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V. Choose the proper translation.

Читайте также:
  1. A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.
  2. A) Study this list of proper adjectives.
  3. According to IAS 16, for accounting of PPE items an entity may choose between
  4. Architectural Properties
  5. Arrange the following headlines in the proper order
  6. B) Choose any picture you like and prepare the description of this picture for your group-mates to guess.
  7. B. Choose from the words in the box and write the numbers in the correct place. The first has been done for you.

8. Сейчас налоги постепенно снижаются?

(А) Are taxes gradually reduce nowadays?

(B) Are taxes gradually reducing nowadays?

(C) Do taxes аге reduce gradually nowadays?

(D) Taxes gradually nowadays reduce?

9. Он звонил тебе сегодня утром или вчера вечером?

(А)Has he called you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?

(В)Was he call you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
(C)Did he call you today's morning or yesterday in the evening?
(D) Had he called yon today'» morning or yesterday in the evening?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined words.

10. The customers usually send their complaints on broken goods to the

Company's Complaints Department.

(А)Do customers usually send their complaints on broken goods?

(В)What do customers usually send to the Company's Complaints Department?

(C) Why do customers usually send their complaints to the Сompanу?

(D) Where do customers usually send their complaints or broken goods to?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. He has never been elected Vice-President, ….?

(A) hasn't he?; (B) has hе?; (С) was he?; (D) didn’t he?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12.I shall not (смогу) to go to the library tomorrow.

(A.) can; (В) unable to; (C) have to; (D) be able



I. Choose the correct sentence

1.(A) Some of the old members were persuaded to work over the new club rules.

(B) Some of the old members to work were persuaded over the new club rules.

(C) Over the new club rules were persuaded some of the old members to work.

(D) Some were persuaded of the old members to work over the new club rules. II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2.There is …. ink in my pen.

(A) many; (B) any; (C) some; (D) every

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3.The opera theatre is one of …. buildings in the city.

(A) the beautiful; (B) the most beautiful (C) the beautifulest; (D) the more beautiful

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4. John ….. bis broken car.

(A) was already fixed; (B) had already fixed; (C ) has already fixed (D) already fixed.

5. We …. a delivery at the end of tee week. If you like, I'll put out s pair of jeans for you when they come in.

(A) are expecting; (B) have expected; (C) is expecting; (D) expected

6. Every month I…. the art supplies in this stationery store.

(A) have ordered; (B) ordered; (C) had ordered; (D) order

7. The students….for the professor since early morning, and he hasn’tcome yet.

(A) were waiting; (B) have been waiting; (C) waited; (D) wail

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Были вы готовы самостоятельно управлять предприятием?

Was yon ready to manage the whole enterprise alone?

To manage the whole enterprise you were ready alone?

Were you ready to manage the whole enterprise alone?

Were you to manage the whole enterprise ready alone?

9. Вы предпочитаете ездить поездом или летать самолетом?

(A)Have you preferred to travel by train or to fly by plane?

(B)Have you prefer to travel by plane or to fly by plane?

(C)Are you prefer to travel by train or to fly by plane?

(D)Do you prefer to travel by plane or to fly by plane?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. The administration of the University encouraged the students participation in this conference by providing them with travel expenses and lodging.

(A)Why did the administration engourage the students to participate in the conference?

(B)When did the administration encourage the students to participate in the conference?

(C) Who encouraged the students lo participate in the conference?

(D) How did the administration encourage the students to participate in the conference?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

You have already talked to your bass,….?

(A) didn't you?; (B) wasn't you?; (C) haven't you?; (D) nave you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. He (пришлось) read a lot of textbooks to get ready for the examination.

(A) was able lo; (B) had to; (C) was allowed to; (D) is to

№ 3

I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) To restore forest the environmentalists hope to its former condition.

(В) To its former condition hope the environmentalists to restore forest.

(C) The environmentalists hope to restore forest to its former condition.

(D) The environmentalists to restore forest hope to its former condition.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. Is there …… clean water in the bottle?

(A) few; (B) any; (C) many; (D) some

Ш. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3.This problem is as ……as the others.

(A) serious; (B) seriousest; (C ) more serious; (D) most serious

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4. Their voyage to the North Pole.... in 1908.

(A) has taken place; (B) was takes place; (C) took place; (D) take place

5. The pitcher broke his leg while he …..

(A) has played baseball; (B) was playing baseball; (C) has been playing baseball; (D) played baseball.

6. We ….. our plans for the future yet.

(A) didn't discuss; (B) weren't discussing; (C) haven't discussed; (D)discussed

7.This producer …… this film-star for many years, and he still does it successfully.

(A) was promoting; (B) has been promoting; (C) promoted; (D) promotes

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Теплоход уже разгрузили?

(A)Has they unloaded the steamer yet?

(B)The steamer have they unloaded yet?

(C)Have the steamer they unloaded yet?

(D)Have they unloaded the steamer yet?

9. Лекция начиняется утром или днем?

(A)Has the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?

(B)Is the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?

(C)Did the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?

(D)Does the lecture begin in the morning or in the afternoon?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. Animal strange behaviour help to predict future earthquakes.

(A)What do animals help to predict?

(B)What helps to predict future earthquakes?

(C)Who helps to predict future earthquakes?

(D) Haw do animals help?

VII. Choose the proper question lag.

11. There is a surprising variety of goods in this store, …..?

(A) is it?; (B) were there?; (C) arethere?; (D) isn't there?.

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. He will (разрешат) to go in for sports again.

(A) be allowed; (B) be able; (C) have; (D) may.

№ 4

I. Choose the correct sentence.

I. (A) In the lecture travelling mentioned the professor to collect rare minerals to Africa.

(B) The professor in the lecture mentioned travelling to collect rare minerals to Africa,

(C) Mentioned in the lecture the professor to collect rare minerals travelling to Africa.

(D) In the lecture the professor mentioned travelling to Africa to collect rare minerals.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. I knew....about this outstanding artist

(A)anything; (B)some; (C) anybody; (D) nothing

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3. Which is ….. mountain in the world?

(A) the high; (B) the more high; (C)the most highest; (D) the highest

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4.They ……this novel for the screen last year.

(A) have adapted; (В) were adapted; (С) adapt; (D) adapted.

5. He has always been very calm. Why ….at his employees now?

(A) does he shout; (B) did he shout; (C) is he shouting; (D) was he shouting.

6. How long ….the car? - Since my childhood.

(A) have you driven; (B) have you been driving; (C) did you drive; (D) do you drive

7. She …..the piano this morning already.

(A) practiced; (B) has practiced; (C) was practiced; (D) was practicing

V. Choose the proper translation,

8. Вы учились программированию на компьютере еще в колледже?

(A) Have you practiced the computer programming being in college?

(B) Do you practice the computer programming being in college?

(C) Did you practice the computer programming being in college?

(D) Are you practicing the computer programming being in college?

9. Вы ездили в Манчестер этим летом или прошлой осенью?

(A) Were you going to Manchester this summer or last autumn?

(B) Did you go to Manchester ibis summer or last autumn?

(C) Went you to Manchester this summer or last autumn?

(D) Have you gone to Manchester this summer or last autumn?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. The street vendors offer the New-Yorkers various junk food.

(A) Who offers the New-Yorkers different junk food?

(B) What do the New-Yorkers get from the street-vendors?

(C) What kind of food do street vendors offer the New-Yorkers?

(D)Who do thestreet vendors offer junk food to?

VII Choose the proper question tag.

II. You aге going to move to a new neighbourhood, …..?

(A) don't you? (B) are you? (C) aren't you? (D)do you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12 You (должны были) finish this work two weeks ago.

(A) had to; (B) had to be; (C)must be; (D) was to


I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) From the bent suffering passengers closed the windows to make the air- conditioning work effectively.

(B) Passengers suffering from the beat closed the windows to make the air-conditioning work effectively.

(C) Passengers dosed the windows suffering from the heat to make the air-conditioning work effectively.

(D) Suffering from the heat passengers to make the air-conditioning work effectively closed the windows.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. Are there…..students in the reading-room?

(A) any; (B) no; (C) some; (D) nut any;

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3. Robert was of his two brothers.

(A) the more talented; (B) the most talented; (C) the talentest; (D) talented

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4 …….long already? - Yes, for five hours, and I want more.

(A) Did yon skate; (B) Were уоu skating; (C) Hive you been skating; (D) do yon skate

5. I … to my tomorrow English class when my friends came and invited me to the cinema.

(A) prepared; (B) am preparing; (C) have prepared; (D)was preparing

6. They …… this comedy on TV before.

(A) never watch; (B) have never watched; (C) will never watch; (D) watch

7. No doubt our company …… a success at the forthcoming exhibition.

(A) will be; (B) is; (C) has been; (D) had.

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Вы уже проявили эти фотографии?

Did you develop these pictures already?

Were you developing these pictures already?

Have you developed these pictures already?

Had you developed these pictures already?

9. Вам подать соль или перец?

(A) Do I give you salt or pepper?

(B) Did I give you salt or pepper?

(C) Were you given salt or pepper?

(D) Shall I give you salt or pepper?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. Laws that the Parliament has already issued, are not perfect.

(A) Who has issued the laws that are not perfect?

(B) Why are the laws issued by the Parliament not perfect?

(C)What is not perfect?

(D)What kind of taws does the Parliament issue?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. You have never taught students Spanish. ….?

(A) don't you?; (B) have you? (C ) haven't you? (D) do you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. Не (был вынужден) stop in the village for the lodging because of heavy rain.

(A) was to; (B) was able to; (C) had to; (D)might


I Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) We give for villagers unable to read in special symbols instructions.

(B) For villagers we give instructions in special symbols enable to read.

(C) For villagers unable to read we give instructions in special symbols.

(D) We for villagers instructions give in special symbols to read.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

1. Is there ….. bread on the plate?

(A) every; (B) many; (C) no; (D) any.

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3. Bosnian is..... than English.

(A) easiest; (B) more easier; (C)easier; (D) most easy

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4. She…on her way back home from work to buy new magazines in this bookstand.

(A) has always been stopping; (B) has always stopped; (C) always stops; (D) is always stopping.

5. John …his essay since early morning. I don't know when be is going to finish his work.

(A) has written; (B) wrote; (C) I has been writing; (D) iswriting

6. I … the houshold chores when you come home in the afternoon.

(A) was doing; (B) will be doing; (C) has been doing; (D) will do.

7. The train from Glasgo … yet.

(A) arrived; (B) will arrive; (C) didn't arrive; (D) hasn't arrived.

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Ты поступила в университет в прошлом году?

(A) Have you entered the University last year?

(B) Were you entering the University last year?

(C) Had you entered the University last year?

(D) Did you enter the University last year?

9. Он работает менеджером или учится в институте?

(A) Has be worked as a manager or studies at the Institute?

(B) Was he working as a manager or studying at the institute?

(C) Does he work as a manager or studv at the Institute?

(D) Does he work as a manager or does be study al the institute?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. This buzzing sound annoys me so much.

(A) What kind of a sound does annoy you?

(B) How much does this buzzing sound annoy you?

(С)What annoys you so much?

(D) Who is so much annoyed by this buzzing sound?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. You have been studying here since September, …?

(A) have you? (B) don't you? (C) haven't you? (D) weren't you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. He (следует) do this excercise by the end of the class.

(A) must; (B) is to; (C) is able to; (D) may.


I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) In the electromagnetic field behave composite materials differently.

(B) Composite materials behave in the electromagnetic field differently.

(C) Differently behave composite materials in the electromagnetic field.

(D) Behave in the electromagnetic field composite materials differently.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. … of us are fond of lawn tennis.

(A) every; (B) much; (C) any; (D) some.

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3. He is the … singer in the country.

(A) popular; (B) most popular; (C) more popular; (D) popularest

IV. Fill in the empty space with the proper tense form.

4. We.... on this problem during next two hours.

(A) will be working; (B) work; (C) had worked; (D) are working.

5. American spaceship … the distance in Mars in two years.

(A) covered; (B) has been covering; (C) has covered; (D) has been covered.

6. They … the walls in their appartment only two months ago.

(A) painted; (B) have painted; (C) had painted; (D) were painted

7. Hurry up! Our teammates … for us since two o'clock, I'm sure they are


(A) have waited; (B) were waiting; (C) have been waiting; (D) waited

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Ты когда-нибудь читал Шекспира в оригинале?

(A) Did you ever read Shakespeare in original?

(B) Had you ever read Shakespeare in original?

(C) Have you ever read Shakespeare in original?

(D) Were you ever reading Shakespeare in original?

9. Вы сейчас смотрите телевизор или слушаете радио?

(A) Do you watch TV or do you listen to the radio now?

(B) Have you watched TV or listen to the radio now?

(C) Were yon watching TV or listening to the Radio now?

(D) Are you watching TV or are you listening to the radio now?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. Great poets emblazed King Arthur's heroic deeds in their numerous verses.

(A) Who emblazed King Arthur's heroic deeds in their numerous verses?

(B) What did the great poets emblaze in their numerous verses?

(C) Whose heroic deeds did the great poets emblaze in their numerous verses?

(D) What did the great poets emblaze King Arthur's heroic deeds in?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. Your parents do not grow carrots in their vegetable garden, …?

(A) don't they?; (B) have they?; (C) do they?; (D) weren't they?.

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. I don't think I (сумею посетить) Henry at the hospital tomorrow, Гll try to do it on Monday.

(A) will have to visit; (B) will be able to visit; (C) can visit; (D) will be to visit.


I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) The Prime Minister for a tour of the Far East this morning left.

(B) For a tour of the Far East left this morning the Prime Minister.

(C) The Prime Minister left for a tour of the Far East this morning.

(D) This morning for a tour of the Far East left the Prime Minister.

II. Fill in the correct word.

2. Is there... special on the menu in this restaurant?

(A) nothing; (B) something: (C) anything; (D) else.

III. Fill in the appropriate adjective form.

3. This movie … than the one we watched yesterday.

(A) most thrilling; (B) more thrilling; (C) the more thrilling; (D) thrilling. IV. Fill in the proper tense form.

4. The conference on ways of helping unemployed … is Mexico City at the moment.

(A) has taken place; (B) has been taken place; (C) is taking place; (D) is being taken place.

5. Tomorrow be … lunch with the Governor of the Bank of England.

(A) will have had; (B) will have; (C) will have been having; (D) has had.

6. The address-secretary … his latest report from the White House.

(A) already released; (B) has already been releasing; (C) has already released: (D) had already released.

7. He …toy-cars since fats childhood, and he still enjoys this work.

(A) constructed; (B) was constructing; (C) has been constructing; (D) has constructed.

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Вы уже выбрали маршрут путешествия?

Did you already choose the travel route?

Have you already chosen the travel route?

Were you already choosing the travel route?

Have you already been choosing the travel route?

9. Вы написали этот портрет красками или нарисовали его карандашом?

(A) Did you paint this portrait or draw it?

(B) Were you painting this portrait or drawing it?

(C) Have you painted this portrait or have you dram it?

(D) Have you been painting this portrait or have you been drawing it?

VL Choose the proper quest ion to the underlined words.

10. This is a direct result of Arthur's poor academic and attendance records.

(A) What kind of records is this a direct result?

(B) Whose poor academic and attendance records is this a direct result of?

(C) What is this a direct result of?

(D) What kind of result is this?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. You permitted Antony to continue his studies,...?

(A) did you? (B) didn't you? (C) weren't you? (D) haven't you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. You (можете) call on her any time only after jour engagement.

(A) are able to; (B) must; (C) have to: (D) may.

№ 9

I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) This exciting will be trip and most interesting from all points of view.

(B) This trip with be most interesting and exciting from all points of view.

(C) This will be from all points of view trip most interesting and exciting.

(D) From all points of view most interesting and exciting will be this trip.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. He hasn't given me... until now.

(A) something; (B) anything; (C) nothing; (D) everything.

III. Fill in the empty space with the appropriate adjective form.

3.Thank you. Doctor. I feel … today.

(A) much best; (B) many better; (C) much better; (D) more better.

IV. Fill in the proper tense form.

4. He … a very accurate and punctual student in the course of this year studies..

(A) proved himself; (B) has proved himself; (C) was proved himself; (D) bad been proving himself

5. Why haven't you done your home assignment? – But I … it right now!

(A) have done; (B)did; (C) am doing; (D) have been doing.

6. The terrible storm … all seacoast villages last Sunday.

(A) has destroyed; (B) had destroyed; (C) was destroyed; (D) destroyed

7. Soldiers trust this commander, He … them properly for many years.

(A) treated; (B) has been treating; (B) was treating; (D) treats

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Когда вы были последний раз за границей?

(A) When have you been abroad last?

(B) When were you abroad last?

(C) When did you be abroad last?

(D) When had you been abroad last?

9. В этот момент он решал задачу или чертил чертеж?

(E) Did he solve a problem or make a draft at the moment?

(F) Had he been solving a problem or making a draft at the moment?

(G) Was he solving a problem or was he making a draft at the moment?

(H) Has he solved aproblem or made a draft at the moment?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. My son disappointed me greatly with his bad behaviour yesterday.

(A) Who disappointed me greatly with his bad behavoiur yesterday?

(B) When did my son disappointed me greatly with his bad behaviour?

(C) How did my son disappoint me?

(D) What did my son do to me?

VII. Choose the proper question tag.

11. You promised to be obedient next time, …?

(A) did you?: (B) didn't you? (C) weren't you? (D) were you?

VIII. Choose the correct modal expression.

12. They (вынуждены) to fulfil the work in time.

(A) are able; (B) are allowed; (C) have; (D) must.


I. Choose the correct sentence.

1. (A) He all of us with his funny jokes amused very much.

(B) Very much amused he all of us with his funny jokes.

(C) He amused all of us very much with his funny jokes.

(D) With his funny jokes amused he all of us very much.

II. Fill in the empty space with the correct word.

2. Have you given... work to them?

(A) some; (B)any; (C) many; (D) every.

III. Fill in the appropriate adjective form.

3. There is... snow in December than in January.

(A) lesser; (B) little; (C) less: (D) more little.

IV. Fill in the empty space with the correct tense form.

4. The Congress of the USA... this amendment to the Constitution yet.

(A) didn't approve of; (B) hadn't approved of; hasn't approved of; (D) wasn't approved of.

5. The President … his choice of the Defence Secretary next week.

(A) will announce; (В) will be announced; (C) will have bees announcing; (D) ensconced.

6. Hush! Don't make such noise! Our baby ….

(A) slept; (B) has been steeping; (C) is sleeping; (D) bus slept.

7. Please don't cancel your arrival home, George. Children … for the meeting with yon for such a long time!

(A) waited; (B) are waiting: (C) have been waiting; (D) have waited.

V. Choose the proper translation.

8. Вы вчера связались с филиалом компании в Ливерпуле?

(A) Have you got in touch with our company's branch in Liverpool yesterday?

(B) Were you getting in touch with our company's branch in Liverpool yesterday?

(C) Did yon get in touch with our company's branch in Liverpool yesterday?

(D) Have you been getting in touch with our company's branch in Liverpool yesterday?

9. Ты читал об этом в газетах или слышал по радио?

(A) Were yea reading about this in papers or hear from radio news?

(B) Did you read about this in papers or did you bear from radio news?

(C) Have you read about this in papers or bear from radio news?

(D) Have you been reading about this in papers or have been hearing from radio news?

VI. Choose the proper question to the underlined word.

10. The earthquake caused crucial damages in the whole area last Tuesday.

What did the earthquake cause in the whole area last Tuesday?

What damages did the earthquake cause is the whole area last Tuesday?

What caused crucial damages in the whole area last Tuesday?

When did the earthquake cause crucial damages in the whole area?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 117 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: АНГЛИЙСКОГО ГЛАГОЛА В ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНОМ ЗАЛОГЕ | II. СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ | III. МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ | IV. ТИПЫ ПРИДАТОЧНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ | Which - подлежащее which - дополнение | V. ТРИ ТИПА УСЛОВНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ | IV. Особые случаи | При принятии решения следует учитывать все возможные факторы. | Он не хотел уходить не повидав Фрэнсиса. | Бонду потребовался бы денежный заем для захвата Лонро. |
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Формы инфинитива| VII. Choose the proper question tag.

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