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Exercise 1. Copy out the sentences in which the word combinations are used. Learn these word combinations and give an oral reproduction of the situation in the text in which each word combination is used. Translate the word combinations.
1) to stretch one’s legs;
2) for a short stretch;
3) to try a different task;
4) to pore over;
5) a thorough understanding;
6) to look aghast;
7) tumultuous applause;
8) to be postponed;
9) boos and shouts;
10) orphanage;
11) dark and deserted castle corridors;
12) to go any length;
13) a leash and a collar;
14) knotty question;
15) scrambled eggs;
16) panic-stricken look;
17) to blackmail.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from English into Russian /Ukrainian.
1. In the end, he chose the same new subjects as Ron, feeling that if he was lousy at them, at least he’d have someone friendly to help him.
2. It was only as he threw the last of the Lockhart books back into it that he realized what wasn’t there.
3. He didn’t want to be the one who brought it all up again.
4. Harry’s insides did a horrible somersault.
5. And if the culprit wasn’t caught soon, he was looking at a lifetime back with the Dursleys.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.
1. У березні кілька мандрагор влаштували у третій оранжереї галасливу вечірку.
2. Гаррі уявив, що сказали б дядько Вернон і тітка Петунія, якби він спробував обговорити з ними свою майбутню чаклунську кар’єру.
3. Наступного ранку, коли вони прокинулись, їх привітало яскраве сонячне світло й легенький свіжий вітерець.
4. Гаррі успадкував від свого батька тільки одну річ – довгий і сріблястий плащ – невидимку.
5. Подорож темним і порожнім замком – не найприємніша річ.
Exercise 4. Paraphrase the underlined words and expressions using their synonyms from the chapter under discussion.
1. Again and again Ron and Hermione made him tell what he’d seen, until he was heartily sick of telling them and sick of the long, circular conversation that followed.
2. After a long pause, Hermione voiced the most difficult question of all in a hesitant voice.
3. Oliver Wood, looking very upset, banded and ran toward Professor McGonagall, without getting off his broomstick.
4. All further Quidditch trainings and matches must be delayed.
5. He went to the cabin door, opened it and bowed Dumbledore out.
6. The door flung shut and Ron pulled the Invisibility Cloak off.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
1. What was the colour of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team?
2. What new subjects were the children offered to choose for the third year?
3. Who came to Hagrid’s hut together with Professor Dumbledore?
4. Where was Hagrid taken to?
5. What did Hagrid advise Harry and Ron?
Exercise 6.
Grammar revision. Comment on the meaning of modal words. Translate them into Russian/Ukrainian.
1) Riddle might have got a wrong person.
2) The attacks must have stopped after Hagrid was kicked out.
3) Then we’ll be able to revive those poor people in the hospital wing.
4) I need to address the students in any case.
5) I don’t think he thought the monster would dare attack a prefect.
Exercise 7. Describe the appearance of Cornelius Fudge.
Chapter XV
Exercise 1. Copy out the sentences in which the word combinations are used. Learn these word combinations and give an oral reproduction of the situation in the text in which each word combination is used. Translate the word combinations.
1) mullioned windows; 2) with bare hands; 3) to be short of buoyant; 4) to stiffen one’s resolve; 5) pitch-black; 6) to loose the trail; 7) the steep slope; 8) the very last hope; 9) to go unnoticed; 10) to get loose; 11) the moonlit ground; 12) on all fours; 13) to hit dead-ends; 14) to make no comments; 15) a long face; 16) sycamore; 17) dead end; 18) watchful sentries. | ![]() |
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from English into Russian /Ukrainian.
1. Summer was creeping over the grounds around the castle; sky and lake alike turned periwinkle blue and flowers large as cabbage burst into bloom in the greenhouses.
2. There was barely a face to be seen in the school that didn’t look worried and tense, and any laughter that rang through the corridors sounded shrill and unnatural and was quickly stifled.
3. Every other teacher in the place was looking grimmer than usual, but Lockhart appeared nothing short of buoyant.
4. Then Fang suddenly let loose a great, echoing bark, making both Harry and Ron jump out of their skins.
5. The darkness seemed to be pressing on the eyeballs as they stood, terrified, waiting.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.
1. Рон почав був сперечатися, що він так не вважає, але замовк на півслові, коли Гаррі щосили штурхонув його під партою.
2. Гаррі зупинився, щоб розгледіти, куди вони прямують, але, крім невеличкої освітленої смужки, не було видно нічого.
3. Машина продиралась крізь кущі, а на задньому сидінні не переставав скавчать Іклань.
4. Гаррі побачив, як відлетіло бокове дзеркальце, коли вони мало не в’їхали у величезного дуба.
5. Після десяти хвилин гуркоту і немилосердних підкидань ліс нарешті порідшав, і знову з’явилося небо.
Exercise 4. Paraphrase the underlined words and expressions using their synonyms from the chapter under discussion.
1. One person, however, seemed to be completely enjoying the atmosphere of terror and suspicion.
2. A second later, Harry noticed something.
3. Even as he reached for his wand, Harry knew it was useless, there were too many of them.
4. As the castle became closer, Harry twitched the cloak to make sure their feet were hidden, then pushed the creaking front doors ajar.
5. He was becoming sleepy when what seemed like their very last hope occurred to him, and he suddenly sat bolt upright.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did Harry leave the Invisibility Cloak on Hagrid’s table?
2. Describe Aragog.
3. What story about the Chamber of Secrets did Agarog tell?
4. Who helped Harry and Ron to escape from spiders?
5. Who was killed by the monster fifty years ago?
Exercise 6.
Grammar revision.
Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate the sentences into Russian / Ukrainian.
1) “I expect you’d have Father’s vote, sir, if you wanted to apply for the job”.
2) If they pursued their fixed course, there could be no doubt about where they would end up.
3) The Minister of Magic wouldn’t have taken Hagrid if he hadn’t been one hundred percent sure that he was guilty.
4) “I bet he thought Aragog wouldn’t hurt friends of his,” said Harry.
Chapter XVI
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