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Look through the text once again and match the words and word combinations from the texts with their definitions. Use these words in the sentences of your own.

Читайте также:
  1. A 'For and Against' Essay
  2. A breeze blows through the window and the top pages flutter. We both slam our palms down to catch them.
  3. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  4. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  5. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  6. A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.
  7. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
a)ignorant 1) having to do with the matter in hand
b)emphasis 2) demand, recognition
c) relevant 3) knowing little or nothing
d) prejudice 4) kind, style, category
e) genuine 5) eager to learn, interested
f) genre 6) easy to approach
g) curious 7) judgment decided beforehand
h) accessible 8) basis
i)claim 9) showing the feelings
j) demonstrative 10) true, really what it is said to be
k)milestone 11) force or stress

Read the text again. Make a short list of recommendations, using the titles of main parts of the text. Prioritize them according to their importance. For ex. Read more. Educate yourself. Study languages.etc.

Fill in the following table. Take expressions from the text and add some of your own.

Read more Write Watch films, TV, Videos Broaden your musical horizons Participate in Internet culture. Learn a new language Get hobbies
Read classical books Write poetry or short stories Watch films regularly. A person of culture knows how to enjoy even the niche music genres The digital age is very important and a huge milestone for society Travelling introduces you to the many differences and similarities between cultures, and opens up your mind Study art
Be first-time reader Try to write books or plays There are many films, and you may be unsure as to which watch. You are to chose properly! Enjoy songs with non-cliché lyrics, it is also important that one is able to enjoy music without lyrics at all. You ought to follow all latest achievements. The only way to discover another culture is to go and see for ourselves. Go in for sports
Chose a genre you are interested in.. Create your own style of writing Word-of-mouth is the best way to watch films of today's culture. Just listen to some famous musical pieces. Set your homepage to Wikipedia and read an article each day about something which seems "cultured" to you The best way to study language is by immersiom Visit places where you can receive an education in a fun way.

What main part or activity is missed? Why it is so important to educate yourself? What do you do to learn more? Make one more column about education and development. Add three items from the text and make up a list of yours.

Scan the text and pick up the key words that can help you to express its general idea. Give the summary.

Find out in the text compound adjectives and make your own sentences with them.

Grammar Practice

Modal verbs. Modal verbs are used to express ideas like ability, possibility, certainty etc. The same ideas can be also expressed in other words such as: be able to, be obliged to, it’s possible that, it’s unnecessary to. Modal verbs can refer to ability: can/be able to, inability: can’t/unable to/not be able to. Modal verbs can refer to possibility and certainty: may/might/could. Modal verbs can be used when giving or refusing permission: can/may, can’t/mustn’t. Modal verbs also can refer to obligation or responsibility: must/have to/have got to/ought to.

  1. Use the appropriate modal verb according to information from the text in the sentences below.

1) You … want to look up books in other genres which may catch your fancy. (may/ought)

2) You … take full advantage of this and learn all those things that you never understood before.

3) (should/can)

4) If you read a great article about Mozart or other composer, take the article to a store where you buy CDs and ask the counter attendant to direct you to some Mozart CDs that you might like. (can/must)

5) A person of culture … be ignorant of where countries or famous landmarks are.(should not/can not)

6) You …write poetry or short stories or even books and plays. (must/can)

7) You … take full advantage of this and learn all those things that you never understood before.

8) (should/to be to)

9) You …aim to be reasonably educated in these topics: world history,geography,basic sciences, psychology, economics. (can/should).

10) Famous singers have better songs on their albums which they left out of mainstream because they wouldn't be popular with the main market.(should/ may)

2. Make up your 10 sentences using different modal verbs describing what should/ought to/must a person learn and know to be a man of culture in modern society.


Discuss the following

Ø What kind of person is a cultured one?

Ø What books should be read to develop personality culturally?

Ø What basic sciences should educated and cultured person be aware of?

Ø What kind of music do you like? Do you like classical music?


1. Write a small essay on the following topic “How to survive in foreign culture? Recommendation and advice”.



Pair work. Discuss the issues raised in the questions below.

1. What does living interesting “cultural life” mean to you?

2. What are the aspects of the "cultural life" for you? In your opinion, what things should a person possess to say that he lives a life of a “cultural “man?

3. Would you include both material and spiritual things into the concept of "cultural life"? Explain why “yes” or “no”.

4. Can you think of somebody to model your life on?

5. Do you think that you are a representative of Russian cultural society? Explain why “yes” or “no”.

6. What is to be “cultural”, to be “uncultured” from Russian point of view?

7. Is language a part of national culture? What is Russian language for you?

8. What’s your attitude towards knowledge of English language in Russian “cultural” society?

9. How many languages should a man of culture speak? Understand? Learn?

Project Work“Cultural Banner”.

Work together to create a “cultural banner” expressing values, traditions, activities, and places important in their families and friends.

Vocabulary: Culture

Materials: Crayons, markers, and construction paper

Create a Culture Web

Step 1. 1. Write the word culture in the center of a piece of chart paper and circle it.

2. Brainstorm associations with the word, record the words and phrases that come up on the chart paper, and connect them to culture, creating a web.

3. Discuss the web and agree on a definition along these lines: culture is the values, beliefs, and traditions shared by a group of people.

Step 2. Introduce Cultural Banners

1. Take paper and markers or crayons.

2. Write your name on the banner and any symbols (words or pictures) that show values, traditions, activities, and places that are important for their family. Use words or drawings to represent holidays, foods, sports, flags and so on.

3. After you have created the banners, pass the banners to your neighbors and keep doing so until everyone has had a chance to see every banner. Share your banners with each other.

Step 3. Discussion

How was this activity for you? What did you learn from doing it?

What are some of the cultures represented in the group?



Module 5

Unit 1. What is Xenophobia?

Lead in

Ø Do you know any scientific definition of the “unreasonable fear of foreigners or strangers”? Skim the following text about xenophobia.

Ø What is your personal attitude towards this phenomenon?

Ø Can you give any examples you have ever heard, seen, experienced?


Reading and vocabulary

Read the text for general understanding. Pay attention to the words in bold?

What is Xenophobia?

Xenophobia refers to the fear and/or hatred towards foreigners or people with different nationalities, culture, ethnicity, or background. Many people also use the term “xenophobia” and casually inter-change it with “racism” although there is quite a big difference between the two terms. Racism may almost always mean some form of anger or hatred towards people of different nationalities, while xenophobia may or may not involve hatred. Sometimes, xenophobia may just manifest itself as a feeling of fear or unease and anxiety towards “foreign” or “strange” people.

The fear involved in xenophobia may come from different aspects. Some people experience ill-feelings toward other cultures and nationalities because of a fear in losing one’s identity. Some also are extremely suspicious of other people’s activities and personalities that they resort to either “withdrawal” from the unpleasant situation or “aggression” towards the foreign people involved. Others have this extremist type of feeling that his/her culture or background is superior over the others with accompanying prejudice to other groups of people as inferior.

To further distance the word “xenophobia” from “racism”, many experts point out that the fear involved in xenophobia is irrational. This means that people who have this condition do not actually have control over their emotions and prejudices on people and situations. Unlike in racism, where much of the thoughts and actions involved are pre-determined, purposeful, and done at a person’s own free will. Another point is that xenophobia does not only involve feelings of fears towards foreigners or people with different nationalities. Fear may also be experienced with people who seem to be “foreign” or who are labeled as strangers. And since these feelings are uncontrollable, xenophobic have a chance to get better through behavioral and psychotherapies.

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1.Xenophobia a)the belief that men are superior to women;
2.Racism b)typical of a particular cultural group
3.Prejudice c) the group of a people or a race from which one is descended
4.Race   d)unfair treatment of people, especially woman because of their sex
5. Ethnic e) any of the group into which humans can be divided according to their physical characteristics
6. Ancestry f)a good opinion of one’s own character
7.Self-esteem g) the deliberate killing of a nation or race of people
8. Male chauvinism h)dislike or distrust of a person
9.Sexism i) the belief that some races are superior to others
10. Genocide j) deep-rooted antipathy towards foreigners

2. The word Xenophobia comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner" and φβος (phobos), meaning “fear”. There are a lot of words possessing the stem meaning “fear”. Find the meaning of the following words, using on-line dictionary:

- acrophobia is a fear of…..

- aerophobia is a fear of….

- agoraphobia is a fear of…

- Anglophobia is a fear of…

- claustrophobia is a fear of…

- homophobia is a fear of…

- hydrophobia is a fear of…

- negrophobia is a fear of…

- photophobia is fear of…

Read and discuss

1. Read and translate the text about forms of Xenophobia. Try to give your own definition to the word. Have ever experienced xenophobia yourself? Anywhere for anyone? Do agree that Xenophobia can also be directed simply to anyone outside a culture, not necessarily one particular race or people? How do you think Xenophobia may be expressed? Skim the text about two main forms of Xenophobia and say what is the main difference of these two forms?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 222 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Match the English word combinations with their Russian equivalents .| Read the text for general understanding. Think of the title to the text.

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