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History of Ukraine

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General Information

Ukraine is a sovereign self-contained state. The Declaration of Ukrainian independence was proclaimed on August 24, 1991 by the Ukrainian Parliament.

Ukraine has its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power (the Supreme Council and local Councils), government, national emblem (trident), state flag (yellow and blue) and anthem.

Ukraine is one of the largest European countries. Its total area is 603,700 square kilometers. Ukraine borders on the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Our country is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and it has very important ports.

The population of Ukraine is about 46 million people, among them are Ukrainians (73.6%), Russian (21.1%), Jews (1.3%), Byelorussians (0.8%). There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic.

Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine.



sovereign – суверенний

self-contained – незалежний, самостійний

bodies of state power – органи (установи) державної влади

the Supreme Council – Верховна Рада

a national emblem – державний герб

anthem – гімн

to border on - межувати (з - on, upon)

to wash – омивати


Ukraine (learn by heart)

Ukraine is one of the largest European countries. It has the territory of about 604 000 square kilometers. It has the population of more than 46 million people. Ukraine borders on the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The main river of Ukraine is the Dnieper.

Our country has many industrial raw materials. It has rich deposits of iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores, marble and other natural resources. Ukraine has metallurgical and heavy industries.

Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine.


Territory, Flora and Fauna, Raw materials and Agriculture of Ukraine

The territory of our country has an astonishing variety of landscapes. We have high mountains, vast steppes, endless forests, beautiful rivers and lakes. The largest lake of Ukraine is Swytyaz, its total area is 24.2 square kilometers and the depth is 58.5 metres. Ukraine has 131 rivers, among them are the Dnieper with its tributaries such as the Desna, the Prypyat’, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets. The Dnieper is the main river in Ukraine which divides the country into Right-bank and Left-bank territories.

The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich. Almost all kinds of European animals and birds can be found on the territory of our vast land. Ukraine has inexhaustible natural wealth. It possesses enormous tracts of woodland, vast tracts of fertile arable lands and fine pastures.

Our country has many industrial raw materials. It has rich deposits of iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores, marble and other natural resources. Ukraine has metallurgical and heavy industries.

The fertile black soil and the favourable climate have long facilitated the growth of agriculture in Ukraine.



astonishing variety – дивовижне різноманіття

tributary – притока

extremely – надзвичайно

inexhaustible – невичерпний

natural wealth, natural resources – природні багатства

to possess – володіти

enormous tracts – величезні масиви

woodland – лісиста місцевість

fertile – родючий

arable lands - орні землі (пахотные)

fine pasture – чудові пасовища

raw materials – сировина

deposit – родовища

iron – залізо

coal – (кам'яне) вугілля

ore – руда

fertile black soil – родючий чернозем

History of Ukraine

Ukraine has an ancient glorious and tragic history. The State of Kyiv Rus situated on the territory of the present Ukraine was set up in the 9th century. It was a powerful feudal state with highly developed culture and various crafts widely known throughout Europe.

From the 13th century onwards Ukraine was continuously struggling against invasions by the Mongols, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers. The long struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence continued victoriously under the leadership of B.Khmelnytsky.

Ukrainian people had never enslaved other nations and with courage defended the borders of their country. Ukraine is a peaceful, non-nuclear state, which wants to live in peace and cooperation with the former republics of the USSR as well as with all the countries of the world.

Ukraine has its own original culture and art. Ukraine has many professional theatres and Philarmonic societies. The National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, the Gryhory Veryovka Ukrainian People’s Choir, the Dance Company of Ukraine are known not only in the country but all over the world.




ancient – стародавній, давній

to set up – засновувати

to struggle against – боротися проти

invasion – вторгнення

ruler – правитель

victoriously – переможно

under the leadership – під керівництвом

to enslave – поневолювати

to defend – захищати

border – кордон

peaceful – мирний

non-nuclear state – держава, що не має ядерної зброї

former – колишній

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

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