Exercise 1. Copy out the sentences in which the word combinations are used. Learn these word combinations and give an oral reproduction of the situation in the text in which each word combination is used. Translate the word combinations.
1) stone pillar; 2) to crane one’s neck; 3) to confide in; 4) to gain one’s trust; 5) better sooner than later; 6) to see right through smb; 7) to be on the trail; 8) sorry to disappoint you; 9) a mere memory of smb; 10) merely a lucky chance; 11) at random; 12) to lay motionless; 13) to look perplexed; 14) to entwine with; 15) a searing pain; 16) white-hot pain. | ![]() |
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from English into Russian /Ukrainian.
1. For a second, Harry wondered how the diary had got there – but there were more pressing matters to deal with.
2. A smile curled the corners of Riddle’s mouth.
3. It made the hairs stand up on the back of Harry’s neck.
4. Harry’s fists were clenched, the nails digging deep into his palms.
5. From everything Ginny had told me about you, I knew you would go to any length to solve the mystery – particularly if one of your best friends was attacked.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.
1. Думаю, справжньою причиною було те, що вона розкрила своє серце і вибовкала усі свої таємниці невидимому незнайомцю.
2. Не буду хвалитися, Гаррі, але я завжди вмів причаровувати потрібних мені людей.
3. Я ставав дедалі міцнішим, бо живився її найглибшими страхами і найзаповітнішими таємницями.
4. То був такий гучний регіт, що в темній кімнаті аж задзвеніло, немовби водночас сміялися десять Редлів.
5. Вони почули радісний крик, а за наступним поворотом побачили і самого Рона - він нетерпляче визирав крізь величенький отвір, який ухитрився розчистити в кам’яному завалі.
Exercise 4. Paraphrase the underlined words and expressions using their synonyms from the chapter under discussion.
1. Could the basilisk be hiding in a shadowy corner, behind a pillar?
2. She finally became suspicious and tried to get rid of it.
3. “I bet Dumbledore realized that you were trying to deceive everyone ”, said Harry, his teeth gritted.
4. It was strange and frightening, spine-tingling, unnatural, it lifted the hair on Harry’s scalp and made his heart feel as though it was swelling to twice its normal size.
5. “No one knows why you lost your powers when you attacked me,” said Harry unfriendly.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
1. What was in Hermione’s hand?
2. What creature is the mortal enemy of spiders?
3. How does the basilisk kill people?
4. Why were Hagrid’s roosters killed?
5. Who opened the Chamber of Secrets?
Exercise 6.
Grammar revision
State the forms and the function of Participle I and translate into Russian / Ukrainian.
1) Could the basilisk be lurking in a shadow corner, behind the pillar?
2) Riddle was still watching him, twirling Harry’s wand between his long fingers.
3) He was speaking at random, wanting to scare Riddle, wishing rather than believing it to be true,
4) Something very hard and heavy thudded onto the top of Harry’s head, almost knocking him out.
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