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IV. 1. Придаточное дополнительное предложение, пропущен союз that

Читайте также:
  1. II. Допишите предложение, раскрыв скобки
  2. II. Допишите предложение, раскрыв скобки
  3. II. Допишите предложение, раскрыв скобки
  4. II. Допишите предложение, раскрыв скобки
  5. III. Допишите предложение, поставив выделенное слово в правильную форму
  6. А) Найдите в каждом абзаце текста 3 предложение, выражающее его основную мысль.

125The doctor was sure that this medicine was highly valuable in the treatment of tuberculosis.

2. Придаточное определительное предложение, пропущен союз which которое.

The amount of the fluid part of the blood which we call the plasma composes 60%.

3. Придаточное определительное предложение, пропущен союз whom которого.

I. M. Sechenov whom we know as a famous Russian physiologist investigated blood gases.

V. Under normal conditions the respiratory movements are performed in both halves of the chest at one and the same moment.

During the examination of the chest one must find out the respiratory rate and its correlation to the pulse rate which is normally estimated as 1: 4.

The respiratory rate must be determined in such a way that the patient does not see it because he will begin to breathe rapidly or slowly when he understands that he is being observed.

The rhythm and depth of respiration must also be determined during the exami­nation.

There are two types of respiration: costo-inferior or male because it is mainly seen in men and costo-superior or female observed mainly in women.

The knowledge of the type of respiration is important because in some diseases of the lungs and pleura the type of respiration changes.

Текст можно озаглавить "Respiratory Movements".

VI. Listen to the text once more. Now check up your answers to the questions: I. Under normal conditions the respiratory movements are performed in both

halves of the chest at one and the same moment. 2. One must find out the respiratory rate and its correlation to the pulse rate. 3. The correlation between the respiratory and pulse rates is 1:4. 4. The patient becomes nervous and begins to breathe rapidly or slowly. 5. The rhythm and the depth of respiration must also be determined. 6. Costo-inferior or male and costo-superior or female types of respiration are ob­served. 7. The knowledge of the type of respiration is important because the type of respiration changes in lung and pleura diseases.


1. Listen to the keys to assignments 1, II, IX (Lesson 21).

II. 1. complicate усложнять; осложнять; complicated сложный, трудный (для понимания); осложненный

a complicated problem; a complicated case; a complicated disease; to complicate a situation

2. control n контроль; управление; проверка; control v управлять;

контролировать, проверять; успокаивать (боль); купировать; controlled контролируемый; управляемый

a control group; to control a disease; to control pain; controlled condition; to control vision; to control the process of respiration

3. pain боль

a constant pain; a bad pain; to feel pain; a pain in the side; a pain in the leg

4. area область; поле; пространство

a large area; in the area of the lumbar vertebrae; in the heart area

5. ear ухо

middle ear; external ear; earache

6. тоуедвигать(ся); передвигать(ся); шевелить(ся)

to move quickly (rapidly); to move slowly; to move a hand; to move a leg; not to move a muscle; Don't move!

7. order n порядок, приказ; order v назначать, прописывать, заказывать (лекарство); приказывать

the order of the words in a sentence; to be in order; to order a medicine; I was ordered to stay in bed.

in order to do smth. для того, чтобы сделать что-л.

We have entered the Institute in order to become doctors. He came to the poly-clinic in order to be examined.

8. vision зрение

direct vision; indirect vision; to control vision; the field of vision

9. feeling чувство, ощущение

the feeling of cold; the feeling of pain; the feeling of hunger; a good feeling; a strong feeling; The patient had a constant feeling of fear.

III. 1. He is almost well. Он почти здоров. 2. 1 am almost never tired. Я почти никогда не бываю усталым. 3. She is almost ready for the operation. Она почти готова к операции. 4. She is almost in good health. Она почти здорова.

IV. Listen to the words, assignment IV Lab. Work 26 (Students' Copy).

V. A. 1. The man has the organs of senses: the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue and the fingers. 2. The eyes are for seeing. 3. The ears are for hearing. 4. The nose is for smelling. 5. The tongue is for tasting. 6. The fingers are for touching.

Б. 1. We see with our eyes. 2. We hear with our ears. 3. We smell with our nose. 4. We taste with our tongue. 5. We touch with our fingers.

VI. a) 1. слух; 2. зрение; З. обоняние; 4. вкус; 5. Осязание; б) The man has five senses.

VII. 1. will have been discharged; 2. had been taken; 3. had been controlled; 4. have already been accomplished.

VIII. 1. Yes, you are. It was A. A. Krasuskaya who was the first woman in the world to become a professor of anatomy. 2. Yes, you are. It was N. I. Pirogov, the Russian surgeon and anatomist, who formulated the teaching of fasciae first. 3. Yes,

127you are. It was I. M. Sechenov who was the founder of the Russian physiology school. 4. Yes, you are. It was W. Harvey who discovered blood circulation. 5. Yes, you are. It was L. Pasteur who was the founder of microbiology.

IX. Listen to the text "Life After Death"

It was long ago, in the first half of the seventeenth century. Andreas Vesalius, the famous Spanish researcher and physician, was asked to dissect the corpse of the man who had just died. It was necessary to find out why he had died.

When the chest was opened all those present were horrified: they saw that the heart was still beating.

Why was the heart of the corpse contracting? How could such a physician as Andreas Vesalius take the living man for a corpse?

Vesalius could not answer the question either, as the level of medical knowledge was low at that time.

People were able to answer this question only three centuries later.

The fact is that there are some specific neuromuscular structures in the heart. The stimuli on which the work of the heart depends develop in these particular neu­romuscular structures. They have a specific feature called automatism due to which the stimuli develop in these structures themselves but do not come from other re­gions of the nervous system. That is why the heart of a corpse can contract for some moments after death.


1. 1. delicate тонкий; слабый; хрупкий

a delicate hearing; a delicate health; a delicate taste; a delicate child; delicate cells; a delicate operation; delicate skin

2. inhibit подавлять; тормозить; задерживать

to inhibit the development; to inhibit the emotions; to inhibit new stimuli

3. inhibition торможение

the process of inhibition; indirect orpassive inhibition; the inhibition of impulses; to decrease the inhibition; to increase the inhibition

4. provide снабжать; обеспечивать; предусматривать

to provide blood with oxygen; to be provided with the necessary organic sub­stances; to provide the conditions for a delicate operation

5. smooth гладкий, ровный; спокойный

smooth surface; smooth skin; smooth muscles; the smooth work of the brain

6. purpose цель

for practical purposes; to gain (to achieve) one's purpose; for this purpose; with a

definite purpose

7. significance значение, важность

the significance of this discovery; a great protective significance; to estimate the significance of this process; the scientific work of great signifi­cance

8. quiet спокойный; тихий

quiet movements; a quiet sleep; a quiet rest; a quiet person (man); to become quiet; The patient became quiet.

9. drop падать; капать; ронять; падение; капля

to drop the medicine into the eyes; to drop a thermometer by chance; a drop of fluid; a sudden drop of temperature. The blood pressure drops. The temperature has dropped.

10. fall падать; спадать; понижаться

to fall asleep; to fall ill; to fall behind. The temperature has fallen to normal. He fell and cut his hand.

11. spread распространяться

The inhibition spreads over the cortical cells. Some diseases spread quickly. The redness is spreading all over the right leg.

II. 1. My father is still working though he is very tired. 2. The blood pressure does not drop though the patient is taking the necessary medicine. 3. The scientist continues his investigations though almost everything has already been done. 4. The patient is allowed to walk though the disease has not yet been controlled completely.

III. A. 1. The patient's condition will become better provided he follows the treatment. 2. You will pass your examinations successfully provided you work hard and regularly during the whole academic year. 3. The vital activity of the nervous system is restored provided the man sleeps well. 4. The inhibited cortical cells do not react to the stimuli provided the man is sleeping. 5, The work of the brain will be smooth provided the nervous cells are well supplied with oxygen.

Б. Выделенные союзы переводятся словом provided.

IV. 1. fell; 2. delicate; 3. may; 4. tongue; 5. delicate; 6. fell; 7. smooth

V. to feed, to be fed, to be feeding, to have fed, to have been fed;

to obtain, to be obtained, to be obtaining, to have obtained, to have been ob­tained; to supply, to be supplied, to be supplying, to have supplied, to have been supplied "

VI. 1. We can accomplish these investigations by the end of the month. 2. We can't have accomplished these investigations by the end of the month. 3. You must order this medicine at the chemist's. 4. You-must have ordered this medicine at the chemist's yourself. 5. This disease may spread rapidly. 6. This disease may have spread rapidly.

VII. One nerve fiber is so thin that you can place several thousands of them on the point of the needle.

The nerve fibers join up with others forming thicker bands. From all over the body the nerves come together to a thick central nerve cord that runs up the spinal column.

129This is the spinal cord. The spinal cord runs through the hollow bones of the spine which protect it from trauma. At the upper end of the spine the spinal cord enters the brain from which all our thoughts, actions, movements and feelings come.

Этот текст можно озаглавить "The Spinal Cord".


I. variable; discharge; responsible; dependence; whiteness; prolong; generalize; existence; displace: fatness; academician; disappear; considerable

II. 1. The doctor knew well that the number of leucocytes would decrease after the treatment. 2. Investigating the phenomenon of respiratory metabolism it be­came clear to the scientists that the respiratory metabolism took place in the alveoli of the lungs. 3. Questioning the patient on his health the doctor found out that the patient had been ill with pneumonia two years before his admission.

HI. 1. The patient's responses to the sense of smell have been inhibited since the onset of his disease. 2. The air has just been introduced into the pleural cavity of the patient with tuberculosis to give rest to the diseased lung. 3. The patient fell asleep an hour after the medicine had been given to him. 4. The amount of oxygen ab­sorbed by the blood will already have been determined (estimated) by 2 o'clock.

IV. 1. Hehasavery poor vision to be examined by the eye specialist immediately.

2. I have to order the medicine to be dropped into my eyes. 3. The pulse rate to be determined in every case enables the doctor (him) to estimate the work of the heart.

V. A. 1. The doctor asked if 1 usually fell asleep quickly. 2. The surgeon asked if I often developed pain in the stomach after meals. 3. The eye doctor asked if 1 dropped the medicine regularly.

Б. 1. The cardiologist asked when 1 had developed the pain in the heart area. 2. My friend asked when I had attended the lecture on conditioned reflexes. 3. The surgeon asked when the course of the disease had become complicated.

B. 1. The surgeon asked where the pain would spread on examination of the abdo­men in case of appendicitis. 2. The scientist asked where the stimuli would continue to come during a sound quiet sleep. 3. The therapeutist asked where the patient with lumbar pain would receive physiotherapy.

VI. 1. The colour of the blood is due to hemoglobin. 2. The heart pumps the blood through the arteries to all the parts of the body due to heart contractions.

3. The rate of heartbeat may increase due to different emotions and physical exer­tion. 4. The blood passes from the right atrium into the right ventricle due to the in­crease of pressure in the right atrium. 5. Red corpuscles can pass through very small capillaries due to their elasticity and flexibility.

VII. 1. The investigations must be completed by the scientists soon. The investi­gations must have been completed by the end of the last year. 2. The response to the treatment may develop quickly. The response to the treatment may have developed by

the evening. 3. The doctor must obtain the necessary findings of the blood analysis in two hours. The doctor must have obtained the necessary findings of the blood analysis by 2 o'clock.

VIII. Listen to the text "The Rhythm".

Your rhythm of life has begun with the first beat of your heart. Feel your heart. Then feel your wrist (запястье) where your pulse beats. That is where one can best feel the rhythm of the blood moving through the human body from the heart.

If one listens to the heart one can determine that in most adults the heart beats about 72 times a minute. Movements of the body or emotions can change the rhythm of the heart.

So one may say that the rhythm of the heart is the first and most important rhythm of the human life.

Listen to the answers to the questions (Lab. Work 28, VIII).

1. Our rhythm of life has begun with the first beat of our heart. 2. One can feel the rhythm of the heart best on one's wrist. 3. Listening to the heart one can determine-that in most adults the heart beats about 72 times a minute. 4. Movements of the body or emotions are able to change the rhythm of the heart.


1. Listen to the keys, assignments I (1, 2, 3), II (Lesson 24).

II. 1. a microorganism; 2. a coccus; 3. a membrane; 4. a phagocyte; 5. an aero bic microorganism; 6. a bacillus; 7. an anaerobic microorganism; 8. a mucous membrane

III. 1. growth рост; увеличение; новообразование; опухоль

a rapid growth; a constant growth; the slow,growth of bones; to inhibit the growl 11, to reveal a growth in the lungs

2. favourable благоприятный; удобный

a favourable response; under favourable conditions; to develop quickly in I favourable^environment

3. multiply размножаться

to multiply by division; the process of multiplying. M icroorganisms multiply i, 11 > idly.

4. size размер, величина

a large size; a small size; microorganisms of the same size; to determine the м/с of the growth; to be the size of smth. The growth was the size of a small nut.

5. environment окружающая среда

the conditions of the environment; one's home environment; This environmcui acts unfavourably on the growth of cocci.

6. invade вторгаться; поражать (болезнью) to invade constantly; Micfoorgan isms invade the human body. The growth invades the sound tissues.

1317. destroy разрушать, уничтожать

to destroy completely; to destroy quickly (rapidly); to destroy virulent microor­ganisms. The invading microorganisms are destroyed by phagocytes.

8. occur встречаться; происходить; случаться

This disease occurs very often. Some complications may occur in the grippe. The heart attack occurred twice a day. When did it occur?

9. reveal показывать, обнаруживать, выявлять the medical examination re­vealed; Staphylococci were revealed in the patient. What does the blood analysis re­veal?

10. persist сохраняться, продолжать существовать

the pain persists; the temperature persisted; The disease persisted though the pa­tient received a proper treatment.

11. impair повреждать, ухудшать, нарушать; подорвать (здоровье) to impair one's health; to impair the functions of the heart; The blood supply was impaired.

12. skin кожа

smooth skin; reddish skin; to impair the outer skin layer

13. catch схватить; заболеть; заразиться

to catch the grippe; to catch an infectious disease; Phagocytes catch and destroy certain microbes.

14. report сообщать, докладывать

it is reported that; to report on the latest scientific achievements. The findings of numerous experiments were reported in this article.

15. certain некоторый; некий; определенный

on certain days; under certain conditions; a certain researcher; for certain rea­sons

IV. 1. The environment was not favourable however the pneumococci continued to multiply. 2. The general condition of the patient has become better however some impairments of the blood supply of the left lower extremity still persist. 3. Many virulent microorganisms invade our body however the disease does not always de­velop due to protective agents.

V. 1. to feel, felt, felt; 2. to multiply, multiplies, multiplied; 3. occurs, occurred, occurred; 4. to bring, brought, brought; 5. to persist, persists, persisted; 6. catches, caught, caught; 7. to invade, invades, invaded; 8. to feed, feeds, fed

VI. 1. What microorganisms get their oxygen supply from the environment? What do aerobic microorganisms get from the environment? Where do aerobic mi­croorganisms get their oxygen supply from? 2. Who cannot sleep well when the pro­cess of inhibition is impaired? When can't the man sleep well?

VII. 1. Aerobic microorganisms must have oxygen for their life and growth.

2. Pneumococci can be revealed in the alveoli of the lung in lobar pneumonia.

3. The colour of the blood is due to hemoglobin. 4. The size of the vertebrae in­creases with age. 5. The atria and the ventricles take in the blood during the diastole. 6. A very high temperature persists in lobar pneumonia.


1.1. plant растение

a useful plant; a rapid growth of plants; a tobacco plant; to investigate the devel­opment of plants

2. juice сок

the juice of the plant; vegetable juice; to drink some tomato juice; gastric juice; to make the analysis of the pancreatic juice

3. fine тонкий; мелкий

a fine needle; fine skin; a fine filter; fine dust; to breathe in fine dust; to suture tissues with a fine needle

4. to pass проходить; протекать; пропускать

to pass the juice through a fine filter; The blood passes through the vessels. Time passes quickly. The sound does not pass through thick walls.

5. branch раздел, отрасль; ветвь

an important branch of science; to establish a new branch of medicine;

the branches of blood vessels; Virology is one of the branches of microbiology.

6. wound рана

a bad wound; a serious wound; a light wound; to die of wounds; to bandage a wound; The wound is healing well.

7. throat горло; гортань

a sore throat; to examine the patient's throat; redness in the throat; the diseases of the throat; to gargle one's throat; I have a sore throat.

8. property свойство

chemical properties of different elements; plants with healing properties

9. mucus слизь

to discharge some mucus; the discharge of mucus; the mucus of the intestines; Bacteria can multiply in mucus.

10. pathogenic патогенный, болезнетворный

pathogenic microorganisms; Pathogenic microorganisms produce diseases. Ph­agocytes destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

it. 1. A throat is the passage from the back of the mouth to the stomach and lung. 2. A plant is any form of vegetable life. 3. Juice is the liquid part of fruits, veg­etables and plants. 4. A property is a special quality which a thing has. 5. Pathogenic is producing a disease.

HI. The wound can be: healing, serious, light;

the throat can be: sore, red;

the plant can be: important, useful, new, main, vegetable;

the juice can be: gastric, useful, pancreatic, vegetable;

the branch can be: important, chemical, useful, new, main;

the property can be: important, chemical, useful, new, main

IV. 1. tomato juice; 2. fine dust; 3. pass through; 4. plants; 5. the wound

133V. 1. What does a nurse have to do? A nurse has to take care of patients. 2. What does a researcher have to do? A researcher has to carry on experiments. 3. What does an investigator have to do? An investigator has to prove the phenomenon. 4. What does a cardiologist have to do? A cardiologist has to treat for heart diseases. 5. What does an otolaryngologist have to do? An otolaryngologist has to examine the ears, throat, and nose. 6. What does a laboratory worker have to do? A laboratory worker has to take the gastric juice.

VI. 1. somebody — кто-то, кто-нибудь; someone — кто-то, кто-нибудь; somewhere — где-то, куда-то; 2. anything — всё, что угодно;

что-то, что-нибудь; anyone — кто-нибудь, кто-либо; anywhere — где-нибудь, куда-нибудь; 3. nothing — ничего; nobody — никто; nowhere - нигде, никуда; 4. everything - всё; everybody — все; everyone — все

VII. Listen to the text "The Works of Russian Scientists on 'Peni-cillium Glaucum"'.

In 1871 the prominent Russian doctor V. A. Manassein published his report in which he described his numerous experiments with "penicillium glaucum". During his observations of this particular plant V. A. Manassein discovered that many bacte­ria did not multiply and did not produce new ones in its presence. Due to this phe­nomenon V. A. Manassein began to investigate the properties of this plant. He deter­mined that it grew well only in such an environment which was provided with oxy­gen, that is it was aerobic. The young culture of penicillium glaucum destroyed bac­teria rapidly, they could not multiply and even disappeared in its presence. The great significance of penicillium glaucum as a protective agent against bacterial infection was clearly determined.

In 1872 another Russian scientist, Professor of skin diseases A. G. Polotebnov published his article on the same subject, that is penicillium glaucum.

He observed the same phenomenon which had been described by V. A. Manassein a year before. Professor A. G. Polotebnov used penicillium glaucum in his practice treating wounds and some skin diseases. The results of the treatment with penicil­lium glaucum were effective:

it controlled the development of infection and decreased the spread of microbes.

These Russian scientists were the first to observe the specific properties of peni­cillium glaucum though they were not able to use it in its pure form in medical treat­ment. The discovery of penicillin was made by the great English scientist Alexander Fleming in 1929.


I. Listen to the keys, assignment V (Lesson 26).

II. 1. drug лекарство

a useful drug; a drug for a headache; to take the drug three times a day; to order a drug


2. dangerous опасный

dangerous to life; to be dangerous for people; a dangerous disease; to have dangerous complications

3. to disappear исчезать

bacteria disappear; to disappear rapidly; to disappear suddenly; Toxic phenomena have already disappeared.

4. immediately немедленно

to be operated on immediately; to be admitted to the hospital immediately; to disappear immediately

5. common обычный; обший; распространенный

a common disease; common properties of microorganisms; to develop in a com­mon environment

6. dry сухой; сушить; вытирать

dry climate; dry cough; dry skin; a dry throat; to dry vegetables and fruit; the surgeon dried his hands

7. to extract выделять; удалять

to extract some juice; to extract pure penicillin; The tooth was immediately ex­tracted. The surgeon extracted a foreign body from the throat.

8. pure чистый

in a pure form; pure juice; to introduce pure novocaine

9. fail не удаваться, не суметь

to fail at the examination; to fail to reveal pure culture; He failed to extract;i foreign body. They (ail to receive the same findings.

UI. 2. The dentist is to extract your bad tooth. Зубной врач должен удали i1 вам больной зуб. 4. This drug is to be taken three times a day before meals. Это лекарство нужно принимать три раза в день перед едой. 6. The growth of vim lent microorganisms is to be stopped by penicillin injections. Рост болезнетнор ных микроорганизмов должен быть остановлен уколами пенициллина.

IV. 1. Не has caught a bad cold recently. 2. Antibiotics have some antibacb properties. 3. One has to drink pure boiled water not to catch any gastrointesim и disease. 4. The nurse has already bandaged the patient's wound 5. The infant li

be fed regularly.

V. 1. The scientist should (has to, is to) carry on numerous experiments on mals before treating people with new drugs. Ученому следует (он должен, нужно, необходимо) провести многочисленные опыты на животных, npi чем лечить людей... 2. The microbiologist should (has to, is to) try a new in. of investigation to reveal virulent microorganisms. Микробиологу следус должен, ему нужно, необходимо) испробовать новый метод исследовании

VI. 2. Исследователь наблюдал то же самое явление во всех своих опы 4. Повторные анализы крови дали те же самые результаты.

134 VII. I. You must take the same drug you took last year. 2. On examination of the mucus from the intestines the same bacilli as those from the oral cavity were found. 3. In all the investigated cases the same nature of the disease was established.

VIII. Listen to the text "Louis Pasteur".

Louis Pasteur was born in 1822. He was a prominent French chemist, one of the founders of modern microbiology.

His research work helped much to establish the field of bacteriology. In his early years Pasteur devoted his energies to the discovery of microorganisms in wine and beer-production. He introduced the idea of heat sterilization (pasteurization) forthese products and milk too.

In later life he became interested in hydrophobia. Working in this field he devel­oped the principle that viral pathogenic properties could be attenuated by passing the virus through the body of a proper animal. On the basis of these observations he developed a vaccine for hydrophobia.

Continuing his investigation L. Pasteur discovered the method to prevent some infectious diseases by introducing attenuated causative agents. This method is known as vaccination. It has helped to fight against many infectious diseases.


1. Listen to the keys, assignment V (Lesson 27).

II. 1. institution учреждение; заведение

a medical institution; an educational institution; a higher educational institution

2. ring up (rang up, rung up) звонить; вызывать по телефону

to ring up the polyclinic; Have you already rung up the physician? I am going to ring up the hospital.

3. call вызов; call in вызвать (врача)

to go out to the calls; to call in a doctor to a sick girl. There is a call to Svoboda street No. 6. This call has just come in. Why hasn't the doctor been called in yet?

4. complaint жалоба

complaints of a bad stomachache; serious complaints; constant complaints. What are your complaints? The patient had not any definite complaints.

5. correct правильный; исправлять; поправлять

to make a correct diagnosis; to administer a correct treatment; to correct a mis­take; the corrected findings of the test

6. consult советоваться; обращаться к врачу

to consult a doctor; consulting hours; the doctor's consulting room. Have you consulted a neurologist?

7. sick больной

a sick infant; a sick female (woman); a sick male (man); a sick-leave; to be on a sick-leave; to receive a sick-leave

8. definite определенный; точный

a definite place; at a definite time; on a definite day; a definite number of pa­tients; a definite diagnosis

9. to fill in заполнять; вписывать; вносить

to fill in a temperature chart. The doctor has just filled in this patient's card. Why haven't you filled in patient Sedov's sick-leave?

III. 1. investigates the life of microorganisms; 2. treats the diseases of the ner­vous system; 3. protects and restores the health of people; 4. treats the diseases of the inner organs; 5. performs operations on patients; 6. treats ear, throat, and nose diseases; 7. treats heart diseases

IV. 1. The patient complains of the pain in his lung when something is wrong with it. 2. The patient complains of the pain in his heart when something is wrong with it. 3. The patient complains of the pain in his stomach when something is wrong with it. 4. The patient complains of the pain in his liver when something is wrong] with it. 5. The patient complains of the pain in his kidney when something is wrong with it.

V. 1. Why was the patient administered a bed regimen? 2. What arc patients withj pneumonia usually administered? 3. What does the doctor often administer in] colds? 4. What drugs has my mother been administered recently? 5. Why did the] physician administer me a low salt diet last year?

VI. 1. Tomorrow I shall be able to allow the patient to sit up if the rate of hie heartbeat becomes normal. 2. If the increased respiratory rate persists in this female she will have to be admitted to the clinic. 3. As soon as the analysis of the stomachi juice is ready the patient will be administered a proper diet. 4. The treatment will be prolonged until a favourable response is produced.

VII. 1. Please give me this patient's temperature chart. 2. The patient had to give up smoking because of the lung trouble. 3. Why did he have to give in to your point of view? 4. Her eyes gave away her feelings. 5. Are you getting off at the next stop'.' 6. 1 usually get up at a definite time. 7. The infection got deep into the wound. 8. When can I get my blood analysis findings? 9. The neurologist rang up the nurse who was on the first floor and asked her to get down to his consulting room.

VIII. Listen to the text "Florence Nightingale - the Founder of the Nursing Profession".

Nadezhda Andreevna Boyko who had taken part in the Great Patriotic War as,i medical nurse and who had saved many Soviet soldiers during the most severe battle- near Novorossiysk, was awarded the medal of Florence Nightingale by the Interne tional Organization of Red Cross.

Do you know who Florence Nightingale was? If not — listen to this story.

One hundred years ago the first professional School for nurses was founded n one of the hospitals in London by a young Englishwoman Florence Nightingale. Shi was born on May 12, 1820, in the Italian city of Florence after which she was nanioi She was one of the greatest women in the history of England.In 1854 Miss Nightingale and 38 other nurses whom she knew well went to the Crimea lo help in the care of the sick and wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The death rate among the wounded was 42 per cent. The first thing to decrease the death rate among the wounded soldiers was the need of cleanli­ness.

Four months later the death rate among the wounded soldiers decreased to 2 per cent. During this period the nurses worked day and night, caring and nursing about 10.000 men.

Miss Nightingale never gave an injection, never took blood pressure or made an electrocardiogram, but she did her best establishing a more reasonable and hopeful way of handling all kinds of illness. This way of handling has been used up to now.

She became prominent because she was the first to establish the nursing profes­sion. During the past century the lamp which she carried while making her nightly rounds in dark buildings used as hospital wards in the Crimea has become symbolic of the ideals of nursing.

IX. Listen to the following questions.

1. Why was N. A. Boyko awarded the medal of Florence Nightingale? 2. What International Organization awarded her this medal? 3. What did Florence Nightin­gale and her nurses do during the war of 1853-1856 in the Crimea? 4. What helped to decrease the death rate among the wounded soldiers? 5. Why has the name of Florence Nightingale become widely known?


1. 1. cough кашель; кашлять

dry cough; moist cough; a painful cough; a bad cough; to control cough; to com­plain of cough; to cough badly == to have a bad cough; a cough mixture; a cough remedy

2. rale хрип (в легких)

moist rales; dry rales; to reveal dry rales in the lungs; Moist rales were heard The rales in the lungs disappeared.

3. acute острый

acute pain; an acute form of the disease; acute bronchitis; acute abdomen; acute hearing

4. cold простуда

a bad cold; to catch a cold; I have a bad cold. Where have you caught such a cold?

5. accumulate накапливать(ся), собирать(ся)

to accumulate rapidly; to accumulate slowly; The mucus has accumulated. Much discharge accumulated in the bronchi.

6. light легкий; светлый

a light diet: light weight; light food; light breakfast; light eyes; light-yellow; light-brown; It is light.

7. orally внутрь (черезрот)

to take the medicine orally; This drug is always administered orally. Are you tak­ing this drug orally or are you being given injections?

II. 1. was being filled in — Past Continuous Passive; 2. is being given — Prescni Continuous Passive; 3. was being fed — Past Continuous Passive; 4. was being con trolled — Past Continuous Passive

III. 1. Both the patient with bronchitis and the patient with pneumonia com plain of the pain in the chest. 2. This medicine can be administered both orally and by injections. 3. Both dry rales and moist rales may be heard in the lungs in сам- ol pneumonia. 4. The patient with bronchitis often complains both of the pain in t lu throat and of the pain behind the breastbone.

IV. 1. The doctor revealed neither dry nor moist rales. 2. The therapeutisi id ministered my brother neither a light diet nor a bed regimen. 3. The physician ob served changes neither in the liver nor in the kidneys.

V. 1. The patient with pneumonia is administered «ither streptomycin injeel

or penicillin injections. 2. At the polyclinic you may consult either a neurologist 01 • surgeon. 3, The sick may be given injections either in the morning or in the eve 4. According to the patient's complaints the physician may listen either to tin or to the lungs.

VI. 1. Dry air is favourable for patients with tuberculosis. 2. The doctor revi moist rales in the upper lobe of the left lung. 3. An infant must be fed with wai i not cold juice. 4. How many times a day did the doctor administer you these I tions?

VII. Listen to the text "Acute Bronchitis".

Acute bronchitis is the disease of the bronchi. It is the inflammation (eocna <• of the bronchi. Its main symptom is a short painful dry cough associated with respiration. The patient often complains of the pain in the throat, and behim breastbone. He also feels discomfort in the chest and breathes heavily. Both il. moist rales are heard in the lungs.

The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane i-. accumulates in the bronchial tubes and makes (заставляет) the patient cough

1. Acute bronchitis is the disease of the bronchi. 2. It is the inflammatioi bronchi. 3. The main symptom of acute bronchitis is a short painful dry courh cough isassociated with rapid respiration". 5. The patient complains of the pnlll throat and behind the breastbone. 6. The patient feels discomfort in the с I patient breathes heavily. 8. Both dry and moist rales are heard in the lungs. 4 i a large amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane. 11' mulates in the bronchial tubes. 11. This discharge makes the patient con


1.1. relief облегчение

a sudden relief; an immediate relief; to feel a great relief; This medicine has al­ready given some relief.

2. approach приближаться) (к), подходить (к); приближение, подход

to approach the diseased portion of the stomach during the operation; The doc­tor approached my bedside. The approach to the lung was difficult. What approach is the best one in this operation?

3. ward палата

a light ward; a large ward; to be in the ward; a ward doctor; a reception ward

4. doubt сомнение; сомневаться (в чём-л.)

great doubt; to doubt some facts; There is no doubt about it. I have no doubt about this diagnosis. Nobody doubts these findings,

5. ache боль; болеть

headache; a bad toothache; to ache badly; He complains of an acute stomach­ache. I have an intolerable earache. My back is aching intolerably. Does your heart ache at rest?

6. trouble беспокойство; болезнь; беспокоить(ся)

a heart trouble; an acute kidney trouble; to feel trouble; He has a stomach trouble. What is troubling you? — My leg is troubling me.

7. to be afraid of бояться

to be afraid of doing smth (to do smth); He is afraid of catching a cold. He is not afraid of the operation.

II. 1. The patient thought that his earache was associated with a bad tooth. 2. This medicine will give you the relief immediately. 3. The ward doctor has just ap­proached the bedside of this patient. 4. Nobody doubts that the response to vitamin treatment in case of rickets is favourable.

III. 1. In case of what disease does the patient complain of a chest pain? 2. In case of what disease does the patient develop a short painful dry cough? 3. In case of what disease has the patient a high temperature and a bad headache? 4. In case of what disease does the patient feel discomfort in the stomach?

IV. 1.1 have a bad pain in the right side of the chest. 2. On examination the doc­tor revealed that the patient had two bad teeth. 3. My mother feels bad because she has a high blood pressure. 4. This juice tastes bad, it is not fresh. 5. As he caught a cold he developed a bad cough. 6. He has been in bad health since his early child­hood. 7.1 have a high temperature as I have a bad cold.

При переводе выделенных слов и словосочетаний употреблено слово bad. В сочетании с глаголами to feel и to taste употребляется прилагательное bad, a не наречие badly.

V. 1. Doesn't the patient complain of sleeplessness? 2. Doesn't this nurse care for her patients? 3. Doesn't he attend the microbiology scientific society? 4. Don't mi­crobes multiply rapidly in a favourable environment? 5. Didn't he follow a bed regi-

men last month? 6. Didn't your sister ring up the district polyclinic yesterday? 7. Didn't the physician administer the patient streptomycin injections?

1. Разве больной не жалуется на бессонницу? 2. Разве сестра не ухаживает за больными? 3. Разве он не посещает научный кружок по микробиологии? 4. Разве микробы не размножаются быстро в благоприятной среде? 5. Разве он не соблюдал постельный режим в прошлом месяце? 6. Разве ваша сестра не звонила в участковую поликлинику вчера? 7. Разве врач не назначал больному инъекции стрептомицина?

Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения переводятся введением слов разве... не.

VI. Listen to the extract from "THE FORSYTE SAGA" by J. Galsworthy.

James Forsyte caught a simple cold in the room with double windows, in the room which he had not left since the middle of September.

It was a little cold, but it was destroying his little strength and rapidly spreading to his lungs. He was in deep waters. " He mustn't catch cold," the doctor had said and as soon as he had gone James caught it.

When he first felt it he had said to his nurse - for he had one now — "There, I knew how it would be, airing the room like that." For a whole day he was highly nervous. He made every breath with great care and his temperature was taken every hour. But yet his wife Emily was not alarmed.

Next morning when Emily came into the sick-room the nurse whispered: "He doesn't want to take his temperature." Emily approached the bedside where he was lying and said: " How do you feel, James?" She asked James to take his temperature. He looked up at her and said: "What's the good of that? I don't want to know."

Then Emily was alarmed. He breathed with difficulty, he looked weak and pale. She had "bad trouble" with him, but he was James, had been James for nearly fifty years; she couldn't imagine life without James.


1. Listen to the keys, assignments 1,11 (Lesson 30).

II. 1. department отделение

in-patient department; out-patient department; a therapeutic department; a sur­gical department; to be admitted to the in-patient department

2. initial начальный, первоначальный; предварительный

initial symptoms; to make an initial diagnosis; to estimate the initial findings; initial observations

3. apply применять; прикладывать

to apply cups; to apply in practice; to apply a new method of treatment; to apply successfully

4. prescribe прописывать, предписывать

to prescribe the medicine for a cold. He was prescribed a light diet. Haven't you been prescribed injections? The prescribed drugs (medicine) gave favourable results.

5. indicate указывать, показывать; обозначать

The operation was not indicated. Vitamin treatment is indicated in rickets. What is indicated on a label? The patient with gastritis is indicated a light diet.

6. keep (kept, kept) держать, хранить

to keep one's bed; Drugs are kept in a drug cabinet. Keep your feet warm and dry not to catch a cold.

7. poisonous ядовитый; отравляющий, токсический

a poisonous drug; a poisonous reaction; to prevent a poisonous action: to cause a poisonous reaction

8. cause причинять, вызывать; причина

to cause pain: stomachache caused by the overdosage of the drug; the cause of the disease; the cause of the unfavourable reaction

9. death смерть

death rate; to prevent death; to cause death; Death occurred on the 14th day of hospitalization.

10. round обход

to make one's daily round of; a morning round; an evening round of the wards of the therapeutic department. The doctor is on his round. Have you already finished the round of your wards? He has just come back from the round.

11. relieve облегчать, ослаблять, снимать (боль)

to relieve pain; to relieve stomachache; to relieve a bad headache rapidly; This mixture relieves cough. Breathlessness is relieved by this drug.

12. prevent предотвращать; предупреждать

to prevent a heart attack; to prevent the spread of the infection; to prevent a serious complication; The inflammation was prevented by proper injections.

13. recovery выздоровление; восстановление

a rapid recovery; to make a good recovery; His recovery was slow. Her rapid re­covery is due to good care.

III. A. 1. relieving cough; 2. causing serious complications; 3. making the evening round of the wards; 4. preventing the inflammation in the kidneys

Б. 1. Hospitalizing the patient the doctor.... 2. Making a good recovery the pat ient... 3. Applying cups the nurse.... 4. Prescribing to a patient any remedy a physician....

IV. 1. prescribed; 2. cause; 3. relieved; 4. a dose; 5. poisonous; 6. is indicated; 7. prevent; 8. apply

V. A. 1. It is a doctor on duty who makes an evening round of the wards. 2. It is a nurse who applies cups to patients at the in-patient department. 3. It is a surgeon who performs operations in the hospital. 4. It is a district doctor who makes an ini­tial diagnosis at the polyclinic.

Б. 1. It is the injection of pontopone that may relieve pain. 2. It is the proper treatment that may prevent the development of complications. 3. It is due care that


may help the patient to make a good recovery. 4. It is a light diet that the physician may administer the patient with a bad stomachache.

VI. A. 1. The physician asked the patient if his parents were living. 2. The neu­rologist did not know if the patient had taken such a medicine before. 3. The at­tending doctor had to know if the patient had had such symptoms before.

Б. 1. If the attending doctor gives his instructions to the nurse she must carry them out exactly. 2. This medicine will relieve the pain if you take it regularly. 3. If your condition does not become better I shall have to hospitalize you.

VII. A. 1. What is your age? 2. What is your occupation? 3. What is your ad­dress? 4. What is your blood group? 5. What is your sensitivity to penicillin? 6. What are your complaints? 7. What are your symptoms? 8. What are your previous dis­eases? 9. What are your present troubles?

Б. 1. Are your parents living? 2. Has any of the members of your family ever.been ill with tuberculosis? 3. Has any of your parents or members of the family had any mental or emotional impairments?


1. 1. applying, having applied, having been applied; 2. being caused, having caused, having been caused; 3. preventing, being prevented, having been prevented; 4. catch­ing, being caught, having caught; 5. being prescribed, having prescribed, having been prescribed

II. 1. Думаете ли вы оперировать этого больного во вторник? Operating -Indefinite Gerund Active. 2. Исследователь, проводящий опыты в нашей лаборатории в настоящее время, может получить очень важные результаты. Carrying on - Present Participle Active. Findings - Verbal Noun. 3. После того как больному поставили банки, он почувствовал значительное облегчение. Having been applied — Perfect Gerund Passive. 4. Нам самим интересно on-ределить сердечные тоны. Determining — Indefinite Gerund Active. 5. Сделав обход палат, дежурный хирург пошел в приемный покой обследовать вновь поступившего больного. Having made — Perfect Participle Active.

III. 1. The patient had to follow a bed regimen because he had developedan acute pain in the heart. 2. The patient was discharged from the hospital because he had been relievedof all the painful symptoms. 3. The patient was transfused 500 ml of blood when he was being operated on.

IV. 1. A drug cabinet is used for keeping drugs and remedies. 2. A label is usl-iI for indicating the dose of the medicine. 3. A temperature chart is used for writing down the patient's temperature. 4. A patient's card is used for filling it in with all the findings about the patient's disease. 5. A cough mixture is used for relieving a bad cough. 6. Antibiotic injections are used for preventing inflammation.

V. Listen to assignment V, Lab. Work No. 36 (Students' Copy).


VI. 1. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi. 2.,Tracheitisisthe inflam­mation of the trachea. 3. Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. 4. Gastritis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. 5. Myo­carditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle. 6. Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils.

VII. 1.1 am 20. 2. My parents are living. 3. Nobody has ever been ill with tuber­culosis. 4. Nobody has ever had any mental or emotional impairments. 5. I had whooping cough in my childhood. 6. I am often ill with the grippe being an adult. 7. 1 have never been operated on. 8. My blood group is "one". 9.1 am not sensitive to antibiotics. 10.1 complain of a bad cough. 11. It is productive now. 12. It was dry two days ago. 13.1 feel pain in the substernal area and in the throat. 14.1 have a bad headache during long attacks of cough. 15. My temperature is only 37 °C.

It is tracheitis.

VIII. Listen to the text "Local and General Tendencies to Colds"

A local tendency to colds is caused by chronic hypertrophies and congestions of the nose and throat, by subacute or chronic catarrhs of these areas. Colds may be produced by any condition of the lungs or heart that may cause congestions of these mucous membranes, and particularly by such a condition of the nose or nasopharynx mucous membranes which will cause mouth breathing more or less constantly. Such patients are more sensitive to acute infections of the throat and lungs than arc those who breathe through their nose.

A general tendency to colds is produced by hypersensitivity or decreased resis­tance of the body to microorganisms and dust particles in the atmosphere.


1.1. matter вещество, материал; сущность; дело; вопрос; повод a complicated matter; a matter of some days; grey matter of the brain; a matter of great significance; What is the matter with you?

2. expect ожидать; предполагать

We have never expected this. The surgeon expects to operate on this patient in a day. The researcher expected to complete his investigations in two months.

3. sharp острый; точно, ровно (о времени)

a sharp heart pain; a sharp eyesight; at 12 sharp; sharp in time

4. preserve сохранять; консервировать, беречь

to preserve peace; to preserve life; a well-preserved juice; preserved blood

5. in spite of несмотря на

in spite of persisting pain; in spite of unusual findings; in spite of the fact that

6. sputum мокрота

dark sputum; thick sputum; to cough up sputum; to make the analysis of sputum; to reveal virulent microorganisms in the sputum

7. vomiting рвота


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