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III. Answer the questions.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Answer these questions.
  2. A) Answer these questions.
  3. I. Answer these questions about the text
  4. I. Answer these questions.
  5. I. Answer these questions.
  6. II. Answer the questions about the text.
  7. II. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Why did wealthy people travel long time ago?

2. Why do people travel now?

3. What is the Grand Tour? '

4. When did it gain acceptance?

5. Who took the Grand Tour?

6. Why did young noblemen take the Grand Tour?

7. Why were British aristocracy particularly keen on the Grand Tour?

8. Why are private and public collections of art so rich in Britain?


IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

Interchangeably, purposeful journey, pejoratively, implying a shallow interest in, prerequisite factors, disposable income, infrastructure, accommodation facilities, inclination to travel, great buildings, the time of the Roman Republic, League of Nations, people travelling abroad, the Grand Tour, gained.


V. Complete the sentences:

1. Wealthy people have always travelled to distant parts of the world to see great buildings or other works of art.

2. The terms "tourist" and "tourism" were first used as official terms in 1973 by the League of Nations.

3. Tourism was defined as people travelling abroad for periods of over 24 hours.

4. Grand tours were taken in particular by young people to "complete" their education.

5. The German aristocracy were particularly keen on the Grand Tour, using the occasion to gather art treasures from Europe to add to their collections.

6. Most major British artists of the 19century did the "Grand Tour", as did their great European contemporaries such as Claude Lor-rain.

7. They travelled all over Europe, but notably to places of cultural and aesthetic interest, such as Rome, Tuscany, Ustka and the Alps.

8. Classical architecture, literature and art have always drawn visitors to Rome, Naples, Florence.



UNIT 3. The Service Organization of Tourist Complex, Hotels and Hospitality Industry

I. Words and word combinations:

Buzzword модне слiвце
Solely тiльки, самостiйно, виключно
Booming процветающий
to expand розширятися
responsible for нести вiдповідальнicть за
Council зiбрання
Employment зайнятiсть
human resources людськi ресурси
Incredibly неймовiрно
Diverse рiзноманiтний
to comprise включати
Conventions конвенцiя, зiбрання
Beverage напiй
Ancillary допомiжний
Piece зд: стаття
Consolidation об’єднання
Mode вигляд, стан
to merge зливатись
to acquire придбати
Career кар’єра
Facets аспект
job security запеспечення роботою
Relative вiдносний
Obvious очевидний
Option вибiр, альтернатива


Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 151 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ЗАВДАННЯ 1. Прочитайте текст. Визначте його тему й основну думку. | Л И С Т - З А П И Т | СКЛАДАННЯ ЛИСТА-ЗАМОВЛЕННЯ. | Прийменник | ТЕКСТ №3 | Оголошення | UNIT 1. Professional Etiquette | VII. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given. | A) the best day of your life; | VII. Your former class mate is eager to know where you study. Tell him (her) all the interesting facts about your college. |
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VI. Choose the right word from the list below.| IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text.

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