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Итоговый контроль знаний. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то

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Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то, что герундий может быть переведен не только инфинитивом, но и существительным, деепричастием, а также придаточным предложением:

1. I insist on your giving up smoking. 2. Vomiting blood (haemotemesis) is a symptom of some dangerous diseases. 3. Though it was late he continued working in order to finish the report for the next day. 4. Take this medicine before going to bed. 5. He has already finished dressing the wound. 6. It would be difficult to diagnose a disease without examining the patient. 7. The doctor prefers performing an operation instead of treating the patient conservatively. 8. On listening to the heart he detected no abnormalities. 9. I can’t insist on confirming the diagnosis without taking into account the Professor’s opinion.


Complete the sentences using some of the following words: stomach, cavity, intestine, pancreas, liver, gall-bladder, GI tract.

1. It is the ………….. that secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function.

2. The large …………….. is up to 2 1/2 inches wide.

3. The ………….. serves as a container of food.

4. The …….……. serves as a bile reservoir.

5. The major functions of the ……………. are digestion and excretion.


Say true or false:

1. Every cell of the human body takes certain chemical nutrients from the air that surrounds it.

2. The passing of the molecules through tissues is called digestion.

3. The human digestive tract is a muscular tube up to 8-10 meters in length.

4. Digestion involves the mixing of food, its movement through the digestive tract, and the chemical breakdown of the large molecules of food into smaller molecules.

5. The glands include the salivary glands, bladder and the spleen.

6. Each gland produces secretions.

7. The salivary glands are connected by ducts to the stomach.

8. Water is absorbed in the esophagus.

9. Drugs are absorbed in the stomach.

10. Bacterial decomposition takes place in the stomach.


Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия.

Описать работу основных органов пищеварения используя приложение 1.


Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС, в том числе список тем, предлагаемый кафедрой.

1. “Diseases of the Digestive System”

2. “Liver and it’s role in the process of digestion”


Рекомендованная литература по теме занятия.

основная: И.Ю. Марковина Английский язык: Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов

дополнительная: англо-русские, русско-английские словари, грамматические справочники.


Приложение 1





The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), also called the digestive tract, alimentary canal, or gut, is the system of organs within multicellular animals that takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste. The major functions of the GI tract are digestion and excretion. The human digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. Inside this tube is a lining called the mucosa. In the mouth, stomach, and small intestine, the mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices to help digest food. Two solid organs, the liver and the pancreas, produce digestive juices that reach the intestine through small tubes. In addition, parts of other organ systems (for instance, nerves and blood) play a major role in the digestive system.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 170 | Нарушение авторских прав

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