words.
Pattern: good-looking
![]() | В. new known written class looking sleeved hand handed going east time pound |
? 5. Writing. Describe your own appearance.
^ 6. Practice.
One person comes out of the room. All the group think one of the group-mates and when the person comes to the room all the students describe the group-mate that is thought and the person tries to guess who was thought.
?7. Practice. Complete the text with the words given below:
bald ears heavily straight | beard fair look strong | blue glasses narrow thin | good-looking serious early smile |
· I am in my __1__ fifties. I am very tall and quite __2__ built, but I have rather __3__ shoulders. I am a little overweight.
· I have __4__ medium-length __5__ hair, but I am going __6__, so there isn’t a lot of it left. I have a grey __7__ and moustache. My eyes are __8__, and I wear __9__.
· I’ve got a rather long face with a __10__ chin, a big nose and big __11__. I have __12__ lips, and I usually have a __13__ expression. My face changes a lot when I __14__. I have a high forehead; I like to think that it looks intelligent.
· I do not think I am very __15__, but I not at all bad-looking either. I probably __16__ a bit younger than I am.
^ 8. Interaction. Mutual admiration.
Continue the chain praising your group-mates as in the pattern. Use comparative adjectives.
A: B is attractive
B: I am attractive but C is more attractive and she (he) is slim, at that.
C: I am slim but D is slimm er than me and she is pretty.
D: I am_____ but ______
^ 9. Interaction.
Imagine that your old friend (or a relative) comes from another town. As you are very busy and can’t meet him/her you ask your group mate to stretch you a hand. Practice the conversation.
A: Hello, B, what luck running into you! Can you do me a favour, please?
B: Willingly, but what’s the matter?
A: You see, my sister comes from Moscow, but I’m so busy today and can’t meet her at the station. Can you help me?
B: No problem at all, but how can I recognize your sister?
A: I can describe her.
B: Is she tall or short?
A: she is of medium height.
B: Is she fat or slim?
A: she is slim and slender
B: What colour is her hair?
A: Fair
B: What is her nose like?
A: Small and turned up
B: Don’t you have her photo?
A: Just a moment … Here is she
B: Oh, she is pretty! Now I can easily recognize her.
?10. Complete the sentences
1. Your sister is a real beauty, she is…
2. He was a handsome young man …
3. The woman who opened the door was…
4. My niece is such a nice little girl …
5. The most remarkable thing about her face is …
6. The girl charmed everybody; she was …
7. Can you describe that man? – Yes, he …
8. Is your friend as pretty as she was in her youth? – It’s a pity she is not. She …
9. She is only twenty but …
11. Find the Russian equivalents for the following idioms and proverbs. Use these proverbs and sayings in the sentences of your own.
As thin as a rake (грабли)
As neat as a new pin
As pale as a ghost (привидение)
As like as chalk and cheese
As like as two peas
As ugly as sin (грех)
As fat as butter
Beauty lies in lover’s eyes
A bird is known by its song
As the tree, so the fruit
12. Match the sentences from the column A with the sentences from column B
A 1. She is not so slender as she used to be 2. His hair is not so thick as it was in his youth 3. My mother doesn’t look like her age 4. She is not so beautiful as she was when a young girl 5. There is a little hair left on his head 6. She looks the very picture of health 7. I could hardly recognize Jane when I ran into her in the street | B a. She looks pale and thin b. His hair is thinning c. She is running to fat d. She looks younger than her age e. He is getting bold f. Her cheeks are rosy and hair in the colour g. She has become very fat |
?13. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Её мать невысокого роста, полная, с темными волосами и серыми глазами. Дочь совсем на нее не похожа. Она высокая блондинка, очень стройная, с большими голубыми глазами, темными бровями и ресницами. У нее большой, но красивый рот, прямой нос и прекрасный цвет лица.
2. Это была пожилая (elderly) женщина лет шестидесяти, с седыми волосами, довольно полная, но все ещё красивая. У нее были добрые голубые глаза и приятная улыбка.
3. Мой сосед высокий худой мужчина лет пятидесяти. Его лицо не очень привлекательное. У него крупный нос, небольшие темные глаза и тонкие губы. Однако, когда он говорит и улыбается, лицо сразу же становится очень приятным.
4. Мистер Генри – невысокий, полный мужчина пятидесяти трех лет. Он носит маленькие усики. Вы легко его узнаете по родинке на правой щеке.
5. Девочка была прелестна с ее круглым личиком, большими темно-голубыми глазами и вздернутым носиком.
6. Бэллла – очень привлекательная девушка. У нее правильные черты лица, длинные белокурые прямые волосы, большие голубые глаза, стройная фигура. Ямочки на щеках делают ее еще более милой. Проблема в том, что она об этом тоже знает и считает, что она лучше всех.
7. Ты не можешь передать этот пакет моей сестре? – Конечно, только как я ее узнаю? – Ты сможешь легко ее узнать по родинке на правой щеке.
8. Ник О'Нил – мужчина лет сорока, не красавец, но и не урод. У него маленькие карие глаза, крючковатый нос. Он носит бороду и усы. Он невысок. У него спортивная фигура.
9. Вы похожи с братом? – нет, он пошел в маму, а я похожа на папу. Он кареглазый, а у меня глаза голубые, у меня нос курносый, а у него прямой. Он плотный, коренастый, а я высокая и худая.
10. Как вы думаете, Анна симпатичная девушка? – Я совсем не считаю ее симпатичной. У нее такой массивный нос, густые брови. Она толстушка. – Она совсем не толстушка, просто пухленькая. И она очень добрая, веселая и раскрепощенная. Она легко нравится людям.
& 14. Reading.
Read the extracts from English literature and translate with the dictionary.
1. “She had fair hair and delicate features. There was very little make up on her face. The woman was dressed in a small frock of dark green high to the neck.” (A.Christie)
2. “ “ He was a man of medium height with a heavy definite personality; clean shaven, with the mobile mouth of an actor, and the slightly prominent eyes that so often go with the gift of oratory. He was good-looking in a quiet well-bred way. Though looking pale and somehow distressed, his manner was perfectly formal and composed.” (A.Christie)
3. Lord Henry looked at him. Yes, he was certainly wonderfully handsome, with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp golden hair. There was something in his face that made one trust him at once. All the candour of youth was there, as well as all passionate purity. One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world.” (O. Wild)
4. “He was a slender little creature, more like an Italian in a 16-centure portrait than a middle class English lad of the 30s. From the long eyebrows and sensitive mouth to the small hands and feet, everything about him was chiselled, overdelicate. Sitting still, he might have been taken for a very pretty girl masquerading in male attire; but when he moved, lithe agility suggested a tame panther without the claws.” (E.L.Voynich)
5. “His appearance … is too remarkable, but no one can pass him without observing him. A shock of orange hair, a pale face disfigured by a horrible scar, which, by its contraction, has turned up the outer edge of his upper lip, a bulldog chin, a pair of very penetrating dark eyes, which present a singular contrast to the colour of his hair…” (A.Conan Doyle)
6. “There was in Dr. Audline’s appearance nothing to attract attention. He was tall and spare, with narrow shoulders and something of a stoop; his hair was gray and thin; his long sallow face deeply lined. He was not more than 50, but he looked older. His eyes, pale blue and rather large, were weary. When you had been with him for a while you noticed that they moved very little; they remained fixed on your face, but so empty of expression were they that it was not discomfort. They seldom lit up. They gave no clue to his thoughts, nor changed with the words he spoke… his hands were of the large size, with long tapering fingers, they were soft, but firm, cool but not clammy. You could never have said what Dr. Audline wore unless you have made a point of looking. His clothes were dark, his tie was black. His dress made his sallow lined face paler and his pale eyes more wan. He gave you the impression of a very sick man.” (S.Maugham)
7. “ Mr. Forestier was a very nice woman … Mr. Forestier was neither charming, beautiful nor intelligent; on the contrary she was absurd, homely and foolish; yet the more you knew her, the more you liked her… She was as tall as average man; she had a large mouth and a great hooked nose, pale-blue short-sight eyes and big ugly hands. Her skin was lined and weather-beaten, but she made up heavily, and her hair, which she wore long, was died golden … She did everything she could to counteract the aggressive masculinity of her appearance, and she succeeded only in looking like a vaudeville artist doing a female impression. Her voice was a woman’s voice, but you were always expecting her … to break into a deep bass, and rearing off that golden wig, discover a man’s bold pate … Her movements were awkward and her gestures clumsy.” (S.Maugham)
& 15. Reading
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You are going to read a magazine article about three people who came from other countries to live in Britain. | | | AMAZING FACTS |