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EXERCISES. Ex.1: 1 lying in front of me; 2

ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ВРЕМЕНИ, ВЫРАЖАЕМЫЕ ПРИЧАСТИЕМ I | ЗАЛОГОВЫЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ПРИЧАСТИЙ | Определение | А) Обстоятельство времени | Е) Обстоятельство уступительное | Определение | ПРИЧАСТИЕ I и ГЕРУНДИЙ | ОБЪЕКТНЫЙ ПРИЧАСТНЫЙ ОБОРОТ | EXERCISES | Task 2 Choose the proper form or clause (15 points) |

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Ex.1: 1 lying in front of me; 2. entering the room; 3. making the report; 4. seen in the distance; 5. published yesterday; 6. coming in bloom; 7. growing along the road; 8. speaking to Ann; 9. invited to the party; 10. living in this neighbourhood.

Ex. 2: 1. People coming to our city always visit this museum. 2. The people who have come to the conference stay at the hotel. 3. She learns the news from the letters coming every week (weekly). 4. She learnt the news from the letter received yesterday. 5. When we pass by this house (Passing by this house) we always see a woman sitting in the garden. 6. Students learning English dream to visit England. 7. I cannot tell you the name of the person who told me about this. 8. The fence surrounding the house was rather high. 9. In front of us was a house surrounded with (by) a high wall. 10. The tourists who found themselves in the old part of the city admired the mansions built two centuries ago.

Ex. 3: 1. While walking home; 2. Returning home; 3. When in England; 4. Seeing her friend among these people; 5. When students; 6. Having cooked dinner; 7. Hearing a knock at the door; 8. Realizing the truth; 9. Seeing this child 10. Having read the book.

Ex. 4: 1. Walking home I thought about you. 2. When in Moscow we went to the Kremlin several times. 3. When a child he could play football all day long. 4. Say nothing until asked. 5. Watching TV he hears nothing more. 6. When asked about his trip he answered very briefly. 7. Having answered all the questions she kept silent. 8. Having finished this difficult work he decided to go away on holiday. 9. Coming up to me (Approaching me) he smiled and took my hand. 10. Only having reached the foot of the mountain they stopped for the night.

Ex. 5: 1. Knowing that the hike would be difficult, we decided to have a proper rest. 2. Having been to the museum before, I stayed in the hotel. 3. Leaving the shop, I ran into (bumped into) my school friend. 4. Seeing the bill I couldn’t believe my eyes. 5. An old man was walking along the road slowly, moving his feet with difficulty. 6. My brother always reads a newspaper while having breakfast. 7. She was sitting under the tree leaning against its trunk. 8. A woman stood by the door looking for something in her handbag. 9. The pirates explored the whole island looking for the treasure. 10. He was sitting aside from the others looking absolutely calm. 11. The weather changed for the worse making us put the trip off. 12. He looked (was looking) at her as if not recognizing her face. 13.The dog started barking, frightening me. 14. Though knowing about the difficulties of the expedition, we were not ready for what we had to experience.

Ex. 6: Being interrupted all the time he lost his temper. 2. When told about the accident she burst out crying. 3. Though pronounced several times, the words didn’t become more understandable. 4. She looked at us as if frightened by our meeting. 5. Exhausted and hungry they kept on going up to the top of the mountain. 6. If done well, the work gives satisfaction. 7. Around us there was forest covered with snow and we didn’t know where to go. 8. When asked to help, she refused. 9. Though informed in advance that the fight had been cancelled, they went to the airport. 10. She turned away as if insulted by our ways.

Ex. 7: 1. participle, gerund; 2. adjective, gerund, gerund; 3. participle; 4. participle, participle; 5. participle, verbal noun, verbal noun, participle, verbal noun; 6. participle, gerund, gerund; 7. participle, verbal noun; 8. gerund, gerund, gerund; 9. participle, gerund; 10. gerund, gerund; 11. participle; 12. verbal noun; 13. verbal noun, gerund; 14. gerund, participle; 15. gerund.

Ex. 8: 1. She looked at me without saying a word. (Gerund) She looked at me saying nothing. (Participle) 2. She can listen to any news without getting excited. (Gerund) She can listen to any news never getting excited. (Participle) 3. In discussing the plan we tried to find out all its weak points. (Gerund) While discussing the plan we tried to find out all its weak points. (Participle) 4. The problem of losing her job worries her a lot. (Gerund) 5. She solved all the problems facing her. (Participle) 6. He lay on the sofa without looking in our direction. (Gerund) He lay on the sofa not looking in our direction. (Participle) 7. He lay on the sofa lazily looking through the window. (Participle) 8. They couldn’t help admiring (Gerund) the dancing (Participle) children. 9. Gathering information for the report took a lot of time. (Gerund) 10. They stopped discussing the question because the decision was taken. (Gerund)

Ex. 9: 1. I heard somebody mention his name in a conversation. 2. He saw the wounded put into the car taken to hospital. 3. He heard the signal repeated. 4. He saw the neighbor push the window open. 5. He saw the baggage (being) put into the car. 6. He heard the door close with a bang. 7. I saw that he knew the subject well. 8. He saw that the situation was growing worse. 9. I hear you wanted to talk to me. 10. We noticed him looking at the girl with admiration. 11. We heard her singing this song all the time and it irritated us. 12. We felt the air getting (growing) colder. 13. We watched her walking in the garden admiring the flowers. 14. We saw her leave the house and get into the car. 15. We heard somebody talking in the next room but didn’t recognize the voices.

Ex. 10: 1. Every morning they were seen walking along the road to the mountains. 2. Have you ever seen her dancing? 3. He was reported missing. 4. The picture was considered lost. 5. I’ll have breakfast delivered to our room. 6. I must have my nails done. 7. I want this work finished by evening. 8. In several minutes she had the water boiling and she called us to have tea. 9. I will have you informed on time. 10. She made herself respected. 11. The weather being cold, the children stayed at home. 12. He walked along the street slowly, his dog following him.

Ex. 11: 1. NAPC, 2. OPC, 3. OPC, 4. OPC, 5. NAPC, 6. OPC, 7 NAPC., 8. PrAPC, 9. NAPC, NAPC, 10. ACWP, 11. NAPC, 12. OPC, 13. OPC, 14. NAPC, 15. NAPC, 16. OPC, 17. OPC, 18. OPC.

Ex. 12: 1. c, 2. a, 3. a, 4. c, 5. a, 6. b, 7. c, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c.

Ex. 13: renovated and restored – Participles II, attributes; to walk – Infinitive, a part of a compound verbal modal predicate; filled – Participles II, a part of a compound nominal predicate; honking – Participle I, attribute; returning from weekend and vacation homes – Participle I phrase, attribute; the drivers already on edge – Nominative absolute construction without a participle, adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances; to move on with her life – Infinitive phrase, adverbial modifier of purpose; Immersing herself in someone else’s reality – gerundial phrase, subject; Katie re-examine things – Objective-with-the-Infinitive construction, complex object; to be – Infinitive, a part of a compound verbal modal predicate; reading and editing manuscripts, trying to make them as good – Participle I phrases, adverbial modifier of manner; rewarding – Participle I, attribute.

Ex. 14: 1. Открыв дверь, она увидела Ричардса, друга их семьи, держащего телеграмму. 2. Он постоял в дверях, как будто колеблясь, затем вошел. 3. Зная, что у нее больное сердце, все меры предосторожности были приняты, чтобы сообщить ей о смерти ее мужа в железнодорожной катастрофе. 4. Именно Ричардс сказал ей об этом обрывочными фразами и завуалированными намеками. 5. Он был в редакции газеты, когда весть о железнодорожной катастрофе была получена, имя ее мужа было первым в списке погибших. 6. Эффект этой новости был ужасающим. 7. Она выслушала всю историю, как будто была парализована, не способна двигаться, и сразу заплакала, закрыв лицо руками, плечи ее вздрагивали. 8. Когда буря горестных переживаний истощила себя, она поднялась в свою комнату, никто не последовал за ней. 9. Там, развернутое к открытому окну, стояло удобное просторное кресло. 10. Она села в него, подавленная физической усталостью. 11. Она сидела, откинув голову на подушку кресла, устремив глаза на белые облака в небе. 12. Она чувствовала приближение чего-то необычного, незнакомого, и со страхом ждала его. 13. Затем короткое, произнесенное шепотом слово слетело с ее полураскрытых губ: «Свободна! Свободна!». 14. Не будет никого, кто бы жил для нее в грядущие годы. Она будет жить сама для себя, наслаждаясь каждой минутой жизни, и никто не будет навязывать ей свою волю, заботясь о её благе. 15. Впервые за последние несколько лет, думая о будущем, она молила бога продлить ей жизнь. 16. Она знала, что вновь заплачет, увидев мужа, лежащего со скрещенными на груди руками. Ведь он так любил её. 17. Но она ничего не могла поделать с ощущением счастья свободы, растущим в её груди. 18. Стоя у двери в комнату, Ричардс умолял её не предаваться горю и выйти из комнаты, зная, что нужно получить от неё распоряжения о похоронах. 19. Собрав силы, она вышла из комнаты с высоко поднятой головой, думая только о том, как скрыть нахлынувшие на нее чувства. 20. Услышав, что кто-то отпирает дверь ключом, и увидев на пороге её мужа с дорожной сумкой в руках, Ричардс потерял дар речи. 21. А мистер Маллард был далеко от места катастрофы и ничего не знал о ней. 22. Ричардс метнулся к нему, пытаясь загородить его от взгляда жены, но опоздал. 23. Приехавшие часом позже, врачи сказали, что миссис Маллард умерла от сердечного приступа, вызванного радостью, которая иногда убивает.

(based on “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin)

Ex. 15: 1. Looking through a fashion magazine she realized that her clothes were hopelessly tasteless. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of time

2. Entering the room suddenly she caught her son smoking his father’s cigar. – Objective participle construction, complex object

3. Frankly speaking, your problem is not worth discussing. – Participle phrase, parenthesis

4. The news was alarming, yet she managed to be calm. – Participle I, Predicative

5. Entering her flat that evening (1) she found an envelope lying on the floor in the hall (2). It was a letter written by her former husband (3). – (1) Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of time, (2) Objective participle construction, complex object, (3) Participle II, attribute

6. The detective waited inside the bookstore, from time to time looking out of the window. - Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

7. (Being) exhausted by a hard day work I went to bed earlier than usual. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of cause

8. Accompanied by two armed guards he went upstairs. - Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

9. Having admitted (confessed) that she had stolen the necklace she burst out crying. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of time

10. I find football very boring (1), frankly speaking (2). – (1) Objective participle construction, complex object, (2) Participle phrase, parenthesis

11. He heard his name mentioned and turned round. - Objective participle construction, complex object

12. There came a scraping sound at the door and then a loud knock. – Participle I, attribute

13. Frightened by an unexpected visit she answered through the locked door. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of cause

14. The landlady, attracted by the knock, pressed her ear to the door. - Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of cause

15. She heard a man’s voice threatening the tenant. – Participle I, attribute

16. Paralyzed with fear she didn’t know what to do. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of cause

17. When asked to sing at the concert she refused point blank. – Participle phrase, adverbial modifier of time

18. In a realm of happiness she ran towards him, her toes hardly touching the ground (1), her arms stretched (2), her hair waving in the breeze (3). – (1), (2), (3) Nominative Absolute Participle constructions, adverbial modifiers of attendant circumstances

19. They walked on in silence, Holmes calmly drawing at his pipe. – Nominative Absolute Participle construction, adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

20. With George acting as a guide, we are likely to get lost even in Hyde Park. – Prepositional Absolute Participle constructions, adverbial modifiers of cause

21. I can’t go out. I have nothing to wear. I must have my things washed. - Objective Participle construction, complex object

22. A strong wind blowing, I had to put on a warm coat and hat. - Nominative Absolute Participle constructions, adverbial modifiers of cause

23. Ten minutes later he was seen running toward the village. - Subjective Participle construction, complex subject

24. Her hair dyed and carefully done, she looked much younger. - Nominative Absolute Participle constructions, adverbial modifiers of time/cause

25. The rescuers found the boat drifting in the open sea. - Objective Participle construction, complex object


Task 1: 1. b, 2. a, 3. b, 4. b, 5. a, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. b, 13. b, 14. a, 15. b.

Task 2: 1. a, 2. b, 3. b, 4. a, 5. b, 6. b, 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, 10. b, 11. a, 12. a,13. a, 14. b, 15. a

Task 3: 1, 6, 7, 8.

Task 4: 1. collecting, 2. having studied, 3. seeing, 4. watching, 5. Having cooked, 6. Having being told, 7. speaking, 8. having, 9. being, 10. having made, 11. entering, 12. having seen, 13. arriving, 14. hearing, 15. filling, 16. Learning, 17. Having heard, 18. Having been informed, 19. Turning, 20. reading.

Task 5: 1. lying, 2. written, 3. said, 4. standing, 5. expected, 6. playing, 7. played, 8. expressed, 9. pronounced, 10. made.

Task 6: 1. asked, 2. looking, 3. cooked, 4. having cooked, 5. warned, 6. instructed, 7. approaching, 8. worrying, 9. instructed, 10. watching, 11. walking, 12. cutting, 13. being, 14. having left, 15. having said.

Task 7: 1. Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, 2. Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, 3. Attribute, 4. Predicative, 5. Attributes, 6. Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, 7. Complex object, 8. Predicative, 9. Attribute, 10. Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, 11. Adverbial modifier of manner, 12. Adverbial modifier of cause, 13. Complex object, 14. Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, 15. Complex object.

Task 8: 1. of spending; 2. discussed; 3. in climbing; 4. foreseen; 5. of using; 6. describing; 7. entering; 8. of wasting; 9. opening; 10. invested

Task 9: 1. answering; 2. having answered; 3. returned; 4. being discussed; 5. being informed; 6. warned; 7. eating; 8. having solved; 9. writing; 10. noticing

Task 10: 1. participle, verbal noun; 2. verbal noun, verbal noun, participle; 3. verbal noun; 4. participle; 5. gerund, participle, adjective; 6. gerund, adjective, participle; 7. participle; 8. gerund; 9. participle, participle; 10. verbal noun, gerund, adjective

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Task 6 Use the proper form of Participle I or Participle II of the verb in brackets (15 points)| GLOSSARY

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