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A) The advertisement in A-column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in B-coIumn.

Читайте также:
  1. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  2. A). Look at the calendar which shows his arrangements for the next few months and then make up sentences, as in the example.
  3. A. Starting Off on the Right Foot
  4. Accidents. She was a trained dispenser, but she mixed herself the wrong eye-
  5. All rights reserved.
  6. An Advertisement

(b) What is the target audience in each column? What information is more relevant for foreign tourists? What sounds more attractive for Russian tourists? Mind the difference, try to explain it.

Explore Tatarstan! 1. You are sure to keep in mind the white stone Kremlin, the golden domes of the monasteries and churches, the decoration of the mosques' minarets. 2. Once having visited it you are sure to come back here again. 3. Walking along the silent streets of country towns you will enjoy looking at majestic scenery. It impressed outstanding Russian and Tartar painters, writers, poets, singers. 4. The hospitable land of Tatarstan welcomes you to show its best places of interest and history. 5. You will bring home unforgettable impressions of your visiting our beautiful TATARSTAN! 6. You will learn the 1000 years' history of Kazan and plunge into medieval towns of the ancient state of Volga Bulgaria.   ОТКРОЙТЕ ДЛЯ СЕБЯ ТАТАРСТАН! 1. Гостеприимная земля Татарстана так интересна и своеобразна, что, посетив ее однажды, вы захотите сюда вернуться вновь и вновь. 2. Вы познакомитесь с интереснейшей историей тысячелетней Казани, окунетесь в волшебную атмосферу средневековых городов Волжской Булгарии, прогуляетесь по тихим улочкам уездных городов, увидите живописные уголки природы, восхищавшие И. Шишкина, Г. Тукая, М. Горького, Ф. Шаляпина. 3. Надолго в памяти останутся белокаменные стены древнего Кремля, золотые купола православных монастырей, изящные минареты мечетей, старинные легенды и предания, которыми помнится этот необыкновенный край, и имя ему - ТАТАРСТАН!  

4. Match the equivalents. What is similar and what is different in these two columns? In what way can you explain this difference in terms of target audience?

1. This untouched river is surrounded by volcanoes, snowcapped mountains.

2. It will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

3. We invite you to Kamchatka for the best rainbow trout fishing.

4. We'll show you true wilderness fishing for large trout on the remote Zhupanova River, Kamchatska.

5. You and your friends will enjoy the trip of a lifetime.

6. Anglers have two great options: You can participate either in a float trip, or stay at the well-known Cedar Lodge.

7. Outdoor Adventure Company LTD has been in that business since 1992.

8. Helicopter transportation according to the program of the tour.

9. We offer you tours in the area of Zhupanova River, Kamchatska.

a. Рыбалка на Камчатке на реке Жупанова.

b. Вашими конкурентами по рыбалке на этой реке могут быть только медведи!

c. Такие рыбы, как: микижа (радужная форель), чавыча, кунджа, горбуша, нерка, кижуч, голец, кета обитают в реке.

d. Организация туров по спортивной рыбалке на реке Жупанова. Фирма занимается туристическим бизнесом

с 1992 г.

e. В целях сохранения рыбного населения мы предлагаем Вам рыбалку по принципу «поймал — отпустил».

f. Приглашаем вас на лучшую в мире рыбалку на лососей.

g. Река Жупанова — дикая таежная река, протяженностью 160 км.

h. На реке нет ни одного населенного пункта.

Then, share this information with the sales representatives from the stations you're considering. They'll tell you what percentage of their stations' listeners match these demographics and at what times of the day or during which programming you'll reach your best prospects.

There also may be qualitative characteristics of your ideal prospects you should consider when making your radio buy. A restaurant owner, for example, would look for a radio station whose listeners dine out frequently. The radio station sales reps have access to both qualitative and quantitative information concerning their listeners and should be able to give you proposals that include schedules with ratings breakdowns. They should also provide signal coverage maps that show precisely where their stations are heard.

3. (a) The advertisement in A -column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in В-column.

(b) What is the target audience in each column? What information is more relevant for foreign tourists? What sounds more attractive for Russian tourists? Mind the difference, try to explain it.

Explore Tatarstan! 1. You are sure to keep in mind the white stone Kremlin, the golden domes of the monasteries and churches, the decoration of the mosques' minarets. 2. Once having visited it you are sure to come back here again. 3. Walking along the silent streets of country towns you will enjoy looking at majestic scenery. It impressed outstanding Russian and Tartar painters, writers, poets, singers. 4. The hospitable land of Tatarstan welcomes you to show its best places of interest and history. 5. You will bring home unforgettable impressions of your visiting our beautiful TATARSTAN! 6. You will learn the 1000 years' history of Kazan and plunge into medieval towns of the ancient state of Volga Bulgaria.   ОТКРОЙТЕ ДЛЯ СЕБЯ ТАТАРСТАН! 1. Гостеприимная земля Татарстана так интересна и своеобразна, что, посетив ее однажды, вы захотите сюда вернуться вновь и вновь. 2. Вы познакомитесь с интереснейшей историей тысячелетней Казани, окунетесь в волшебную атмосферу средневековых городов Волжской Булгарии, прогуляетесь по тихим улочкам уездных городов, увидите живописные уголки природы, восхищавшие И. Шишкина, Г. Тукая, М. Горького, Ф. Шаляпина. 4. Надолго в памяти останутся белокаменные стены древнего Кремля, золотые купола православных монастырей, изящные минареты мечетей, старинные легенды и предания, которыми помнится этот необыкновенный край, и имя ему - ТАТАРСТАН!

4. Match the equivalents. What is similar and what is different in these two columns? In what way can you explain this difference in terms of target audience?

1. This untouched river is surrounded by volcanoes, snowcapped mountains.

2. It will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

3. We invite you to Kamchatka for the best rainbow trout fishing.

4. We'll show you true wilderness fishing for large trout on the remote Zhupanova River, Kamchatska.

5. You and your friends will enjoy the trip of a lifetime.

6. Anglers have two great options: You can participate either in a float trip, or stay at the well-known Cedar Lodge.

7. Outdoor Adventure Company LTD has been in that business since 1992.

8. Helicopter transportation according to the program of the tour.

9. We offer you tours in the area of Zhupanova River, Kamchatska.

a. Рыбалка на Камчатке на реке Жупанова.

b. Вашими конкурентами по рыбалке на этой реке могут быть только медведи!

c. Такие рыбы, как: микижа (радужная форель), чавыча, кунджа, горбуша, нерка, кижуч, голец, кета обитают в реке.

d. Организация туров по спортивной рыбалке на реке Жупанова. Фирма занимается туристическим бизнесом

с 1992 г.

e. В целях сохранения рыбного населения мы предлагаем Вам рыбалку по принципу «поймал — отпустил».

f. Приглашаем вас на лучшую в мире рыбалку на лососей.

g. Река Жупанова — дикая таежная река, протяженностью 160 км.

h. На реке нет ни одного населенного пункта.

10. The Zhupanova River is one of the most scenic rivers in Kamchatka, located on the peninsula's eastern coast.

11. FISH SPECIES: Rainbow Trout, Kundzha, Arctic Char, Salmon, dolly varden. "Catch-and-release" fishing only.

12. You will be provided with qualified personnel: fishing guides, interpreter, cook.

13. Address...

i. На реке имеются оборудованные комфортабельные турбазы и лагеря, где Вы разместитесь в уютных 2-3-х местных номерах, после удачной рыбалки вечером Вы примите горячий душ и хорошо отдохнете в биллиардной зале или в термальном источнике.

j. Вас будут обслуживать и охранять от медведей опытные проводники на моторных лодках и резиновых плотах.

к. Доставка на реку вертолетами Ми-2, Ми-8, время в пути 35—40 минут.

1. Адрес...

5. Analyze the following advertisement. Say what kind of tourism is offered here, what target audience is implied. What is your idea about the number of tourists that answered this ad?

Create your own advertisement on the basis of the given one. Appeal to parents and children, to senior citizens, to young people. Keep in mind that your advertisements should vary according to the target audience.

GALAPAGOS A Visit to Ecuador and the Islands of the Galapagos Aboard the First Class Expedition Ship Polaris
The islands of the Galapagos are special in so many ways — a veritable Eden. Largely unspoilt by development, a place where fascinating wildlife is both abundant and fearless of man. Here you can swim with Galapagos penguin; the most northern penguin in the world, walk amongst the giant tortoises, watch the basking marine iguanas and be fascinated by the rare and exotic bird-life which includes 26 endemic species. The ideal way to explore the Galapagos is by sea and our seven night exploration cruise aboard the Polaris offers a comprehensive itinerary and a wonderfully comforta ble air-conditioned base. The small complement of like-minded travelers encourages a spirit of camaraderie and a sense of shared adventure. The local onboard naturalists contribute enormously to your understanding of this world in microcosm.  


Accommodating just 80 passengers, the Polaris is large enough to operate in remote environments in comfort, yet small enough to enter ports and narrow inlets inaccessible to larger ships.We can land on remote and out of the way beaches with ease and in addition Polaris has her own glass-bottomed boat, making the undersea world accessible to all.

On board there is a wide choice of inviting public areas including the Observation Lounge, where most evenings passengers gather for a briefing or recap on the day with the expedition team and guest naturalists. In addition there is a well stocked library and spacious and comfortable deck areas. The Lookout Point is always popular, offering bird's eye views and nearby the Bridge is open to all as the vessel operates an 'open bridge' policy. Polaris has a fine reputation as a top expedition ship and nowhere is this more true than in the attractive dining room. Food is prepared for a maximum of eighty passengers. Meals are delicious, they are served in an unrushed single sitting.

All cabins have outside views, are well planned and offer all you could require for the cruise. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal. There is no need to bring dressy clothing, even for dinner.



Day 1. London Heathrow to Guayaquil with American

Airlines via Miami. Ar rive in the evening and drive to the Hotel Colon for a two night stay.

Day 2. Guayaquil. At leisure.

Day 3. Guayaquil to Baltra. Fly to the island of Baltra. Trans fer to the Polaris and embark. Sail in the evening.

Days 4-9. Exploring the Galapagos. Our ship's expedition leader and guest naturalists lead us on a voyage of discovery we travel among the islands. There will be ample time for walking, swimming, photography or observing the wildlife. Likely encounters and experiences include basking sea lions, red-footed boobies.

A morning is spent watching the brilliantly colored fish aboard a glass bottom boat.

As we navigate the waters, our guides point out the natural treasures and history which make the Galapagos like no other place on Earth.

Hood Island — Land on the lovely white sand beach of Gardner Bay where nocturnal green turtles bury their eggs. A short walk to the other side of the island brings us to sea lions, marine iguanas and blue-footed and masked boobies. Look out for the rare waved albatross and Hood mockingbird.

Floreana Island — See the flamingos feeding on the lagoon and colonies of sea lions. Excellent snorkelling here.

Santa Fe Island — Take a swim with the sea lions, or walk in the giant cactus forest looking for Galapagos land iguana.

Tower Island — A favourite of birdwatchers with tens of thousands of nesting seabirds.

Isabella Island — Home of the Galapagos penguin, northernmost of the world's penguins.

James Island — See enchanting fur seals, look out for the brilliant red Sally Lightfoot crabs. The clear turquoise waters here are rich with sea life and sea lions.

At Conway Bay see a small colony of land iguanas, Darwin's finches, brown pelicans and blue-footed boobies.

Day 10.Baltra to Guayaquil, Disembark after breakfast and fly to Guayaquil for an overnight stay at the Hotel Colon.

Day 11.Guayaquil to London. Fly via Miami with American Airlines.

Day 12. London Heathrow. Morning arrival.


17 May; 14 June; 9, 23 August; 4, 18 October; 1, 15 November; 17, 31 January; 21 February; 7 March; 18 April.

Prices per person from £ 2945 (twin cabin).

Sole occupancy of a double cabin from £ 3715.

Price includes: Economy class air travel London/ Guayaquil/London, charter flights to and from Baltra, 3 nights hotel accommodation on breakfast only basis, 7 nights aboard the Polaris on full board, shore excursions, Galapagos National Park entry fees, port charges, service taxes, transfers, expedition leader, naturalist guides, airport taxes, UK departure tax.

Not included: Travel insurance, meals other than those stated, gratuities.

FOR FURTHER DETAILS Telephone 02934 0876


Some analysts say that advertising is generally aimed at you people, but according to the recent research they not only pay 7 billions a year but influence their parents' choice as well. What you think about the problem?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 182 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: PRE-READING TASKS 1. | Psychology of advertising | Mark the following statements true or false. | Learn the following words, | Match English and Russian equivalents. | Use what you know. | Retell the text using as many words and word combinations of the unit as possible. | Creating Print Ads | Translate the advertisements into Russian. Preserve the composition of the advertisement. | LAPLAND CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE |
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PRE-READING TASKS| Read the article to create your own advertisements on its basis.

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