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First Aid
Everybody must know how to give first aid. First aid is immediate care rendered to a victim at an accident, sudden illness, or other medical emergency.
Proper first aid can save a victim's life, especially if the victim is bleeding heavily, has sapped breathing or has been poisoned.
First aid also can prevent the development of additional medical problems that might result from injury or illness.
The person who gives first aid must have the best knowledge of it. He must be calm and act without panic.
Treatment should be continued until professional medical help is available. First aid also involves reassuring the victim, releiving the pain, and moving the victim, if necessary, to a hospital or a clinic.
Remember: "SOS" means "Save Our Souls".
The general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid include the following:
1) call a local emergency medical service or a doctor;
2) provide urgent care (for life-threatening emergencies);
3) examine the victim for injuries;
4) treat the victim for shock.
5. Find English equivalents in the text.
Надавати першу допомогу, врятуйте наші душі, могло бути результатом пошкодження, бути повністю обізнаним, негайна медична допомога (екстрена), доступна, життєнебезпечний, полегшення/зменшення болю, заспокоєння потерпілого, транспортування потерпілого, додаткові проблеми, діяти без паніки, надати невідкладну допомогу, врятувати життя людини.
6. Name the most common conditions requiring first aid.
7. Tell your fellow students about the general steps to take in any situation requiring first aid.
8. Read and act out the dialogs.
Mother: What's the matter with you, Danny? You have nose bleeding.
Danny: I've fallen down and hurt my nose.
Mother: Sit down, Danny. Lena, give me some cloth and cold water.
Danny: What do you want to do, Mom?
Mother: I'll put a cold compress on your nose. Breathe through your mouth, Danny. That's right. Don't be afraid. The bleeding will stop.
Kate: Ma, where are you?
Mother. I'm in the kitchen, Kate. What's the matter?
Kate: My friend Lora feels bad. She has a bad headache and hot skin.
Mother: Where is she?
Kate: She is on the bank of the river. She was lying in the sun for a long time. Mother. It may be a sunstroke. Is anybody with her?
Kate: Yes, Ann is there.
Mother. Be quick. Run back and take Lora to a shady place. Raise her head a little. Put a et cloth on her head. I'll take some medicine and come in a minute.
Mother. What's the matter with you, Jack? You look pale.
Jack: There is nothing wrong with me, Mom.
Mother But I see that something is wrong.
Jack: Well, I fell on the skating-rink and hurt my right leg badly.
Mother. Let me take off your shoe, Jack.
Jack: Thank you, Ma. I can do it myself.
Mother. I am afraid you have a fracture.
Jack: Don't be afraid. It's not a fracture. You see there is no swelling.
Mother. You'd better have an X-ray examination.
Jack: All right. I'll consult a doctor.
9. Answer the following questions.
1. What is first aid? 2. What are the most common conditions requiring first aid? Can everybody render first aid? 4. What actions does first aid involve? 5. If a person has a ebleeding, what must you do? 6. What does "SOS" mean?
10. Tell your younger sister about first aid, use the following words and ases in your story.
Immediate care, a victim, medical emergency, bleeding, shock, stopped breathing, is " cned, be calm and act without panic, general steps, any situation requiring first aid, include, a doctor, provide urgent care, for injuries, treat the victim for shock.
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When We Have Pain | | | I. Active vocabulary. |