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Characteristics of treatment tables (diets) according to M.I. Pevzner

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Diet No.0


Use in difficulty or impossibility of receiving solid food.

Such conditions occur in the postoperative period in the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of consciousness, such as infectious diseases and febrile patients.

General characteristic:

Diet consists of liquid, jelly-like meals, mucous broths, light meat liquor, kissel, etc.

Dietary regimen:

food is given by a small portions but frequently. A diet is prescribed usually for a few days.

Diet No.1a

Indications: This table is recommended to minimize the mechanical, chemical and thermal aggression on the stomach. This diet is prescribed for ulcers, bleeding, acute gastritis held.

General characteristic: diet contains physiological amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, salt restriction, mechanical and chemical irritants to the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastric secretion stimulant substances, long-stay in the stomach. All the dishes are boiled or steamed, in liquid or pasty consistency.

Dietary regimen: food 5-6 times per day.

Diet No.1б

Indications: This table for less drastic in comparison with table nNo.1a, restrictions with mechanical, chemical and thermal aggression on the stomach.

This diet is recommended for minor gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer in decrement of chronic gastritis.

General characteristic: diet contains physiological amounts of protein and fat: limited to salt, carbohydrates, substances with the irritate the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric secretion stimulant. Promotes the healing of ulcers, erosion, reduces inflammation. Food is given in pureed, liquid form with extensive use of milk and dairy products. All dishes are cooked boiled or steamed.

Dietary regimen: 6-7 times per day.

Diet No.1

Iindications: Gastric and duodenal ulcer iat the stage of decaying exacerbation, during the recovery period and remission (diet duration of treatment 3-5 months), acute gastritis during the recovery period and the phase of convalescence, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency in the phase of deterioration, chronic gastritis with normal and high secretion.

General characteristic: diet with saline content of protein, fat and carbohydrates, salt restriction (10-12 g), moderate limitation of mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli and receptor apparatus of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric secretion stimulant substances which long-stay in the stomach. The food is cooked, pureed precooked by steaming or boiling in water. Fish and non-coarse meat are allowed a piece. Hot and cold dishes are excluded.


DietNo.1P (advanced)

Indications: Peptic ulcer disease with adverse, severe, metabolic disorders.

The diet № 1 P should be followed until a patient's recovers.

General characteristic: diet is characterized by high content of proteins, fats, dietary fiber, vitamins A, C and group B. Recommended steam and cooked meals, fresh and boiled vegetables.

Dietary regimen: 6-7 times per day in small portions.


Diet No. 2

Indications: chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, acute gastritis in the recovery period, chronic enteritis and colitis after exacerbation.

General characteristic: diet is physiologically fortified, with the exception of mechanical irritation of the stomach with chemical irritations for excitation of secretory function of the stomach. Excluded products and dishes that are tributary to the gastrointestinal tract, a long stay in the stomach, indigestible irritating the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract; free liquid-1, 5 l, and table salt to 15 g.

Dietary regimen: food is given 5-6 times per day.

Diet No. 3

Indications: chronic bowel diseases with constipation. Diet is aimed at enhancing peristalsis of the bowel movements, it is aimed at the inclusion in the diet of the mechanical, physical and thermal stimuli. It is used for constipation caused by poor diet, without dramatically expressed signs of bowel irritation.

General characteristic: diet is physiologically fortified, with the introduction of mechanical and chemical stimulants of motor function of the intestines, increase motor function and bowel movements (vegetables, fresh and dried fruit, bread, cereals, fermented drinks). Exclusion of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gut, strong stimulants of gastric secretions, and the biliation pancreas, substances which affect the functional State of the liver and organs biliation (foods rich in essential oils, cholesterol fried foods). Food cooked in a non-divided form, boiled or steamed, baked.Vegetables and fruits in raw and boiled.

Dietary regimen: 4-6 times per day.

In the morning, desirable cold water with honey or juice, at night-kefir, fruit drinks, fresh fruit, prunes.

Diet No.4

Indications:acute diseases and worsening of chronic bowel disease with severe diarrhea, condition after surgery on the gut.

General characteristic: diet with restriction of fats, carbohydrates to lower bound of the physiological norm and normal proteins, with a sharp limitation on the mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli and receptor apparatus of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Excluded products and dishes reinforce the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gut, as well as strong stimulants biliation, stomach and pancreas secretion. Dishes are liquid, semi-liquid, pureed, and cooked by steaming or boiling in water.

Dietary regimen: 5-6 times per day


Diet No. 4 г

Gluten-free diet.

Intend for patients with autoimmune enteropathy celiac whose body loses its ability to digest gluten (part of cereal proteins) in the absence of specific peptidase in the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa, which does not break down gliadin, which is part of the gluten.

The diet № 5

Indications: chronic hepatitis, but rather a benign course with signs of a subtle form of functional liver failure, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, acute hepatitis during the recovery period, chronic colitis with a tendency to constipation, chronic gastritis with no major violations. The purpose of this table is the unloading of the fat and cholesterol Exchange, sparing the liver, stimulation of normal intestinal activity.

General characteristic: a diet of physiologically full. The number of proteins and carbohydrates is determined by the physiological needs of the organism, with little restriction of fats. Excluded are strong stimulants of gastric and pancreatic secretion (extractive substances, foods rich in essential oils), refractory fats, fried foods, foods that are rich in cholesterol, purinami. Diet enriched with fruits and vegetables, thereby increasing jelchegonnoe effect other food substances, increased peristalsis of intestines, provides maximum cholesterol excretion from faeces. Dishes are boiled, baked, occasionally-stewed. Excluded are very cold. Excluded: spicy, fatty, fried foods, smoked, canned broth, mushrooms, nuts, chocolate, concentrates, sodas.

Dietary regimen: 5 times a day.


Diet No. 5 a

It is used for the acute stage of liver disease and biliary tracts, when combined with colitis and gastritis, chronic colitis (acute hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, exacerbation of chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis). After hepatic operations. When this is achieved the maximum sparing of the affected organs, normalization of the functional state of the liver and other organs of digestion.

General characteristic: diet of physiologically fortified with a moderate restriction of fats, salt, mechanical and chemical stimuli, and receptor apparatus of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Excluded products and dishes to reinforce the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gut, as well as strong stimulants biliation, secretion of stomach, pancreas and liver, irritating substances (extracts; organic acid foods rich in essential oils; fried dishes that contain products of incomplete digestion of fat; aldehydes and acrylic aldehyde, refractory fats; foods rich in cholesterol, purine.

Dietary regimen: 5-6 times per day.

Diet No. 6

Indications: gout, filter disease with the formation of stones of uric acid (uraturia), urine acid diathesis, oxaluria. Intended use: Normalization of metabolism (purine), reduction of the formation in the body of uric acid and its salts, shift reaction urine in the alkaline side as well as the normalization of all bowel functions

General characteristic: Foods which rich in purine-rich compounds are excluded; moderately limit table salt; increase the number of alkalizing products (milk, vegetables, berries) and fluid. Patients with overweight limit carbohydrates.

Dietary regimen: 4 times a day; drink up to 2-2, 5 litres of liquid in the form of tea, fruit and berry fruit, alkaline water.


Diet No.7 a

Indications: chronic nephritis with renal insufficiency. The purpose of this table is the maximum sparing of kidneys, increased urination, discharge of protein metabolism, anti-inflammatory effect.

General characteristic: A low-protein diet with a sharp restriction of proteins; fats and carbohydrates within the physiological norm; hyposodic, salt-free diet (food is cooked without salt; specially bake salt-free bread); sodium content within the power supply is 400 mg, 1 g of common salt; patients with renal insufficiency with azotemia to destination the physician add 1-3 g table salt, they are allowed to give as much fluid as urine highlighted the previous day.

Dietary regimen:5 timer per day.

Diet No. 7 б

Indications: chronic kidney disease with azotemia. The purpose of this table is the maximum sparing of renal parenchyma, as well as an increase in the number of separated urine and anti-inflammatory action.

General characteristic: the content of fats and carbohydrates within the physiological norm, and number of proteins increased to 45-50 g (with the addition of one serving of boiled meat or boiled fish and 200 grams of milk or yogurt); salt content in products increases to 1.5 g.

Dietary regimen:5-6 times per day.

Diet No. 7

Indications: Acute nephritis, in the recovery period, chronic nephritis and kidney insufficiency without exacerbation. Assignment: sparing of the kidney functions, reducing AP reduction of edema, restoration water-electrolytic balance.

General characteristic: Salt-free diet (2 g).Number of proteins is limited but compared to diets No. 7a and 7б-increases to 80 g (by the addition of meat or fish, in boiled state, and curd). Number of fats and carbohydrates is within the physiological norm, the number of free liquid is reduced to 1l. Extractive matters of meat, fish, substances mushrooms, sources of oxalic acid and essential oils.

Nutrition regimen: 5-6 times per day.



Diet No. 7 в

Indications: chronic kidney disease (Glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, renal tuberculosis, nephropathy pregnant), accompanied by nephrotic syndrome.

Assignment: filling of protein loss, reducing hypercholesterolemia, proteinuria, reduction and elimination of edema.

Diet No. 7 г.

Shows in End Stage Renal Failure, i.e. when the hardware treatment (artificial kidney).

Diet No. 7p.

Indication for use of this table is hyperuricemia, end-stage kidney failure when patients are on regular hemodialysis.

Diet No. 8

Indications: varying degrees of obesity provided in terms of mental or physical work, there are no complications of digestive organs, blood circulation and other systems requiring special diets. Assignment: impact on the disturbed metabolism, lipid, primarily to address the progression of excess fat.

General characteristic: Restriction of calories from carbohydrate (digestible) and partly by fats (animal); protein content higher than the physiological norm; moderate restriction of free liquid (1-1, 2 l), salt (5-6, 2010), extractives products and dishes, stimulating the appetite; insert fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantity. Dish is boiled, stewed, baked. Use sugar substitutes for sugary food and drinks.

Dietary regimen: frequent taking sufficient volume of subcaloric food to eliminate hunger.

Diet No. 9

Indications: mild and moderate diabetes mellitus in the absence of acidosis and concomitant diseases of internal organs. Assignment: creating conditions which conducive to normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, determination of the patient's tolerance to carbohydrates.

General characteristic: Diet with protein content higher than the physiological norm, moderate restriction of animal fats and carbs (carbohydrates are excluded). Sugar and sweets are excluded. Salt content (12 g), foods that are rich in cholesterol, extractive substances are restricted. Increase of lipotropic substances, dietary fiber (cottage cheese, low-fat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruit, whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread).For dessert dishes - sugar substitutes. Dishes are cooked or baked, fried and stewed less frequently.

Dietary regimen: 5-6 times a day; carbohydrates are distributing throughout the day; immediately after the injection of insulin and through 2, 2 hrs. after that a patient must receive food containing carbohydrates.


Diet No. 10a

Indications: diseases of cardiovascular system, accompanied by circulatory inefficiency of the 2nd-3rd degree, myocardial infarction in the acute period. The purpose of this table is the maximum discharge of the cardiovascular system when the diseases in decompensation.

General characteristic: the content of the protein within the bottom border of the physiological norm, moderate restriction of fat and carbohydrates; the injection of free liquid is limited; all food is cooked without salt, use special salt-free bread; all food is cooked in boiled or steamed state; salt food is no more than 1.5 -1, 8 g

Dietary regimen: not less than 6 times a day, in a small volume


Diet No. 10

Indications: diseases of cardiovascular system (rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, infarction, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease), neuropathy, chronic nephrite. Assignment: creation the most favourable conditions for blood circulation, while at the same time providing the body's need for nutrients and energy.

General characteristic: Diet with restriction of sodium chloric (table salt) (5 g), and extractives of spices; decreasing animal fat and easily absorbable carbohydrates. Proteins are regular. Increased content of vitamins C and group B. Vegetables, fruits, berries, vegetable oil, seafood, cheese, wheat and rye bread with bran are recomended. Dishes are cooked without salt, food is lightly salting at the table. Boiled meat and fish, vegetables and fruit with coarse fiber chopped and are soft boiled.In cardiovascular diseases injection of free liquid is limited up to 1000-1200 ml.

Nutrition regimen: eating 5 times a day in moderate amounts, have a supper 3 before you go to sleep.

Diet No. 11

Indications: pulmonary tuberculosis, the period of recovery after a long severe illness, exhaustion, anemia. Assignment: absolute satisfaction of the body's need for protein, fat, carbohydrates and essential nutritive factors, increasing of immunobiological organism defense, increase of reparative processes in the affected organ, strengthening the body's defenses with the recovery and improve its resistance to acute and chronic infections.

General characteristic: high-calorie diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins, moderate increases in fats and carbohydrates; the diet includes sufficient quantities of dairy products rich in calcium; salt and fluid within the normal range.

Nutrition regimen:4-5 times per day


Diet No. 12

Indications: diseases of the nervous system, resulting in its increased excitability. The purpose of this table is a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

Nowadays it is almost not assigned, as depending on the nature of the diseases of the nervous system and accompanying disorders in other systems of the body, various options of diets No. 5, 10, 15. are recommended.

Diet No. 13

Indications: acute infectious diseases, angina, a condition after extensive operations (but not in the gastrointestinal tract). Assignment: activation of restorative-adaptive mechanisms and reparative processes in tissues. Diet is aimed at sparing the digestive organs, as well as for an early withdrawal from the body of microbial toxins.

General characteristic: The protein content at the lower limit of the physiological norm, moderate restriction of fats and carbohydrates; increased the amount of liquid in the form of a vitamin drink. Sources of crude fiber, fatty, salty, indigestible products are excluded. The food is served in log or wiped form, boiled in water or steamed.

Dietary regimen: 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Diet No. 14

Indications: kidney stone disease with selection of phosphorus-calcium salts in the sediment of urine (phosphaturia). Assignment: creation an enabling environment which preventing loss of calcium and phosphorus salts in urine and excretion them out of the organism (helping to shift the acid-alkaline balance in the direction of acidity).

General characteristic: the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, calories is regular to physiological standards. Limitation of alkalify food and calcium-rich foods (dairy products, cheese, vegetables and fruit), which contribute changing the reaction of urine in an acidic side (bread and pastry products, cereals, meat, fish). Drinking plenty of fluids (in the absence of contraindications), the total number of free liquid - 1.5-2 l.

Dietary regimen: 4 times a day, in the intervals and fasting – drinking

Diet No. 15 - General diet

Indications: diseases in which there is no disorder in the digestive system, and no require for a special diet. Assignment: providing an adequate nutrition in a medical facility. Diet is intended for nutrition of apparently healthy persons and during the recovery period at various somatic diseases.

General characteristic: the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and energy value is regular to physiological norms of nutrition of the healthy person, not engaged in physical labor. The vitamin content is doubled. The food consists of various products. Stodge food are excluded: fatty meat, lard, butter dough, are limited to smoked sausages. Spices in moderation.

Dietary regimen: 4-5 times per day. The last meal should be slight (6-10% of daily calories), and at least 1.5 hours before bedtime- -2 a cup of yogurt, juice, milk, or fruit.


A system of standard diets

Over the last decade in the modern diet changes its attitude to the numbering system of diets. Diet after Pevzner system become quaint and primitive, because it was intended for a collective nutrition and it is mostly generalized on the model of the disease, not the patient.

The new system of standard diets is different from the previously used system of diets on the following aspects: the content of major nutrients, the energy value of the food, cooking technology, average daily set of products. Previously used diet of number system (diets No. 1-15) are merged or are incorporated into the system of standard diets, which are assigned for different diseases depending on the stage and severity of the complications or organs or systems. Apply standard diets to work provides for the possibility of applying an individual approach to a patient with a specific diet disease (table 11).

A system of standard diets

Variants of standard diets Indication of standard diets Previously used diets of number system
1. Basic BD 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15
2. With mechanical and chemical sparing (sparing diet) SD 1b, 4b, 4v, 5 p (variant 1)
3. With increased amount of proteins (high protein diet) HPD 4e, 4 ag, 5 p (variant 2), 7 v, 7 e, 9 b, 10 b
4. With decreased amount of proteins (low protein diet) LPD 7b, 7a
5. With decreased calorie content LCD 8, 8 ac, 9a, 10c



The main variation of the standard diet

Therapeutic Indications: Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer at the phase of remission. Chronic bowel disease with prior constipation. Acute cholecystitis and hepatitis in the recovery stage. Chronic hepatitis with minor prominent feature of functional liver insufficiency. Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Arthragra, lithic diathesis, nephrolithiasis, hyperuricemia, phosphaturia. Diabetes mellitus type 2 with without concomitant overweight or obesity. Coronary heart disease with minor impairment of circulation. Idiopathic hypertensia. Ischemic heart disease, arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart, brain and peripheral vessels. Acute infectious diseases. Feverish condition.

This option have replaced the following standard diets after M.I Pevzner No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15.

Variation of the standard diet with mechanical and chemical sparing

Therapeutic Indications: Acute gastritis, chronic gastritis with stored and high acidity in the phase of minor aggrevation. Ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcers in the phase of exacerbation and remission nonstable. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Impaired function of masticatory apparatus Acute pancreatitis, stage of the fading aggravation. Chronic pancreatitis, prominent aggravation. The period of recovery after acute infections and surgery (not the internal organs).

This option replaces the following standard diet after M.I. Pevzner:1б, 4б, 4в, 5п (1-variant).

Variation of the standard high-protein diets

(high protein diet)

Therapeutic Indications: After gastrectomy for peptic ulcer disease in 2-4 months when you have dumping syndrome, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Chronic enteritis when prominent violations of the functional condition of the digestive system. Gluten enteropathy. Chronic pancreatitis in remission. Chronic glomerulonephritis of nephrotic type in the fading aggravation stage without abnormality nitrogen of the kidney. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 without associated obesity and nitrogen renal compromise. Rheumatic fever with low activity during the protracted process of illness without circulatory disorders. Rheumatism in fading aggravation. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Suppurant processes.Anaemia of various etiology. Burn disease.

This option replaces the following standard diets after M.I Pevzner: № 4э, 4аг, 5п (2 variant), 7в, 7г, 9б, 10б, 11, 1Р.


Option of the standard diet with low amounts of protein

(low-protein diet)

Therapeutic indicattions: Chronic glomerulonephritis with full-blown and moderate abnormality of kidney function, prominent and moderately prominent azotemia.

This option replaces the following standard diets after M.I.Pevzner: No. 7б, 7а.


Variant of the standard low-calorie diets

(low-calorie diet)

Therapeutic Indications: Varying degrees of nutritional obesity in the absence of prominent complications of digestive, circulatory and other diseases requiring assignment of special diets. Type 2 diabetes mellitus with obesity. Cardiovascular disease in the presence of excess body weight.

This option replaces the following standard diets after M.I Pevzner: No. 8, 8а, 80, 9а, 10с.

Special diets

Specialized diet used in medical practice, which are not included in the nomenclature of medical diets after M.I after Pevzner and «Instructions on the Organization of medical nutrition in hospitals».

Health food is a part of the complex therapy of various diseases, being on the same stage with medical therapy, and sometimes as a turning point in the recovery, so it is very important to provide the correct and balanced diet for the sick person.

The provision of food to patients

Processing of raw materials and food for patients in the hospital is centralized in dietetic department and is delivered to each unit in the labelled thermo-insulated containers.

Tableware are stored in the pantry (transfer case) in special cabinets, washed in special washes with detergent, then rinse with hot water, disinfect, rinse again and put in ovens.

Sponges and rags for wiping tables and washing dishes are soaked in a disinfectant solution.

Food waste collected in separate closed containers.

Oral feeding

Patients of general regimen have their meals in the dining room. Patients with limited mobility modes take the food in their rooms. For bedridden patients using bedstand that set on the bed in front of patients. The patient's neck and chest cover with a napkin. Seriously ill patients are fed in the most convenient position, their head should be slightly lifted. Debilitated patients were fed with a spoon. For drinking and taking liquid food use spout cup. Caring with one hand lift the patient's head by a pillow, the other brings a spoon or spout cup to his mouth (fig. 84).

Picture 84.

Feeding the seriously ill patients

а – with a spoon, б – with the help spout cup


Feeding seriously patients with spoons and spout cup.

The procedure:

2. Wash your hands.

3. Check with the patient's food preferences, agree on the menu with a physician and dietitian.

4. Inform patients about meal before 15 minutes.

5. Ventilate the area, free up space on the patient’s bedside-table or push the bedstand.

6. Place the patient in Fowler's position.

7. Wash the patient's hands, cover his breast by a napkin.

8. Wash your hands again.

9. Bring food and liquid for drinking: hot dishes should be hot (60°), cold-room temperature.

10. Check the temperature of hot dish, dropping a few drops to the back surface of your hand (the anatomical snuffbox ").

11. Invite the patient to make a few sips of liquids to drink

12. Feed him slowly, calling each dish.

13. Fill the spoon on 2/3 food.

14. Touch the spoon to the bottom lip.

15. Once the patient opens his mouth, touch the spoon to his tongue and remove an empty spoon.

13. Let him to chew and swallow his food.

14. Allow the patient to take a drink between each mouthful of food

15. Wipe his lips and chin with a napkin.

16. Then rinse his mouth with water.

17. Clear away the plates.

18. Wash your hands.



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Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 205 | Нарушение авторских прав

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