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Rules bar government researchers from talking about their own work with journalists and even fellow researchers

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  1. A3.4 Understanding the Rules
  2. About Business
  3. About Business - Accountants
  4. About Eating Out in Britain
  5. About My Friend
  7. Answer the following questions about yourself, your friends and your ideas about friendship.

The Canadian government in recent years has banned government scientists from talking about a growing list of research topics including: snowflakes, the ozone layer, salmon, and previously published work about a 13,000-year-old flood.

Now it seems the scientists are talking back.

Researchers in 16 Canadian cities have called protests on Monday against science policies introduced under the government of Stephen Harper, which include rules barring government researchers from talking about their own work with journalists and, in some cases, even fellow researchers.

"There a lot of concern in Canada right now about government scientists not being allowed to speak about their research to the public because of the new communications policies being put into place," said Katie Gibbs, director of a new group, Evidence for Democracy, which is organising the protests.

The rallies, on university campuses and central locations in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver as well as other cities, will be the second set of protests in a year by government scientists against the Harper government's science policies.

Like last year, protesters have been asked to wear white lab coats on Monday.

3. Translation Problems of Stylistic Devices


Translation of Lexical Stylistic Devices

Stylistic device is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and / or semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive) promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a generative model.

To enhance the communicative effect of his message the author of the source text may make use of various stylistic devices, such as metaphors, similes, puns and so on. Coming across a stylistic device the translator has to make up his mind whether it should be preserved in his translation or left out and compensated for at some other place.

The problem of stylistic devices touches upon the relative functional value of seemingly identical stylistic resources. We distinguish between lexical stylistic devices and syntactical stylistic devices.

Some of the examples of translating lexical stylistic devices are presented in the following table:

Translation of Lexical Stylistic Devices

Device Example Way of translation
Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action that it does not literally denote in order to imply a resemblance. * A distinction is made between a metaphor, which compares without like or as; a simile, which uses like or as in the comparison; and personification, which gives human qualities to something that is not human, usually in abstract ideas. Ex: He is a lion in battle. – В бою он просто лев. Ex: Assuming that it was now up to him to put bread on the family table, Charles headed for London … Посчитав, что теперь пришел его черед кормить семью, Чарльз отправился в Лондон … Metaphors are translated either by: 1) keeping to semantic similarity; 2) choosing an appropriate pragmatic equivalent flood of tears
Similes are more precise, more restricted than metaphors, thus they are easier to translate. A simile is a comparison that shows similarities in things that are basically different. A simile is usually introduced by as or like. Similes are often used in both poetry and prose. Many metaphors and similes are conventional figures of speech regularly used by the members of the language community. Such figurative units may be regarded as idioms and translated in a similar way. And the main problem is cultural, that is how one adopts or transfers the simile. Ex: snow-white - 1) белоснежный; белый, как снег (в странах, где бывает снег); 2) белый, как перья цапли Ex: My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot; My heart is like an apple tree Whose boughs are bent with thickest fruit. Christina Rossetti   Ex: Mrs. Mallard’s eyes shone like polished gems when she realized she was free at last. Глаза миссис Мэлард просто засияли от счастья, когда она осознала, что наконец-то свободна. Literal translation of polished gems is шлифованные драгоценные камни. Similes are translated either by: 1) keeping to semantic similarity; 2) choosing an appropriate pragmatic equivalent.
Personificationisreference to something general or abstract as if it were an individual (i.e.the attribution of human characteristics to things, abstract ideas, etc., as for literary or artistic effect) Love conquers all. (Love is personified.) Literal translation
Metonymy isthe substitution of a word referring to an attribute for the thing that is meant (замена одного слова другим на основе связи их значений по смежности). In other words the name of an object is transferred to take the place of something else with which it is associated. Normally it requires the knowledge of the target language culture. For example, the use of the crown to refer to a monarch Institutional metonymies such as the Kremlin and the White House may or may not require any explanation. Ex: the Kremlin - правительство России Ex: the White House (the US presidency) - Белый дом, правительство США Ex: Both the FBI and the White House were determined to learn how the Post was getting its information and to put a stop to it. (C. Bernstein and B. Woodward, ‘All the President's Men’, ch. 4) - ФБР и Белый дом решили докопаться, каким образом "Вашингтон пост" получает подобную информацию, и положить этому конец. Literal translation
Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration used for effect. Ex: He embraced her a thousand times. – Он обнял ее тысячу раз. Literal translation
Epithet is a descriptive word or phrase, especially of praise or blame, added to or substituted for a person's name. Epithets often show the attitude of the author to the object he is speaking about and if these epithets are used regularly, they become clichés. Ex: "Lackland" (безземельный) is an epithet for King John.   Literal translation
Alliteration is the use of the same consonant (consonantal alliteration) or of a vowel, not necessarily the same vowel (vocalic alliteration), at the beginning of each word or each stressed syllable in a line of verse. Alliteration sounds that are difficult to pronounce make a “tongue twister”. Alliteration is used in many common set phrases: s afe and s ound - цел и невредим, жив-здоров Tell your aunt you're safe and sound, and right on the dot of seven. (P. H. Johnson, ‘An Impossible Marriage’, part I, ch. 14) Передайте тетушке, что я доставил вас в целости и сохранности ровно в семь. Corresponding TL equivalent
Pun(also play on words) is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings. Ex: "Ben Battle was a soldier bold, And used to war's alarms: But a cannonball took off his legs, So he laid down his arms." (Thomas Hood)   Ex: Seven days without water make one weak. (not week) A pun can be translated only by a word in the TL with a similar capacity to develop two meanings in a particular context. English is comparatively rich in polysemantic words and homonyms, whereas in Russian these word types are rather rare.
Allusionisan indirect reference by the word-combination to the fact of everyday life. This is Gangsta rap for executives, hardly a recipe for success in business. Да это скорее гангстерский рэп для руководителей, а не рецепт успеха в бизнесе. gangsta rap - a style of rap music, usually characterized by lyrics about Black street gangs in the US, often with violent, nihilistic, and misogynistic themes Literal translation
Antonomasiais 1) the substitution of a title or epithet for a proper name (ex: his highness - Его Высочество) 2) the use of a proper name for an idea   That there are modern-day Attilas and Machiavellis is obvious, and the same uncritical admiration is in evidence. Современные Аттилы и Макиавелли существуют - это совершенно очевидно; также налицо и тот факт, что ими слепо восхищаются. (the proper names - Attila and Machiavelli symbolize negative features of character) Literal translation

Translation of Syntactical Stylistic Devices


When translating an emphatic sentence, the first thing we will have to do is “establish what the author really means, and act accordingly.” (N. Strelkova. Introduction to Russian-English Translation. New York, 2012, p. 58) There are many ways of expressing emphasis and prominence in English, but we will focus only on the most widespread devices.

Stylistic Inversion

Stylistic inversion is used when a word or a group of words is put in a prominent position so as to produce a greater effect. So word order often becomes a means of emphasis, thus acquiring a stylistic function.


The main function of stylistic inversion is to make prominent or emphatic that part of the sentence which is more important or informative in the speaker’s opinion. Though prominence and emphasis are different in their purpose, in many cases they go together or overlap and are difficult to differentiate. (Kobrina, et al., p. 92)


Type of inversion English sentence Russian translation
The inversion of a direct object A serious talk I had with one of my employees. Серьезный разговор произошел у меня с одним из моих работников.
An adverbial modifier opens the sentence or clause. (As a rule such inversion is translated into Russian by lexico-grammatical means.) Rarely can a demerger have had such contrasting results … demerger - разъединение, разделение (разделение одной крупной компании на несколько самостоятельных компаний, особенно разделение ранее слившихся компаний) Редко разделение компании может иметь столь контрастирующие результаты …
The inversion of an object or an adverbial modifier expressed by a word group with not a …, or many a … which open the sentence or a clause Not a single tear did she shed when she was told to leave London. Она не проронила ни слезинки, когда ей велели уехать из Лондона.  
The inversion of possessive pronouns Mine came from Mark Cross, and they were genuine cowhide and all that crap and I guess they cost quite a pretty penny. (J. Salinger, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, ch. XV) Мои-то чемоданы были куплены у Марка Кросса, настоящая кожа, со всякими штучками, и стоили они черт знает сколько.
The inversion of prepositions denoting direction Bounce went the door, in came half a score of the passengers. Дверь с треском распахнулась - пушечными ядрами сквозь проём пролетели пассажиры в количестве человек десяти.
Inversion occurs when the sentence has the following structure: the 2-nd part of the predicate (it may be expressed by Participle I, Participle II, a noun or an adjective) opens the sentence; then stands the first part of the sentence, and finally the subject. Gone, it seems, is the fashion for drinking from bathtub-sized American coffee cups. bathtub – ванна Мода на то, чтобы пить из огромных кофейных чашек, похоже, осталась в прошлом.
Inversion occurs when the adverbial words such as only, never before, no longer, not only but, not until – только после, hardly, no sooner … than, or the conjunction nor open the sentence. Not only can failure make us better human beings, but it can improve our chances for future success. Такие неудачи не только положительно влияют на наш характер, но и увеличивают наши шансы на успех в будущем.
Inversion occurs when a predicative expressed by an adjective or by a noun modified by an adjective or by the pronoun such opens the sentence.   But, admirable as such sentiments are, that is where I have reservations about this otherwise wholly delightful artist. reservation - оговорка, замечание Но какие бы восхитительные чувства меня не переполняли, у меня все равно есть некоторые оговорки в отношении этого потрясающего артиста.
Inversion occurs when the 1-st place is occupied by an adjective, followed by the conjunctions as, though. Unfamiliar though most of these dishes will be, all are easy to cook and could be made the day before.   Даже если большинство этих блюд вам и не знакомо, все они готовятся легко. Кроме того, это можно сделать и накануне.
Inversion is found in conditional clauses introduced without any conjunction when the predicate is expressed by was, were, had, could, should. Should this avenue prove fruitless, a reporter will then aim to flesh out his article with historical examples and precedents … avenue - путь, средство flesh out - расширять (текст), облекать плотью; конкретизировать Ну а если вдруг это средство окажетсябесполезным, корреспондент обязательно нацелится на то, чтобы оживить свою статью, описав какие-либо исторические примеры или прецеденты …
The introductory construction there + verb, followed by an attributive clause is used to emphasize the subject. Then came the second long wait: at the town hall. town hall - здание муниципалитета Затем наступило второе долгое ожидание: на этот раз в здании муниципалитета.

Negative-emphatic constructions


Way of achieving emphasis and prominence English example Russian translation
Emphasis is achieved with the help of the negative pronoun no, followed by a noun. No politician can pretend that these colossal sums can be found without hurting very large numbers of people. Ни один политик не может делать вид, что реально собрать такие огромные суммы денег, не ущемив положение большинства граждан.
In some cases antonymous translation is employed when rendering emphatic negative structures into Russian. People can’t be reminded of their faults too often. Лучше людям реже напоминать об их недостатках.
In English the constructions with two negations (e.g. not until - только; не раньше чем) are widely spread. In this case both negations exclude each other and the negation becomes affirmation. He had been spending money like water and it was not until he got a letter from the bank that he saw the red light. see the red light - видеть или подозревать опасность Он сорил деньгами и осознал грозящую опасность только тогда, когда получил предупредительное письмо из банка.  
Especially emphatic are the constructions with the words derived from the negative pronoun no. Nowhere is the issue of journalistic freedom more sensitive than in the case of the BBC … Нигде в мире независимость журналистской деятельности не является таким больным вопросом, как в компании ВВС.


Elliptical constructions

Elliptical constructions are incomplete subordinate clauses which usually consist of the following elements: a conjunction + an adjective or a noun with or without a preposition. Such sentences lack one or two main members. There are several types of elliptical constructions.


Type of construction English sentence Russian translation
The elliptical constructions with the conjunctions although, though, once (стоит лишь..., если), when, while. Once the process of the wealthy, the gap-year has become a global finishing school for would-be students from across society. gap year - a year's break taken by a student between leaving school and starting further education Когда-то подобная практика была лишь уделом богатых. Теперь же такая ситуация стала распространенной и на глобальном уровне: выпускники школ зачастую предпочитают уезжать из дома куда-либо на год, прежде, чем поступят в вуз.
The elliptical constructions like if any, if anything have an expressive, intensifying meaning and are translated as conditional clauses or the words почти, пожалуй, вовсе, вообще, etc. If anything, this iconicgarment became even more popular after the war … Пожалуй, в послевоенное время эта культовая одежда завоевала даже большую популярность …
The clauses of concession introduced by the conjunctions whatever, however are translated as complete clauses of concession with the conjunctions какой бы ни, как бы ни. Money, in whatever hands, will confer power. Деньги, попавшие в любые руки, приносят власть.


Other Means of Expressing Emphasis and Prominence


Type of emphatic sentence English sentence Russian translation
A detached attribute may be placed in preposition, post-position, or often at some distance from the headword (заглавное слово). A detached attribute may refer not only to the headword, but also to another part of the sentence and have in addition to its attributive meaning some adverbial shade of meaning, such as conditional, casual, or concessive (условность, случайность, уступка). A darling of the media, he followed Dior’s example by licensing his increasingly marketable identity … Любимец прессы, Карден шел по стопам Диора …
It is / was … + relative clause What … is / was … Cleft sentence is a sentence which has been divided into two parts, each with its own verb, to emphasize a particular piece of information. . It is the ‘art of the deal’ that gets celebrated, not the production and distribution of quality … goods and services. ‘art of the deal’ – зд. «умение совершать сделки» Приветствуется именно «умение совершать сделки», а не само производство и распределение качественных товаров и услуг ….
What yesterday’s numbers did show is a company trading well on all fronts. Что вчерашние цифры на самом деле продемонстрировали, так это то, что компания продолжает вести свою коммерческую деятельность во всех направлениях.
Emphasis is created by the following words: whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever, however. Whenever a disturbance or perturbation such as a road violates an established ecosystem, invasive weeds like thistle or broom take over bare ground … Всякий раз, когда устоявшуюся экосистему нарушает какое-либо вмешательство извне, как например, дорога, то быстро распространяющиеся семена, такие как чертополох или ракитник тут же колонизируют лишенную растительности почву …
Emphasis can be created with the help of the construction: the or possessive determiner + very + a noun. This is the very book I have been searching for almost a year. Это та самая книга, которую я ищу почти год.

Lecture 7

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 200 | Нарушение авторских прав

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