Читайте также:
Galen, a Greek doctor who had lived in the 3rd century BC, had been the standard of knowledge about human anatomy for almost 2000 years. However, Vesalius began to detect errors in Galen’s understanding. He began to realize that Galen (to use) animal corpses for dissection and (to use) these investigations as a basis for his writings of human anatomy. Vesalius, in contrast, (to use) human corpses to study human anatomy. Thus, Vesalius (to be) much more accurate in his understandings and descriptions. He also (to pioneer) a new style in teaching anatomy, inviting his students to watch him in the process of dissecting cadavers as he lectured, rather than just listening to readings (лекції) in the subject. When corpses (to be) not available for object lessons, Vesalius drew large illustrations and mounted them in a visible place in the lecture room so that students (can) see as they learned anatomy.
Exercise 17. Speak about the greatest Vesalius’s contributions to the modern medicine.
Завдання для самостійної роботи
студентів (СРС)
1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення 1. велике коло кровообігу 2. вивчати анатомію людського тіла на трупах 3. брати до уваги 4. отвір в перегородці серця 5. встановити нові і точні анатомічні терміни 6. базуватися на науково-дослідних роботах 7. ступінь доктора медицини 8. правильний опис 9. шлуночок серця 10. мале коло кровообігу 2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання · Who is widely considered to be the founder of the modern science of anatomy? · What books does Vesalius’s work "On the Structure of the Human Body" consist of? · What did Andreas Vesalius study on corpses? · What did the Great Russian scientist Pavlov and many other famous scientists say about the works written by Vesalius? · How do you think what was the greatest discovery of Vesalius? 3. Поясніть наступні терміни у 5ти реченнях анатом |
Anatomy of the Heart Анатомія серця |
Text: Anatomy of the Heart
Grammar: The Comparative and Superlative Degree of the Adjectives
Pre-text assignments
Exercise 1. Learn the new words:
1. | Continuously | [ ![]() | безперервно |
2. | rhythmically | [‘rıðmıkƏlı], | ритмічно |
3. | nutrient | [ ![]() | поживна речовина |
4. | surface | [ ![]() | поверхня |
5. | endocardium | [‘endəu’ka:dıəm] | ендокард |
6. | membranous | [ ![]() | мембранний |
7. | pericardium | [ ![]() | перикард |
8. | septum | [ ![]() | перетинка |
9. | ventricle | [ ![]() | шлуночок |
10. | atrium | [ ![]() | передсердя |
11. | deoxygenated | [dioksidzi’neitid] | позбавлений кисню |
12. | to contract | [kən’trækt] | скорочуватись |
13. | sinoatrial | [sinoa´treal] | синусно-передсердний |
14. | costal cartilages | [kos′təl] | реберний хрящ |
Exercise 2. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language:
Muscular pump in the centre of the chest; to contract rhythmically; to send blood to the lungs; to consist of two atria and two ventricles; to be enclosed in a tough, membranous bag; a thick central muscular wall; to receive deoxygenated blood; via 2 large veins; to lose carbon dioxide; to be transferred to the left ventricle; via the pulmonary vein; one-way valves; to contract more forcibly; greater muscular bulk
Exercise 3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Adjectives:
1. The resistance to blood flow through the general circulation is much greater than resistance through the lungs.
2. The left side of the heart must contract more forcibly than the right so it has greater muscular bulk.
3. If she changes her job to a less stressful one, she won’t complain of her heart so often.
4. The right atrium of the heart is larger than the left one.
5. The walls of the left atrium are thicker than those of the right one.
6. The left ventricle is longer than the right ventricle.
7. The left ventricle is more conical in form than the right one.
8. The smallest veins in the body are called venules.
9. The venules branch into larger veins which eventually carry the blood to the largest veins in the body, the vena cava.
10. The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body.
Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 111 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives | | | Exercise 15. Open the brackets using correct tense form and voice. |