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Words and expressions. .

Читайте также:
  1. Complete this memo with the words given below. Translate it into Russian.
  2. Fill in the correct word derived from the words at the end of the sentence.
  3. I. Read the list of adjectives below and find the pairs of opposite words.
  4. I. Read the text once again and find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian words. Make up your own sentences with these words.
  5. I. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.
  6. I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.
  7. I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions.
four [fþ] четыре (числ.)
going to the restaurant   посещение ресторана
evening ['ÖvniÎ] вечер
Good evening.   Добрый вечер.
past [p¸st] после
It's two minutes past seven.   Сейчас две минуты восьмого.
to apologise [@'pol@³aIz] извиняться, просить прощения
I do apologise.   Простите ради бога.
That's all right.   Ничего, все в порядке.
gentleman ['³entlm@n] джентельмен
gentlemen ['³entlm@n] джентельмены
head [hed] главный
waiter ['weIt@] официант
head waiter   метрдотель
to offer ['of@] предлагать
them [D@m] им
vacant ['veIk@nt] свободный
table [teIbl] стол
Do you like it?   Вам нравится (этот стол)?
to look [luk] выглядеть
It looks all right.   Вполне нормальный.
to take the table   садиться за стол
Let's take this table.   Давайте сядем за этот столик.
menu ['menjü] меню
in English   на английском языке
How very nice. [naIs] Как это чудесно / мило.
what [wot] что
to drink [drIÎk] пить
What would you like to drink?   Какие напитки вы хо­тите?
gin and tonic ['³In @n 'tounIk] джин с тоником
starter ['st¸t@] холодная закуска
as a starter   на закуску
some [s@m] некоторое количество
cold [kould] холодный
fish [fIS] рыба
some fish   немного рыбы
compliment ['komplIment] комплимент
to tell [tel] говорить
teacher ['tÖtS@] учитель, преподаватель
I'll tell my teacher about it.   Я скажу об этом своему преподавателю.
hot [hot] горячий
meal [mÖl] еда
What would you like as a hot meal?     Что вы хотите на горя­чее?
meat [mÖt] мясо
vegetables ['ve³t@blz] овощи
drink [drIÎk] напиток
Here are our drinks.   А вот и наши напитки.
still [stIl] всё еще
to remember [rI'memb@] помнить
Christmas ['krIsm@s] Рождество
day [deI] день
You are welcome to Mos­cow.   Добро пожаловать в Москву.
business ['bIznIs] бизнес, дело
To our good business!   За наш бизнес!
to hope [houp] надеяться
I do hope...   Я очень надеюсь...
beneficial ['benI'fISl] выгодный, полезный
Our business will be bene­   Наш бизнес будет очень
ficial.   полезным (выгодным).
us [ös] нам, нас
for all of us   для всех нас


Unit five

Small talk


Pete, Nick and David are still at the restaurant. They are enjoying their meal and have a small talk.

Pete: David, is this your first visit to Moscow?

David: Oh, no. 1 was in Moscow last year. I like your city very much. It's a pity my sister is not with me now. She wanted to go so much.

Nick: And why didn't she join you? Is she busy?

David: Well, you see, she could not leave her office, her boss did not let her go. They are working at a very important proj­ect now. And have you got a sister or a brother, Nick?

Nick: Oh, yes. I have a brother. He is on holiday in the mountains.

Pete: Oh, really? My elder daughter is also in the mountains in Chechia now. She is fond of skiing and goes to the mountains every winter.

David: Have you got a big family?

Pete: I wouldn't say so. There are five of us. Two daughters, a son, my wife and I.

David: Quite an English family!

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