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International words

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  3. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  4. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  5. A) scan the texts and find the words concerning oil and gas sphere
  6. A- Correct the underlined words
  7. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.

1. Read and give Ukrainian equivalents:

Profession, engineering, civil, civilization, modern standards, canal,

sanitation system, stationary, design, construction, tunnel, transportation,

airport, project, protection, hydraulic, speciality, qualification, coordinate

2. Give English equivalents:

Проектування, професія, стаціонарний, цивільний, інженер, стандарт,

транспортування, санітарна техніка, гідравлика, координувати, проект


Text A.

Read, translate and be ready to do the tasks after the text:

Civil Engineering Profession (1)

Engineering is often defined as the practical application of theoretical sciences, such as physics or chemistry, for the benefit of mankind. Many of the early branches of engineering, however, were based not on science but on empirical information, that is information that depended on observation and experience rather than theoretical knowledge. Many of the structures that have survived from ancient times, such as the aqueducts of Rome, exist because they were built with greater strength than modern standards require. But at least the Roman engineers were sure that their buildings would last for a long time. Probably the oldest text in engineering is the work of a Roman architect and engineer named Vitruvius Pollio, who wrote a book in the first century B.C. about the engineering practices of his day. Many of the problems encountered by Vitruvius Pollio were similar to those that modern engineers still must confront.


The term civil engineering originally came into use to distinguish it from military engineering. Civil engineering dealt with permanent structures for civilian use, whereas military engineering dealt with temporary structures for military one. An example of the latter is the bridge built across the Rhine in 55 B.C. that is described in Julius Caesar’s Commentaries on the Gallic War. A more appropriate definition of civil engineering is that it deals with the design and construction of objects that are intended to be stationary. In practice, this definition includes buildings and houses, dams, tunnels, bridges, canals, sanitation systems, and the stationary parts of transportation systems – highways, airports, port facilities, and roadbeds for railroads.


Civil engineering offers a particular challenge because almost every structure or system that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique. One structure rarely duplicates another exactly. Even when structures seem to be identical, site requirements or other factors generally result in modifications. Large structures like dams, bridges, or tunnels may differ substantially from previous structures. The civil engineer must therefore always be ready and willing to meet new challenges.


Within the field of civil engineering itself, there are subdivisions: structural engineering, which deals with permanent structures; hydraulic engineering, which is concerned with systems involving the flow and control of water or other fluids; and sanitary or environmental engineering, which involves the study of water supply, purification, and sewer systems. Obviously, many of these specialities overlap. A water supply system, for example, may involve dams, and other structures as well as the flow and storage of water.


Many different kinds of engineers often work on large projects, such as space exploration or nuclear-power development. In the space programme, for instance, the launching pads and the rockets assembly and storage building at Cape Canaveral, Florida – the largest such structure in the world – are primarily the work of civil engineers. In a nuclear power plant, civil engineers are responsible for the design and construction of the plant itself, as well as the protective shielding around the nuclear reactor. In both these cases, however, the civil engineers work with specialists in aerospace, nuclear, and electrical engineering. In projects of this kind, the engineer is a member of a team that is often headed by a systems engineer who coordinates the contributions of all members of the team. Because teamwork is necessary in so many engineering projects nowadays, an important qualification for engineers is the ability to work successfully with other people.


The result of the increase in scientific knowledge is that engineering has grown into a profession. A profession is an occupation like law, medicine, or engineering that requires specialized, advanced education; indeed, they are often called the "learned profession". Until the nineteenth century, engineers generally were craftsmen or project organizers who learned their skills through apprenticeship, on-the-job training, or trial and error. Nowadays, many engineers spend years studying at universities for advanced degrees. Yet even those engineers who do not study for advanced degrees must be aware of changes in their field and those related to it. A civil engineer who does not know about new materials that have become available cannot
compete successfully with one who does.


Words and phrases to be remembered:

theoretical knowledge - теоретичне знання

aqueduct – акведук (міст-водовід)

modern standards – сучасні стандарти

require – вимагати

to distinguish … from – розрізняти між чимось

definition – визначення

civilian use – цивільне використання

duplicate – дублювати

to meet challenges – прийняти виклик

subdivision – підрозділ

nuclear power plant – атомна електростанція

to be responsible for smth – бути відповідальним за що-небудь

protective shielding – захисний екран

apprenticeship – навчання ремеслу

trial and error – метод спроб і помилок

study for advanced degrees – отримувати вчені ступені

1. Match English and Ukrainian equivalents:

1. architect 2. occupation 3. nuclear power 4. to protect 5. reactor 6. storing 7. subdivision 8. dam 9. definition 10. scientific a. науковий b. зберігання c. підрозділ d. реактор e. архітектор f. захищати g. професія h. визначення i. ядерна енергія j. дамба, гребля

2. Choose the phrases in the text to complete the following sentences:

a. Engineering is often defined as …

b. Empirical information is the information …

c. Aqueducts of Rome exist because …

d. The Roman engineers were sure that …

e. Almost every structure or … is unique.

f. An important qualification for engineers is …


3. Make up all possible questions:

what when where why if 1. Information that depends on observation and experience rather than theoretical knowledge. 2. Civil engineering dealt with permanent structures for civilian use. 3. Civil engineering deals with the design and construction of objects. 4. Within the field of civil engineering itself, there are subdivisions. 5. Sanitary or environmental engineering involves the study of water supply, purification and sewer systems.



3. Answer the questions to Text A:

1. What information is based on observation and experience?

2. Why did many ancient structures survive till our time?

3. Who wrote the oldest book about engineering practices?

4. What is the most appropriate definition of civil engineering?

5. Why is any structure or system unique?

6. There are subdivisions in the field of civil engineering, aren’t there?

7. What does hydraulic engineering deal with?

8. What is structural engineering?

9. What does sanitary engineering involve?

10. What kinds of engineers work on large projects?

11. Why should engineers be aware of changes in their field and the related fields?

Text B.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 180 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Unit one Civil Engineering| Civil Engineering Profession (2)

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