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VIII. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Джулия с удовольствием флиртовала с Томом

Читайте также:
  1. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  2. A Russian / Soviet / Ukrainian and a British / UK / Welsh war hero.
  3. A Russian Fairy Tale
  4. A. Read and translate the text.
  5. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  6. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  7. Analyse and translate the following sentences

1. Джулия с удовольствием флиртовала с Томом. Новизна чувства, которое она испытывала, удивляла и радовала её. Двойная жизнь, которую она вела, добавляла остроты ощущений.

Уолтер был очень несчастен. Китти знала, что разбила ему серд­це и надеялась лишь на то, что со временем она сможет искупить свою вину. Неужели её прошлое будет омрачать всю её дальней­шую жизнь?

Однажды во время работы в монастыре Китти неожиданно по­чувствовала слабость и тошноту и упала в обморок. Когда она пришла в себя, то её охватило чувство страха. Она была уверена, что это малярия.

Когда Уолтер объявил ей, что они едут в провинцию, где свиреп­ствует эпидемия малярии, Китти почувствовала себя совершенно несчастной и парализованной страхом. Китти плакала, просила его не поступать с ней так жестоко, но её слёзы лишь действовали Уолтеру на нервы. Он был твёрдо намерен отомстить за измену. 5- Джулия была явно не в духе. «Ты неисправима, Долли, как же ты любишь говорить гадости за спиной у близких друзей», — про­изнесла она с чуть заметной улыбкой и вопросительно посмотрела на Долли. Долли знала, что эта улыбка была плохим предзнамено­ванием: она означала, что Джулия вышла из себя.

Дориан Грей искал в жизни удовольствий и новизны ощущений. Его особенно привлекала непорочная чистота юности.



General discussion


Compare and contrast the characters of Basil and Lord Henry. What is their relationship to one another? To Dorian?

What was Lord Henry's attitude to Dorian Gray? Why did he take such a great interest in the young man?

Does Dorian Gray have any positive qualities? Does his character appeal to you? Would you like to have a chance to remain always young and beautiful?

To what extent is Lord Henry and his theory to blame for Dorian Gray's moral degradation?

Examine the female characters in the novel. How do they illustrate Lord Henry's misogyny1? Do you agree with any of his sayings about women? Support your answer.

Do you think Dorian could remain uncorrupted2 and could be averted from Lord Henry's poisonous influence if Sibyl had not died and Dorian and Sybil had got married?

Trace the changes that occur in the portrait over time. What role did the picture play in Dorian's life?

How do Basil Hallward and Lord Henry's views on art correlate with Aesthetism3?

At the end of the novel, Hallward and Dorian are dead, while Lord Henry is a disappointed and unhappy man. Are they punished (perhaps unconsciously self-punished) for their sins? Point out how each man is or is not justly punished for his sins.

How would the symbolism of the ending have been different had Vane been successful in killing Dorian?

What does The Picture of Dorian Gray seem to indicate about the relationship between morality and aesthetics? Between art and life? Support your answer.

Give a character-sketch of:

Lord Henry (the life he leads, his set of values and views on marriage, family, society, women, education, life, etc.)

Dorian Gray (the development of his character, his relationships with the picture, his attitude to Lord Henry and Basil Hallward, his set of values and views on life, etc.)

Basil Hallward (his way of life, set of values and views on art, his relationships with Dorian Gray and Lord Henry, etc.)


1 misogyny [mɪsɒ̱ʤɪni] mass noun женоненавистничество; women hating = the hatred of women by men

2 uncorrupted [ˌʌnkə'rʌptɪd] adjective неразвращенный, неиспорченный; not corrupted, not contaminated

3aestheticism [iːs'θɛtɪˌsɪzəmˌ ɪs-] (US estheticism) mass noun эстетство; 1) an approach to art exemplified by the Aesthetic Movement; 2) sensitivity to beauty, esp in art, music, literature, etc


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 118 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: III. Look up the pronunciation of the following words and learn their contextual meaning. Use them when discussing the book. | VIII. Translate from Russian into English. | Summary 19-20 | The Tay Son Rebellion | M.D., Professor G.Savitsky | Functional Morphology of Uterus During Labor | Nervous system of human uterus during labor | Vascular system of humane uterus during labor | I. Fundamental mechanical properties of myometrium in the first stage of labor | Uteroplacental Circuit |
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VIII. Translate from Russian into English.| Summary 12-13

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