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VI. Read and translate the following texts with a dictionary.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  3. A) scan the texts and find the words concerning oil and gas sphere
  4. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  5. A. Read and translate the text.
  6. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  7. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following

At the railway station

It's common knowledge that nowadays people travel a lot. They travel on business and for pleasure, about the country and abroad. Those who wish to travel have at their disposal various means of transport: express trains and aircraft, big ships and cars.

Although aircraft are faster and, some people say, more convenient, the railway is still one of the most popular means of travel. First of all, the railway tickets are cheaper. And there are people who don't like flying, and there are others who enjoy travelling by train more than by plane.

With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a carriage you have a splendid view of the countryside. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dining-car or the buffet-car and if the journey is long you can have a comfortable bed in a sleeper.

A big railway station is a very busy and interesting place. There are a lot of platforms at which trains come in and go out. A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. The porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. On another platform a train has just come in. Some passengers are getting out, others are getting in. Those who haven't bought their tickets in advance are waiting in queues at the booking-office. At the bookstalls people are choosing books, magazines and newspapers for the journey. At the cloak-room or luggage office some people are leaving and taking their luggage.

There are a lot of signs in a big railway station. You may see ENTRANCE and EXIT. There is also a WAITING ROOM where you can relax until it is time to board your train. If you are hungry or thirsty you'll go to the REFRESHMENT ROOM. If you don't know the number of the platform from which your train leaves, look for the signs ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES. They will tell you the number of the platform.

When you arrive in a large town you may leave your heavy luggage at the station. In this case you will look for the CLOAK ROOM or LUGGAGE OFFICE.

If you have lost something you need to find LOST PROPERTY OF­FICE. If you find anything, if it is a small item like glasses or umbrella, you can take them to the lost property office, too. If it is big, something like a parcel or a suitcase, report it to the POLICE OFFICE, never touch it yourself.

You will also see the sign BOOKING OFFICE. This is where you buy your ticket. If you don't know the time or the platform your train leaves from you'll go to the INQUIRY OFFICE or the INFORMATION BUREAU.

Answer the following questions.

1. What means of travel are at travellers' disposal? 2. Why is railway still a very popular means of transport? 3. What is convenient in travelling by train? 4. Why is a railway station a busy place? 5. What signs can you see at a railway station and what do they mean?

At an airport

At an airport they usually have some halls (lobbies, or lounges): an arrival hall (for those who arrive), a departure hall (for those who leave). There may be a transit hall for transit passengers.

Airlines perform a variety of activities in the terminal building of an airport, for which they need some facilities: booking offices, check-in counters, baggage-handling counters, baggage claim area, information board and inquiry offices, telecommunication, crew rest facilities, etc.

In the airport terminal building a lot of conveniences for passengers are provided: cafes and snack-bars, luggage lockers, left luggage department, duty-free shops, various gift-shops, first-aid rooms, lost and found department, currency exchange, chemist's counters, public telephones, etc.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

вестибюль; зал ожидания; зал прибытия; зал отправления; транзитный пассажир; авиалиния, авиакомпания; аэровокзал, здание аэровокзала; билетная касса; стойка регистрации; место выдачи багажа; информационное табло; справочное бюро; автоматические камеры хранения; камера хранения; магазин, торгующий беспошлинными товарами; сувенирная лавка; пункт скорой помощи; бюро находок; пункт обмены валюты; аптека.

Ticketing and check-in

The passenger ticket and baggage check for an international flight issued in your name is personal and can’t be conceded to another person. Your ticket is issued at the normal fare and is valid for one year as of the date of commencement of flight. The day before your journey, study again the data in your ticket: airport of departure, the airline you are going to fly by (your carrier), flight number, departure check-in time (i.e. the time by which passengers should be at the airline check-in desk to be accepted for the flight), the departure time of the aircraft. If you fail to arrive at the check-in in due time, you will not be accepted for transportation on the flight for which you have reserved a seat.

Each one of your pieces of baggage will be tagged with a baggage tag with a serial number and the final destination of your baggage. The other piece of the baggage tag is sticked to the cover of your ticket. After the check-in you will be given a boarding pass. You should keep this boarding pass at hand and present it together with the other documents to the passport and customs control authorities, until you board the plane.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

багажная квитанция; выдавать билет на имя; уступить, передать; обычный (полный) тариф действительный в течение одного года; начало полета; путешествие, поездка сухопутная; аэропорт вылета; номер рейса; время регистрации; время отправления; в назначенное время; заранее взять, заказать билет; багажное место; багажная бирка; прикреплять к обложке билета; держать посадочный талон в руке; садиться на самолет.

In a plane

When your aircraft is about to take off, the captain and the crew welcome you on board the plane and give some particulars about the flight. It is advisable to keep your seat belt closely fastened all the time while you are seated to avoid accidents. Pillows and blankets are stored in the over-head storage compartment. As to smoking it is forbidden while the plane is on the ground, while it is taking off or landing and until it has risen to a good height. Passengers are also requested to restrain from smoking in the nonsmoking section of the cabin.

You will be reminded by the hostess not to leave small articles of value on board the aircraft at transit stops and will be asked to check whether you have all your personal effects when you disembark. As to the things which may be carried into the cabin and will not be weighed, they are the following: a lady's hand-bag, an umbrella or walking stick, an overcoat, a small camera, a reasonable quantity of reading materials, an infant's pram, baby food, attache-case, etc.

If you fly over several time zones you may not feel well. This is called 'jet lag'. Jet lag, particularly when flying east, is a true medical condition. It upsets the internal biological clock, and fatigue for several days can result. Long flights are very tiresome you should exercise on a plane.

It is very important to sit as straight as you can, opening out your chest and keeping your neck as vertical as possible. This particularly important for some back complaints. It is recommended to make the muscles in your legs hard, hold for some seconds and then relax before repeating it sometimes. It is also necessary to walk up and down the aisle, do some small stretching exercises, turn your shoulders in circles – to the front and to the back, turn your head to the right and to the left, turn your feet clockwise and anti-clockwise, and then do the same with your hands. This will help you to be comfortable and enjoy traveling by air. The best way to ease the air pressure on your eardrums is to yawn or to swallow a few times.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

приветствовать, радушно принимать; предоставлять информацию о полете; подушка; шерстеное одеяло; запрещать; транзитная остановка; личные вещи; выйти из самолета; пролетать (о самолетах); часовой пояс; поясная разница во времени; усталость; утомительный; проход между рядами кресел; по/против часовой стрелки; уменьшить давление воздуха на барабанные перепонки; зевать; глотать.

Some dos and don’ts for travellers

Take sensible precautions with personal property at all times. Don't carry your valuables around with you; take just as much cash as you need. Pickpockets and thieves may sometimes pose an immediate problem. Never let your handbag or case out of your sight — particularly in restaurants, cinemas, etc. where it is not unknown for bags to vanish from between the feet of their owners. Never leave bags or briefcases unattended in tube or train stations — they will either be stolen or suspected of being bombs and therefore cause a security alert. Stick to the well-lit streets with plenty of traffic. Muggers and rapists prefer poorly lit or isolated places like back-streets, parks and unmanned railway stations. If you avoid these, especially at night, or travel round in group, you should manage to stay out of danger.


Deposit your travellers’ cheques and valuables in your hotel safe.

Always lock your doors.

Travel in pairs or in groups at night on the Underground.

Remember that both rashness and exaggerated caution are inappropriate.


Don't count your money in public.

Don't purchase anything from strangers in the street.

Don't walk along deserted streets or in parks at night.

Don't talk to strangers who try to strike up a conversation with you unless there are other people about.

Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

разумная предосторожность; индивидуальная, личная собственность; ценности; наличные деньги; вор-карманник; вор; дамская сумочка; чемодан; известны случаи исчезновения сумок; портфель; без присмотра; красть; подозревать; вызывать внимание служб безопасности; уличный грабитель; насильник; безлюдные места; неосторожность, необдуманность; чрезмерная предосторожность; пустынная улица.



Text 1

At the customs house

Every day many people travel throughout the world either on business or for pleasure. Those who cross the frontier of the state have to go through customs. The customs service is designed for carrying out customs control to regulate import and export of goods and currency. The place where customs or duties are paid is called a customs house.

Every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable (subject) to duty and what are duty-free. Sometimes an article which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty is allowed as duty-free if a traveller doesn’t exceed a certain fixed quota. These are listed in a duty-free quota list.

Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. This is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it. An official paper giving permission to take items, which fall under special customs restrictions, in or out of a country, is known as an import or export licence.

If a traveller has any item which comes under customs restrictions, he is asked to declare it. That is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The declaration is made orally or in writing on a special form. In this case a traveller fills in the form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty a traveller is given a receipt.

If you are going abroad you are supposed to learn the rules of leaving and entering the foreign state. To be on the safe side, you should know what is allowed or prohibited to be brought in or taken out. Before packing your luggage consult the prohibited articles list which is available at the customs.

Among the articles that are prohibited for taking out of the country in accordance with customs legislation of all the states you will find works of art, different types of prints, manuscripts, valuable musical instruments, cancelled securities, numismatics, stamps and other articles of artistic, historical and cultural value. Though strict prohibition applies to antiques, you may be allowed to take some original painting or drawing out provided you got a special licence for it and paid duties. The list of prohibited commodities both for bringing in and taking out also includes arms, explosives, military equipment and narcotics.

Everybody leaving for a foreign country ought to know that there can be articles liable to duty and duty free. As a rule, personal effects, gifts and souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the customs regulation) are duty free. Money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. Prohibited or restricted articles though declared are usually detained, and the traveller can collect them on his way back.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs officer. The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and duration of his visit in block letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.

To make a trip to most countries every traveller must have a visa, single, multiple or transit, which is issued by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire, otherwise the traveller will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas passport is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.

To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs men. The traveller puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been developed which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. When the passenger puts his hand luggage on the conveyer belt, special monitors are scanning the enclosure. They are able to detect everything, even if it has been concealed in the very secret corner.

Customs men know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of the suitcase, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick; even toys and dolls can be used for that. Customs officers are trained to recognize travellers who are carrying illegally and they can prevent smuggling. The smuggling of drugs has increased a great deal in recent years and has become a world problem. Customs men in different countries supply one another with helpful information.

In the United Kingdom there is a system of red and green symbols in operation at big airports. If you have nothing more than the allowances and no prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go straight through the channel indicated by the green symbol unless the officer on duty asks you to stop. If you have more than the allowances or if you carry prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by the red symbol.

So, if you follow the customs instructions and if you do not break any law, you will enjoy your trip abroad.


to go through customs – проходить таможенный контроль

to be designed for smth. – быть предназначенным для чего-либо

to carry out customs control – осуществлять таможенный контроль

to regulate import and export of goods – регулировать импорт и экспорт товаров

currency – валюта

to pay customs (duties) on smth. – платить таможенные пошлины

customs house – таможня

customs regulations – таможенные правила

to stipulate – ставить условием, обусловливать, оговаривать

to be liable (subject) to duty – подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной

duty free – не облагающий таможенной пошлиной, беспошлинный

to fall under customs restrictions – попадать под таможенные ограничения

to allow – позволять, разрешать

to exceed a quota – превышать квоту, норму

duty-free quota list – список предметов, разрешенных к беспошлинному ввозу и вывозу

prohibited articles list – список запрещенных товаров

items – изделия, товары

to bring into – ввозить, импортировать

to take out – вывозить

to give smb. permission – давать разрешение кому-либо

import licence – лицензия, разрешение на ввоз

export licence – лицензия, разрешение на вывоз

to declare smth. – вносить что-либо в декларацию

to statе а value – указать ценность, стоимость

to make a declaration – сделать заявление

to fill in a form – заполнить бланк

upon payment of duty – после уплаты пошлины

receipt – квитанция

to prohibit – запрещать

in accordance with customs legislation – в соответствии с таможенным законодательством

print – гравюра, эстамп

manuscript – манускрипт, рукопись

cancelled securities – аннулированные бумаги

numismatics – нумизматика (коллекционирование старинных монет и медалей)

stamp – марка

to apply to smth. – распространяться на что-либо

antiques – антиквариат

original painting – подлинник живописного полотна

commodities – товар, продукт для продажи

arms – оружие

explosive – взрывчатое вещество

military equipment – военное оборудование

personal effects – личные вещи

gift – подарок

to conceal (from) – скрывать; утаивать, умалчивать

restricted articles – предметы, вывоз которых разрешен в ограниченных количествах

to detain – задерживать, арестовывать; брать под стражу

to fill in an entry (exit) declaration – заполнять декларацию при въезде в страну (при выезде из страны)

to produce – представлять, предъявлять

customs officer – работник таможни, таможенник

citizenship – гражданство

country of residence – страна пребывания

permanent address – постоянное место жительства

dutiable articles – товары, облагаемые пошлиной

to make a trip – совершить путешествие

single visa – открытая виза

multiple visa – многократная виза

transit visa – транзитная виза

to issue a visa – выдавать визу

Embassy – посольство

Consulate – консульство

to prolong a visa in case of necessity – продлить визу в случае необходимости

to be valid for – быть действительным, иметь силу

to expire – истекать (о сроке)

overseas passport – заграничный паспорт

conveyer belt – транспортёрная лента

to prevent smuggling – предотвращать контрабанду

to scan the enclosure – просматривать вложение

to detect – замечать, обнаруживать

concealment of goods – сокрытие товара

double bottom – двойное дно

hollowed book – книга с вырезанными страницами

stick – трость

doll – кукла

smuggling of drugs – контрабанда наркотиков

to break a law – нарушить, преступить закон

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to cross the frontier; to go through customs; to be designed for smth.; currency; to stipulate; to exceed a quota; to bring into a country; to take out a country; to leave for a foreign country; articles liable to duty; duty free; personal effects; customs regulations; to declare; to conceal; prohibited articles; to detain; customs officer; dutiable articles; to make a trip; to issue a visa; to prolong a visa in case of necessity; to be valid; overseas passport; to put the suitcases on the moving conveyer belt; to prevent smuggling; to examine the inside of the luggage; to install TV-cameras and monitors; to detect; to know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods; double bottom; hollowed book; stick; toys and dolls; to break a law.

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

осуществлять таможенный контроль; регулировать импорт и экспорт товаров; платить таможенную пошлину; таможня; попадать под таможенные ограничения; список предметов, разрешенных к беспошлинному ввозу; список запрещенных товаров; давать разрешение; указать стоимость товара; сделать заявление устно или в письменной форме; заполнять бланк; после уплаты пошлины; квитанция; знать правила выезда и въезда в иностранное государство; в соответствии с таможенным законодательством; гравюра; рукопись; ценные музыкальные инструменты; аннулированные бумаги; марки; строгий запрет; распространяться на антикварные вещи; подлинник живописного полотна; оружие; взрывчатое вещество; военное оборудование; предметы, вывоз которых разрешен в ограниченных количествах; заполнять декларацию при въезде в страну (при выезде из страны); гражданство; страна пребывания; постоянное место жительства; цель и продолжительность визита; открытая (многократная, транзитная) виза; посольство; консульство; истекать (о сроке); просматривать вложение; внутренний карман; контрабанда наркотиков.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. In what case does a traveller have to go through customs? 2. Why are customs houses set up on the frontier? 3. What are functions of a customs officer? 4. What goods are prohibited for bringing in and taking out by all countries? 5. What articles must not be taken out in accordance with the Russian customs legislation? 6. What things can be brought in and taken out duty free? Which are liable to duty? 7. In what case does a traveller have to pay extra duties? 8. What articles can be confiscated or detained at the customs house? 9. What is invented to prevent smuggling? 10. What must be declared in the declaration form?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В таможне британского аэропорта турист должен проходить либо через зеленый, либо через красный проход в зависимости от количества и стоимости ввозимых товаров. 2. Через зеленый проход идут те, кому ничего не нужно заносить в декларацию. 3. Таможенный служащий должен знать, куплены ли ввозимые товары в странах общего рынка или в других странах. 4. Для товаров, приобретенных в одной из стран общего рынка, существуют льготы. 5. Если стоимость подарков превышает определенный лимит, турист должен платить пошлину за них. 6. Если количество алкоголя и табачных изделий не превышает норму, они не подлежат обложению таможенной пошлиной. 7. Таможенные ограничения распространяются на все эти вещи: картины, драгоценности и т.д. 8. Во всех странах контрабандный провоз запрещенных товаров через границу является преступлением. 9. Я заполнил таможенную декларацию и подошел к таможенному инспектору для осмотра багажа. 10. Среди моих личных вещей нет ничего, что подлежало бы обложению пошлиной. 11. Я прошу вас как можно быстрее осмотреть мой багаж. Мой самолет взлетает через 30 минут.

V. Read and translate the following dialogue.

Going abroad

Techmachimport got instructions to buy chemical equipment abroad. With this in view Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport went on business to Great Britain to place an order with a British firm.

He phoned the Intourist booking-office to book a seat for a plane to London. He found out that there were flights daily and that it would take him three and a half hours to get to London.

Mr. Kozlov booked a seat for the TU-104 jet-liner. The next morning he had arrived at Sheremetievo airport by 7 o'clock, an hour before the plane took off.

After the clerk had registered his ticket and passport Kozlov filled in a declaration and went to the waiting-room. There were a few passengers there.

They were all waiting for the announcement to get on the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement, "Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flights 31?"

When Mr. Kozlov got on the plane, the stewardess showed him his seat.

At eight o'clock the plane took off. Although it flew at a high speed, the passengers felt well. At 11.30 a.m. the plane landed at London airport.

At the customs office

Mr. Kozlov is going through the Customs at London airport.

Customs Official: Is this your suit-case, sir?

Kozlov: Yes, that's right.

Customs Official: Will you, please, open it?

Kozlov: Certainly.

Customs Official: Have you any things to declare?

Kozlov: No, I don’t think so, though I have some cigarettes for my use.

Customs Official: How many packets of cigarettes have you got?

Kozlov: Oh. I’ve got only three packets. I believe they’ll be duty free.

Customs Official: Yes, of course. Have you got any presents or any things liable to


Kozlov: No, I haven’t.

Customs Official: Well, thank you, sir.

Kozlov: Thank you.

Text 2

Going through the customs

Customs regulations are on the whole similar in any country of the world and a businessman should know them. When you get off the plane you go through passport control, where an immigration officer asks you to show your passport. He asks you about the purpose of your visit to the country and the length of your stay there. You may answer that you have arrived on a business trip for a week. If your passport is in order and you go through the customs.

It's not difficult to get through the customs but you’ll have to fill in an entry form (customs declaration) and then produce it to the customs officer, who checks the declaration. The customs officer inspects your bags (luggage) and asks if you have things liable to duty, any presents, things for your personal use or money about you. He informs you about what items are liable to duty and what things you may have duty free. As a rule personal things may be brought in duty free. The customs officer also asks you to put your suitcases (my luggage) on the scales, and if there's some extra weight you’ll have to pay extra taxes.

Two special signs are sometimes used to show passengers which way to go through the customs hall: «Nothing to declare» and «Goods to declare». In some countries they have the system of red and green doors. If the visitor has nothing to declare he walks through the green door, if he has goods to declare – through the red one.

Any article which hasn’t been declared or produced is liable to forfeiture and the person concerned is liable to prosecution. If you are law-abiding man you know some things are prohibited to be exported — weapons, narcotics, antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures), precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones, valuables, etc.

Transportation of animals, birds, live fish, insects and products of animal origin is under the inspection of the Veterinary Control. A passenger should have a medical certificate for his animal (a dog, a cat) to carry it in the passenger cabin. Any load or baggage containing seeds, bulbs, cuttings, vegetables and fruit are subject to the Plant Quarantine inspection. A passenger must have a special license to carry plant materials.

In some cases the customs inspector may ask passengers to open their bags for inspection. It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through (examined) in order to prevent smuggling. The formalities at the customs house usually take some time. After you are through with all customs formalities the inspector will put a stamp on each piece of your luggage and wish your to have a good stay in the country.


to go through passport control – проходить паспортный контроль

immigration officer – сотрудник иммиграционной службы

to be in order – быть в порядке (о документах)

to fill in a customs declaration – заполнить таможенную декларацию

to proceed to – пройти к

personal things – личные вещи

to be liable to forfeiture – подлежать конфискации

prosecution – судебное преследование, предъявление иска

law-abiding – законопослушный

weapons – оружие

icon – икона

precious metal – драгоценный металл

crude and processed precious stones – необработанные и обработанные драгоценные камни

valuables – драгоценности

medical certificate – медицинское заключение

load – груз

seeds – семечки

bulbs – луковицы (растений)

cutting – черенок

to be subject to inspection – подвергаться проверке

to be through – закончить, завершить

to wish – желать, высказать пожелания

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to arrive on a business trip; to be in order; to get through the customs; to fill an entry form; to proceed a customs declaration to the customs officer; to inspect luggage; things for personal use; extra weight; to pay extra taxes; to go to through the customs hall; to have nothing to declare; to have goods to declare; prosecution; to open bags for inspection; to examine (to go through) a passenger's luggage; to be through with all customs formalities; to put a stamp on each piece of a passenger's luggage.

II. Give English equivalents to the word following combinations:

проходить паспортный контроль; сотрудник иммиграционной службы; продолжительность пребывания; личные вещи; ввозить без пошлины; подлежать конфискации; законопослушный; оружие; икона; необработанные и обработанные драгоценные камни; драгоценности; ветеринарный контроль; медицинское заключение; груз; семена; луковицы растений; черенок; подвергаться проверке.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Are customs regulations similar in any country of the world? 2. In what way must you declare what you have brought into the country? 3. Are travellers allowed to bring some items duty free? 4. Do you know what items are forbidden or restricted to bring to Russia (to the USA, Great Britain)? 5. Do travellers pay penalties for concealing declarable items? 6. Are tourists allowed to bring a certain amount of money to Russia (the USA, Great Britain)? 7. What articles are strictly forbidden to bring to any country? 8. Have you ever filled in the customs declaration? 9. Must you weigh your luggage at the customs? 10. What are you suggested to do if your luggage has an extra weight? 11. May the customs officer ask you to open your bags for inspection? Why? 12. What will the inspector do when you are through with all customs formalities?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Согласно нашим таможенным правилам это не подлежит таможенному обложению. 2. Подпадает ли эта вещь под таможенные ограничения? 3. Личные вещи обычно не облагаются пошлиной, если они не превышают определенной квоты. 4. В таможне багаж пассажира тщательно проверяется таможенниками. 5. Иногда таможенники тщательно обыскивают вещи пассажиров, чтобы предотвратить контрабанду товаров, подлежащих таможенному обложению. 6. Как только багаж пассажира проходит досмотр на него ставится специальная отметка. 7. Мы превысили квоту и должны были заплатить значительную сумму таможенной пошлины. 8. Мне потребовалось около двух часов, чтобы пройти все формальности на таможне. 9. Если у пассажира есть какая-нибудь вещь, которая подпадает под таможенные ограничения, его просят заявить о ней в декларации. 10. Только пройдя таможню, путешественник может поехать в гостиницу или любое иное место.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 202 | Нарушение авторских прав

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