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Kazakhstan in the post-war period (1946-1953)

Kazakh Khanate in the 17th century | Fight of Kazakhs against the Djungarian invasion | Joining of the Junior and the Middle zhuzes | Kenesary Kasymov | Joining of Zhuzes to the Russian Empire. | Folk art in 19 century | Culture in 19 century. | Revolution 1905-1906 | The First World war | February revolt |

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In the performance of the overall objectives for the country and further recovery of the national economy Kazakhstan takes a special place. Due to the fact that in Kazakhstan evacuees housed factories, construction of new and expanded existing businesses, industry of Kazakhstan during the war years greatly exceeded the prewar level. But the effects of the war were difficult for the economy of Kazakhstan. Decreased production of many industrial products, especially consumer goods. Greatly exacerbated the problem of labor resources. At factories and in agriculture, an acute shortage of manpower. This was due to several reasons. Most of the specialists who were evacuated to Kazakhstan during the war, they returned to their homes. Conducted preparation and retraining of workers, to make transfers manpower. Forced measure - labor mobilization of citizens to work in industry and construction, used in the war years, was replaced by an organized set. Due to the large part of the demobilization of the Armed Forces of the USSR for 1945 came in Kazakhstan retired 104 thousand officers and soldiers, and in January 1, 1947 - 188.2 thousand people. The industry has been restored 8 - hour working day, eliminated the massive overtime and weekend work. Workers and employees were provided paid leave. The working people of of Kazakhstan, having overcome all difficulties and in 1946 basically completed transition of the economy to peaceful. Program of post-war development has been defined by the "Law on the five-year plan the reconstruction and development of the economy of the USSR for 1946-1950", approved in March 1946, the first session of the Supreme Soviet. The Soviet people were given the task: "... to restore the affected areas of the country, to restore pre-war levels of industry and agriculture, and then go beyond this level to a considerable extent” The main objectives of the fourth “Five Year Plan”.

1. Development of heavy industry in the republic.

2. Construction of new railway lines.

3. Increase crop yields.

4. Raising the cultural level of material welfare.

As a result of a five-year plan, the country had launched production of rolled steel, cement, synthetic fibers, superphosphate, equipment for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mining and coal mining, production of press-forging and machining equipment, agricultural machines.The great development of iron and steel industry was - in a metallurgical plant in Temirtau were put in place three rolling mills, and two open-hearth furnaces at the Aktobe plant of ferroalloys - the third stage of the enterprise.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

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