Читайте также: |
gathering system | система нефтесбора |
pump station | насосная станция |
crude trunkline | магистральный трубопровод |
crude tank farm | резервуарный парк / нефтебаза |
tanker | танкер |
marine (port) terminal | портовая нефтебаза |
refinery | НПЗ – нефтеперерабатывающий завод |
petrochemical plant | нефтехимический завод |
product line | продуктопровод |
processing | переработка |
distribution center | распределительная база |
oil tankage | нефтехранилище |
destination | пункт назначения |
gathering | сбор |
individual lease | арендованный нефтяной участок |
moving | перемещение |
transporting | доставка |
supply | запас |
point | пункт |
distributing | распределение |
Pronounce the following words. Pay special attention to the letters in bold.
l ea se indivi dual t er minal s up ply v arie ty tank age cr u de
Read the following word formations and remember their pronunciation. Pay special attention to the stress.
distribute - distributing - distribution | deliver - delivering - delivery |
process - processing | transport - transporting -transportation |
produce - product - production | refine - refinery |
locate - location | gather - gathering |
3. Read the mini-text “Pipeline System”. Look at the diagram and pay attention to the underlined terms in the text.
Pipeline System
Fig. 1 Pipeline system
In the petroleum industry, pipelines are used for a variety of purposes:
1. gathering crude oil from individual leases and delivering it to a central location for processing;
2. transporting crude oil from fields to port terminals for tanker transportation;
3. moving crude oil from processing centers and supplypoints to the refineries and other markets;
4. moving gas from fields to gas processing plants and from these plants to markets;
5. distributing petroleum products from the refineries to the distribution centers.
Match the English terms with the Russian ones.
Example: 13. destination - A. пункт назначения
1. | gathering system | A. | распределительная база |
2. | pump station | B. | промышленный трубопровод |
3. | crude trunkline | C. | портовая нефтебаза |
4. | crude tank farm | D. | магистральный трубопровод |
5. | tanker | E. | система нефтесбора |
6. | marine terminal | F. | нефтехранилище |
7. | refinery | G. | распределительная база |
8. | petrochemical plant | H. | нефтехимический завод |
9. | product line | I. | резервуарный парк / нефтебаза |
10. | processing | J. | танкер |
11. | distribution center | K. | НПЗ – нефтеперерабатывающий завод |
12. | oil tankage | L. | насосная станция |
13. | destination | M. | переработка |
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Terms and Vocabulary | | | Give an explanation to the following purposes of the pipeline system. |