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L ЧТО б<> ii


The patient had vomiting и 'als. h vomiting.

8. evident очевидный

it is evident; it must blood circulation; an evuli evident changes

II. 1. Врач не прелин > i ждала, когда хирург нами ваши исследования? 4 У

III. I. stopped losiiif '.in ассимн traducing; 5. avoid can Inn prevented

IV. 1. I am responsilil. lor summarl/in

successful recovery dvpriuls »« followinn I' in preventing poisonoir. ■ M<-< isofthi1 gations. 5. I'll start nnikiiir, i ho analy

а) герундий; б) in» н ii а голо и I» «i prevent from; to depend пи to finish. с предлогами to be responsible for, In I»

V. 1. При постум и пни в лег i снятия электрокардиограмм вы ненная емкосм. m > i их может личества вдыхаемо* <> но щуха. 4.i) II назначения лекаре i и и слишком увеличиваться ич-ча быстрого б тельный процесс и югких, не i

6. Отдавая кислород нсем ткаи питают их.

VI. 1. In administering any m<

to be taken. 2. Scientists have causes. 3. Right skied chest pain

VII. Listen to the dialogue "Al PATIENT: How do you tie

matter with you? PATIENT: I DOCTOR: May I listen to yom your right lung. Have you taken 37.6°C.

DOCTOR: I think, it's pn< I write you out a sick-leave and) for intramuscular injections ol polyclinic again, but I'll come i and give you injections twice |

iii i ii k of stom.'ii i vas followed by


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сердечные > иовлена пун приятная|w' It /юзе. б) 4tii 1г 1ьзя было ' иному инч<е>> п 1ма, крас in

Mending phv»'-.ent some ill I through u|i|il

| TOR: H(.«.1 m the rigl» \n, please nc? PAT I!

■ >u must h

i bed regi мI a cough

two. Am

i lit impairment of ni breath lessness;

коро. 2. Сестра маете закончить

'king; 4. tried in-

^pcriments. 2. A 1 I am interested i my investi-

in try, to avoid, to

i ижосочетаний шется герундий.

'i и iдом. 2. После тения. З. Жиз-

■ iipeделения ко-и p.i шилась из-за

пихания может ншить воспали-

■ фептомицина.

ные клетки

ImlieatesthC dose In studying their

' What is the cough badly. uoist rales in ive. It'sabout

Mediately. I'll


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in your house


I. 1. It takes the doctor on duty not less than two hours to make the evening round of the wards. 2. It took the nurse on duty about five minutes to give an intrave­nous injection to the patient. 3. It will take the cardiologist a little more than a quar­ter of an hour to take an electrocardiogram.

II. 1. a reception ward; 2. a bath-room. 3. a ward; 4. an X-ray room; 5. an oper­ating-room; 6. a laboratory

III. 1. The term "aetiology" means the causes of the disease. 2. Urinalysis is a laboratory study. 3. Pathogenesis is a mechanism of the development of a disease. 4. Haemorrhage and vomiting are objective symptoms. 5. A productive cough is as­sociated with the discharge of sputum.

IV. 1. At what medical institution does your father work? 2. In addition to the medicine to be taken orally the physician prescribed to me intravenous injections of glucose. 3. Whose temperature chart is the nurse filling in now? 4. The doctor on duty must always make an evening round of the wards. 5. Poisonous drugs must be kept in a special separate drug cabinet.

V. 1. You will be on a sick-leave until you feel well again. 2. The patient will feel an immediate relief after he takes this remedy. 3. The patient will not complain of any pain in his stomach if he follows a light diet. 4. The physician will administer you the necessary treatment as soon as he makes a proper diagnosis.

VI. 1. neither... nor; 2. either... or; 3. both... and; 4. either... or

VII. 1. either... or; 2. neither... nor; 3. either... or

VIII. Listen to the text "What is a Cough?".

Cough is one of the commonest symptoms in childhood as well as at any age. It is important to understand that coughing is quite a normal act, as it is one of the body's ways of protecting the bronchial tubes and lungs. Any irritation of the bronchial tree or the trachea excites a reflex which makes one cough. There are two main causes of this irritation. Firstly, it may be due to mucus which comes down the back of the nose. The cough reflex is to prevent the entering of mucus into the bronchial tubes. Secondly, infection may cause inflammation of the trachea and this produces the cough reflex.

Many children who have a persistent cough have no disease in their chest. When the doctor examines such a child with his stethoscope there is no abnormality to be heard. However, in some children coughing is due to an impairment in the chest itself. The cough is an expression of the normal defences of the chest, but in this case the bronchial tubes are inflamed.


I. Listen to the keys, assignment V (Lesson 30).


II. 1. improve улучшать(ся)

to improve one's knowledge of medicine; to improve the conditions of work at hospitals; His health has considerably improved.

2. accompany сопровождать, сопутствовать

to accompany the doctor on duty; Stomachache was accompanied by vomiting. A bad pain in the substernal area accompanied a heart attack.

3. occlusion закупорка

the occlusion of the arteries and veins; the occlusion of the blood vessels; The occlusion has developed. The occlusion was controlled.

4. purulent гнойный, гноящийся

purulent discharges; a purulent wound; purulent sputum; purulent inflamma- ~ tion; purulent substance

5. accelerate — ускорять(ся), учащать(ся)

to accelerate gradually; The pulse rate accelerates. The respiratory rate has be­come accelerated. The heartbeat is not accelerated.

6. reduce понижать, ослаблять; уменьшать to reduce the blood pressure; to reduce the respiratory rate; to reduce the temperature; the reduced red blood cell count

7. dullness тупость; приглушение

dullness in the lung; dullness of hearing; to reveal dullness by percussion; to de­termine the area of dullness

8. spleen селезенка

to palpate the spleen; the impairment of the spleen; an enlarged Spleen; the in­flammation of the spleen; to operate on the spleen

9. enlarge увеличиваться), расширять(ся); разрастаться) to enlarge scien­tific investigations; the enlarged veins of the right leg; The liver was considerably en­larged. The heart was not enlarged.

10. sign признак; симптом

the signs of occlusion; the signs of crepitation in the lungs; the signs of the dis­ease; The signs appear. He shows no signs of life. The signs of improvement are clear.

11. intensity напряженность; сила; яркость, плотность

various intensity; the intensity of sound; the intensity of the haemorrhage; to reduce the intensity; the degree of intensity; foci of different intensity

12. shadow тень; затемнение; затемнять

a deep shadow; a shadow in the lungs; to reveal a shadow by X-ray examination; not a shadow of doubt; The upper lobe of the lung was shadowed.

13. unit единица; единица измерения; отделение

the units of blood pressure; to administer 500,000 units of streptomycin; the dose of 200,000 units; a surgical unit. The gram is a unit of weight.

III. 1. when the patient had developed dullness in the lungs; 2. when the patient had improved considerably; 3. when he had analysed it

IV. 1. gradually; 2. is accompanied by; 3. has improved; 4. accelerates; 5. was enlarged; 6. severe; 7. reduces; 8. sign

147 V. 1. This patient has been staying at the in-patient department for 20 days. 2. Yes­terday the patient had been sleeping well for several hours before the doctor came. 3. The neurologist has been examining the patient for half an hour but he has not come to any definite conclusion yet.

VI. Listen to the words and their translation.

individual индивидуальный; personal персональный, личный; allergic аллергический; psychoneurosis психоневроз; psychoneurologic психоневро-генный

VII. Listen to the text "Asthma".

Asthma has many different forms, with possibly different causes. There is no con­dition which is so individual, so personal.

Asthma often begins in childhood. A child has bad attacks of cough accompanied by breathlessness. When he recovers no one knows when the next attack will occur. But many such child patients are free of the disease becoming adults, yet there are some who are not so happy.

There are certain types of asthma. The allergic type is due to some biochemical substance foreign to the body which produces an attack of asthma.

Attacks of asthma may be due to different emotions so this gives one the possibil­ity to consider asthma as psychoneurosis, determining its type as psychoneurologic.

Infections greatly affect the course of asthma. Pneumonia, tonsillitis and other foci of infection in the body provide favourable conditions for the development of severe attacks of asthma.


1. 1. affect поражать (болезнью); производить действие, воздействовать the affected spleen; The disease affected the kidneys. This climate has affected

his health. The upper lobe of the lung was not affected.

2. causative agent возбудитель

the causative agent of cholera; to reveal the causative agent; to discover the caus­ative agent of tuberculosis; to isolate the causative agent of meningitis

3. loss потеря; утрата

the loss of weight; blood loss; the loss of appetite; the loss of one's health; total loss; partial loss; the loss of one's eyesight; the loss of one's strength

4. involve поражать, вовлекать (в патологический процесс)

to involve the lungs; to be involved by a disease; involving the right middle lobe of

the lung

5. profuse обильный, чрезмерный

profuse haemorrhage; profuse vomiting; profuse purulent discharges; profuse


6. permanent постоянный, неизменный; необратимый permanent temperature; permanent elevation of blood pressure;

to complain of permanent headaches; permanent symptoms of a disease; Due to a severe brain trauma the patient was in a permanent state.

' 7. elevation повышение, поднятие

a considerable elevation of blood pressure; a permanent temperature elevation; the elevation of the level of blood sugar

8. perspiration потение; потоотделение; пот; испарина

night perspiration; to complain of permanent perspiration; He had increased perspiration at night.

9. evidence очевидность; основание; доказательство, показание, признак(и) There is no evidence of a malignant growth. There is little evidence that he has

gastritis. There is some evidence of recovery.

II. характерный; лимфатический; слизистогнойный; субфебрильный, подлихорадочный; пневмонический; типичный: отравление, интоксикация; метаболический, относящийся к обмену веществ; прогрессирующий, посту­пательно двигающийся вперед

III. I. having been administered; 2. having persisted; 3. Using

IV. а-3;б-1;в-2

V. 1. To determine the causes of malaise and fatigue the physician was question­ing the patient thoroughly. 2. To discover the causative agent of tobacco mosaic dis­ease Dmitry Ivanovsky had to carry on numerous investigations. 3. To make the patient's family history the therapeutist must know ifany of his relatives was ill with tuberculosis.

Русские придаточные предложения цели переводятся с помощью ин­финитива глагола.

VI. 1. The analysis of blood is made to determine the picture of blood. 2. Patients are applied cups to relieve cough. 3. Patients are X-rayed to reveal impairments in some inner organs. 4. Patients must follow a bed regimen is case of the grippe not to have complications.

VII. Listen to the extract from the novel "Say No to Death" (adapted): When Bart ran into the room Jan was still asleep. In a moment Doreen came in.

Her face was full of unspoken questions. Jan moved in her bed and opened her eyes at the sound of their lowered voice, Doreen came up and sat on the bed beside her. "Have you got any pain?" said Doreen studying her sister's pale face. "No, not a bit. It was the struggle for breath and the blood that frightened me." Doreen looked at Bart, and relief came into her face. "I thought it might be the pleurisy again, but if she hasn't got any pain...."

Bart nodded. Doreen's words gave him comfort. If Jan didn't have any pain, things couldn't be too bad. When you were really sick, you had a lot of pain. He smiled at Doreen with unusual warmth as he went to the door, and out into the street to get the doctor.

VIII 1. Her face was full of unspoken questions. 2. Relief came into her fate 3. Things couldn't be too bad.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 115 | Нарушение авторских прав

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