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X. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  2. A chapter-by-chapter commentary on the major difficulties of the text and the cultural and historical facts that may be unknown to Russian-speaking readers.
  3. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  4. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  5. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  6. A Russian / Soviet / Ukrainian and a British / UK / Welsh war hero.
  7. A Russian Fairy Tale


1. Охрана здоровья и благополучия детей является первостепен- ным, основным вопросом при рассмотрении возможности межгосудар- ственного усыновления ребёнка, особенно на фоне частых случаев же- стокого обращения с детьми за рубежом.

2. В каждой категории права существует определённый юридиче- ский термин, называющий юных граждан: ребёнок, малолетний, несо- вершеннолетний, малолетний обвиняемый и малолетний правонару- шитель.

3. Офицер службы пробации работает на систему уголовного су- допроизводства, осуществляя надзор за следующими лицами: 1) пра- вонарушителями, ещё не приговоренными к наказанию за преступле- ния, 2) за лицами, которые приговорены к пробации (испытательному сроку), или 3) за лицами, которым вынесли приговор в виде условного наказания. Это отличает работу офицера службы пробации от работы офицера, надзирающего за заключёнными, досрочно освобождёнными за хорошее поведение.

4. Показания по делу являются судебными документами, содер- жащими изложение фактов, а также заявления по вопросу права. Под- защитный может ответить на показания по делу несколькими способа- ми: принятием заявления, озвученного в суде, непринятием данного заявления или отклонением заявления. Когда сторона судебного раз- бирательства выбирает третий способ (отклонение заявления), следует должным образом усовершенствовать вариант изложения фактов, что- бы можно было отрицать виновность.

5. Мы изучили процесс получения «активного» письменного роди- тельского согласия на проведение школьного проекта по предотвраще- нию СПИДА в южноафриканской средней школе. В течение двух недель

94% из 258 родителей ответили на письмо, запрашивающее письмен- ное согласие, из них 93% согласившихся, а последующие опросы по- казали, что 65% ознакомились с формой согласия.

Grammar Revision




The nouns can be countable [C] and uncountable [U].

There are a lot of nouns in English that can be both countable and uncountable. If nouns are both countable and uncountable it means that they have different meanings. And these nouns can be used both with articles and without any articles. That’s why sometimes we face difficulties while deciding to put an article or not.

There can be nouns that are always plural (e.g. the police).


I. Remember if these juridical noun-terms from Chapter 21 are

countable, uncountable or both.


countable uncountable both

II. Give your own examples illustrating the fact that the nouns from the 3d column can be both countable and uncountable.


E.G. He visits his Dad in prison every week.

The two men were arrested only a week after they were released from prison. They live opposite the prison (say ‘ the prison’ when you refer to a particular


The farm felt like a prison for her.






I. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.


1. It is unlawful to punish children by smacking and beating.

to smack – to hit someone or sth forcefully with the flat inside part of your hand, producing a short loud noise, especially as a way of punishing a child

to beat – to hit repeatedly

2. Judges and police officers who deal with child abuse have special training.

3. In England and Wales a child can be a witness since he or she is 4.

4. In youth courts the jury has to decide what action to take if a young person is charged with a very serious crime.

5. Unmarried couples can not adopt children.


II. Answer the questions about the text.


1. What does the notion ‘the child’s welfare’ mean?

2. What legal actions are provided by the law for such cases when a child who is under 10 has committed a crime?

3. Who can be ‘the appropriate adult’? What are his or her functions?

4. What is the ‘cautioning panel’?

5. What’s the difference between an informal warning and a formal caution?

6. What does ‘a community sentence’ mean?

7. What are young offender’s parents allowed to do in court?

8. What does a construction ‘Her Majesty’s pleasure’ mean?

9. What does the notion ‘child abuse’ include?

10. Could you find and name the reasons why corporal punishment or

physical chastising of a child has not been outlawed yet?

11. What protection agencies for any child at risk of abuse are known in


12. Who is included into child protection teams?

13. What are the steps of interviewing the child who is a victim of crime?

14. What planned delays with a specific purpose may there be in dealing with a case concerning a child?

15. What is included into monitoring of the child’s progress by a trained social worker?

16. When can decisions made by the court that are concerned with child’s welfare be changed?

17. Who are independent experts who know all about the child’s welfare checklist?

18. What special care do disabled children have the right to?

19. What is included into the notion ‘a standard of living’?

20. Are girls allowed to join the armed forces in Britain?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


IV. Discuss the following issues. (Points for discussion).


1. The extract is taken from ‘Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law’ [V. 1, p. 15]. Read this extract and answer the questions.


“When people in the United States think of children’s rights they usually think of children in third world countries who are victims of abusive child labour practices or insurmountable poverty. They may not realize that the rights of children are violated in the United States as well. Even though child labour laws were passed decades ago prohibiting employment of underage youngsters, pockets of oppressive child labour exist, literally, on American soil; child farm labourers work long hours in squalid conditions and often receive half the standard minimum wage”.


Why do not people in the United States realize, according to the extract, that the rights of children are violated in the United States?


What is known about abusive child labour practices, oppressive child labour in Britain, America and Russia?


What new child labour laws concerning employment of underage

youngsters have recently been passed in Britain, America and Russia?

2. The extract is taken from ‘Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law’ [V. 1, p. 153]. Read this extract and contemplate on suggested topics.


‘The United States did sign the Convention in 1995 but it was never submitted to the Senate for ratification. Although the government has stated that it has no intention of ratifying the Convention, it has consistently reaffirmed its commitment to children’s rights.

Among the reasons the United States has failed to ratify the Convention is the fact that the Convention clearly states that anyone under the age of 18 is a child.

The US government has reservations about how that would affect matters when a 16- or 17-year old commits a crime; currently, in certain instances that a child can be tried as an adult.’


Express your ideas about the fact that the Convention was not ratified in the US.


Consider all the pros and cons of ratification and non-ratification of the

Convention in the US.


V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.


1. The most recent public inquiries about child abuse in: a) England, b) America and c) Russia.

2. Children as witnesses in: a) England, b) America and c) Russia.

3. New Adoption Laws in: a) England, b) America and c) Russia.

4. Adoption by gay (homosexual) parents in America and Britain. Gaybies.

gayby (plural gaybies) – 1. a baby with 2 parents of the same gen- der; 2. a baby belonging to gays; a gay baby; 3. the baby of a gay parent or parents [www.urbandictionary.com] – 1. ребёнок двух однополых родителей; 2. ребёнок, принадлежащий геям; 3. ре- бёнок родителя-гея или родителей-геев.

5. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).





Our Chief Law Enforces – the Police


Vocabulary List


1. enforce (laws, judgments) – обеспечивать исполнение (законов, судебных решений)

2. be concerned with – заниматься чем-л.

3. acquit smb of smth/

doing smth – оправдать (по делу), признать невиновным кого-л. в совершении преступления

4. afflict – беспокоить, тревожить

5. infringe – нарушать

6. inflict (upon smb) – налагать (наказание на кого-л.)

syn.: impose (on)

7. fight smth – бороться с чем-л. fight (against smth) – борьба с чем-л.

8. blame smb for smth – обвинять кого-л. в чем-л.

9. search – обыскивать

10. exceed – превышать

11. wrong – причинить вред

12. discipline – налагать дисциплинарное взыскание

13. prosecute – преследовать в судебном порядке, поддерживать обвинение

14. administer – отправлять (правосудие)

15. prevent – предотвратить

16. maintain – поддерживать, сохранять

17. go out on duty – выходить на дежурство

18. discriminate (against smb) – дискриминировать, ставить кого-л. в худшие условия

19. be guilty of smth – быть виновным в чем-л.

20. innocence – невиновность

21. evidence – доказательство, улика, свидетельские показания против кого-л. (against smb) / в пользу кого-л. (for smb)

22. harassment – беспокойство, домогательство

23. violence – насилие

violent – насильственный

24. fingerprints – отпечатки пальцев

25. shoe-prints – отпечатки следов обуви

26. casting – снятие отпечатков

27. be addicted (to) – пристраститься (к чему-л.)

28. investigation – расследование, следствие

29. abuse – злоупотребление; оскорбление, нападки

30. be subject to – подвергаться чему-л.

31. action – иск, судебное дело

32. confession – признание

33. confess – признаваться, сознаваться syn.: admit smth /

to smth / doing smth

34. complaint against smb – жалоба на кого-л.

35. Code of Practice – Процессуальный кодекс

36. commit a crime (an offence) – совершить преступление


37. disorder – беспорядок

38. suspect (n) – подозреваемый

suspect (v) smb of smth – подозревать кого-л. в чем-л.

39. oppress – притеснять, угнетать oppression – притеснение

40. supervise – осуществлять надзор



Reading Comprehension



I. Scanning


Put the following statements in the order in which they occurred in the text.


1. The new police force was created by the Metropolitan Police Act


2. One of the sensational arrests was that of Dr Crippen in 1910.

3. One of the Fielding brothers left behind a plan for the first professional police.

4. The job of the police is to enforce the law.

5. There were criminals who helped the police to bring other criminals to trial.

6. Police officers are highly trained experts working for specialist branches of the force.

7. The job of different agencies and departments is to make sure that the laws relating to their particular responsibilities are enforced.

8. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries towns were roamed by criminals.

9. Officers of Criminal Investigation Department specialise in detective work.

10. The Metropolitan Police Force made a poor start.

11. If the police officers exceed their powers, they may be disciplined and even prosecuted.

12. Complaints against the police are carefully investigated by an independent body.

13. Criminal Evidence Act provides numerous laws to protect people interviewed by the police.

14. Now there are many rules relating to police interviews making sure that the interviews are conducted fairly.

15. Special constables assisted the police in their work.

16. Intensive training involves learning basic policing skills and studying the law relating to the police.


II. Skimming


1. Look through the part of the chapter about the arrest of Dr Crippen and decide what this arrest was famous for:

a. the arrest was sensational

b. the arrest captured the imagination

c. the arrest in which radio was first used

d. the arrest resulted in massive publicity

2. Look through the part of the chapter dealing with complaints against the police and decide which of the following complaints are mentioned in the text:

a. making a false complaint

b. catching the wrong people

c. carrying out their duties

d. denying civil liberties

e. enforcing the law

f. failing to catch criminals

g. oppressing suspects

h. discriminating against members of ethnic minorities

i. protecting the mentally handicapped

j. breaking the law

Vocabulary Work


I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions.


1. обеспечивать исполнение законов; 2. сообщать о любых беспо- рядках; 3. представить доказательства в пользу кого-либо; 4. признать невиновным в совершении преступления; 5. беспокоить, тревожить об- щество; 6. нарушать гражданские свободы; 7. назначать преступникам суровые наказания; 8. обвинять кого-либо в краже денег; 9. признать кого-либо виновным в чем-либо; 10. заявлять о невиновности; 11. пре- следования по расовому признаку; 12. защита от лиц, совершающих на- сильственные преступления; 13. снимать отпечатки пальцев; 14. снимать отпечатки следов обуви; 15. пристраститься к наркотикам; 16. жестокое обращение с ребенком; 17. бороться с преступностью во всем мире.

II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.


1. criminal underworld; 2. inform on criminals; 3. take a reward for doing smth; 4. undergo intensive training; 5. be expert in; 6. investigations into murder;7. fight against crime; 8. be subject to strict control; 9. search property for evidence; 10. exceed powers; 11. wrong smb; 12. take action in the courts against smb; 13. obtain confessions; 14. administer justice;

15. confess to the crime; 16. admit to offences; 17. to search property for evidence and clues; 18. inadmissible evidence.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).



1. Value Added Tax(VAT) a. собирать информацию о преступле-

нии по всей стране

2. acquit smb. of charge of… b. признаться в преступлении

3. pride in the police c. оправдать по делу о...

4. turn to crime d. НДС – налог на добавленную стоимость

5. deny civil liberties e. отвергать гражданские свободы

6. discriminate against ethnic f. рассматривать, разбирать дело minorities

7. make a false complaint g. гордость за полицию against smb

8. gather information on crime h. проводить дискриминацию этнических

from all over the country


9. handle a case i. встать на преступный путь

10. make a confession to the j. подать необоснованную жалобу на




IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. men and women belonging to a department of government concerned with the keeping of public order

2. violent outburst of lawlessness by the people in a district

3. punishment for wrongdoing, for failure to obey rules

4. breaking of a rule

5. people suffering from illness of the mind


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. enforce; 2. investigation; 3. crime; 4. evidence; 5. justice.


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right

(B) and give their Russian equivalents.



1. handle a. look carefully at, through, or into (in order to find smth or smb)

2. report b. give a legal decision that smb is not guilty

3. acquit c. start legal proceedings against smb

4. blame d. deal with

5. search e. fix on smb the responsibility for smth done

(badly or wrongly) or not done

6. punish f. give an account (of smth seen, heard, done)

7. prosecute g. treat differently

8. discriminate (against) h. cause (smb) suffering or discomfort for wrongdoing

9. gather (information) i. do the work of a judge

10. administer justice j. gain little by little


VII. Complete the text with the words from the box.


to enforce, are concerned, committing offences, powers, gathering, impose,

suspected of, to be prosecuted, offence, search, the police (3)

The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they mainly with criminal law, they may also be used judgments made in civil courts. As well as information for offences in the courts, the police have wide to arrest, and question people crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations

and assemblies. In some countries,

have judicial functions; for

example, they may make a decision as to guilt in a drivingand a fine, without the involvement of a court. In Britain, when someone is found in possession of marijuana, may confiscate it and issue a formal warning rather than refer the matter to a court. The mere presence of is a factor in deterring people from.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 137 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary. | Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 1918 | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. | JUDICIAL DECISIONS AS AUTHORITIES | Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice construction. | IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Comment on the case. | XI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. |
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