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wicing masc noun: viking (forms: wicinga gen pl; wicinge dat sing; wicingas acc pl; wicingum dat pl)

wid adj: wide, spacious (forms: wida masc nom sing; widan dat sing masc/neut; wide nom/acc pl masc; acc sing neut; widne acc sing masc; widre dat/gen sing fem; widre compar nom sing neut as adv: more remotely)
to widan feore: in (my, etc.) whole life

widbrad adj: extensive (forms: widbradne acc sing masc)

widcuþ adj: widely-known, famous (forms: widcuþes gen sing)

wide adv: widely, far (forms: widdor compar; widost superl; widre compar);
wide and side, side and wide: far and wide
gewidost (Wife 13) superl: most widely separated

wideferhð adv: always, forever; ever

widfolc neut noun: extensive kindred (forms: widfolc nom pl)

widgil adj: broad, ample, extensive (forms: widgillan acc sing masc)

widl masc? noun: filth (forms: widle dat sing; widlum dat pl)

widland neut noun: extensive land

widlast adv, adj: far and wide, far-wandering
widlast masc noun: distant journey (forms: widlastum dat pl)

widlond neut noun: (broad, extensive) land

widmære adj: widely famous

widscofen past part adj: widespread, extensive

widweg masc noun: distant path (forms: widwegas acc pl)

wif neut noun: woman, wife (forms: wif nom/acc pl; wifa gen pl; wife dat sing; wifes gen sing; wifum dat pl)

wifcyþþ fem noun: "knowing" a woman (i.e. being intimate with her) (forms: wifcyþþe dat sing)

Wiferþ prop name: Wiferth

wifmann, wifman, wifmon, wimman masc noun: woman (forms: wimmanna gen pl)

wifmyne masc noun: love of a woman (forms: wifmyne dat sing)

wig neut noun: war, battle (forms: wige dat sing; wiges gen sing)

wiga masc noun: warrior (forms: wigan acc/dat sing; nom/acc pl; wigena gen pl)

wigbed, wibed, weobedd neut noun: altar (forms: wigbedo, wigbed acc pl)

wigblac adj: (war-) bright (i.e. having polished armor and weapons)

wigcyrm masc noun: din of battle

wigend masc/neut noun: warrior (forms: wigend nom pl wigendra gen pl)

wigfruma masc noun: war-leader

wiggend masc/neut noun: warrior (forms: wiggend nom pl; wiggendum dat pl)

wiggetawe fem pl noun: accoutrements of war, armour (forms: wiggetawum dat)

wigheap masc noun: war-band

wigheard adj: battle-hard (forms: wigheardne acc sing masc)

Wigelm prop name: Wigelm (forms: Wigelmes gen sing)

wigleoð neut noun: war-song (i.e. battle-cry? trumpet-call?)

wiglic adj: warlike

wigplega masc noun: martial sport (i.e. battle) (forms: wigplegan acc/dat sing)

wigrod fem noun: road of battle

wigsigor masc noun: victory (in war)

wigsð masc noun: military expedition

wigsmið masc noun: contriver of war (a kenning for "warrior") (forms: wigsmiðum dat pl)

wigsped fem noun: success in battle (forms: wigspeda gen pl)

wigweorðung fem noun: idol worship; offering to an idol (forms: wigweorðunga acc sing)

wihaga masc noun: battle-hedge (a defensive wall of shields) (forms: wihagan acc sing)

wiht, wuht indef pron: anything (forms: wihtæ gen pl; wihte, wuhte dat sing);
mid wihte by any means;
to wuhte at all;
wiht, wihte, wuhte adv: at all; by any means
wiht fem/neut noun: being, creature (forms: wuhta gen pl)

gewihte neut noun: weight

Wihtlæg Wodening prop name: Wihtlaeg son of Woden

wilcuma masc noun: welcome guest (forms: wilcuman nom pl)

wilddeor neut noun: wild animal (forms: wildeor nom pl)

wilde adj: wild (forms: wilda nom sing masc; wildne acc sing masc; wildu nom pl neut)

Wilfingas, Wylfingas masc pl noun: the Wilfingas, a Germanic tribe (forms: Wilfingum, Wylfingum dat pl)

wilgesið masc noun: willing follower, willing companion (forms: wilgesiðas nom pl)

willa masc noun: will, purpose, desire, wish; delight, pleasure (forms: willan, wyllan acc/dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl; wilna gen pl; willum dat pl)

willan wk verb: wish, desire, will, intend (forms: wile, wille, wylle, wyle 1st/2nd/3rd pers sing pres indic; willað, willaþ, wyllað, willan pl pres indic; willende pres part; wilt 2nd pers sing pres indic; woldan, woldon, uuoldon pl pret indic; wolde 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; wolden pl pret subj; woldest 2nd pers sing pret indic; Forms collapsed with negative particle ne: nellaþ, nellað pl pres indic; nelle, nele 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic; noldan, noldon pl pret indic; nolde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

wille masc noun: fountain, spring, well (forms: willan dat sing)
lifes wille: the spring of life, i.e. baptism

willflod masc noun: good or desired flood

willgebroðor pl masc noun: (good) brothers

willgesiðða masc noun: (good) companion (forms: willgesiððas nom pl)

willgestealla masc noun: (good) companion (forms: willgesteallum dat pl)

willgesweostor pl fem noun: (good) sisters

willgeðofta masc noun: (good) companion (forms: willgeðoftan acc pl masc)

wilnian wk verb: desire, wish for; petition for

wilnung fem noun: desire (forms: wilnunge, wilnunga dat sing)

Wilsætan pl noun: the people of Wltshire

wilsið masc noun: desired expedition

wilsumnes fem noun: willingness, obedience (forms: wilsumnesse dat sing)

Wiltun prop name: Wilton, Wiltshire (forms: Wiltune dat sing

Wiltunscir prop name: Wiltshire (forms: Wiltunscire gen)

win neut noun: wine (forms: wine dat sing)

winærn neut noun: wine-building, hall (forms: winærnes gen sing)

Winburne prop name: Wimborne, Dorsetshire (forms: Winburnan dat sing)

wincel masc noun: corner (forms: wincle dat sing)

wind masc noun: wind (forms: winde dat sing)

windæg masc noun: day of struggle or toil (forms: windagum dat pl)

wingal adj: drunk with wine

wingeard masc noun: vineyard

wingedrync neut noun: drinking of wine (forms: wingedrince dat sing)

winhate fem noun: invitation to drink wine (forms: winhatan acc sing)

wind masc noun: wind (forms: winde dat sing)

windan Class 3 str verb: wind, twist; go, fly; wave in a circular motion (forms: wand, gewand 3rd pers sing pret indic; wunden past part; wundon pl pret indic)

gewindan Class 3 str verb: escape

windig adj: windy, windswept (forms: windige acc pl masc)

wine masc noun: friend, lord (forms: wine dat sing; nom pl; wina gen pl; winas nom/acc pl)

winedrihten, winedryhten masc noun: (friend and) lord (forms: winedrihtne dat sing; winedryhtnes gen sing)

wineleas adj: friendless, lordless

winemæg masc noun: dear kinsman (forms: winemaga, winemæga gen pl; winemagas nom/acc pl; winemagum, winemægum dat pl)

wineþearfende pres part adj: in need of friends

winetreow fem noun: promise of friendship (forms: winetreowe acc sing)

wingedrinc neut noun: wine-drinking (forms: wingedrince dat sing)

ge winn, gewin neut noun: struggle, contention, strife, war (forms: gewinne dat sing; gewinnes gen sing)

ge winnan Class 3 str verb: fight, struggle; work; obtain, gain (forms: wann, wan, won, wonn 3rd pers sing pret indic; winnað pl pres indic; winnende pres part; gewunne, wunne 3rd pers sing pret subj; gewunnen past part; wunnon pl pret indic; to gewinnanne inflect infin)

winreced neut noun: wine-building, i.e. hall

winsad adj: drunken (forms: winsade nom pl masc; winsadum dat sing masc)

winsæl neut noun: wine-hall (forms: winsalo nom pl)

winsele masc noun: (wine-) hall (forms: winsele dat sing)

wynstre adj: left

Wintanceaster prop name: Winchester (forms: Wintanceastre dat)

winter masc noun: winter, year (forms: winter nom/acc pl; wintra gen pl; dat/gen sing; wintre dat sing; wintres, wintrys gen sing; wintrum dat pl)

winterceald adj: winter-cold (forms: wintercealde acc sing fem)

wintercearig adj: despondent because of winter, wintry-minded

wintersetl neuter noun: winter quarters

winterstund fem noun: winter hour, short time (forms: winterstunde acc sing)

wintertid fem noun: wintertime (forms: wintertide dat sing)

wir masc noun: wire (forms: wire dat sing; wirum dat pl)

wis adj: wise (forms: wise dat sing masc; acc pl masc; wisum dat pl)

gewiss, gewis adj: certain, trustworthy; aware, informed (forms: gewissan dat sing neut)

wissian wk verb: make known, declare, reveal

wisa masc noun: leader, guide (forms: wisan nom pl)

wisdom masc noun: wisdom (forms: wisdome dat sing)

wise fem noun: way, manner, conduct (forms: wisan acc sing; wysan, wisan, wise dat sing; wisna gen pl; wisum dat pl)

wisfæst adj: wise (forms: wisfæste nom/acc pl masc)

wishydig, wishidig adj: wise

wisian, wissian wk verb: advise, guide; show, point out (forms: gewisade, wisade, wisode, gewissode 3rd pers sing pret indic/subj; wisie, wisige 1st pers sing pres indic)

Wisle prop name: the Vistula River

Wislemuða masc noun: the mouth of the Vistula River (forms: Wislemuðan acc sing)

wislic adj: true, certain (forms: wislicne acc sing masc)

wislice adv: wisely, carefully

gewislice adv: certainly, truly, clearly (forms: gewislicor compar)

wist fem noun: abundance, plenty; food, provisions (forms: wiste acc/dat/gen sing)

Wistan prop name: Wistan

wistfyllo fem noun: fill of food (forms: wistfylle gen sing)

wit, wyt pers pron dual: we two (forms: unc dat/acc; uncerne poss adj acc sing masc; uncre poss adj nom pl masc/acc sing fem; uncres poss adj gen sing masc; user, usser, uncer gen)

ge wit(t) neut noun: understanding, wit, knowledge (forms: gewitte, wite dat sing)

wita, gewita masc noun: wise man, king's councillor; witness; (in pl) council (forms: witan, gewitan, wiotan, gewytan nom/acc pl; witena, wiotena gen pl; witum, wytum dat pl)

wite neut noun: torture, punishment, misery (forms: wiites gen sing; wita, wyta nom/acc/gen pl; wite dat/gen sing; witu nom pl; witum, wytum dat pl)

witelac neut noun: punishment (forms: witelac nom pl)

witelocc masc noun: tormenting lock (i.e. of hair): a kenning for "flame" (forms: witeloccas acc pl)

witeswinge fem noun: torment, punishment (forms: witeswingum dat pl)

ge witan anom verb: know, be aware of; show (respect etc.) (forms: to witanne, to wiotonne inflect infin; wast 2nd pers sing pres indic; wat 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic; wisse 3rd pers sing pret subj; wiste, wyste 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; wiston, wisson, wistan pl pret indic; witan pl pres indic; wite 2nd pers sing pres subj; imper sing; nast (ne + wast) 2nd pers sing pres indic neg; nat (ne + wat) 1st/3rd pers sing pres indic neg; nyste (ne + wiste) 3rd pers sing pret indic neg; nyston (ne + wiston) pl pret indic neg); witan Class 1 str verb: reproach, blame (forms: wite 1st pers sing pres indic)

ge witan Class 1 str verb: go, depart; die (forms: gewat 3rd pers sing pret indic; gewit imper sing; gewitan, gewiton pl pret indic; gewitaþ, gewitað imper pl; pl pres indic; gewite 1st/3rd pers sing pres subj; 1st pers sing pres indic; gewitene past part nom/acc pl masc; gewitenes past part gen sing masc; gewiteþ, gewiteð, gewitað 3rd pers sing pres indic)
wuton, uton, utan pl pres subj of witan used with an infinitive for commands and requests: let us...

witehus neut noun: house of torment

witebroga masc noun: dreadful torment (forms: witebrogan nom pl)

gewitenes fem noun: passing, departure (forms: gewitenesse gen sing)

wið, wiþ prep: with, against; near, beside; in exchange for; (w. gen) towards, to, against, onto

wiðerbreca masc noun: adversary, enemy (forms: wiðerbrecan acc/dat/gen sing; nom/acc pl)

wiþerlean neut noun: pay-back, retaliation

wiðermedo fem noun: opposition, enmity

wiðertrod neut noun: retreat, return

wiðfon Class 7 str verb w. dat: seize, grapple with (forms: wiðfeng 3rd pers sing pret indic)

wiðhabban anom verb: withstand (forms: wiðhæfde 3rd pers sing pret indic)

wiðhogian wk verb: reject (forms: wiðhogode 3rd pers sing pret indic)

wiðmetenes fem noun: comparison (forms: wiðmetenesse dat sing)

wiðsacan Class 6 str verb: resist, oppose, forsake (forms: wiðsace 3rd pers sing pres subj)

wiðstondan Class 6 str verb w. dat or acc: withstand, resist

witian wk verb: allot, assign (forms: witode, witod past part; witodes past part gen sing)

witig adj: wise (forms: witega nom sing masc)

Witland prop name: Witland

gewitloca masc noun: mind, understanding (forms: gewitlocan dat sing)

wlanc, wlonc adj: proud, splendid, rich (forms: wlancan dat sing neut; wlance, wlonce nom/acc pl masc; wlancne, wloncne acc sing masc; wloncum dat pl; dat sing masc/neut)

wlencu, wlenco fem noun: pride, arrogance, splendour (forms: wlence dat sing)

wlitan Class 1 str verb: gaze, look (forms: wlat 3rd pers sing pret indic; wlitað pl pres indic; wliten pl pres subj; wlitest 2nd pers sing pres indic)

wlite masc noun: brightness, splendour, beauty (forms: wlite dat sing)

wlitebeorht adj: brilliant, brightly shining (forms: wlitebeorhte nom sing fem; nom/acc pl neut/masc; wlitebeorhtne acc sing masc; wlitebeorhtum dat sing neut)

wlitesciene adj: brilliant, bright, beautiful

wlitig adj: beautiful, bright (forms: wlitegan, wlytegan gen sing fem; dat sing neut; wlitige acc pl masc; wlitegost superl nom/acc sing neut; wlitegra compar nom sing masc; wlitigre compar nom sing fem)

wlitigian, wlitigigan wk verb: become bright, become beautiful; make beautiful (forms: wlitigað pl pres indic; gewlitegad past part))

gewlo adj: ornamented

wocor fem noun: offspring, progeny (forms: wocre acc sing)

wod adj: crazy, insane (forms: wodum dat pl; dat sing masc)

wodnys fem noun: madness, insanity (forms: wodnysse dat sing)

woh adj: evil, perverse, twisted (forms: wora gen pl)

wohdom masc noun: evil deed (forms: wohdomas acc pl)

wohgestreon neut noun: ill-gotten gain (forms: wohgestreona gen pl)

wolcen neut noun: cloud; the sky (forms: wolcna gen pl; wolcne dat sing; wolcnu nom pl; wolcnum dat pl)

woma masc noun: tumult

womcwide masc noun: evil speech (forms: womcwidas acc pl)

womfull adj: sinful, guilty, defiled

womm masc noun: evil, sin; spot, stain (forms: womme dat sing; womma gen pl; wommum dat pl)

womscyldig adj: guilty, sinful

wonhyd fem noun: carelessness, daring (forms: wonhydum, wonhygdum dat pl)

wonsæli adj: unhappy

wonsceaft fem noun: unhappiness, misery (forms: wonsceaftum dat pl)

wonung fem noun: dwelling (forms: wununge dat sing)

wop masc noun: weeping, lamentation (forms: wope dat sing)

woðbora masc noun: speaker, counsellor, prophet (forms: woðboran dat sing)

woðcræft masc noun: art of poetry (forms: woðcræfte dat sing)

woðgiefu fem noun: gift of speech (or song)

worcþeow fem noun: (working-) slave (forms: worcþeowe dat sing)

word neut noun: word, speech, utterance (forms: word nom/acc pl; worda gen pl; worde dat sing; wordes gen sing; wordum, wordon dat pl)

wordbeot neut noun: (verbal-) promise

wordbeotung fem noun: (verbal-) promise (forms: wordbeotunga acc pl)

wordgemearc neut noun: declaration (forms: wordgemearcum dat pl)

wordhord neuter noun: treasury of words
wordhord onlucan: to unlock the treasury of words (i.e. begin to speak)

wordlean neut noun: reward for words (forms: wordleana gen pl)

wordcwyde masc noun: word, utterance, command

worian wk verb: wander, crumble, become worn (forms: worie 3rd pers sing pres subj; woriað pl pres indic)

worn masc noun: multitude, large number (forms: wornum dat pl)

worngehat neut noun: multiplicitous promise (forms: worngehat nom pl)

woroldscamu fem noun: earthly humiliation (forms: woroldscame dat/gen sing)

woroldstrudere masc noun: (worldly) robber (forms: woroldstruderas nom pl)

woruld, worold, weoruld, weorold fem noun: the world; situation, way of life (forms: woruld acc/gen sing; worulde, worolde dat/gen sing; nom pl)

woruldar fem noun: worldly honour (forms: woroldare acc sing)

woruldbuend masc noun: earth-dweller, human being (forms: woruldbuendra gen pl)

woruldcund adj: secular (forms: woruldcundra gen pl)

woruldcyning masc noun: earthly king (forms: woruldcyingas nom pl)

worulddream masc noun: earthly joy (forms: worulddreama gen pl)

woruldduguð fem noun: worldly excellence, worldly honour (forms: worulddugeða gen pl; worulddugeðum dat pl)

woruldfeoh neut noun: earthly goods

woruldgesælig adj: prosperous, happy, rich in earthly possessions

woruldgesceaft fem noun: worldly creation, the created world (forms: woruldgesceafta gen pl; woruldgesceafte nom pl)

woruldgestreon neut noun: earthly wealth (forms: woruldgestreona gen pl; woruldgestreonum dat pl)

woruldlic adj: worldly (forms: woruldlicra dat sing fem)

woruldmæg masc noun: (earthly) male relative (forms: woruldmagas nom pl)

woruldnytt fem noun: worldly benefit (forms: woruldnytte dat sing)

woruldrice neut noun: (the kingdom of) the world (forms: woruldrice dat sing)

woruldstrengu fem noun: wordly strength (forms: woruldstrenga dat/gen sing)

woruldðing neut noun: worldly business, secular affair (forms: woruldðinga gen pl)

woruldwela masc noun: wordly prosperity (forms: woruldwelum dat pl)

woruldwisdom masc noun: worldly wisdom, secular learning (forms: woruldwysdome dat sing)

woruldyrmðo fem noun: earthly misery

wracu fem noun: revenge, retribution; misery, distress (forms: wrace, wræce acc sing)

wræc neut noun: exile, misery (forms: wrace, wræce dat sing; wræces gen sing)

wræca, wræcca masc noun: wretch, exiled person (forms: wræccan gen sing; wræcna gen pl)

wræclast masc noun: track of exile, miserable track (forms: wræclastas acc pl)

wræclic adj: wretched, exiled (forms: wræclicne masc acc sing)

wræcmon masc noun: exile

wræcsið masc noun: (journey of) exile (forms: wræcsiþa gen pl; wræcsiþas acc pl masc; wræcsiðum dat pl)

wræcstow fem noun: place of exile (forms: wræcstowe acc sing)

wrægistre fem noun: (female) accuser

wræstan wk verb: pluck (with a plectrum)

wrætlic adj: splendid, curious, wondrous (forms: wrætlicne acc sing masc; wrætlicran compar acc sing neut; wrætlicu nom sing fem)

wrætlice adv: splendidly, wondrously

wrætt fem noun: ornament, decoration, jewel (forms: wrættum dat pl)

wrað adj: wrathful, angry; evil, cruel (forms: wraða nom sing masc; se wraða as noun, "the evil one"; wraðan gen sing masc; wraðe nom pl masc; wraðra, wraþra gen pl; wraðum, wraþum dat pl; dat sing masc);
wraþ fem noun: cruelty (forms: wraðe dat sing)
on wraðe: cruelly, wrathfully;
wraðe, wraþe, wraðum adv: angrily, cruelly, with evil consequence

wraðlic adj: evil, cruel

wraðmod adv: angrily; wraðmod adj: angry

ge wrecan Class 5 str verb: avenge, punish; exile, expel; be exiled; speak about, utter (forms: gewræc, wræc, wrec 1st/3rd pers sing pret indic; wræce, wrece, gewræce 1st/3rd pers sing pret subj; wræcon, gewræcon pl pret indic; gewrec imper sing; gewrecene past part nom pl masc)

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