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If the condition of economy reliable, means, and the exchange rate will be stable, and any speculators here change can nothing.

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It is very important, that these 500 billion dollars which will be received in the property by Russians again quickly do not send away abroad. That is, that Russians not waste it for two months.

Yes, they will buy the import goods made extremely abroad, well-being of people will raise. But these goods soon, or not so soon, will come in unsuitability, and money already sends away abroad. Therefore it is extremely important, that this half of trillion have whenever possible remained in Russia and work in the Russian economy, instead of in foreign.

What for this purpose it is necessary to make? For this purpose it is necessary to make thehighest trade barriers that it was impossible to enter the ready goods from abroad, and it would be possible (and it is necessary) to make them inside of the country.

(Certainly, on bananas, on coffee and on other goods which cannot be made in Russia,trade barriers cannot essentially extend. Though here again it is possible and it is necessary to make everything that tea and coffee were packaged in Russia). Also would make these goodsRussians, getting for the work greater money, and buying on this money besides the Russian goods which were made by other Russians and so indefinitely. Here then in Russia there will be no unemployment.


Just, on February, 19th, 2011, President Medvedev has called up all political parties to do the very best we can to liquidate unemployment and to raise salaries.

Perfectly! Mister the President! I enable you (already in the second time, the first in 2009) to execute your call. Operate!

If my offers will be realized salaries will greatly rise, the prices will greatly go down, unemployment will be eliminated and, consequently, the life in Russia becomes much better.


I am ready to accept a position of Minister of economic progress. And I am ready to do the very best we can personally that my offers were realized.

Because I feel the personal responsibility for an event. Because I want and I can help for people of Russia.

And I have one more valuable quality. I am absolutely incorruptible! This such unusual occurrence what is not trusted at all, isn’t, mister President?

That is why it seems to me, that I deserve this position in a much greater, than present minister Nabiulina which nothing has made during the ministry. However, Nabiulina has achieved greater successes in that salaries were low, price and unemployment - high! O r, maybe, mister President, you consider, that minister Nabiulina should to work on the blessing of the Russian economy so with advantage further?


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 102 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Если состояние экономики надежное, значит, и курс валюты будет стабильным, и никакие спекулянты здесь изменить ничего не могут. | Итак, что требовать Россиянам от своего Правительства? | А теперь я хочу обратиться к генеральному секретарю ООН ПАН ГИ МУНУ и в его лице ко всему человечеству. | Отдельно я хочу обратиться к Его Святейшеству Далай-ламе ХIV. | Так что может и не стоило мне ради них стараться и рисковать своей жизнью?! Посмотрим! | Конкретные числовые значения будут устанавливаться государственной властью в каждом конкретном государстве. | Фиктивные работники». | Да капиталисты просто удавятся из-за цента, (А, ТОЧНЕЕ, УДАВЯТ ДРУГИХ, ПРИЧЁМ МНОГИХ). | The foreword | I am ready to pass (if necessary), checks on any lie detectors. |
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And what result? It absolutely not!| And maybe, Nabiulina only executes your will and you wished to achieve its successes??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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