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Everyone has the right to think what he likes and believe what he likes. Everyone also has the right to change his ideas and beliefs.

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Everyone has the right to live in accordance with his beliefs.

Everyone has the right of freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

Everyone has the right to be a member of peaceful organizations or meetings. No one may be forced to be a member of anything.

Everyone has the right to form part of the government of his country, directly or by means of freely elected representatives.

Everyone has a right to assistance from the state for a good life.

Everyone has the right to work and protection against unemployment.

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure.

Everyone has the right to food, accommodation, clothes and medical aid.

Everyone has the right to education.

Everyone has the duty to give other people all freedoms and rights as possible and to observe the laws aimed at this.

No person, group or government may do anything to destroy the rights and freedoms of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy asylum in other countries, and be protected against persecution.

Пища - Meals

Wine: strong wine - крепленное

Table - столовое

Sweet - сладкое

White - белое

Red - красное

Dessert - десерт

Sherry - херес

Portwine - портвейн

A bottle of wine - бутылка вина

A carafe of Chablis - графин Шабли

A wine list - карта вин

Champagne - шампанское

Dry - сухое

Semi-dry - полусухое

Sweet - сладкое

Semi-sweet - полусладкое

Rum - ром

cognac [kounjak] - коньяк

Beer - пиво

meat [mi:t] - мясо

veal |vi:l| - телятина

Pork - свинина

Beef - говядина

Mutton - баранина poultry - птица

game [geimj - дичь

Steak, beefsteak - бифштекс

Rare - кровавый, недожаренный

Medium - средний

Well-done - хорошо прожарен

Sausage - сосиска

Chop - отбивная

Mutton сhoр - баранья отбивная

Veal chop - телячья отбивная

Appetizer - закуска

Oister - устрица

Salmon - ceмга

Cod - треска

Smoked herring - копченая селедка

Ham - ветчина

Caviar - икра

Pressed caviar - паюсная

Soft - зернистая

Red - красная

Crab - краб

Dish - блюдо

Cold dish - холодное блюдо

Hot dish - горячее блюдо

Egg - яйцо

Boiled egg - варенное

Soft egg - всмятку

fried egg [fraid] - жареное (яичница)

dressing [dresir|] - приправа

Salt - соль

Pepper - перец

Mustard - горчица

Vinegar - уксус

bread [bred] - хлеб

brown [braun] - черный

rye [rai] - серый

white [wait] - белый

a piece of bread [pi:s] - кусочек хлеба

toast [toust] - жаренный хлеб

a roll [roul] - булочка

biscuit [biskit] - печенье

Chicken and rice - цыпленок с рисом

Steak and chips - мясо с чипсами

Mutton chops and vegetables - бараньи отбивные с гарниром (овощами)

juice [dzu:s] - сок

Refreshments - прохладительные напитки

Beverage - прохладительные напитки

Strong drinks - алкогольные (крепкие) напитки

Soft drinks - безалкогольные напитки

Ice-cream - мороженое

Onion - лук

Cucumber - огурец

Tomato - томат, помидор

Carrot - морковь

Cabbage - капуста

Cauliflower - цветная капуста

fruit |fru:t] - фрукты

Apple - яблоко

Pear - горох

Plum - слива

Orange - апельсин

Grapes - виноград

lemon [lemоn] - лимон

Cherry - вишня

Sweet-cherry - черешня

Strawberry - клубника

Coffee - кофе

Tea - чай

To have (to take) coffee (tea) - пить кофе (чай)

To make coffee (tea) - готовить, варить кофе

Strong coffee - крепкий кофе

weak [wi:k| coffee - слабый кофе

Black coffee - черный кофе

white coffee = coffee with milk - кофе с молоком

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 136 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Я еле на ногах стою от усталости - I feel all roached| Повторите, пожалуйста, еще раз - Will you repeat it, please

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