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Text exercises

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  1. Exercises
  2. Exercises
  5. Grammar exercises
  6. Grammar Exercises
  7. Grammar Exercises


Exercise 1. Read the texts and say how we can forecast weather using weather signs.


Exercise 2. 1) Read the following text.


Paul and Judy live in Birmingham. It’s a large city in the Midlands. They are planning a weekend holiday.


Paul: I know, Judy! Why don’t we go to Scotland?

Judy: It’s a very long way.

Paul: Oh, it isn’t too far. Anyway, the motorway’s very good, so we can get there


Judy: But Scotland’s often cold at this time of the year. It may snow!

Paul: Well, yes… it may… but I don’t think it will.

Judy: I’m not sure. It is February, and I’m frightened of driving in snow. And we

may not be able to find a hotel. They may be closed.

Paul: Oh, that’s not a problem. I can book a hotel by phone.

Judy: Well, perhaps it’s not a bad idea. We may have beautiful weather.

Paul: Oh, we’ll enjoy ourselves anyway. Let’s watch the weather forecast on

television. We may not go to Scotland, we may go to Wales or London. We

can decide after the forecast.


Good evening, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Northern Scotland will be cold, and there may be snow over high ground. In the north of England it will be a wet day and rain may move into Wales and the Midlands during the afternoon. East Anglia will be generally dry, but it will be dull and cloudy. In southern England it will be a bright clear day with sunshine, but it may be foggy during the morning, but the afternoon will be clear. It may be windy later in the day.


2) Answer the questions:

What are Paul and Judy planning? Is the weather forecast for tomorrow good?


Exercise 3. Find in the text appropriate English phrase for the following:

Почему бы нам ни поехать в Шотландию? Возможно, пойдёт снег. Не думаю. Возможно, мы не сможем найти гостиницу. Это не проблема. Я могу заказать гостиницу по телефону. Это очень далеко. В Шотландии часто холодно в это время года. Я не уверена. Я боюсь ехать во время снегопада. Возможно, это и неплохая идея. Давай посмотрим прогноз погоды по телевизору. Возможно, мы и не поедем в Шотландию.

На севере Англии будет серый день. В южной Англии будет яркий светлый день и солнечно, но вечером возможен дождь. В северной Шотландии будет холодно, возможен снег на возвышенности. В восточной Англии будет преимущественно сухо. На юго-западе утром туман, но после обеда прояснится.


Exercise 4. 1) Respond expressing uncertainty, use the modal verb “may”.

EXAMPLE: -What will the weather be like this Sunday? (hot)

- It may be hot.

1. What will the weather be like tomorrow? (sunny)

2. What will the weather be like next week? (fine)

3. What will the weather be like in summer? (rainy)

4. What will the weather be like in July? (warm)

5. What will the weather be like in September? (wet)

6. What will the weather be like in winter? (cold)


2) Make up a dialogue describing what the weather was like yesterday. Use the prompts from the first point.


Exercise 5. Listen to the radio or watch TV and make up your own weather forecast for tomorrow.


Exercise 6. Speak on the topic: Do you believe weather forecast or weather signs?


Exercise 7. Situations for discussion:

1. A lot of people like winter (summer, etc.) but I hate it.

2. How the weather affects me.

3. I don’t believe weather forecast, I believe weather Lore.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 193 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ВОЛГОГРАД 2002 | PART II. VOCABULARY NOTES | TEXT UNDER STUDY | VOCABULARY EXERCISES | Утвердительные предложения | NAMES of PARTS of the DAY | NAMES of SEASONS | Mary – Marys |
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