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The Napoleonic wars

The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of wars between Napoleon's French Empire and a series of opposing coalitions. As a continuation of the wars sparked by the French Revolution of 1789, they revolutionized European armies and played out on an unprecedented scale, mainly owing to the application of modern mass conscription. French power rose quickly as Napoleon's armies conquered much of Europe but collapsed rapidly after France's disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812. Napoleon was defeated in 1814; he returned and was finally defeated in 1815 at Waterloo, and all France's gains were taken away by the victors.

Before a final victory against Napoleon, five of seven coalitions saw defeat at the hands of France. France defeated the first and second coalitions during the French Revolutionary Wars, the third (notably at Austerlitz), the fourth (notably at Jena, Eylau, and Friedland) and the fifth coalition (notably at Wagram) under the leadership of Napoleon. These great victories gave the French Army a sense of invulnerability, especially when it approached Moscow. But after the retreat from Russia, in spite of incomplete victories, France was defeated by the sixth coalition at Leipzig, in the Peninsular War at Vitoria and at the hands of the seventh coalition at Waterloo.

The wars resulted in the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and sowed the seeds of nascent nationalism in Germany and Italy that would lead to the two nations' respective consolidations later in the century. Meanwhile, the global Spanish Empire began to unravel as French occupation of Spain weakened Spain's hold over its colonies, providing an opening for nationalist revolutions in Spanish America. As a direct result of the Napoleonic wars, the British Empire became the foremost world power for the next century.

VІ. Виконання післятекстових вправ.

1. Запишіть подані слова та словосполучення до словника, за транскрибуйте та перекладіть. Підготуйтеся до словникого диктанту.

opposing coalitions, to spark, to play out, an unprecedented scale, a conscription

to collapse, to be defeated, a victor, a sense of invulnerability, to result in the dissolution, to sow the seeds, nascent nationalism, a consolidation, to unravel,

a colony.


2. Складіть анотацію до тексту, користуючись планом.


3. Визначте, чи є подані твердження хибними або істинними:

1. The Napoleonic Wars were a series of wars between French Empire and Austria.

2. The Great French Revolution took place in 1790.

3. The fifth coalition at Eylau was won under the leadership of Napoleon.

4. The dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire the seeds of nascent nationalism in Germany were the resuls of the Napoleonic wars.

5. Russian Empire became the foremost world power for the next century.



Список літератури:

1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ /

Т.В. Барановська. – К.: ВП Логос-М, 2008. – 384 с.

2. Верба Л.Г. Граматика сучасної англійської мови/ Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. – К.: ТОВ Логос-М, 2007. – 352 с.




Модуль самостійної роботи за змістовим модулем 1

1. Фонетичний довідник. Структура англійського речення.

2. Автобіографія. Заповнення анкети.



Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Скільки літер та звуків існує в англійській мові?

2. Назвіть англійські голосні: монофтонги та дифтонги.

3. Скільки типів складів існує в англійській мові? Опишіть їх та наведіть приклади.

4. Опишіть фонетичні процеси асиміляції, редукції та злиття. Наведіть приклади.

5. Назвіть правила англійського словесного наголосу. Наведіть приклади.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 255 | Нарушение авторских прав

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