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The stock markets

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7.1 About Business

1. stock market a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold = stock exchange фондовый рынок
2. venture capital money lent to someone so that they can start a new business вложенный с риском капитал
3. to establish to set up основывать
4. unlisted public company a company that can have an unlimited number of shareholders to raise capital for any commercial venture непубличная компания
5. consolidated financial reports financial information presentation in which all financial transactions are combined сводный финансовый отчёт; объединённые данные
6. requirements / to require requirement - something that is necessary to require - to ask for something требование требовать
7. considerable stake fairly large share in business значительная доля
8. ipo – initial public offering the first time that stock in a company is available for the public to buy on the stock market первичное размещение акций
9. buyback a repurchase of stock by the company that issued it обратный выкуп

7.2 Vocabulary –Dealing with figures

1. approximately almost exact приблизительно
2. exchange rate the value of the money of one country compared to the money of another country курс валют
3. to fluctuate to keep changing, becoming higher or lower варьироваться
4. stagnant / stagnation being in a bad position a period in a development when nothing happens неразвивающийся/ период застоя
5. to remain stable to stay at the same point, not to change for some period of time сохранять стабильность
6. previous quarter previous period of three month предыдущий квартал
7. to show a gradual decrease to become less or to go to a lower level показывать постепенный спад
8. a considerable rise an significant or important rise значительный рост
9. to increase fractionally / fraction to increase by an unimportant or insignificant amount незначительно расти/повышаться
10. trade surplus the amount by which the value of the goods that a country sells to other countries is more than the value of the goods it buys from them положительный торговый баланс

7.4 Speaking – Negotiations – making offers, agreeing deadlines

1. we should get down to business We should start discussing business Нам следует приступить к делу.
2. It can’t be done. No way! It is impossible to do something, because it is unaccepted Нельзя так делать. Этого не может быть!
3. let’s say Used to say you think something is true, although you are uncertain about it Предположим
4. to agree on payment within 10 days To decide together that payment should be done not later than in 10 days Согласиться на оплату в течении 10 дней.
5. to charge another 2% To ask for 2 % moreabove the pay that has been discussed Запросить дополнительно 2%
6. only if the price includes shipping costs Only if expenses for transportation are included into price Только если цена включает затраты по транспортировке
7. I think we have a deal. I think we agree on this point Я думаю, мы договорились.
8. If we are happy with the quality If we are satisfied with the features of your product Если нас удовлетворит качество
9. I’m afraid it’s not enough I think that you should offer us more Боюсь, этого не достаточно
10. It was great doing business with you. It was pleasant to work with you Было приятно иметь дело с Вами…

7.5 Writing – Describing figures

1. a share price stood at US 2$ A price for one share was US 2$ цена акции была 2 дол.
2. sales of soft drinks increased by over 40% the amount of sold non-alcoholic drinks grew by over 40% продажи безалкогольных напитков выросли на более чем 40%
3. production fell to 500 units Production went down to the lowest point, which is 500 units производство упало до 500 единиц продукта
4. as a result of the stronger euro Happening because the other currency is stronger из-за того, что евро – более сильная валюта
5. due to a strike Because of strike action из-за, по причине забастовки
6. because of shortages in the supply of oil Because there is not enough oil из-за недостачи поставок нефти
7. the fall in interest rates The decrease in the percentage amount charged for something падение процентных ставок
8. to plummet from…to… To decrease quickly from one point to another резко упасть с…до
9. announcement of the massive order An important, official statement of a very large order уведомление о крупном заказе
10. slightly A little слегка

7.6 Case Study – Trading stocks

1. to invest in shares / investment to buy shares, property, or goods because you hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit вкладывать деньги в акции
2. blue-chip companies companies or shares that make a profit and are considered safe компания, пользующаяся доверием инвесторов
3. bonds an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed облигации
4. fixed interest rate amount of money that the investor gets from the profit of the business, which cannot be changed фиксированный процент
5. environmental factor environmental change, which can be one of several things that has influenced or caused a certain situation фактор внешней среды
6. market stability market’s condition of being stable and not changing стабильность рынка
7. to swap / swap to exchange, to give something to somebody and get something in return поменяться
8. to triple to increase three times увеличиться в три раза
9. to affect profitability to influence profits of the company повлиять на доход
10. vehicle a machine with an engine that is used to take people or things from one place to another, such as a car, bus, or truck сухопутное средство передвижения


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