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And what result? It absolutely not!

Though somehow communists have reacted? No! Not any answer from Zyuganov, Aparina, from someone from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation I have not received.

When I addressed to communists in the Staff I spoke them: “Without dependence from that, if it is possible to patent my ideas or not, make so that people has known about my offers.

Sound them in the State Duma, in press for my offers will greatly and quickly improve a life of people”. Communists on it were silent. Are they have wanted to help people? No! And in fact my offers are absolutely actual and it is easy to realize. I spoke for workers of the Staff оf the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: “Let's print my offers in newspaper Stalingrad tribune.

I shall state them briefly (because Stalingrad tribune – very small on volume newspaper). And let even the few people will known about my offers. (The few – because circulation very small). Firstly the few, and then and all. And these everyone will demand from the Government to put into practice my offers. And the life of people will greatly improve».

So what? The Volgograd communists have printed brief information on my offers in the Stalingrad tribune? No! Have not wanted!

Three months I went in to the Staff of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, hoping to the aid communists, but have then understood, that it is useless.


Let's return again to the size of the trading margin.

Recently in Russia in mass media there were shy calls to limit the size of the trading margin. All know how the prices for last months have monstrously grown. I shall notice, a conversation remain conversations and the Government does not think really to limit this margin.

But let's look, whether something will change if the Government will cease to speak about it only and suddenly, will limit the maximal size of the trading margin? The most interesting, that the prices will not decrease! Why? I think, that there will be a following:

First, the proceeds of trade enterprises (wholesale and retail) will decrease.

Secondly, owners of these trade enterprises will injure a little from restriction of the margin they will translate losses on hired workers, that is will greatly reduce the salary.

Thirdly, later owners of the trading companies will create the whole garlands of the trading companies - intermediaries who will belong to the same owners. And these companies - intermediaries will be each other sell the goods, let and with the limited trading margin. As a result the price (for example, on the foodstuffs) will remain former! Poor hired workers of trade enterprises become even poorer, rich owners of trade enterprises, most likely, become even richer.

Fourthly, if nevertheless it will be possible to limit actual incomes of the trading companies, the prices all the same will not go down, as already manufacturers now will inflate prices. And at manufacturers have no trading margins. So simply to limit the trading margin it is useless.

If to apply my offer №2 nobody can inflate prices, neither manufacturers, nor sellers.


I wish also to suggest to distribute to people of Russia so-called international reserves of Russia. As is known, volume of these reserves is about half of trillion US dollars (that is 500 billion). This money is placed in US dollars, euro, and the British pounds and is enclosed in the American economy under very low interest.


Many times ordinary publics inquired, why to distribute this huge money (obtained for sale of oil and gas on export) to people, more precisely, to its poorest part? (And, as is known from official statistics, the majority of Russians poor).

And all (and even Zyuganov in the television programme “Пусть говорят” in the spring of 2009), politicians and parties spoke, that it is impossible, that it will be no good result because it will be a great inflation (that is there will be a monstrous jump of the prices). That is, how many will distribute money to people, on the prices as much will increase.

Really, give let us recall the recent past. Only Putin will lift pensions on 10 roubles, the prices (on all!) instantly, the same day, rise on 10 – 15 roubles!

Really! In Russia had created the devil system, at which poor Russia cannot stop to bepoor despite of superabundance of bowels, despite of super incomes of export of oil and gas is created really. Nobody could change this system because could not think up as it to make.

I offer the recipe how to destroy this devil system and that oil-and-gas money have given Russians for a high standard of living. The prices will not fly up anywhere as will be adhered to a net cost of manufacture of the goods and services (according to my offer №2).

And if people will have money, people can buy many goods ( solvent demand). And for this money the goods and services will be made, both people will buy this goods and services, having exchanged the money for this goods and services.

And those who has made this goods and services also will have serious sums of solvent money on which the goods and services will be bought and so indefinitely. That is, these of five hundred billions dollars will join economy of Russia and will work on an increase of well-being of people of Russia, instead of the USA.

The USA and are very rich country, and it is not clear why governors of Russia have solved, that people of Russia should work on people of the USA.

Now it must be said, what to transformed these international reserves from foreign currencies (and partially gold) in roubles is necessary as soon as possible. It is impossible to lose literally hour. Why?

Already for a long time and already all (even chairman of FRS Ben Shalom Bernanke and the managing director of IMF Dominik Stross-Kan (Dominique Strauss-Kahn)) speak about fast crash of the American dollar. That the Americans have taken on all planet huge debts, and they will give them the printed pieces of paper which will cost no more than there is a paper for recycling.

The President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev(!) and party “ Uniform Russia(!) spoke about it in 2008.

Really, dollar pyramid of Rothschild’s just about will fall. Once suddenly everyone will understand, that the dollar will fall only, consequently, it will start to sell, and nobody will already buy. Its cost will come close to zero.

In my opinion, the death of US dollar will occur no more than for three day. I shall repeat, the death of dollar can occur at any moment, though tomorrow, though today.

As to euro and pound many people know that all Europe the same bankrupt, as well as the USA. Consequently, the euro and pound will repeat destiny of dollar.

If the Government of Russia will miss an instant and will allow to turn to all this currency on 500 billion dollars to the ZERO this Government waits not simply revolution. But that this Government waits, we shall talk later, and now I wish to tell also about gold as currency reserve.

It is time to refuse already idea of "the gold standard”, and to sell (even partially) gold reserves as I am absolutely assured, that very soon price of gold will fail, and, thus, benefits will be missed. Now it is necessary to take advantage of an instant of the high prices for gold. To us it is necessary not Rothschild’s “the gold standard”, but “green backs”.

Gold – simply metal, not money. But it is subject matter of special and very long conversation.

Can object me, that supposedly the international reserves are necessary for the Central bank for reflection of attacks of currency speculators. Let's look, that occurs, when currency speculators attack rouble.

Currency speculators, having saved up for long timeframe great volumes of roubles (they buyers roubles small parties), suddenly very quickly start to sell roubles and to buy dollars (or, for example, euro). That is, in the market the huge quantity of roubles, but not dollars lump sum is on sale. Consequently, the price of rouble in relation to dollar sharply falls.

Everyone rush to sell roubles and to buy dollars or to get rid of roubles in shops so, the prices in shops is grow. (but now, owing to my offer №2, it will not occur). By the way, the rise in prices in shops even more lowers a rouble exchange rate. What occurs further? So, roubles are on sale cheaply.

Speculators now cheaply buy roubles and expensive sell dollars. Their objective is reached!

And that would be, if nobody worried for cost of rouble from for actions of currency speculators. Let's consider this new situation. So, currency speculators again sell huge quantity of roubles. Well and let to itself sell.

If all participants of the market are assured of the Russian economy, and everyone understand, that it only speculative attack nobody will not sell roubles, and can, even also will buy roubles. Consequently, currency speculators of the objective will not reach, so also speculative attacks any more will not be.

There will be no panic and destabilizations of a financial system of the country. Consequently, the gold and exchange currency reserve against currency speculators simply is not necessary.

The currency reflects a condition of economy. There is no good currency at bad economy.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 103 | Нарушение авторских прав

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I am ready to pass (if necessary), checks on any lie detectors.| If the condition of economy reliable, means, and the exchange rate will be stable, and any speculators here change can nothing.

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