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The organisation

Читайте также:
  1. World Trade Organisation

6.1 About Business – Entrepreneurs

1. an entrepreneur someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks предприниматель
2. enterprise a company, organization, or business предприятие
3. a start-up a new small company or business компания, недавно появившаяся на рынке
4. a gap in the market a product or service that does not exist, so there is an opportunity to develop that product or service and sell it рыночная ниша, дефицит на рынке
5. minimum equity The lowest number of shares of the company минимальная акционерная доля
6. red tape official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily бюрократия
7. low amount of money Not a lot of money немного денег
8. annual accounts accounts calculated over a period of one year ежегодные счета
9. headquarters the main building or offices used by a large company or organization главный офис
10. limited liability the legal position of being responsible for paying only a limited amount of debt if something bad happens to yourself or your company ограниченная ответственность
11. to pay legal fees to pay some amount of money to lawyer, for legal services оплачивать услуги юристов

6.2 Vocabulary - Types of companies

1. shares one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided акции
2. a shareholder someone who owns shares in a company or business акционер
3. to raise capital to collect money собирать / привлекать деньги
4. Sole trader An entrepreneur who owns and runs his/her own business individually индивидуальный предприниматель
5. Partnership a business owned by two or more people партнерство
6. Private limited company (Ltd) a company whose shares are not bought and sold on the stock market and can only pass to another person with the agreement of other shareholders закрытая акционерная компания
7. Public limited company (PLC) a company owned by at least two people and whose shares can be bought by everyone открытая компания с ограниченной ответственностью
8. to run up debts To start owing money to somebody влезть в долг
9. to supply to provide people with something that they need or want поставлять
10. supplier a company or person that provides a particular product поставщик
11. environmental activist someone who works hard doing practical things to help to save environment защитник окружающей среды
12. to diversify To increase a range of product or services that company produces разнообразить


6.4 Speaking – Interrupting in meetings

1. polite / impolite interruption stopping somebody’s speech in a way that is correct/incorrect for the social situation you are in, and showing that you are careful to consider other people's needs and feelings вежливое/невежливое прерывание разговора
2. to lose the thread to stop understanding something someone says because it is too complicated or because you cannot concentrate потерять нить (разговора, речи)
3. to ask for clarification to ask a speaker to make something clearer or easier to understand, or an explanation that makes something clearer попросить уточнить
4. body language changes in your body position and movements that show what you are feeling or thinking язык тела
5. please allow me to finish please give a me a chance to finish Пожалуйста, позвольте мне закончить
6. please be brief please include few words to express what you want to say Пожалуйста, давайте вкратце
7. that’s not relevant to smth that does not directly relate to the subject or problem being discussed or considered Это не относиться к …(тому, о чем идет речь)
8. time is running short we don’t have enough time не хватает времени
9. to get back on track to return back to schedule again возвращаться к тему
10. to prevent interruption to stop somebody from interrupting предотвратить прерывание речи

6.5 Writing – Agendas and action minutes

1. agenda A list of questions that have to be discussed at the meeting повестка дня
2. action minutes An official written record of what is said and decided at a meeting протокол собрания
3. matters arising Questions or problems that become noticed трудности, которые появляются
4. AOB – any other business things which are not written on the list of subjects to discuss at a meeting, but which people want to talk about after all the other subjects have been discussed любые другие вопросы
5. apologies for absence explaining why you didn’t attend some event or were absent at work извинения за отсутствие
6. venue a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place место проведения
7. to approve to say that you accept a plan or proposal подтвердить
8. a short summary a short statement that gives the main information about something, without giving all the details короткое резюме (описание)
9. to wonder to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc интересоваться

6.6 Case Study – Soup kitchen vs Gourmet to go

1. business plan a document which explains what a company wants to do in the future, and how it plans to do it бизнес план
2. mission statement an official statement about the aims of a company or organization миссия компании (оф. документ)
3. objectives something that you are trying hard to achieve, especially in business or politics = goals цели (задачи)
4. product description a piece of writing that gives details about what product is like описание продукта
5. production the process of making or growing things to be sold, especially in large quantities производство
6. cash flow forecast a description of what is likely to happen in the future with the movement of money into and from the company, based on the information that you have now прогноз о движении наличных средств
7. profit and loss account a financial statement showing a company's income, spending, and profit over a particular period of time счет прибылей и убытков, результативный счет
8. return on investment the amount of profit that you get from investment доход от инвестиций
9. bank loan an amount of money that you borrow from a bank кредит в банке
10. to cater / catering to provide and serve food and drinks at a party, meeting etc, usually as a business /providing and serving поставлять провизию, обслуживать


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