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Итоговый контроль знаний. 1. Complete the sentences.

Читайте также:
  1. Flash, App Store и контроль
  2. I. Проблемне та контрольне завдання
  4. V.2. Контрольные работы

1. Complete the sentences.

1. Would you like something to eat?-No, thanks. I have just ….. lunch.

a) have b) has c) had d) have been

2. Do you know where Julia is? -Yes, I have just……… her.

a) seen b) saw c) see d) has seen

3. What time is David leaving?- He has already ………..

a) leave b) leaving c) left d) leaves

4. What's in the newspaper today?- I don't know. I …… not read it yet.

a) have b) has c) had d) have been

5. Is Ann coming to the cinema with us? - No, she ……… already seen the film.

a) have b) has c) had d) have been

6. Are your friends here yet?- Yes, they have just …………

a) arrives b) arrive c) arrived d) will arrive

7. Jim is on holiday. He's............... to Italy.

a) been b) was c) gone d) is

8 Hello! I've just................ to the shops. I've bought lots of things.

a) been b) was c) gone d) is

9. Alice isn't here at the moment. She's....... to the shop to get a newspaper.

a) been b) was c) gone d) is

10. Tom has................. out. He'll be back in about an hour.

a) been b) was c) gone d) is


2. Put the verb in the correct form.

1. My parents (be) to the USA many times.

2. I (buy) a new dress last week.

3. We (not / have) a holiday last year.

4.... it (stop) raining yet?

5. Don't worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

6. I (lose) my glasses. I had them when I came to the college.

7. When Jill (finish) school?

8. When I was a child, I (always / be) late for school.

9. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

10. Are you tired?

-Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling since morning.


Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия.

Подготовка устного сообщения по вышеизложенному плану.

Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС, в том числе список тем, предлагаемый кафедрой.

1. “The Blood Circulation”

2. “Network of blood vessels”.


Рекомендованная литература по теме занятия.

основная: И.Ю. Марковина Английский язык: Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов

дополнительная: англо-русские, русско-английские словари, грамматические справочники.


Приложение 1

Cardiovascular system, comprising both the heart and the blood vessels, circulates blood throughout the body. It carries essential supplies of food and fuel to every liv­ing cell and exchanges them for poten­tially harmful waste products. The adult circulation consists of thousands of mites of tubing containing about 10 pints (4.7l) of blood. The blood is kept flowing round the body by the pump­ing action of the heart.

Blood is made up of a pale yellow liquid (plasma) containing dissolved nutrients and wastes, plus blood cells, hormones, proteins and other sub­stances. Must numerous of these cells are the disk-shaped red blood cells. Their color comes from the presence of the substance hemoglobin, which com­bines with oxygen. When red corpuscles changed with oxygen approach body cells, the oxygen is delivered in exchange for the waste product carbon dioxide. Other two-way transportation of materials takes place between the body cells and the plasma, and all un­wanted substances are carried away in the blood for excretion by the kidneys, lungs, and liver. Plasma also contains white blood cells, which help to fight infection, and platelets, which are in­volved in blood clotting.

In its passage through the body, blood is carried in tubes known as ar­teries and veins. Most arteries transport oxygen-rich (oxygenated) blood, whereas most veins transport carbon dioxide-rich (deoxygenated) blood. The largest artery is the aorta, which stems directly from the heart. The aorta and other large arteries have thick walls lined with muscle. Blood flow is assisted by the contraction of this muscle and the impetus given by the heartbeat. The "push" from the heart can be felt as the pulse wherever large arteries run near the body surface.

As they penetrate the tissues, arteries split into narrow branches called arterioles, which in turn divide into capillar­ies. It is through the very thin capillary walls that the blood gives up its oxygen and nutrients and receives carbon dioxide and wastes. Deoxygenated blood in the capillaries flows into narrow veins (venules) and then into veins. The two largest veins, the venae cavae. return this blood to the heart. Veins have thin walls compared with those of arteries, and blood moves through the veins much more slowly. Blood flow in the veins is assisted by the action of mus­cles in surrounding tissues, and back-flow is prevented by one-way valves.

The deoxygenated blood delivered to the heart along the veins is no use to body calls until it has been recharged with oxygen. To ensure reoxygenation, the circulation has a second "loop." In this part of the system, blood rich in carbon dioxide travels from the heart along the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is ex­changed for oxygen breathed in. The pulmonary artery is the only artery to carry deoxygenated blood. The newly oxygenated blood is carried back to the heart along the pulmonary vein, the only vein to transport oxygenated blood.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 249 | Нарушение авторских прав

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