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"I do." Blair took Kylie's hand and pressed it against her breast. "With all my heart."


"Will you sleep with me tonight?" Kylie whispered, her fingers gentle on Blair’s breast, feeling her heart beat.


"Yes." Blair kissed her again, turning up the heat while Kylie softly moaned.


The kiss lasted a long time, and the brunette was nearly senseless, but she managed to say, "I really need to sleep. It's past 10:00, and I have to be up by 5:30. I don't wanna rush this. I wanna spend all night loving you."


"Call in sick?" Blair asked, looking like a hopeful truant.


"You know I can't do that, even though I wish I could. But tomorrow's Friday, and I don't have one thing to do on Saturday."


"How about Sunday?"


"Free as a bird."


"Not any more, you're not," Blair smiled. "You're mine, Doctor Mackenzie."




The next night, Kylie came home to a house that looked like a set for a romantic movie. Soft, mellow jazz played on the stereo, and she smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. She went in and opened the oven, finding a frenched crown roast of lamb and some rosemary potatoes.


The dining room table was formally set, and she knew she didn't own anything that adorned it. Tall, pillar candles were burning, imbuing the room with a slightly spicy scent. "Blair? Where are you hiding?"


"I'm not hiding," she called back. "I'm getting ready for dinner."


Kylie walked by her room, slightly surprised the door was closed. "Should I dress formally?" she asked, only partially kidding.


"No need. Just be comfortable."


"Do you have the dogs with you? They're awfully quiet."


"They're at the baby sitter," Blair replied.


"The baby sitter? The dogs have a baby sitter?"


"They do now. I didn't want them to bother us, so I hired someone to take them to the dog park. The sitter is gonna keep them at her house until we come get them."


"You're full of surprises," Kylie laughed.


"Lucky for you," the blonde replied. "Now go get ready for dinner."


Kylie walked into her room and blinked at the remarkable number of large, burning candles, each inside a hurricane globe. In the middle of the bed, Blair had mounded a pile of red rose petals and shaped them into a heart; the entire room was suffused with their scent. Kylie changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a cotton shirt, then walked back to Blair's door. "I promise I won't expect this every night," she said. "But anytime you feel like it —"


The door opened, and Blair smiled at her, the mere curve of her mouth making Kylie's legs a little wobbly. She was wearing the outfit that the doctor had given to her on the trip to Chicago, and she looked even more beautiful in it than she had that weekend. "I wanted to make this a special night," the blonde said. "God knows we've waited long enough." She laughed, and Kylie bent and kissed her tenderly.


"You look almost perfect. Just one little thing's missing." She reached into her pocket and took out a necklace, quickly fastening it around Blair's neck.


The blonde's hand went to her throat, then she stepped over to the mirror so she could see her gift. "Oh, Kylie, it's beautiful." She fingered the small heart, studded with diamonds. "Thank you." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Kylie, murmuring, "Thank you so much."


Kylie made sure the clasp was at the exact center of her neck, then nodded. "Perfect. Diamonds suit you."


"Why has no one said that to me before?" Blair asked, laughing. "I've always thought diamonds were my best stone." She kissed the doctor again, then gave her a robust hug. "I didn't buy anything for you. You need something sparkly, too."


"The way your eyes sparkle when you look at me is all I need," Kylie said. "That's the greatest gift I'll ever receive."


Blair looked up at her. "Are you sure you were a science nerd? You sound like a poet."


"Well, that was my best material," Kylie admitted. "Now let's go eat that fabulous dinner you made."


"Fabulous dinner I bought," Blair corrected. "I'm not a great cook, but I can shop with the best of 'em."




They’d had a long, leisurely dinner, with Kylie savoring a glass of the excellent Côte du Rhône that Blair had bought for her. "This was a very nice relationship kick-off dinner," the doctor said when they finished. She started to stand and gather the plates. "Wanna help me clean up?"


Blair gave her a deadpan look. "Now I know you're forty ‘cause the very thought of choosing to clean the kitchen rather than make love is positively geriatric."


Kylie took Blair's hands in hers and smiled. "I don't care if coyotes chew through the door and come in here and eat the leftovers. I was kidding. Only kidding."


"I swear I can never tell!" Blair insisted. "You're just the type to want to clean up first!"


"You don't know me very well," Kylie said, her voice dropping into a sexy timbre. "But you're going to."


"Now you're talking," Blair said. "Race you to the bedroom!"


Kylie caught her before she'd taken a step. "I'd like to take a shower. I guess we could do that together, but I'd like the first time I see you naked to be a little more romantic than stripping in the bathroom."


"You've seen me naked," Blair reminded her. "Just not all the parts at the same time."


"Well, you haven't seen me," Kylie said. "I'll take a shower and meet you in the bedroom. I'll be the woman lying on a bed of roses." She kissed Blair on the top of her head. "I love them, by the way. And you of course."


"I've already showered," Blair said, "so I'll be waiting for you. Make it snappy, good lookin'." She patted Kylie on the butt, receiving a wink in return.


It didn't take the doctor long to shower, and when she was finished, she slipped into a blue T-shirt and a pair of print silk boxers. Blair was lying on the bed when Kylie opened the bathroom door, and the brunette stopped short when she saw her. "I … I'm not sure how to react," she said softly. "I've never had my dreams come true."


Blair was lying on her side with one leg drawn up slightly. A hand supported her head, and her blonde hair shone in the warm candlelight. She drew her arm through the rose petals, and the scent wafted up to Kylie, making her smile when she breathed in. "I kinda thought you'd be … ooo … naked," Blair said, smiling sexily.


"Unh-uh," Kylie said, shaking her head. "I'm not … shy exactly, but I was a little nervous about what to wear. But then I thought it'd be fun to have you undress me, so I put on my jammies."


"You think too much, Doctor Mackenzie." Blair was wearing a turquoise silk robe that draped across the curves of her voluptuous body, and the visual stimuli were almost too much for Kylie's brain to process. "Come over here and kiss me," Blair said.


Kylie did, sliding across the bed to nestle against Blair's body. She molded herself along her partner as well as she could and rested a hand on her hip. "From this day forward, I will never say 'no' to that request."


Blair gently patted Kylie's cheek, her mouth quirked in a smile. "Such a beautiful woman. It's hard for me to believe that someone as wonderful as you wants to be with me. I feel so blessed."


Laughing softly, Kylie said, "Hey, I'm the one who feels lucky. I've wanted a woman like you in my life since I was in high school. You were worth waiting for, baby."


"What about that kiss? You haven't forgotten your vow already have you?"


Kylie didn't reply. She smiled gently and drew Blair close. With great tenderness, she brushed her lips across Blair's. Again and again she returned, barely letting their mouths touch, holding back until Blair started to move towards her. The moment she felt the smaller woman move, she slipped a hand behind her head and pressed her forward. Blair's mouth opened, welcoming Kylie inside. The brunette started to explore, letting her tongue search and probe with a determined insistence.


After a very long time, Blair pulled away, resting her forehead on Kylie's chin while she took in some shallow breaths. "I've never had my breath taken away so thoroughly," she panted.


"Get used to it," Kylie purred, trying to nudge her way back to Blair's lips.


Blair stroked her back, trying to slow her down. "Take it easy, sweetheart. I don't have my usual stamina. I get out of breath pretty easily."


"Oops. I forgot," Kylie said. "I guess we have to make some adjustments, huh?"


"Not many. I'm uncomfortable if I lie flat on my back for long, but that's about it." She put her hand on Kylie’s cheek. "More kisses."


Kylie smiled at her, charmed by Blair's calm, casual demeanor. She held the blonde in her arms and kissed her softly and gently, forcing herself to go slower than her raging libido demanded. She spent a very long time memorizing Blair's delicate features with her lips, lavishing attention on her brow, cheeks, nose, eyelids and chin. Then she moved down to her neck, so lovely and appealing. By the time she'd worked her way around to her ears, the smaller woman was squirming and moaning softly.


"I like this," Blair purred lazily. "You can do this all night if you'd like."


"I just might." Kylie leaned over her and smiled broadly. "You have the most kissable neck in the universe."


Blair tilted her head and swept her golden hair up with her hand, exposing even more of the pale, soft skin. "It's all yours."


Kylie got back to work, kissing and suckling and taking soft nips of the flesh, feeling her heart start to pound harder when Blair's body started to move slowly, grinding against her.


The kisses followed the edge of the silk robe, moving further and further south, until Kylie's lips were nestled at the top of Blair's ample cleavage. Kylie's hand was on the tie of the robe, and questioning blue eyes peeked up, meeting Blair's. The blonde smiled and stroked the dark head. She nodded, her smile growing when Kylie's eyes lit up in anticipation.


Tugging on the tie, Kylie smoothed her hand along the fabric, spreading it open and revealing Blair's luscious body. She stared, her mouth slightly open, taking in all of the wonders displayed before her. "You are so remarkably beautiful," she whispered. Then her hands were everywhere, stroking gently. She bent and kissed Blair's belly, then tapped on it with two fingers. "Go to sleep, Mackenzie. And don't worry when you hear your mommy screaming for mercy."


Blair grasped Kylie's shirt and pulled on it, with Kylie compliantly coming along. "Yes?" she asked, her head propped up on her hand.


"I feel awfully naked."


"You are naked, but there's nothing awful about it," the doctor said. "Awesome, but not awful."


"I'd feel less naked if you were more naked."


Kylie immediately reached for her top to pull it off, but Blair stilled her hands. "I've been fantasizing about undressing you, but it feels so good to lie here and let you kiss me that I don't have the energy."


"How about a compromise?" Kylie sat up and pulled her top off, then removed her shorts, revealing a lavender satin bra and panties. "You can take the rest off later."


"Such a brilliant mind," Blair said, patting her head. "It's sad you waste it on saving lives when you could be using it to have sex all day."


"I might change careers," Kylie said. She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "I hate to be so pragmatic, but we're gonna have rose petals … everywhere. Let me take the bedspread off."


"You are pragmatic," Blair agreed, "but pragmatic can be beautiful." She got up and helped Kylie carefully fold the bedspread so the petals stayed put. When they were finished, Blair lay on her side, facing Kylie, who quickly mirrored her position. The blonde trailed her hand up and down Kylie's body, the experience made even more sensual by the deliciously smooth satin. "Ooo … a thong," Blair purred. "Let's see …" She reached behind Kylie and palmed her ass, then gave her a hearty squeeze. "Yep, you've got the body for it."


"I don't like to brag …" Kylie said, smiling cockily, "but I've been told it's one of my best features."


"What's your best?" Blair asked, giving her a long kiss.


"That decision will be yours," the doctor said. "You've got the only vote that counts."


"I like the way you think," Blair said. "Now, where were you? Right about here, I think." She slipped her hand behind Kylie's head and pulled it down until it rested between her breasts. "Was that right?"


"Good memory," Kylie agreed. She placed a few dozen butterfly kisses on the fair skin, then gently rolled Blair onto her back. She pulled her arm from the robe, then turned her onto her other side. Now they were back to front, and Kylie started to work on her neck once more, smiling when she heard a soft mew of disappointment. "Don't worry," she soothed. "I won't ignore anything. Promise."


"But my breasts keep telling me they want to be kissed," Blair said. "You don't wanna make 'em mad."


Kylie slipped her hand under one of the pale mounds, hefting it in her hand. "Poor breast," she said, fighting her desire to scramble over Blair's body and drown in the luscious flesh. "All in good time. I promise."


"Fine," Blair said, "go ahead and worship the rest of me. I'll learn to bear it."


Kylie did just that, working slowly and patiently, covering Blair's entire back with gentle and not-so-gentle kisses. She paid rapt attention, coming back to every spot that appeared particularly sensitive or ticklish. She didn't torture her partner, but she kept turning up the heat, making the blonde groan and twitch her hips in frustration.


Blair had a ferocious grip on the sheets, but Kylie could occasionally feel the muscles in her arms start to relax. That's when she would find one of those particularly sensitive spots and swipe at it with her tongue or bite it just hard enough to make the blonde's hips buck. She kept her on edge the entire time, enjoying the delightful torment more than she could believe.


Finally, Blair flipped over on her back, staring at Kylie with desire-filled eyes. "The front of the body is getting jealous of the back of the body. There's gonna be trouble."


"Ooo …" Kylie soothed. She ran her hands lightly over Blair, touching every part, but not lingering anywhere. "Everyone's gonna be happy," she promised, speaking directly to the neglected body parts. "There are plenty of kisses for everyone. Just wait your turn."


Blair gurgled out another protest when Kylie scooted down to the end of the bed and spoke to her feet. "I hear that you guys feel neglected," she said, as if talking to small children. "Don't worry. Kylie's here, and you're gonna feel very well loved."


"It's not my feet that are throbbing," Blair moaned. "My feet aren't engorged with blood, swollen and pulsing and dying for attention."


"I need to make sure that doesn't happen," Kylie said. She grinned up at her lover and sucked a toe into her mouth. "Can't be too careful," she mumbled, her mouth very busy.


Despite Blair's earnest pleas, Kylie worked over the front of her body with the same single-minded determination, managing to keep the blonde on the brink of madness for what seemed like hours.


When Kylie worked her way up to the apex of Blair's thighs, she lingered for a few moments, reveling in the scent of the woman's desire. With great regret, she moved up to kiss a pale shoulder, then quickly made her way down Blair's arm, spending extra time on the crook of her elbow and her pulse point.


By this time, Blair was weakly thrashing about on the bed, trying to position herself so that Kylie would finally love the parts that most needed attention. The blonde finally asked, "Do you love me?"


"Yes, of course I love you," Kylie said, giving her a puzzled look.


"Then kiss my breasts," she said. "I ache for you, baby. Don't make me wait any more."


Kylie leaned over and kissed her hard, moving her body against Blair's. When she sat up, her face reflected rabid desire and true appreciation of the delights displayed before her. Her hands were steady as a rock as she brought them to rest just an inch above Blair’s breasts then trailed her fingernails over the skin with the lightest touch imaginable. “You are so stunningly beautiful,” Kyliemurmured, continuing to slide her warm hands over Blair’s breasts, her touch achingly gentle.


Her own hands were not nearly as steady as Kylie’s had been, but Blair fought through her nervousness and placed her hands on Kylie’s sides, then brought them up to unfasten the front closure of her bra. The doctor’s mouth quirked into a grin as she watched Blair struggle a little, then succeed in her goal. Blair’s smile quickly matched her friend’s as the creamy, white flesh spilled into her hands. “Wow. Just … wow. My imagination sucks," she said, grinning at Kylie.


Kylie sat up, and her bra fell from her shoulders. She braced herself on one hand as she discarded it. Placing a hand behind Blair’s shoulder, she drew her up, close to her, inseparably close to her, and kissed her, the passion flaring once again as their breasts slid together, rock-hard nipples pressing into pliant flesh.


Their kisses were so passionate that they tumbled over, back to the bed, never breaking the contact. Blair's hands were everywhere, feeling every delightful curve of Kylie's body. She returned, again and again to her ass, grasping it and stroking the baby-soft skin. Unable to stand even the small strip of cloth that separated them, Blair stuck her thumbs in the waistband of the thong and pushed. Kylie helped by lifting her hips, and then tugging the garment off.


Now two completely bare bodies rubbed against each other, both women thrumming with desire. Despite Blair's tenacious hold, Kylie started to move down, and when Blair realized her destination, she placed her hands on the doctor's shoulders and urged her along.


Kylie stopped and gazed at Blair's magnificent breasts. She pointed her tongue and flicked at the hard nipples until Blair threaded her fingers through her hair and urged her to open her mouth. As soon as Kylie did, her mouth was filled to overflowing with the alabaster flesh, both women simultaneously moaning in pleasure.


The brunette cupped one of the breasts in her hands and looked up. "I've never been happier," she said, her smile radiant and her eyes a bit glazed.


"Me, either," Blair said, beginning to pant. "Now show me that you're a breast woman. I haven't seen much evidence."


Kylie managed a rakish grin and lowered her mouth, keeping her eyes locked on her partner. She pulled a swollen nipple inside, then laved it with her tongue, sucking and tugging on it, gently raking her teeth over it. Blair's eyes fluttered closed, then her head dropped back against a pillow. Kylie continued to work, having to rhythmically clutch her thighs together to get some much-needed pressure on her aching clit. She suckled as if her life depended on it, filling her mouth to overflowing with the tender flesh.


Blair squirmed under Kylie's ministrations, her soft moans the only sounds she uttered. Kylie moved from one breast to the other, kissing and suckling each with equal fervor, her desire for the writhing woman growing stronger with each passing moment.


As her need grew, Blair was unable to lie still, continually trying to force more of her throbbing breast into Kylie's hungry mouth. She stroked her dark hair with one hand while cupping one of her own breasts in the other, offering herself up to the doctor's voracious need.


The pair was in such a frenzy that Blair lost track of her position. After a while, though, she realized she was on her back and had been for some time. She raised her knees to take some of the pressure off, but she was beginning to feel the discomfort. Kylie sensed her distraction and looked up at her. The doctor's eyes were barely focused, and she asked thickly, "Okay?"


"Back hurts," Blair said, wincing a little now that she was fully aware of the rest of her body.


"Can't have that." Kylie looked around, trying to figure out how to solve the problem. "I've got an idea," she said.


She helped Blair to sit up, then asked her to scoot down the bed a little. When she did, Kylie sat behind her, wrapping her legs around Blair's hips. When the blonde leaned back, she sighed with pleasure. "Nice backrest."


"Nice view," Kylie countered. She ran her nails lightly up the nape of Blair’s neck and into her hair, kissing the goose bumps in their wake, lingering here and there, trying to wait a few moments to make sure her partner was comfortable. When Blair started to squirm because of the kisses, Kylie knew her back was feeling better, and she got busy once again.


She started to play with Blair's breasts, using her hands, finding the experience just as enjoyable as when she mouthed them. They were so heavy and full, so exquisitely sensitive that the most gentle caress caused Blair's hips to sway sexily. Kylie was remarkably careful with them, but she was equally relentless with her explorations.


While Kylie continued to work, Blair's knees lifted until they were resting against Kylie's legs. The doctor saw a hand try to stealthily slip between her open thighs. She grasped Blair's wandering hand and brought it to her lips for a kiss. "That's mine," Kylie whispered. "No trespassing."


"I'll beg if I have to," Blair moaned pitifully. "You've got to touch me."


"I am touching you," Kylie said, giving each nipple a pinch that made Blair squeal.


The blonde grabbed Kylie's hand and tried to force it between her legs. "I want you here," she said firmly.


Successfully resisting, Kylie buried her face in Blair's neck and nipped at her skin, marking her lightly all along the flesh. "I wanna be there, too," she whispered. "I wanna make you happy. I want it to be so good."


Her hands slid down Blair's body, and the smaller woman's knees lifted even higher of their own accord, her hips blindly thrusting toward Kylie's touch. The doctor tried to soothe her, gently patting and stroking the fine blonde hair that covered her mound. Blair groaned in frustration, but it was obvious that Kylie wasn't going to be rushed. She continued to lightly and delicately touch Blair in the most gentle way, letting her get used to her caress before she moved on.


When Blair settled down, Kylie gently spread her outer lips and slid a finger down each side of her clitoris. "Oh, God, yes!" the blonde ground out. "Harder, please!'


Kylie suckled at her earlobe for a moment, feeling the woman in her arms shiver roughly. "Don't you wanna take this nice and slow?” she whispered. “I wanna touch you and touch you and touch you. Won't that feel better, baby? We'll let it build up until you can't bear to wait another moment. Don't you want that?" Kylie’s hands had remained where they were, holding Blair gently, but they were still.


"I can't bear to wait another moment now," Blair groaned. "Kylie, please, I feel like I'm on fire."


"Noo … " Kylie soothed. "We're just getting started, baby. Relax against me, and let me touch you." She slipped her fingers up and down, caressing with the force of a whisper on the wind. Blair thrust her hips in vain, then let her head drop against Kylie's chest. “That’s right, baby … relax.” Blair’s brow was furrowed in frustration, but Kylie knew that her unhappiness was only temporary.


The larger woman continued to gently rub every inch of the slippery flesh, sometimes using her fingernails to delve deeply into the folds. Soon, Blair's pleasure was evident in her moans, and she slowly moved against Kylie's fingers, riding a high that she never wanted to end.


The sensation built and built, but it escalated so smoothly and slowly that Blair didn't even realize she'd wrapped her hands around Kylie's forearms and was squeezing her tight. The doctor barely noticed the pain and knew she wouldn’t mind the bruises she was certain would result. She was so engulfed by the pleasure of the experience that she wouldn't have known it if time stood still. She was touching Blair in the most intimate way possible, and she'd never been happier in her life.


The quality and pitch of Blair's utterances changed, and Kylie knew that she was close. Touching her wetness with slightly more pressure, Kylie increased the pace, moving faster and faster until Blair cried out in a loud voice, and convulsed against her hands, thrusting her hips so forcefully that her ass slapped against Kylie's open legs. The orgasm seemed to last for a very long time, and Kylie held on tight, lightly stroking the quivering flesh until Blair finally relaxed against her — completely limp.


Kylie wrapped her arms around her and cuddled her tightly to her chest, murmuring soft, sweet words into her ear. She held her for a long time, the only sign of life in Blair, her still-rapid breathing. Finally, the blonde stirred, stretching her legs and then her arms. After another cat-like stretch, she flopped back against Kylie's body and draped an arm across her face. "I am dying, Egypt, dying." She craned her neck to look into Kylie's eyes. "What's the rest of it?"


Kylie laughed softly. "Uhm … something about not wanting to die until Cleopatra gives him a few thousand more kisses."


"Oh! Right! Let me think a second. I helped my mom when her theatre company produced this one when I was in high school. I'm sure I know it." She lay still for abit, then said, "Only I here importune death awhile, until of many thousand kisses the poor last I lay upon thy lips." She snuck another look at Kylie and said, "I feel just like Antony. Only I don't really think I'm dying."

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 50 | Нарушение авторских прав

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