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(Landing card)
1. Imaging that you have a one-week holiday. You decided to go to Tenerife Island (Spain). You are leaving today; your flight number is 806. You are going to stay at Grand Tenerife Hotel in Las Americas. In the plane you are given the D/E card (Disembarkation / Embarkation Card) to fill up. Foreign visitors* arriving in European countries are required to fill up a form known as the D/E card. This card looks somewhat like this one on the left.
Try to complete this card. If you have difficulties see p 107.
1) At the immigration counter, the visitor must present the completed D/E card together with his/her travel document to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority officer. D/E card indicates the period that the visitor is allowed to enter and stay in the country.
2) All D/E cards must be completed neatly and in capital letters.
3) You should complete only the first and the last part of the card if you travel by plane, train or ship. The second is for people who travel by car.
4) The first part contains personal information, the date of your arrival, flight number and the place (hotel, city) you will stay.
5) The last part contains information about your departure.
6) Keep this card in your possession. It must be surrendered on your departure.
2. Imagine that you are tourists traveling not in a group but as individuals, who arrived in Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia. You are now at a police station. You should register
as foreign visitors and fill
up the form on the left.
No one at the police
station can understand
Russian or English, but the
police officials understand
why you’ve come and
they’ve given you this
registration form to
1) Every blank on
the form must be filled in.
2) No question can be
ignored and left
3)When answering questions
2 and 14, the Muslim calendar
must be used. It is now
the year 1427
4) check your form
on p.105.
3. Answer the questions:
1) How did you feel
during the exercise?
2) Did the information
about Muslim calendar
cause you any
3)Was any information
in the form confusing?
If so, what?
4) Do the questions
make sense? Why do you
think they are asked?
5) If you wanted to obtain
information about a
visitor to your country,
what questions would
you ask?
1. Organize a tour of a city.
Work with your partner. Imagine that you are guides and you are going to make a tour of London, Washington, Chicago (33), Moscow (34) or another city (choose one you like) with a group of tourists.
Stage 1
1) Decide what kind of excursion it will be (walking, bus or boat tour).
2) Search the internet and find information about sights of the chosen town.
3) Choose 5 or 6 places you like. Remember that if it is a working tour the places you are going to visit should not be too far from each other.
4) Collect pictures and information about the places you’ve chosen.
Stage 2
1) Organize the information you’ve found with the help of Microsoft Office Power Point. Use pictures to make it interesting and more real.
2) Write some questions about the sights you are going to tell about and use them as a feedback at the end of your excursion.
Stage 3
1) Present your excursion to the group.
2) Ask the students questions you’ve prepared. Help them if they failed to answer.
Stage 4
1) Listen to the other students in your group and answer their questions after virtual excursions.
2) Share your opinion about the work of the other students in your group. Whose excursion was the most impressive, interesting or informative? Give your reasons.
3) Vote for the best excursion.
1. Say what you will do:
1) When I graduate from the university I l……………………………………….
2) When I have my house I ……………………………………………………….
3) If I learn English I ……………… …………………………………………….
4) When I am 80 I ………………………………………………………………..
5) When I marry I ………………………………………………………………..
6) Next year I ……………………………………………………………………
2. What do you say in the following situations?
1) You are going to London for a week. Your mum is worried about you. You say: Don’t worry about me, Mum. I ……….every day.
2) Your sister promised to see you on Friday. It is Friday and you say to your husband: Don’t forget that my sister ………….
3) You want to know about your friend’s weekend plans. You ask:…………..at the weekend?
4) You parents are leaving to Moscow and you have to stay at home all the weekend and look after your little sister. You say to your friend: I…………………………….
5) Your friend will have a party on Friday, but you can’t come, because you have to read for your exam. So you say: I’m sorry I can’t come, because I………………….
6) Your Mum looks tired, you say: Sit down I …………………………some coffee.
3. One of the passengers, as he said was robbed at the airport. Fill in the gaps in his evidence. Where he could be robbed? Do you believe him? Give your reasons. Make up your own ending to the story.
At 15:00 I arrived at their airport, I looked at the …………which showed the ….. number AS 806, ……..times 18:30 and destination. Then I went to …….. to weigh my luggage. It was more than 20 kilos and I had to pay ……Then I went through ………where a custom official check my luggage and customs declaration. It was a business trip and I had 10000$ with me. There was a long queue at ……….and I spend 30 minutes before they could check my passport. After that I went to ……….to wait for my plain. There was a one-hour …… and I decided to buy some souvenirs in the duty free. There were so many departments and really cheap things that I spend two hours there. When I was ready to pay for the present I‘ve chosen for my family I came to a cash desk and open my case. To my horror there was no money at all. So I
4. Brain of Britain Quiz.
Do the test and see how much you know about this country.
1) What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?
a) Ben Nevis; b) McKinley; c) K2.
2. What is the approximate length of the Thames?
a) 209 km; b) 338 km; c)1076 km.
3. Who wrote “Winnie the Pooh” and “The House at Pooh Corner”?
a) W. Shakespeare; b) C. Wren; c) A. Milne
4. In what year did the Great Fire of London take place?
a) 1254; b) 666; c) 1666.
5. When was the first underground railway opened in London?
a)1957; b)1863; c)1334.
6. Where would you find Speakers’ Corner?
a) Hyde Park; b) Greenwich Park; c) Regent’s Park
7. How did King Charles I of England die?
a) He was beheaded; b) he was poisoned; c) he died a natural death.
8. Who was Lord Horatio Nelson?
a) British admiral; b) British writer; c) British king.
9. Where was William Shakespeare born and where did he die?
a) In London; b) in Stratford-upon-Avon; c) in York.
10. Which countries does Great Britain consists of?
a) England and Scotland b) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland c) England and Northern Ireland.
11 What is the oldest university of Great Britain?
a) Cambridge; b) Oxford; c) University of London.
12. What is the oldest building in London?
a) Guildhall b) Westminster Abbey; c) St Paul’s Cathedral.
In this unit you will… o Read about a traditional American wedding o Talk about weddings o Write a wedding invitation o Learn about Modal Verbs |
1. Look at the picture (26).
What can you say about these people? What are they wearing? Are they happy?
What kind of celebration do they have? Use the key words from the box.
People: bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid, guest, photographer, flower girl, minister, toast-master, priest, couple, spouses. Clothes and accessories: wedding dress, veil, tuxedo, morning suit, ribbon, wedding bouquet, ring, garter. Places: chapel, church, registry office, altar. Expressions: get married, wedding ceremony, get engaged, hen party, stag night or bachelor party, pronounce, wedding march, sign the register, throw confetti and rice, wedding reception, cut the wedding cake, make a speech, honeymoon, decorated car, throw bouquet to, huge cars in the wedding procession, organize a luxurious event, obligatory part of the wedding, invite many guests, modest celebration, receive gifts, religious ceremony, secular event, exchange rings, wedding service, wedding night, divorce. |
2. Fill the gaps with the correct word. Use the words from the box.
In Britain people …………… either in church or in a ………….. There are special names of some of the people in the ………………. The woman who is getting married is called the ……………. and the man is called the ………….. The man has a male friend with him called the ……………… and the …………… has some female friends called the ………………… It is traditional for the bride to wear a long white …………. and a white ………….. and to carry flowers in a …………. The groom wears a ……….. or sometimes a …………….
The groom arrives at the church first and waits inside, near the...........…, with the ………………... Just before the …………………… begins, the …………… arrives at the church in a car with her father. The car is usually an expensive car decorated with ……………..
When the bride and groom are together at the altar the …………… or ……………. begins the ……………………. During the service the bride and the groom exchange …………………….. The ………… or ………… asks the bride and groom in turn: “Will you have this man/woman to be your wedded husband/wife?” At the end of the ceremony, the …………. or ……………. says: “I ……………… you man and wife”. The bride and groom then sign the ……………..
Outside the church, the friends of the bride and groom throw …………… or ……… over them. Then everyone usually goes to a hotel for the …………………, which is a special meal. During the meal the bride and groom cut the …………….. and give it to their ……………..
Before the ……………… ends the bride and groom usually drive away to another hotel to spend their ………………. before beginning their ……………….
3. Match the words on the left to the meanings on the right.
· wedding reception a girl helping the bride
· hen party a special jacket for a wedding’s celebration
· garter a holiday for ‘just married’
· toast-master a party given after the wedding ceremony
· stag night (bachelor party) a part at the front of the church
· register a man helping the groom
· honeymoon a party before the wedding for a bride’s friends
· tuxedo a man whose role is to entertain guests
· wedding march a book for the official record of the marriage
· bridesmaid a band worn round the leg
· best man a party before the wedding for a groom’s friends
· altar special music during a wedding ceremony
4. Put these pictures from p 60. in the proper order. Describe a wedding day of these people using the pictures and words from ex3 and 1.
5. Answer these questions. If possible discuss your answers with your group-mates.
1) Do you want to get married? Why? Why not?
2) When do you want to get married – between 18 and 21, between 22 and 25, between 26 and 30 or after 30?
3) What wedding would you like to have?
4) Would you organize a big celebration or would you prefer a modest ceremony?
5) What gifts do you want to receive for the wedding?
6) What dress/suit would you choose?
7) Where would you like to go for your honeymoon?
8) Is it important for you to have a religious ceremony in church or a secular event is enough?
9) In what country would you celebrate your wedding?
10) Should marriages between people of the same sex be legalized?
11) Are marriages for money a frequent thing in our time?
6. Describe the wedding of your parents, friends. If possible show some photographs. Pay attention to the clothes, guests, and wedding ceremony.
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