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EXERCISES. Ex. 1 Use participles insteadof attributive subordinate clauses according to the model:


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Ex. 1 Use participles insteadof attributive subordinate clauses according to the model:

Model: I recognized the man who was taking the floor. –

I recognized the man taking the f1oor.

The letter which was received yesterday is from my friend. – The letter received yesterday is from my friend.

1. I didn't want to read the book which was lying in front of me. 2. She stared at the man who was entering the room. 3. The man who was making the report didn’t sound professional. 4. The forest which was seen in the distance seemed gloomy and dangerous. 5. The article which was published yesterday attracted everybody’s attention. 6. She sat in the garden and admired the plants which were coming in bloom. 7. The trees which are growing along the road were planted many years ago. 8. I am sure I know the person who is speaking to Ann. 9. All the people who are invited to the party are our friends. 10. I like the people who live in this neighbourhood.

Ex. 2 Translate the following sentences into English using participles or participle phrases in the function of attribute where possible; remember that participle I perfect is not used in this function and is replaced by a subordinate clause:

1. Люди, приезжающие в наш город, всегда посещают этот музей. 2. Люди, приехавшие на конференцию, живут в гостинице. 3. Она узнает новости из писем, которые приходят каждую неделю. 4. Она узнала новости из письма, полученного вчера. 5. Когда мы проходим мимо этого дома, мы всегда видим женщину, сидящую в саду. 6. Студенты, изучающие английский язык, мечтают побывать в Англии. 7. Я не могу сказать вам имя человека, рассказавшего мне об этом. 8. Забор, окружающий дом, был достаточно высокий. 9. Перед нами был дом, окруженный высокой стеной. 10. Туристы, оказавшиеся в старой части города, любовались особняками, построенными два века назад.

Ex. 3 Replace subordinate clauses with participle phrases or their equivalents in the function of adverbial modifier of time; remember that you can’t use Participle I of the verb ‘be’ or perfect participle of the verbs of motion and sense perception:

Model: When we reached home at last we saw that everybody had gone. –

Reaching home at last we saw that everybody had gone.

When she finished looking through the articles she put the newspaper away. – Having looked through the articles she put the newspaper away.

When she was in Paris she went sightseeing every day. –

When in Paris she went sightseeing every day.

1. While I was walking home I kept thinking about your suggestion. 2. When she returned home she hurried to tell the news to her parents. 3. When you are in England try to use this opportunity to practice English. 4. When she saw her friend among these people she felt upset. 5. When we were students we used to go to this café. 6. When she had cooked dinner she decided to have a short rest. 7. When he heard a knock on the door he hurried to open it. 8. As soon as she realized the truth she calmed down. 9. When you see this child you can’t help smiling. 10. When she had read the book she got a better idea of those events.

Ex. 4 Translate the following sentences into English using Participle I or Participle II in the function of adverbial modifier of time where possible:

1. Идя домой, я думала о вас. 2. Когда мы были в Москве, мы несколько раз ходили в Кремль. 3. Когда он был ребенком, он мог играть в футбол целый день. 4. Ничего не говорите, пока вас не спросят. 5. Когда он смотрит телевизор, он ничего больше не слышит. 6. Когда его спрашивали о его путешествии, он отвечал очень коротко. 7. После того как она ответила на все вопросы, она замолчала. 8. Закончив эту трудную работу, он решил уехать в отпуск. 9. Подойдя ко мне, он улыбнулся и взял меня за руку. 10. Только добравшись до подножья горы, они остановились на ночь.

Ex. 5 Translate the following sentences into English using Participle I in different syntactic functions:

1. Зная, что поход будет долгим, мы решили как следует отдохнуть. 2. Так как я уже была в музее раньше, я осталась в гостинице. 3. Выйдя из магазина, я столкнулась со своей школьной подругой. 4. Когда я увидела счет, я не поверила своим глазам. 5. Старик медленно шел по дороге, с трудом передвигая ноги. 6. Мой брат всегда читает газету за завтраком. 7. Она сидела под деревом, облокотившись на его ствол. 8. Женщина стояла у двери, ища что-то в сумке. 9. Пираты обследовали весь остров, ища сокровище. 10. Он сидел в стороне от остальных и выглядел совершенно спокойным. 11. Погода испортилась и заставила нас отложить нашу поездку. 12. Он смотрел на нее так, как будто не узнавал ее лицо. 13. Собака залаяла, напугав меня. 14. Хотя мы и знали о трудностях экспедиции, мы не были готовы к тому, что нам пришлось испытать.

Ex. 6 Translate the following sentences into English using Participle I passive or Participle II in different syntactic functions:

1. Так как его все время прерывали, он вышел из себя. 2. Когда ей рассказали о несчастном случае, она расплакалась. 3. Хотя эти слова были произнесены несколько раз, они не стали более понятны. 4. Она смотрела на нас так, как будто была напугана нашей встречей. 5. Измученные и голодные, они продолжали идти вверх к вершине. 6. Если работу делать хорошо, она приносит удовлетворение. 7. Вокруг нас был лес, засыпанный снегом, и мы не знали, куда идти. 8. Когда ее попросили помочь, она отказалась. 9. Хотя их проинформировали заранее, что рейс отменяется, они поехали в аэропорт. 10. Она отвернулась, как будто ее оскорбили наши слова.

Ex. 7 Define the ing-form in the following sentences as gerund, participle I, verbal noun or adjective:

From J.K. Jerome, Three men in a boat, Moscow higher school 1976

1. At that moment an angel came by in the disguise of a small boy (and I cannot think of any more effective disguise an angel could have assumed), with a can of beer in one hand, and in the other something at the end of a string, which he let down on to every flat stone he came across, and then pulled up again, this producing a peculiarly unattractive sound, suggestive of suffering.

2. There is no more thrilling sensation than sailing. It comes as near to flying as man has got to yet – except in dreams.

3. It was while floating in his boat under the Bisham beeches that Shelley, who was then living at Marlow, composed The Revolt of Islam.

4. Just past the weir (дамба, водослив) (going up) is Danes’ Field, where the invading Danes once encamped, during their march to Gloucestershire; and a little further still, nestling by a sweet corner of the stream, is what is left of Medmenham Abbey.

5. A grim fraternity, passing grim lives in that sweet spot, that God had made so bright! Strange that Nature voices all around them – the soft singing of the waters, the whispering of the river grass, the music of the rushing wind – should not have taught them a truer meaning of life than this.

6. I do not blame the dog (contenting myself, as a rule, with merely clouting (clout – давать затрещину) his head or throwing stones at him), because I take it that it is his nature.

7. I notice that most of the old river hands are similarly retiring (застенчивый, отстраненный, избегающий компании), whenever there is any stiff pulling to be done.

8. We got to chatting about our rowing experiences in the morning, and to recounting stories of our first efforts in the art of oarsmanship (искусство гребли).

9. Finding that we were once more able to move according to our ideas, instead of being pitched and thrown about like peas in a bladder, we crept forward, and cut down the sail.

10. I like sitting in the boat and slowly rising out of the cool depth up into new reaches and fresh views;.....

11.....a speculative photographer was taking a picture of us all as we lay upon the rising water.

12. Wallingford, six miles above Streatly, is a very ancient town, and has been an active centre for the making of English history.

13. I will say for George that he did not want any pressing. There was no nonsense about having left the music at home, or anything of that sort.

14. The tide was running out pretty rapidly when they reached the landing stage, and there was a stiff breeze blowing across the river, but this did not trouble them at all, and they proceeded to select their boat.

15. But I can’t help detesting my relations.

Ex. 8 Translate the following sentences into English using participles and gerunds:

1. Она смотрела на меня, не говоря ни слова. 2. Она может выслушать любые новости, никогда не волнуясь. 3. Обсуждая план, мы старались найти все его слабые места. 4. Проблема потери работы очень беспокоила ее. 5. Она решала все проблемы, стоящие у нее на пути. 6. Он лежал на диване, не глядя в нашу сторону. 7. Он лежал на диване, лениво поглядывая в окно. 8. Они не могли не любоваться танцующими детьми. 9. Сбор информации для отчета занял много времени. 10. Они прекратили обсуждение вопроса, так как решение было принято.

Ex. 9 Translate the following sentences using the Objective-with the Infinitive Constructions, Objective Participle Constructions or subordinate clauses after the verbs of sense perception:

1. Я слышал, как кто-то упомянул его имя в разговоре. 2. Он увидел, как раненого поместили в машину и повезли в больницу. 3. Он услышал, что сигнал повторили. 4. Он увидел, что соседка распахнула окно.(to push the window open) 5. Он увидел, как багаж положили в машину. 6. Он услышал, что дверь захлопнулась.(to close with a bang) 7. Я видел, что он хорошо знает предмет. 8. Он видел, что ситуация осложняется.(to grow worse) 9. Я слышала, что вы хотели бы поговорить с ним. 10. Мы заметили, что он смотрел на девушку с восхищением. 11. Мы слышали, как она все время поет эту песню, и это раздражало нас. 12. Мы почувствовали, что воздух становится холоднее. 13. Мы наблюдали, как она идет по саду, любуясь цветами. 14. Мы видели, как она вышла из дома и села в машину. 15. Мы слышали, что кто-то разговаривает в соседней комнате, но не узнавали голоса.

Ex. 10 Translate the following sentences using the Predicative Constructions with Participles:

1. Каждое утро их видели, идущими по дороге в горы. 2. Вы когда-нибудь видели, как она танцует? 3. Сообщили, что он пропал без вести. 4. Считалось, что эта картина потеряна. 5. Я позабочусь (have), чтобы завтрак доставили в номер. 6. Мне нужно привести ногти в порядок. 7. Я хочу, чтобы эта работа была закончена к вечеру. 8. Через несколько минут вода у нее уже кипела, и она позвала нас пить чай. 9. Я позабочусь, чтобы вас проинформировали вовремя. 10. Она добилась того, чтобы ее уважали. 11. Так как погода была холодная, дети остались дома. 12. Он медленно шел по улице, и его собака следовала за ним.

Ex. 11 Give the name of the predicative construction using the following abbreviations:

OPC (for the Objective Participle Construction)

SPC (for the Subjective Participle Construction)

NAPC (for the Nominative Absolute Participle Construction)

PrAPC (for the Prepositional Absolute Participle Construction)

ACWP (for the Absolute Construction without a Participle)

From J.K. Jerome, Three men in a boat, Moscow higher school 1976

1. I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people falling back respectfully on either side __________.

2....all made a sunny picture, so bright but calm, so full of life, and yet so peaceful, that, early in the day though it was, I felt myself being dreamily lulled off into a musing fit __________.

3. Then I turned and fled, and as I sped I heard him calling to me __________.

4. “I never see him doing any work there __________,” continued Harris, “whenever I go in.”

5. This they did; but, instead of getting into separate beds, as they thought they were doing, they both climbed into the same one without knowing it – one getting in with his head at the top __________, and the other crawling in from the opposite side of the compass, and lying with his feet on the pillow.

6....and Emily says that papa does not like the gas lit in the afternoon __________.

7. We roamed about sweet Sonning for an hour or so, and then, it being too late to push on past Reading __________, we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up there for the night.

8. It was a dismal night, coldish, with a thin rain falling __________; and as we trudged through the dark, silent fields, talking low to each other, and wondering if we were going right or not, we thought of the cosy boat, with the bright light streaming through the tight-drawn canvas; of Harris and Montmorency, and the whisky, and wished we were there.

9. The interview is, however, extremely brief, most of the conversation being on his part __________, your remarks being mostly of an exclamatory and monosyllabic order __________, and as soon as you can tear yourself away you do so.

10. He also noticed, as a curious circumstance, that number two was at the same instant lying on his back at the bottom of the boat, with his legs in the air __________, apparently in a fit.

11. They passed under Kew Bridge, broadside, at the rate of eight miles an hour, Joskins being the only one who was rowing __________.

12. I like to watch an old boatman rowing __________.

13. He was swimming about there near the beach, when he felt himself suddenly seized by the neck from behind __________, and forcibly plunged under water.

14. The town itself is a famous old place, dating from the dim days of King Ethelred, when the Danes anchored their warships in the Kennet, and started from Reading to ravage all the land of Wessex; and the Ethelred and his brother Alfred fought and defeated them, Ethelred doing the praying and Alfred the fighting __________.

15. There is a pause after this, nobody feeling sufficiently sure of himself to contradict the old gentleman __________.

16....but by some mysterious process or other he succeeded, after ten minutes of superhuman effort, in getting himself completely rolled up in it __________.

17. We could see the canvas being violently jerked and tossed about __________, pretty considerably;...

18. We also heard much smothered language coming from underneath it __________, and we guessed that they were finding the job rather troublesome;

Ex. 12 State the syntactic functions of the predicative constructions:

From J.K. Jerome, Three men in a boat, Moscow higher school 1976

1. “I never see him doing any work there,” continued Harris, “whenever I go in.”

a) adverbial modifier of cause b) adverbial modifier of time

c) complex object

2. He also noticed, as a curious circumstance, that number two was at the same instant lying on his back at the bottom of the boat, with his legs in the air, apparently in a fit.

a) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

b) adverbial modifier of time c) complex object

3. Then I turned and fled, and as I sped I heard him calling to me.

a) complex object b) adverbial modifier of time

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

4. I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people falling back respectfully on either side.

a) complex object b) adverbial modifier of time

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

5. We roamed about sweet Sonning for an hour or so, and then, it being too late to push on past Reading, we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up there for the night.

a) adverbial modifier of cause b) adverbial modifier of time

c) adverbial modifier of condition

6....and Emily says that papa does not like the gas lit in the afternoon.

a) adverbial modifier of cause b) complex object

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

7. They passed under Kew Bridge, broadside, at the rate of eight miles an hour, Joskins being the only one who was rowing.

a) adverbial modifier of manner b) adverbial modifier of time

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

8....all made a sunny picture, so bright but calm, so full of life, and yet so peaceful, that, early in the day though it was, I felt myself being dreamily lulled off into a musing fit.

a) adverbial modifier of time b) complex object

c) adverbial modifier of manner

9. He was swimming about there near the beach, when he felt himself suddenly seized by the neck from behind, and forcibly plunged under water.

a) complex object b) adverbial modifier of time

c) adverbial modifier of manner

10. The interview is, however, extremely brief, most of the conversation being on his part, your remarks being mostly of an exclamatory and monosyllabic order, and as soon as you can tear yourself away you do so.

a) adverbial modifier of manner b) complex object

c) adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

Ex. 13 Find in the following text the non-finite forms of the verbs and define their functions:

She got off the train from Westport at the gorgeously renovated and restored Grand Central Station and she needed to walk some. It was a little past seven-thirty and Manhattan was filled with traffic, most of it honking taxis, or cars returning from weekend and vacation homes, the drivers already on edge.

She still didn’t have the answer she needed to move on with her life. She was thinking about something she’d read earlier in the diary, the lesson of five balls: work, family, health, friends, and integrity.

Immersing herself in someone else’s reality had made Katie re-examine things that she had been doing on autopilot for the past nine years. She had gotten her job at twenty-two, fresh out of the University of North Caroline. She had settled into New York City with the best of intentions, and loved so many things about it; yet she never felt that she truly fit, that New York City was where she was meant to be. She felt like a visitor here at times – a tall gawky tourist.

Now, she thought that maybe she knew why. Her life had been out of balance for such a long time. She had spent so many late nights at work or at home, reading and editing manuscripts, trying to make them as good as they could be. Rewarding work, but – work was a rubber ball, right? Family, health, friends and integrity were the precious glass ones.

from “Susan’s Diary for Nickolas” by J. Patterson

Ex. 14 Translate the following extract from English into Russian.

In the KEYS you will find a possible variant of translating it; you can translate it back into English and compare with the original.

1. Opening the door she saw Richards, a friend of the family, holding a telegram. 2. He stood in the doorway for a while as if hesitating and then came in. 3. Knowing that she had a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her the news of her husband’s death in a railroad accident. 4. It was Richards who told her about it in broken sentences and veiled hints. 5. He had been in the newspaper office when the news of the railroad disaster was received, with her husband’s name leading the list of killed. 6. The effect of the news was terrifying. 7. She listened to the story as if paralyzed, unable to move, and wept at once, her hands covering her face, her shoulders shaking. 8. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went to her room, no one following her. 9. There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable roomy armchair. 10. She sank into it pressed down by a physical exhaustion. 11. She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, her eyes fixed on the white clouds in the sky. 12. She felt something unusual coming to her and she was waiting for it fearfully. 13. Then a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips: ‘Free! Free!’ 14. There would be no one to live for her during those coming years. She would live for herself enjoying every moment of life, with nobody imposing his will upon her caring for her good. 15. For the first time in the last few years, thinking about her future, she prayed God to make her life longer. 16. She knew that she would weep again when she saw her husband lying, his hands folded in death. He had loved her so much. 17. But she couldn’t help the happy feeling of freedom growing in her heart. 18. Standing at the door to her room Richards begged her not to submit to her grief and come out, knowing that he needed to discuss with her the funeral arrangements. 19. Having collected all her strength, she came out of the room, her head up, thinking only of how to conceal the feelings overwhelming her. 20. Hearing someone unlock the door with a latchkey and seeing her husband, with his gripsack in his hands, in the doorway, Richards went dumb(stood speechless) for a moment. 21. And Mr. Mallard had been far from the scene of the accident and didn’t even know there had been one. 22. Richards made a quick motion (rushed) to screen him from the view of his wife but was too late. 23. Arriving an hour later, the doctors said that Mrs. Mallard had died of a heart attack – of joy that sometimes kills.

Ex. 15 Translate the following sentences into English using participles or participle constructions. State their function, name participle constructions in the translated sentences.

1. Просматривая модный журнал, она поняла, что вся её одежда была безнадежно безвкусна. 2. Войдя в комнату внезапно, она застала сына курившим сигару отца. 3. Откровенно говоря, твою проблему не стоит обсуждать. 4. Новость была тревожной, но ей все же удалось сохранить спокойствие. 5. В тот вечер, войдя в квартиру, она нашла конверт, лежащий на полу в холле. Это было письмо, написанное её бывшим мужем. 6. Сыщик ждал в книжном магазине, время от времени поглядывая в окно. 7. Вымотанный тяжелым рабочим днем, я лег спать раньше, чем обычно.8. В сопровождении двух вооруженных охранников он поднялся наверх. 9. Признавшись, что украла ожерелье, она разрыдалась. 10. Честно говоря, я считаю футбол скучным. 11. Он услышал, как упомянули его имя, и обернулся. 12. Послышался скребущий звук у двери, затем громкий стук. 13. Напуганная неожиданным визитом, она ответила через запертую дверь. 14. Хозяйка, привлеченная стуком, прижалась ухом к двери. 15. Она услышала мужской голос, угрожающий жилице. 16. Парализованная страхом, она не знала, что делать. 17. Когда её попросили спеть на концерте, она категорически отказалась. 18. В порыве счастья она бежала к нему, её ноги едва касались земли, руки раскинуты, волосы развевались на ветру. 19. Они продолжали идти в молчании, Холмс спокойно потягивал трубку. 20. С Джорджем в качестве гида, мы рискуем заблудиться даже в Гайд парке. 21. Я не могу выйти. Мне не в чем. Мне нужно постирать одежду. 22. Так как дул холодный ветер, мне пришлось надеть теплое пальто и шляпу. 23. Десять минут спустя его видели бегущим по направлению к деревне. 24. После того, как ей покрасили волосы и причесали, она выглядела на десять лет моложе. 25. Спасатели обнаружили лодку дрейфующей в открытом море.


Шкала оценки:

100% - 90% (140 – 126 баллов) – «отлично»

89% - 70% (125 – 98 баллов) – «хорошо»

69% - 50% (97 – 70 баллов) – «удовлетворительно»

Task 1 Choose the proper form, word or phrase (15 points):

1.When ___________ he spent a lot of time at the library.

a) being a student b) a student

2. When ___________ the paper should be handed in to the teacher.

a) finished b) being finished

3. While ___________ the suggestion turned out to be less attractive.

a) being discussed b) discussed

4. While ___________ we went to every museum we had heard of.

a) having been in London b) in London

5. When ___________ he prefers casual clothes.

a) on holiday b) being on holiday

6. When ___________ this boy behaves awfully.

a) at home b) being at home

7. If ___________ the purse should be brought to the Dean’s office.

a) having been found b) found

8. Though ___________ hard she never achieved a lot.

a) trying b) having tried

9. Though ___________ the news disappointed us.

a) expected b) being expected

10. You’d better proceed with the task as ___________.

a) having been agreed b) agreed

11. Take care of this plant exactly as ___________ in this manual.

a) recommended b) being recommended

12. She bravely entered the office as if ___________.

a) being expected b) expected

13. She seemed surprised to see us as if ___________ about our arrangement.

a) forgotten b) having forgotten

14. She will be upset when ___________ about your betrayal.

a) told b) being told

15. The instructions will help only if ___________ attentively.

a) having been read b) read

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ОБЪЕКТНЫЙ ПРИЧАСТНЫЙ ОБОРОТ| Task 2 Choose the proper form or clause (15 points)

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