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Grammar Focus

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter 8: It’s All About Them: How To Become More Effective By Being More Focused On People And Behaviours
  4. Ex. 5 Choose synonyms from the focus vocabulary.
  5. Focus / Фокус
  6. FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the lead-in and the letters.
  7. FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the lead-in and the letters.

Presentation Present Simple/ Present Continuous

1. Solve the riddle below (answer p.120).


Old Horace lives with me.

When he comes home at three,

He knocks at the door,

He rolls on the floor

And comes to sit with me.

He is watching my TV now,

He is sitting on my knee now,

He is napping on my lap

Old Horace is my …….!

by I. Vereshchagina


Look at the riddle. Can you translate the verbs in italics?

2. Complete the table with these words: lives, knock, roll, is, am, are.

Present Simple Present Continuous
Affirmative   Old Horace …. with me.     Affirmative   He/she is watching my TV now. I/am watching … You/we/they are watching…
Question   Does he ….. at the door?   Question   … he/she watching my TV now? … I watching…? … you/we/they watching …?
Negative     He does not …. on the floor.     Negative     He/she … not watching my TV now. I … not watching my TV now. You/we/they …not watchingmy TV now.  

See Grammar Summary p.112

3. Write the –ing form of the verbs. Mind your spelling.


wear – wearing write – writing sit – sitting go – going hold – holding run - running  


1. walk ……. 2. read ……. 3. use ……. 4. buy ……. 5. do …….

6. sing ……. 7. stop ……. 8. listen ……. 9. sell ……. 10. drive ……


4. Look at the people in the pictures (22). What are they wearing? What are they doing?


5. Look at the sentences below. Which of them are true for you now?


1. wearing jeans 11. sitting at the cash-desk

2. wearing trousers 12. standing in the changing-room

3. wearing slippers 13. doing up my buttons

4. wearing a T-shirt 14. trying on a new dress

5. wearing a suit 15. drinking coffee

6. wearing earrings 16. buying tomatoes and cucumbers

7. wearing a coat 17. looking for a newsagent

8. wearing a blouse 18. taking off my coat

9. wearing a skirt 19. choosing carrots at greengrocer’s

10. wearing a jacket 20. doing an exercise


6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Present Simple/Present Continuous) (18).


a) We usually ………………. (go) to Spain on holiday, but this year we ………… (go) to Florida.

b) A Why ………….. you ………….. (buy) so much food?

B Because we …………. (have) a party tonight.

c) My father ………………(live) in a house near the sea because he …………… (like) sailing.

d) …………… you ……………. (watch) the television? Can I turn it off?

e) A How often …………….. you ………….. (go) swimming?

B About once a week.

f) A What newspaper …………. you usually …………. (read)?

B The Times.

g) A The telephone …………………. (ring)!

B OK. Hello? No, Sally is not here at the moment. She ………………. (play) tennis.



Presentation many/much/a little/a few

7. a) Read the following dialogue. What do words in italics mean?

  Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
(a) few    
(a) little    


- How much sugar should I put in the cake?

- Just a little, not too much.

- How many cherries should I put in the cake?

- Just a few, not many.

b) Read the dialogue again and tick the right boxes See Grammar Summary p. 110.

in the table.

8. Who could say these words? A millionaire or a poor person? Why?

1. I have many cars in my garage.

2. I have many problems with banks.

3. When I get a present of money I try to save as much of it as possible.

4. I have a few friends in London, Paris and New York.

5. I have little time to discuss this question. I’ll call you later.

6. I have little money in my wallet.

9. Make up sentences using much, many, (a) few or (a) little and the words bellow.

1) size; 2) furniture; 3) lemon; 4) rice; 5) yoghurt; 6) supermarket; 7) cheese; 8) tomato; 9) sausage; 10) strawberry; 11) flour; 12) lace; 13) umbrella; 14) jeans; 15) tea.


10. Complete the sentences using: many, much, few, little, a few, a little, a lot of.

1) Is there …… furniture in your cottage? 2) I put …… salt in my soup, perhaps, too ……. 3) Has he …… or …… free time? 4) Don’t put …… milk into his coffee. 5) She has …… beautiful dresses. 6) Jane drinks …… coffee and …… tea. 7) How …… money do you need to buy this necklace? 8) Please give me …… water. 9) I need …… tomatoes to prepare this salad. 10) There is …… sugar in the bowl, and we should put …… sugar there. 11) Tom has …… clothes; 12) I never eat …… bread with soup; 13) Please don’t put …… pepper on the meat; 14) He has …… pairs of socks; 15) There is only …… soup in the saucepan.






1. How much money do you spend monthly on cosmetics, clothes, food? Compare your list with others.


Cosmetics Clothes Food


2. Skim through the first paragraph and say what the text is about, then read the text and check your guesses.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 145 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Sounds letters | Christina Aguilera Madonna Cameron Diaz | Grammar Focus | SPORT OR CRAZINESS? | THIS IS LONDON! | Filling up the Disembarkation/Embarkation card | Weddings in Indonesia | Feel free to write your own. | Holidays and festivals in the UK. | Holidays and festivals in the USA. |
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