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On the platform

Читайте также:
  1. Chapter 13: Winning In The Court Of Public Opinion: Why You Must Always Prepare Properly For Public Platforms
  3. Mn-rich eclogitic garnets from Carnian stage (Upper Triassic) sedimentary deposits of the northeastern margin of the Siberian platform



People have travelled since the earliest days of the human history. In primitive times they didn’t travel for pleasure. They travelled on foot and their journeys were long, tiring and often dangerous. Later they travelled not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. Travelling has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and splendid roads, express trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of which provide us with comforts and security.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. One can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. The choice of the means of travelling depends on its purpose. If you go on a business trip you had better go by airplane. Some people are scared of flying. Planes make them nervous. Air transport is really safer compared to road transport. Travelling by air has many advantages; it is convenient and much faster than travelling by car, train or sea. It saves you time, but it doesn’t save money. Distances more than 2000 km can now be covered by modern passenger planes on non-stop flights without landing to refuel.

Before you get on board the plane you have your luggage registered. It is weighed and labelled. You are not allowed to take bulky luggage with you. Before the flight you have to spend some time at the airport. In the hall of the airport there are a lot of people waiting for boarding the plane. Some people like watching the planes taking off and landing. Then you hear your flight announced and the passengers are invited to board the plane and take their seats.

The airplane armchairs are very cosy, and they are equipped with safety belts which must be fastened during both take-off and landing. Sometimes the order to fasten the belts may be given during the flight. When all the passengers are on board and when the captain and his crew are ready in the cockpit, the plane moves to the end of the runway. Finally, permission is received from the control tower and the plane moves faster and faster and finally takes off.

When the plane takes off, the stewardess gives the passengers all the information about the flight. She asks the passengers to fasten seat-belts and not to smoke during the flight. The stewardesses are usually very amiable and cater to the passengers' wants and needs. If you want something during the flight, you are to press a button with a pictogram of a hostess of the air, and she will immediately come to your help. During the flight the passengers do whatever they like – some of them read, others sleep or look through the porthole at the beautiful scenery. Sometimes you can see the land below which looks like a map.

When you reach your place of destination in a few hours you realize all the advantages of travelling by air. It is only unpleasant thing about that kind of travelling is that during take-off and landing ears hurt a little. Some people chew a gum to relieve this little discomfort. Sometimes yawning and swallowing helps.

Railway transport is still one of the cheapest ways of travelling. But such journeys are usually long and tiresome. Trains stop at many stations and are often delayed. It is usually stuffy in the cars. There are two or four berths in a compartment. Many people prefer to travel on a lower berth with the face to the engine.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Many people prefer travelling by sea for pleasure because it is very comfortable. One may travel either by sea or by river on board a sea liner or a river cruise ship. If the weather is fine you can enjoy the fresh air and the picturesque banks. A sea-voyage is very pleasant. However, if the sea is rough, some passengers are not much of sailors; they suffer from sea-sickness. Those who are not afraid of the rough sea, can stay up on deck and walk up and down the deck in any weather but storm. Ships usually reach the port of destination on time according to their schedule.

Many people like to travel by car. The advantages of this way of spending a holiday are that you can plan your trip. You don’t have to buy a ticket and you are not afraid of missing your train or airplane. But at the same time you are to think about many other things. For example, how to repair your car if it breaks down or if a tire is flat.

At present, taking into account travelling expenditures which are inevitable, no matter how you choose to travel, many our compatriots think that the best way of travelling is hiking. Many families are fond of hiking which is becoming very popular nowadays. There are picturesque places with forests, lakes and rivers near the city. Some people travel not only to enjoy these places but also to see ancient monuments and other places of cultural and historical interest.


to travel on foot – путешествовать, странствовать пешком

journey – путешествие, поездка

tiring – изнурительный, утомительный

road – дорога, путь, шоссе

express train – экспресс

ship – корабль, морское судно

jet airliner – реактивный авиалайнер

to travel by air – путешествовать самолетом

to travel by rail – путешествовать по железной дороге

to travel by sea – путешествовать по морю

to depend on smth.– зависеть от

purpose – назначение, намерение, цель

to go on a business trip – поехать в командировку

to scare – пугать; испугать, напугать

to travel by car – путешествовать на автомобиле

to travel by train – путешествовать на поезде

to cover a distance – покрывать, пролетать расстояние

landing – посадка, приземление

to refuel – заправляться горючим

to have one’s luggage registered – зарегистрировать багаж

to weigh – взвешивать; весить, иметь вес

to label – прикреплять ярлык, этикетку, навешивать бирку

to allow – позволять, разрешать

bulky luggage – большой, занимающий много места багаж

flight – полет; перелет; рейс

to wait for boarding the plane – ждать посадки на самолет

to take off – взлетать

to land – приземляться, делать посадку

to announce a flight – объявлять рейс

to board the plane – садиться на самолет

cosy – удобный, уютный

to fasten a safety belt (seat-belt) – пристегнуть ремень безопасности

take off – взлет

captain – капитан

crew – экипаж, команда

cockpit – кабина (в самолете)

runway – взлетно-посадочная полоса

control tower – диспетчерская вышка; контрольно-диспетчерский пункт

stewardess – стюардесса, бортпроводница

to cater – обеспечивать, обслуживать

to look through the porthole – смотреть в иллюминатор

place of destination – место назначения

to hurt – болеть; страдать от боли; испытывать боль

to chew a gum – жевать жевательную резинку

to yawn – зевать

to swallow – глотать, проглатывать

tiresome – надоедливый, утомительный

to stop at a station – останавливаться на станции

to delay – опаздывать

stuffy – душный

car – вагон

berth – спальное место

compartment – купе

sleeping car – спальный вагон

dining car – вагон-ресторан

speed – скорость

cruise ship – круизное судно

sea voyage – плавание по морю, морское путешествие

rough sea – бурное море

to be not much of a sailor – плохо переносить морское путешествие

to suffer from sea-sickness – страдать от морской болезни

to stay up on deck – оставаться на палубе

to walk up and down the deck – ходить взад и вперёд по палубе

storm – шторм; буря, гроза, ураган

port of destination – порт назначения

schedule – расписание, график

trip – путешествие; поездка, экскурсия

to miss a train (an airplane) – не успеть на поезд (самолет)

tire (tyre) – шина; покрышка

to take into account – принимать во внимание

travelling expenditures – дорожные расходы

compatriot – соотечественник

to hike – гулять, ходить пешком; путешествовать на любом транспорте

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to travel on foot; journey; splendid road; express train; huge ship; jet airliner; to provide smb. with comforts and security; to travel by air (by rail, by road); to depend on smth.; purpose; to go on business trip; to go by airplane; to scare; to cover a distance; to get on board the plane; to take bulky luggage; to spend some time at the airport; to wait for boarding the plane; to take off; to land; to announce a flight; to be on board; captain; crew; cockpit; to give the passengers all the information about the flight; to cater; tiresome; stuffy; compartment; to travel on a lower berth with the face to the engine; speed; sea liner; cruise ship; rough sea; to be not much of a sailor; storm; to reach the port of destination on time; schedule; to hike.

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

путешествовать по морю; путешествовать на автомобиле (на поезде); экономить время и деньги; заправляться горючим; зарегистрировать багаж; садиться на самолет; пристегнуть ремень безопасности; взлет; посадка; взлетно-посадочная полоса; диспетчерская вышка; стюардесса; смотреть в иллюминатор; место назначения; во время взлета и посадки болят уши; жевать жевательную резинку, чтобы уменьшить дискомфорт; зевать; глотать; останавливаться на станции; опаздывать; спальный вагон; вагон-ресторан; морское путешествие; страдать морской болезнью; оставаться на палубе; ходить взад и вперёд по палубе; не успеть на поезд (самолет); принимать во внимание дорожные расходы.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What makes people travel? 2. Do you think that travelling by air is more convenient than by train? Why? 3. Some people say they will never travel by air if they can avoid it. What makes them think so? 4. What information do the passengers get during the flight? 5. Do you like travelling? Which route would you choose if you were to go on a holiday cruise? 6. Do you usually travel light or with a lot of things? How many pieces of luggage do you usually have with you? 7. When travelling by a long distance train, what berth do you prefer, lower or upper? 8. Have you ever missed the train? Was it a long distance train? 9. What information can you get in the inquiry office at the railway station? 10. What tickets do you usually book, single or return?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я люблю путешествовать налегке (to travel light) и поэтому беру с собой в поездку только самые необходимые вещи. 2. Сейчас столько разных туристических фирм (tourist agency). Все они обещают замечательный отдых и комфорт, но далеко не каждому по карману все эти путешествия на экзотические острова или морские круизы. 3. В прошлом году я путешествовал по европейским столицам на автобусе. – Понравилось? – С одной стороны, удалось повидать много новых мест, а с другой – автобусное путешествие очень утомительно. 4. Несколько лет назад я совершил замечательную поездку (to make/to take a trip) – черноморский круиз – на огромном корабле. Правда, я ожидал, что меня будет укачивать (to be seasick), но этого не произошло. 5. Раньше мне нравилось ездить в Крым на поезде. Дорога занимала не так много времени, а теперь пассажирам приходится пересекать государственную границу (to cross a frontier/to get across the border). С этим связано немало неудобств, например прохождение паспортного контроля поздним вечером или ранним утром. Поэтому теперь я предпочитаю летать в Крым (to fly to) на самолете. 6. В прошлом году моя сестра летала в командировку в Чикаго. У нее была промежуточная посадка (stopover) в Амстердаме продолжительностью почти в шесть часов, так что она смогла осмотреть этот город. 7. Трап был поднят (to raise the gangway); пассажиры стояли на палубе и махали своим родственникам и друзьям, которые пришли их проводить (to see off). 8. Все терпеливо ждали момента, когда судно бросит якорь (to drop/cast anchor). 9. Если нам нужен отдых, то лучше всего прогулка по морю (voyage). 10. Мы отплываем (to sail) в понедельник. 12. Я хорошо переношу плавание (to be a poor sailor), меня никогда не укачивает. 13. Пароход (steamer) медленно причалил (to moor). Они сошли на берег (to go ashore) и с грустью посмотрели, как пароход снова отчаливает, унося с собой незабываемые впечатления прошедшей недели. 14. Только три человека на борту: он сам, капитан корабля и второй помощник (second mate) – устояли против морской болезни. 15. Давай поторопимся (to hurry/to be in a hurry), а то мы опоздаем на поезд (to be late for the train/to miss the train). 16. Им не надо делать пересадку (to change trains). Есть прямой поезд (through train). 17. Хотя она приехала на вокзал в последний момент, она успела на поезд (to catch / make a train). 18. Мы всегда стараемся покупать билеты в оба конца (return ticket / round-trip ticket), это удобнее и дешевле. 19. Где купить билеты? – Касса вон там. 20. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, билет в оба конца до Дрездена на завтра. Я бы хотел место у окна по ходу поезда (to have a seat facing the engine). 21. Можете положить ручную кладь (carry-on / hand luggage) на полку для багажа (luggage rack, trunk rack) в вагоне. 22. Не кладите мой чемодан на полку. 23. Я буду ждать тебя около камеры хранения (left-luggage office) через полчаса.

V. Read and translate the following dialogue.

Travelling by air

General rules

John: Nowadays people mostly travel by air. What about you?

Robert: I like travelling by air. It’s my favourite means of transport.

John: Could you acquaint me with general rules?

Robert: Certainly.

John: When are passengers requested to arrive at the airport?

Robert: One hour before departure time on international flights.

John: What must passengers do before departure?

Robert: They must register their tickets, weigh and register the luggage.

John: Do you know that the economy class limitation is 20 kg, and first-class passengers are allowed 30 kg?

Robert: Yes, certainly. But it often happens that I have overweight and have to pay for excess luggage.

John: What is allowed to be taken into the cabin?

Robert: Passengers are allowed to take only some personal belongings such as: bags, brief-cases, attache-cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport.

John: What else?

Robert: Each passenger is given an embarkation card to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

John: What electric signs flash in the plane?

Robert: "Fasten Seat Belts"; "No Smoking".

John: You can also see "Emergency Exit" on some doors.

Robert: What are landing formalities and customs regulations?

John: While still on board the plane, the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in; he fills in his name in block letters, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit, and address in the country he is visiting.

Robert: And then?

John: After the passenger has disembarked officials (home security officers) will check his passport and visa to see if they are in order.


means of transport – транспортные средства

to acquaint with – знакомить

to have overweight – иметь перевес

to pay for excess luggage – платить за лишний вес

personal belongings – личные вещи

embarkation card – карточка (сведений о пассажире) при вылете

electric signs – электротабло

to flash – зажигаться

emergency exit – запасной выход

to fill in an arrival card – заполнять карточку прибытия

purpose and length of visit – цель и продолжительность визита

to disembark – высаживаться, выгружаться

home security officers – сотрудники службы внутренней безопасности

to check one’s passport and visa – проверять паспорт и визу

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. Which means of transport do you travel by most often: by air, railroad or sea? 2. What irritates you most while flying (flight booking difficulties, lost or delayed luggage, not enough room in the cabin, long queues [kju:z] at check-in)? 3. Do you sometimes feel physically uncomfortable during the flight? 4. Can you stand long flights? 5. What general rules of travelling by air do you know? 6. What is allowed (prohibited) to be taken into the cabin? 7. What are landing formalities?


Travelling on business

Nowadays businessmen go on business trips by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. Most businessmen are interested in speed, comfort and safety.

When I go on business I decide what kind of transport to choose and make all travel arrangement. It's rather difficult to get tickets on the day of departure and I book a ticket at least a week in advance. As I prefer travelling by train I get to Moscow railway terminal.

There are crowds of people there: at the timetable, at the inquiry-office, at the booking-office, waiting for trains at the platforms, getting a light refreshment at a cafeteria, seeing off their friends and relatives. They are in a hurry to catch their trains. On the platform the porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking those trunks and suitcases to the luggage van.

I get all the necessary information at the inquiry office before buying or booking tickets. Usually I prefer a return ticket (round-trip ticket) to a single one (one-way ticket), a lower berth to an upper one. I like to travel by an express train as it's more comfortable than a passenger train. There's a buffet-car and a carriage hostess brings me tea and bedclothes. The fares are reasonable and the trains are always in time. They leave and arrive without delay.

When I get on the train I go to my compartment. Here I put my luggage on the luggage rack (roof rack) and make myself comfortable. I prefer a corner seat facing the engine in a smoker. My carriage is near the dining-car and I can order lunch when the attendant comes along. I'm very glad to have one or two other passengers in the compartment of my carriage for it's very pleasant to travel in a good company. Sometimes I read a book to while away the time during the journey. I always have a nice trip by train.

Very often I go on business to London by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. I ask my secretary to check flights to London as I want to take the earliest flight I can. She finds out the time of flights to London and reserves me a seat. Usually it's a direct non-stop flight, business class, non-smoking.

The secretary arranges everything for me (makes all necessary reservations for the flight) and I go home to pack a bag. I can't waste my time because passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights. There must be enough time for them to complete all necessary airport formalities.

Passengers must check in for flights: register tickets, weigh and register their luggage. If your luggage is overweigh you have to pay extra, if it’s underweight you needn’t pay anything. My secretary arranges for a car to take me to the Airport Terminal and phones me to inform about the latest check-in time.

On the appointed day after packing my luggage, I proceed to the airport by car. At the check-in desk I put my luggage on the scales and pay an extra charge if it's necessary. Together with other passengers I wait at the department lounge.

The registration stops half an hour before the time of take-off. On hearing the announcement about the flight “Boarding the plane Flight 217 begins. Passengers are invited to take their places”. People say good-buy to their friends who comes to see them off and go to a special bus which takes them to the plane on the runway.

I collect my hand luggage and go to gate 1. I show my boarding pass to the stewardess and get on the plane. The stewardess meets the passengers at the gangway. She welcomes the passengers and shows them to their seats.

On board the plane the stewardesses or flight attendants are always very friendly and helpful. They help everyone get comfortable in the reclining seats adjustable to some positions. Very soon the plane takes off. At the moment I see a notice “No smoking. Fasten your seat-belts”. The pilot begins to taxi out into the middle of the airfield. In a few minutes the plane is above the clouds.

During the flight the passengers get information of the altitude, speed, the weather and distance covered. They airhostesses walk up and down the aisle bringing meals and drinks. They serve mineral water, juice, tea, sweets and sandwiches. Besides, newspapers and magazines are offered to the passengers.

As a rule, the flight is smooth. We don’t hit a single air-pocket. If the flight is going through some turbulence, they warn everybody that it might be a bit bumpy and ask the passengers to fasten their seat-belts. Everybody feels comfortable and nobody is airsick.

On a long flight I like listening to music through the headphones available to all passengers or watch a video, which is always available, too, and sometimes I have a sleep. I enjoy it all so much. Planes to London leave and land there without delay and when I get off the plane in London Mr. Smith meets me at Heathrow-Airport.


to go by train – ехать поездом

to go by plane – лететь самолетом

travel arrangement – организация поездки

to get tickets – добыть, достать билеты

to book a ticket in advance – брать, заказывать билет заранее

railway terminal – железнодорожная конечная станция

crowd – толпа

time-table – расписание

inquiry (information) office – справочное бюро

booking-office – билетная касса

to get a light refreshment – слегка перекусить

to see smb. off – провожать кого-либо

to be in hurry – мчаться, спешить, торопиться

to catch a train – успеть на поезд

porter – носильщик

to carry luggage – нести, везти багаж

to push a truck – везти багажную тележку

trunk – дорожный сундук, кофр, чемодан

suitcase – чемодан (обычно небольшой и плоский)

luggage van – багажный вагон

return ticket (Br.E.) – билет в оба конца

round-trip ticket (Am. E.) – билет туда и обратно

single ticket (Br.E.) – билет в один конец

one-way ticket (Am.E.) – билет в один конец

lower berth – нижняя полка

upper berth – верхняя полка

buffet car – вагон-буфет, вагон-ресторан

carriage hostess – проводница

bedclothes (bedding) – постельное бельё

fare – стоимость проезда, плата за проезд

to leave without delay – отправляться без задержки

to get on the train – садиться на поезд

luggage rack – (Am. E.) полка для багажа

roof rack – (Br. E.) полка для багажа

seat facing the engine – место по ходу поезда

smoker – вагон для курящих

carriage – железнодорожный вагон

attendant – проводник

to while away the time (a few hours) – проводить, коротать время

to check – проверять, сверять

to take the earliest flight – улететь самым ранним рейсом

to find out the time of flights – узнать расписание полетов

to reserve a seat – заранее взять, заказать билет

direct non-stop flight – прямой полет без промежуточной пересадки

to waste time – терять время

international flight – международный рейс

domestic flight – внутренний рейс

to complete – закончить, завершать

to check in for flights – регистрироваться

to be overweight – весить больше положенного

to be underweight – весить меньше положенного

airport terminal – аэровокзал

latest check-in time – крайний срок регистрации

on the appointed day – в назначенный день

to pack one’s luggage – упаковывать вещи

to proceed to the airport – отправляться в аэропорт

check-in desk (counter) – место регистрации

scales – весы

to pay an extra-charge – заплатить дополнительные расходы

to wait at the departure lounge – ждать в зале ожидания

announcement – объявление, сообщение; извещение, уведомление

to be on the runway – быть на взлетной полосе

to collect hand luggage – собрать ручной багаж

gate – выход на посадку

to show a boarding pass – предъявить посадочный талон

to get on the plane – сесть в самолет

gangway – трап

to welcome – приветствовать, радушно принимать

on board the plane – на борту самолета

flight attendant – бортпроводник

reclining seats adjustable to some positions – откидывающееся назад сиденье, регулируемое на несколько положений

notice – табло

to taxi out – выруливать

altitude – высота полета

aisle – проход между рядами кресел

smooth – спокойный

to hit an air-pocket – попасть в воздушную яму

turbulence – турбулентность

bumpy – ухабистый, тряский (о дороге)

to be (to get) airsick – страдать воздушной болезнью

to get off the plane – сойти с самолета

to meet smb. at the airport – встречать кого-либо в аэропорту

I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

to make all travel arrangement; to get tickets on the day of departure; railway terminal; time-table; inquiry-office; booking-office; to get a light refreshment; to see smb. off; to be in hurry; to catch a train; to carry luggage; trunk; suitcase; return ticket; single ticket; to prefer a lower berth to an upper one; to travel by an express train; to be in time; to get on the train; carriage; to travel in a good company; to while away the time; to check flights; to reserve a seat; direct non-stop flight; to make reservations for the flight; to pack a bag; to complete all necessary airport formalities; to check in for the flight; to register tickets; to be overweight; to be underweight; airport terminal; to pay an extra-charge; to wait at the departure lounge; to hear the announcement about the flight; to be on the runway; to go to gate 1; to welcome the passengers; to taxi out; bumpy; to meet at the airport.

II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations:

поехать в командировку поездом (самолетом); скорость, комфорт и безопасность; заказать билеты заранее; толпа людей; ждать поезда на перроне; носильщик; везти багажную тележку; багажный вагон; пассажирский поезд; проводница; постельное бельё; приемлемые цены; отправляться и прибывать без задержки; пройти в купе; положить багаж на полку; пассажирский самолет; место по ходу поезда; вагон для курящих; проводник; улететь самым ранним рейсом; узнать расписание полетов; терять время; международный рейс; внутренний рейс; взвесить и зарегистрировать багаж; крайний срок регистрации; в назначенный день; упаковать вещи; отправляться в аэропорт; положить багаж на весы; собрать ручной багаж; предъявить стюардессе посадочный талон; сесть в самолет; трап; на борту самолета; бортпроводник; спокойный полет; попасть в воздушную яму; турбулентность; страдать воздушной болезнью; сойти с самолета.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What kinds of transport do people use for going on business? 2. What are advantages and disadvantages of going by train (by plane)? 3. Do travellers often make reservations for flights (book tickets) in advance? Why? 4. Who is responsible for making (whose duty is to make) travel reservations? 5. Can travellers book tickets by phone? 6. Do trains (planes) always arrive on time? 7. What may be the reasons for a train (a plane) to arrive with a delay? 8. Is it expensive to travel by train (plane)? 9. Can you take much luggage with you? 10. In what case do you pay extra charge for your luggage? 11. Do your friends and relatives (meet) see you off at the terminal station? 12. Do you always enjoy your trip by train (by air)?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English.

A). Дайте, пожалуйста, билет "туда и обратно" в мягкий вагон до Лондона. 2. Ваш поезд стоит на третьей платформе. 3. Поезд отправляется в 9 часов. 3. Носильщик, найдите мне, пожалуйста, вагон для некурящих (car for non-smokers). 4. Мне нужен билет до Манчестера. 5. Вы должны сесть на поезд, отправляющийся в 8.45. 6. Этот поезд отправляется в Бостон в 9 часов утра. 7. Когда этот поезд прибывает в Лондон? 8. Скорые поезда останавливаются только на больших станциях, тогда как пассажирские поезда останавливаются на всех станциях. 9. Поезд на Оксфорд находится на первой платформе. 10. Мне нужны два билета в спальный вагон. 11. Вы можете заказать билеты на любой поезд в окошке номер 5. 12. Ваш поезд отправляется через 5 минут, поторапливайтесь. 13. Вы можете оставить свой багаж в камере хранения (left-luggage office). 14. С какой платформы отходит поезд на Москву? 15. Мои чемоданы были слишком тяжелые, и мне пришлось взять носильщика. 16. Поезд идёт строго по расписанию (to keep to schedule) и прибудет в Москву минута в минуту. 17. Сколько пассажиров в вашем купе? 18. Он положил маленький чемодан на багажную полку. 19. В нашем поезде есть вагон-ресторан. 20. Проводник проводил нас до купе. 21. Вам придется прийти на вокзал раньше, чтобы взять чемодан в камере хранения.

B). 1. Я хочу лететь в Лондон на следующей неделе. 2. Какие есть завтра рейсы из Нью-Йорка в Лондон? 3. Есть ли самолеты до Лондона в субботу утром? 4. Я бы хотел заказать билет до Лондона. 5. В этот день до Лондона есть три рейса. 6. Я могу забронировать место на рейс компании TWA. 7. Каким классом вы собираетесь путешествовать? 8. Я полагаю, вы должны сначала зарегистрироваться. 9. Пройдите, пожалуйста, к выходу на посадку №7. 10. На этот рейс сейчас производится посадка у выхода номер 7. 11. Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни безопасности и воздержитесь от курения. 12. В каком аэропорту приземляется самолеты из Лондона? 13. Так как правый двигатель вышел из строя, самолет совершил вынужденную посадку (forced landing). 14. Когда я приехал в аэропорт, то понял, что опоздал. 15. Все пассажиры были уже на борту самолета, и он выруливал на взлетную полосу. 16. Самолет вылетит через 5 минут. 17. Служащий аэропорта зарегистрировал мой билет на самолет. 18. Пассажиры сели в самолет за 15 минут до вылета.

V. Read and translate the following dialogue.

Travelling by railway

Mr. Kozlov had an invitation from one of the biggest British firms to visit an exhibition of chemical equipment in Edinburgh. As Mr. Lipman had promised to send the quotation only in two or three days Mr. Kozlov decided to take the opportunity of visiting the exhibition.

So on Wednesday morning Kozlov got up earlier than usual as he had to catch аn early morning train to Edinburgh. He packed his suitcase and was about to go to the restaurant when the telephone rang. The secretary of the Russian Trade Delegation was phoning Kozlov to tell him that he could get accommodation on the 9 o'clock express to Edinburgh at the booking-office of Liverpool Street Station.

At the booking-office

Kozlov: Good morning. I want a firsts-class ticket on the 9 o’clock train to Edinburgh.

Clerk: Would you like a single or a return ticket?

Kozlov: Return, please. I think it's more convenient.

Clerk: Certainly, it is.

Kozlov: Shall I have to change?

Clerk: No, you needn't. It's a through train.

Kozlov: What's the fare?

Clerk: 25 pounds, please.

Kozlov: Would you mind telling me when the train is due in Edinburgh?

Clerk: Just a minute. I’ll check that for you. You are due at 5.30 p.m.

Kozlov: Oh, are we? I thought it would take me more time to get there.

Clerk: This train is the most convenient. It goes faster than any other train.

Kozlov: Thank you.

On the platform

Kozlov: Porter, will you see to my luggage, please?

Porter: Yes, sir. Where are you going to?

Kozlov: I'm going by the 9 о'clock express to Edinburgh.

Porter: Is this your suitcase?

Kozlov: Yes, it is. It can go to my compartment.

Porter: Very well, sir. Which class?

Kozlov: First.

Porter: This way, please.

Kozlov looks at the train at platform 2.

Kozlov: Isn’t this my train?

Porter: No, sir. Your train is at platform 5. We’ll have to hurry or you'll miss the train. It's leaving in 5 minutes.

Kozlov: Oh, is it?

Porter: Now, sir. Here is уоur carriage.

They get into the compartment and the porter puts the suitcase on the luggage-rack.

Kozlov: Thank you, porter. Here you are. (He gives a tip to the porter).

Porter: Thank you, sir. A pleasant journey to you.

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Создание файлов и каталогов| VI. Read and translate the following texts with a dictionary.

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