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The percentage parity of the section of the income of commercial activity remains former!

Читайте также:
  1. Activity 4
  2. Activity 6
  3. B) Choose one of these sections and make up a short story.
  4. B) How and when each form of promotional activity is used
  5. Section aim
  6. Работа (Activity)


Attempts of trade unions (through carrying out of strikes, etc.) to raise salary on certain quantity of NOMINAL SIZES, also do not lead to the necessary result. Finally, the prices grow, money depreciated and the percentage parity of thesection of incomes is kept.


In the different countries, a parity struggling, perhaps class forces (capitalists – businessmen and hired workers), absolutely different. In the rich countries, workers, during historical process, have reached a little bit greater successes in this almost immemorial struggle.

And basically, owing to that businessmen of the West had the mighty and terrible competitor: COMMUNISM. (I shall not press here in historical retrospective journey).

Now, after self-destruction of communist system (as though there was not, but it has been eliminated from within), capitalists (businessmen) have nothing to be afraid more.

The communist economic system, really, has shown the frailty in long-term historical prospect, (it could support the efficiency, so to say, military – mobilization methods, but they could not operate eternally).


As a result everyone understands that communist model more not useful, communist the recipe will not work. In formally communist China completely not communist economy.

Cuba and Vietnam have gone on the Chinese way. And even in Northern Korea, last, on the present, the communist country as I heard begins PERESTROIKA.


And the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the most powerful among communist parties in Russia, as a matter of fact already is in fact SOCIALIST PARTY.

Everyone understands (well, or nearly so all), that the returning to the past, to recreate precise replica of economic system of the USSR up to 1987, physically is not possible. And especially to use communist economic the recipe for all mankind.


But modern capitalism – «globalism» amazes with the monstrous injustice, moreover, this system is in agony even on the Native land: the West. The USA and the Europe are very close to the accident comparable on scale by that has occured to the USSR in 1991 – 1992.



Laureate of the Nobel Prize on physicist Jores Alferov, one of the largest oppositional politicians in Russia, in the speech, at opening the State Duma selected in 2007, has declared, that the decision of a problem of poverty of 5 billion people on a planet is infinitely complex.

It seems, I have managed in many respects to solve this infinitely challenge.

And the decision infinitely simple. YOU HAVE just familiarized With my THIS DECISION – my OFFER #1. Really, now EVERYWHERE ON the PLANET, In EACH COUNTRY, HIRED WORKERS WILL RECEIVE EQUALLY, AND is identical it is a lot of.


Certainly, I shall repeat, numerical sizes of the minimal salary defined in percentage section of the profit between capitalists and hired workers, will be established by the government in each country in own way. It will depend on activity of struggling classes, groups of the population.


In different branches of economy there can be different sizes. For example, in oil: 90 % and 10 %, metallurgical: 60 and 40, commerce: 50 and 50, etc. Or to the contrary: 10 and 90, 40 and 60, etc. As it will turn out in each specific country.



Really, now hundreds and hundred millions people (and can also billions!) will receive in 4, 6, 10, 15, 20 times the greater salary, and I wish to emphasize, that it is actual money, with actual purchasing capacity. It not uncovered paper money.

And these billions people can buy more goods, than up to my offer.

There will be a huge solvent demand, and wish to emphasize, that all these arisen markets will not be filled very much. People will buy and buy, as it really MUCH is to be bought, so,

someone will make and sell this goods so there will be a set of workplaces, and workers will receive a lot of money so, all of them can buy a lot of the varied goods so, the wheel of planetary economy will twirl with new force for the work.

Why I consider, what people of a planet will thank me, endowing me the small sums from the greater salaries? As I already spoke, the difference in a payment in the rich and poor countries is a tens times.

And if the worker, up to my offer, in one of the countries of "the third world” received $100 in a month, and will receive now $800 -1000 in a month, really this worker, with feeling of gratitude to me, will not donate to me $10 – $20 (may be $30)?

In fact this worker will receive such greater salary only owing to me and anybody to another!


Let's look, that occurs in the "rich" countries now.

For example, huge car factories transfer from Belgium and France to Spain. Only because of a difference in a level of salaries of hired workers!!! And it inside of the European Union exists such huge difference!!!

The huge number of factories has moved from the Europe and Northern America to “the third world”, as here a difference simply monstrous!!!

In the same Europe, businessmen employ millions illegal immigrants, paying for them the insignificant sums, that destroys a high standard of living of people already in the Europe.

Penalties for similar activity which are paid sometimes by businessmen, repeatedly there are less than benefits which they receive from “a cheap labour”.

As the Russian academician Lvov, in Russia salary less than salary in the West, on the average, in 15 - 17 times. And it was before crisis! What it is possible to tell now?!

It is known, that profitability of many Russian companies reaches 300-600 and even 900 %. And all it due to hired workers!!!

Thus, we see, that a major part of businessmen of all countries and people, the compatriots are simply indifferent.


Yes, capitalists will simply hang because of cent, (And, MORE PRECISELY, WILL strangle OTHERS, AND MANY).


Moreover, owing to me, even in the richest countries, greater salaries can become even more! For all I know, GPAMC (which well-known), it is distributed there as follows: 7/8 (87,5 %) the businessman takes to itself, 1/8 (12,5 %) hired workers receive. So, even in the richest countries my offer will be very demanded!!!


So, the government approves the law, binding of everything leading commercial activity in the country, to pay the minimal salary in percentage parity according to this law.

Still time I shall repeat, specific numerical values of the minimal salary (for example, 50 % (from GPAMC or proceeds), 40 %, 70 %, 30 %, etc.), are specified in the law by the government.


I should tell the following. That the economy of the country developed with advantage, and people was rich, It is necessary to develop economy of your country, instead of economy of other countries. Consequently, it is necessary to make everything that the greatest possible quantity of the goods was made inside of the country, instead of it was imported from abroad.


I wish to add the following also.


That the state law was complied, it is necessary to accept the law on punishment for infringement of the law on the minimal salary. Punishment should be so strict, that businessmen understood what to risk and make crimes very much not favourably. To work fairly much easier, to pay salaries fairly, without any frauds.

Then also to the government will be less efforts, and everyone will be very happy (I mean hired workers).

I can offer a following measure of punishment: 50 years of prison with full confiscation of property in favour of victims, (i.e. hired workers).

Thus, the businessman will understand, that they will lose everything, whether is it necessary to risk and to make frauds?

I am sure, that the similar measure of punishment almost on 100 %-s' will prevent desire to spend business is dishonest.



Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Фиктивные работники». | Да капиталисты просто удавятся из-за цента, (А, ТОЧНЕЕ, УДАВЯТ ДРУГИХ, ПРИЧЁМ МНОГИХ). | The foreword | I am ready to pass (if necessary), checks on any lie detectors. | And what result? It absolutely not! | If the condition of economy reliable, means, and the exchange rate will be stable, and any speculators here change can nothing. | And maybe, Nabiulina only executes your will and you wished to achieve its successes??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | And now I wish to address to the secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and in its person to all mankind. | Separately I wish to address to His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV. | The economic offer #1 (E.O.1). |
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Specific numerical values will be established by the government in each specific state.| The economic offer #2 (E.O.2).

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