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Keeping our environment clean

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  7. Clean up your room.

Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite different. People all over the world cannot ignore the problem of the protection of the environment because of modem industry and the need for energy. Newspapers and magazines write a lot about water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. There are some laws and decisions on this important question. There are state organizations and international conventions which pay much attention to this problem.

Many parts of the world are crowded now, much of our waste, especially waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry are very dangerous. Fish dies in the lakes, rivers and seas, forest trees die too.

The problem of radiation has also become a very important problem because it is very dangerous for health of people.

There is a science, named ecology, which study the relation between people and their environment. But each of us also must do everything possible to keep our environment clean for ourselves and for the next generations.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the future generations. The importance of this task is great as scientists who study the relation of man to nature say. These scientists are called "ecologists", from the Greek word "oikos", which means home.

Ecologists are trying to keep the land, air and water clean. Why must we keep our earth clean? We have only a certain amount of fresh water and clean air and we must take care of it. If we don’t stop air and water pollution, trees and flowers won’t grow, fish will die in dirty water. We will have to breathe dirty air.

Of course, people are working to make the earth cleaner, but they must do more. What can people do to make earth cleaner? Factories must stop polluting air, rivers and lakes with waste products and chemicals. They must work on it more. Lakes and rivers must be cleaned and kept clean. Environmental problems concern everyone. We should remember that everyone can do something to solve them. We all want to live in a clean world.



There are several basic ways to get rid of trash. It can be dumped, burned or recycled (reused in a different form). Today as in the past most countries dump or burn most of their trash. But people’s attitudes about trash began to change after World War II. Reconstruction and increase in population meant accumulation of more garbage. As time went on, people became aware that landfills and incinerators posed health hazards. By the 1970s, local governments faced a big problem. They had more garbage, fewer places to put it, and tougher laws telling them how to get rid of it. All of those things made garbage disposal more expensive and encouraged recycling. But that is not the only reason why recycling is so popular. It also makes good business sense; 1) it cuts down on the use of valuable new raw materials; 2) It saves energy; 3) It creates less pollution. To use valuable resources just once and try to dispose of them doesn’t make sense from an efficiency point of view or a pollution point of view.

Even so, recycling has its problems. They result from the fact that recycled trash is a product. Like all products, it is governed by law of supply and demand. Take paper, for instance. By recycling paper, the amount of trash is significantly cut down. In the mid-1980s, many cities and communities recognized that fact and began massive paper-collection efforts. But they arose a problem. No one wanted to buy all that paper. Reprocessing factories could not handle all the paper that people were collecting. The result: a glut in the market for recycled paper. So, many paper companies were reluctant to invest millions in building new paper-recycling plants. They wanted to make sure that someone would buy the paper once they recycled it.

The prospect for paper recycling now looks good. But some other popular materials – such as plastics – have their problems too. Different types of plastics cannot be mixed together. Soda bottles, for example, have a different chemical composition from milk jugs. It means that plastics must be sorted by recycling companies at great cost.

Businesses are finding clever ways to handle hard-to-recycle products. But some recycling problems may never be solved. Recycling produces less pollution than using new raw materials, but recycling does cause pollution too. That is why experts say that recycling will never be a cure-all for getting rid of garbage.

The best way to cut down on garbage is for people to use less. Then there is less to throw away. Another simple thing for people to do is to buy recycled product. This creates a demand for recycled goods that businesses will answer. It is also important to find creative ways to recycle. Rubber and plastic are difficult to recycle because of their chemical properties. But even here, creative recyclers are making progress: discarded plastic is used to make airplane seats, furniture, sweaters and other clothing. Old rubber tires are often used on playgrounds and for reinforcement of road pavement. Rubber is also recycled into products such as soles of running shoes. And the number of recycled products is growing all the time.

landfills - сміттєзвалища

incinerator – сміммєспалювальна піч

glut - перенасичення



1. Brien Greasley, Martin Shevill, Environments and people, Sheffield, Macmillan, 2000.

2. Давидова Н.О. Нікітченко І.В. Англійська мова для природничих наук. - К.: Парламентське видавництво, 2006.

3. Байбакова І.М., Балацька Л.П. Підручник Спілкуємося англійською мовою (Середній рівень). - Львів: Бескід Біт, 2008.

4. Ятель Г.П., Князевський Б.М., Англійська мова (поглиблений курс) для студентів технічних вузів. - М.: Вища школа, 1991.

5. Кутєпова М.М. Англійська мова для хіміків: Підручник. - М.: КДУ, 2006.

6. Синько Л.В., Пахомова Г.В. Американська англійська мова. - К.: Експрес, 1992.

7. Валігура О., Давиденко Л. Англійська мова: Тестові завдання. - Тернопіль: «Підручники і посібники, 2007.

8. Синельникова В. В.Усі англійські теми з паралельним перекладом. - К.: Майстер-клас, 2008.

9. Шпак В.К. Підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування. – К.: Вища школа, 2007.


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Інструктивно-методичні матеріали

до практичного вивчення теми «Pollution» з дисципліни

«Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням» (англійська мова)


Напрям підготовки 6.040106 «Екологія, охорона навколишнього середовища та збалансоване природокористування»


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