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Business Software pic

Читайте также:
  1. A) Imagine your business partner from England is calling you. Do the
  3. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist

Product report

Executive summary

Wo hove been contacted by Leu?: AG, a Gen no n manufacturer ol mobile telephones, ord csked abet I ihe possibility of a cooperation agrocmenl. Wo would odapl our business software for use in their products. Tesls show thai I hoi i product is a very good one and popular wilh cur large I mental.


This report will look ct:

• the hardwcie rnonufadurer or id Iheii equipment

• software thol could be used en their mobile phonos

• ihe odvantcges of working together

• recomme notations Tor ad ion


1 Lenz hos beer developing cheap, small-scale electronic devices for 35 years, fn ^ie lost Jive years, I hey have focused en more expensive mobifo phones for businesspeople. These have been veiy successful. One in four mobile phones for ihe business market is c lenz.

2 Our new 'Executive Organiser' software has o lot of arhedive features for the travelling bu sir ess per son (e.y. oddiess book, e-moikvare, voice recorder, street-fir dor function, etc. J.

3 Market research shows thot there is a big interest in ctr products being used on machines apart horr cor'ipders.


The Iwc companies hove products which fit well together.


We should rove a meeting wi'ir" representatives from Iw as soon as possible to discuss a joint venture between cur companies with the oi'm of putting our software onto Ihefi mobile phones,

li acy Cruickshcnk

Roseaich ond Development Diiedoi

19 October 200 -

■"^ The executive summary is a summary of Ihe main points and conclusion of the rep or l. It gives the read era quick overview of the total situation,


The introduction shows the points that will be looked at.

The findings are the facts discovered.

The conclusion is what you think about the Tacts and how you InterpreL them,

Recommendations are practical suggestions to deal with the situation and ideas For making sure fyture activities run more easily.


i Careers, Skills, Exercise F, page 11

Student A

i You receive a call for your colleague, Laurie Thompson. Laurie is not in the

office at the moment. Take the caller's details and say that Laurie will call

them back. 2 You arc Laurie Thompson. Telephone the person who called about the job

advertisement. Offer to send an application form. The closing date for

applications is in two weeks' time.

2 Selling online, Skills, Exercise A, page 18


Negotiating tips: Group B  
• Be strong and try to win.  
• Prepare carefully before you negotiate.
• Ask a lot of questions.  
• Have a lot of options.  
• Summarise often the points you agree on,
• Change your strategy during the negotiation if necessary.
• Never show any emotion.  

2 Selling online, Skills, Exercise E, page 19


Website maintenance company representative    
You want:    
1 A three-year contract    
This allows you to offer the best service to customers and it will be profitable
for you.    
z To test the website each month    
This will give the best level of service to the client and increase your  
3 Re spon sc ti m e - 24 hou rs    
You want the company to contact you by e-mail if there is an emergency. You
want up to ?.i\ hours to solve any problems.    

9 Managing people, Case study: The way we do things, page 85

A Sales Manager

You will lead the meeting with the support of the Deputy Sales Manager It is your job to listen to the representatives' opinions and to agree on an action plan which will:

• improve the atmosphere in the department

* e n co urage staff to wo rk togethe r effective ly,

Note: You are impressed, by the Muller sales representatives. You think their ambition and energy are good for the company. They are also successful in financial terms.

136 J

Activity file |

3 Companies, Reading, Exercise A, page 24

Student A

1 Look at the Community Commitment table below to give your partner the information he or she needs.

2 Ask your partner questions to complete the Customer service table below. Examples:


• Wh i ch c 0 u ntry is (M ic rosof0 from?

• Which company is in (first/sccond/ctc.) position?

• Which industry sector is (Microsoft) in?













SURVEY: WORLD'S MOST Companies with five Community commitment RESPECTED COMPANIES nominations or more Customer service    
Rank Name • Country Sector Rank Name Country Sector  
a Microsoft! USA IT i Toyota Japan Engineering  
  Toyota Japan U5A Engineering Food /Beverage i Dell   IT  
? Coca-Cola 3   USA IT  
BP j UK Energy/ Chemicals   Microsoft USA IT  
5_ 6 McDonald's USA Media/Leisure     USA Media /Leisure  
General Electric (GE) USA USA Electrical/ Electronics   Southwest Airlines   Transport  
IBM IT   Wal-Mart      
  Johnson & lohnson USA Healthcare   McDonald's USA Media/Lei sure  
  General Electric (GE) USA Electrical/ Electronics  
9 Disney USA Media/Leisure  
  Unicef '> USA       Germany Engineering  

4 Great ideas* Skills, Exercise E, page 39

Role card A


You will lead the meeting. Ask for participants' opinions, encourage discussion and help them reach agreement. You must decide the following paints concerning the marketing of Worldbeater.

1 Its selling price 3 Special offers for first purchase

2 Its target consumer 4 Advertising/pro motion

6 Entertaining, Reading, Exercise D, page 52

Student A

1 Complete these questions about the article Corporate thrills reach new
using the answers to help you.

t Why................. always have to come up with new and exciting................?

Because every year some of the clients they have to entertain are the same.

2 How much...................... to entertain someone at the Henley Regatta?

$600 a day.

3.................. a ride in a MIG-29 Jet fighter.......................... 7


2 Ask your partner yourthreequestions. Help with the answers if necessary.

Activity file

7 Marketing, Skills, Exercise H, page 67

Marketing Director

You want to do the following when the European Sales Manager calls you,

1 Note down when and where the focus group meeting will take place.

2 Suggest that these people attend the meeting:

Irina Pavlovskaya

Tel no. (812) 275 6381

She is a Marketing Consultant based fn Moscow, Russia.

Csilla Ambrus

Tel no. (361) 339 4032

She 15 Head Buyer for a department store in Budapest, Hungary.

3 Ask the European Sales Manager about last month's sales results in France.
Did they increase or decrease?

9 Managing people, Case study: The way we do things, page 85

B Deputy Sales Manager

You will help the Sales Manager to run the meeting. It is your job to listen to

the representatives* opinions and to agree on an action plan which will;

• improve the atmosphere in the department

• e nco u ra ge sta ff to wo r k to get h er e ffe cti ve ly.

Note; You are impressed by the Peterson sales representatives. You think they have a very positive attitude. You think their efficiency and good customer service are important for the future success of the company.

ao Conflict, Starting up, page 90


Give yourself the following marks.

5 a) 4 b)2 c)i d)3
4 a) 4 b)2 c) 3 d)i
6 a) 4 b)3 d)2

1 a] 2 2 a) 2 3 a) 3
W 3 b) 3 b) 4

c) 1 c) 1 c) 2

d) 4 d) 4 d) 1


6-11 You need to improve your conflict management skills.

12-17 You are quite good at conflict management in certain situations.

18-22 You are good at conflict management in most situations.

2 3-24 Yo u are exce II ent at co n fli ct ma na ge me nt, Yo u s hou Id b e wo r kin g

for the United Nations.

10 Conflict, Case study: European Campers, page 97

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 277 | Нарушение авторских прав

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