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The economic offer #1 (E.O.1).

Читайте также:
  1. Kaz-Munay Gaz’s Initial Public Offering
  2. My Future Speciality – Economical Cybernetics
  3. Offer distribute
  4. Text 1 (E) Economic Strategies
  5. Text 2 (A) Economic Systems
  6. The economic offer #2 (E.O.2).


The Way on reduction of the state economic prosperity; on transformation of poor layers of the population into very well-off layers of the population; by an establishment of a minimum level of the salary in the state not through nominal sizes, but through an establishment of mandatory percentage sizes of distribution of incomes in the commercial companies and the legal ways of conducting commercial activity equal to them (type: “individual businessmen”, etc.); between the owner (owners) of the commercial company and its (their) hired workers (worker), from proceeds (or actual profit) the commercial company ”.


I shall emphasize: the essence of a way consists that the mandatory norm of the minimal salary in percentage size (from proceeds or actual profit), instead of in nominal monetary size is established.

Will tell supposedly guaranteed percent it is paid in network commerce. I shall answer.

It is a way of a payment, and very much, by the way, infrequently meeting in an economic practice. The Wage level in this case is defined proceeding from quantity of the sold goods.

My offer establishes a minimum level (size) of a payment in the new way and has general in the state (for the commercial companies) character.


So, an essence of the offer!

As is known, by manufacture of any goods, (or services which also essentially is maybe named by the goods), the price for the goods is defined proceeding from that, the price should pay back a net cost of manufacture and allows to receive profit.


The net cost develops of following components (further I use own classification and terminology of components of a net cost; I do it for convenience of understanding).

"TECHNOLOGICALLY-FINANCIAL" – (I shall emphasize, salaries for any categories of workers are not included into this component of a net cost), i.e. all expenses spent on: purchase of raw material, materials, purchased products and services (for example: marketing, economic consultations, etc.), fuel, energy, transport services, illumination, heating, etc., etc., as well as payments under credits (amortization).

"TAX" - all payments on taxes, duties and т. Item.


"SALARY" – salaries and charges to all categories of hired workers.


For convenience of understanding I shall use tables and certain conditional digital sizes of cost of the goods. So, suppose, that the technologically-financial net cost (TFNC) any goods is equal to 70 dollars ($). A tax net cost (TNC) =$10. Salary net cost (SNC) =$2. Thus, the full net cost is equal $70 +$10 + $2 = $82. The final price =$100. Consequently, the net profit of the owner (PO) of the company is equal $100 - $82 = $18. We shall notice what greater difference in incomes of the owner and hired workers (we shall assume, for convenience of understanding that hired workers two).

The owner has received $18, and hired workers on $1(!!!), (i.e. workers have in aggregate received all only$2 (!!!).

By the way, profitability of the company here = 18 %. So, all workers have received only 2 % of a sum of money received for the sold goods. The owner has received 18 %. (The table 1).



Terms TFNC TNC SNC PO proceeds
$         = 100
%         = 100
%     = 100
Terms TTNC GPAMC proceeds


The table 1.


If to look at the diagram under a little bit other angles it is possible to unite TFNC and TNC in a category: a technologically-tax net cost (TTNC). It will make 80 % from cost of the goods (and in face value = $80).


And the salary of hired workers and profit of the owner of the company can be united in a single entity under the conditional name: the general profit of all members of the company (GPAMC).

Here again the essence of my offer begins.


To increase economic well-being of hired workers (such hundred millions on a planet), it is possible to make the following essentially.

GPAMC to divide on two parts (in my example it is the sum in $20, that makes 20 % from a cost price of the goods, i.e. proceeds for the goods), for example by a principle of 50 % and 50 % (numbers maybe a miscellaneous: 40 % and 60 %, 30 % and 70 %, 70 % and 30 %, etc.) from sum GPAMC take 50 % to themselves the capitalist-owner of the company, 50 % are taken to themselves by hired workers and (I pay special attention!) divide among themselves exactly fifty-fifty.


Thus, the owner receives $10, (i.e. 10 % from proceeds or 50 % from GPAMC, and hired workers receive (on all) $10. This delivery in mandatory fund of the salary (MFS), further it is divided fifty-fifty into all workers $10: 2 = $5. Each worker receives $5 (i.e. 5 % from proceeds for the goods, or 25 % from GPAMC).


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 80 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Так что может и не стоило мне ради них стараться и рисковать своей жизнью?! Посмотрим! | Конкретные числовые значения будут устанавливаться государственной властью в каждом конкретном государстве. | Фиктивные работники». | Да капиталисты просто удавятся из-за цента, (А, ТОЧНЕЕ, УДАВЯТ ДРУГИХ, ПРИЧЁМ МНОГИХ). | The foreword | I am ready to pass (if necessary), checks on any lie detectors. | And what result? It absolutely not! | If the condition of economy reliable, means, and the exchange rate will be stable, and any speculators here change can nothing. | And maybe, Nabiulina only executes your will and you wished to achieve its successes??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | And now I wish to address to the secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and in its person to all mankind. |
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Separately I wish to address to His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV.| Specific numerical values will be established by the government in each specific state.

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