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Revision exercises on the Verbals

The sequence of tenses. Reported (Indirect) speech | General Review of the tense and voice forms of the verb | The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Subordinate Clauses | Adverbial clauses of concession | Adverbial clauses of comparison | Subject Subordinate Clauses | Object subordinate clauses | Adverbial clauses of purpose | The use of the Subjunctive Mood in simple sentences | The compound and the complex sentence |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  3. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Advanced exercises in conversion
  7. All tenses revision

Ex. 331. State whether the ing-form is a participle, a gerund or a verbal noun.

1. To my mind, the setting of the scene was beautiful. 2. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a while. 3. Having finished the work he seemed more pleased with himself than usual. 4. Pausing in his story Burton turned to me. 5. I admired the grounds and trees surrounding the house. 6. Colleges give a specialized training. 7. I want you to give my hair a good brushing. 8. While reading this book he came across many interesting expressions. 9. After reading this book the students organized a discussion. 10. We know of his beginning this work. 11. I am much pleased with my surroundings. 12. The boys could not go without asking permission. 13. When coming into the hall, I saw a group of people standing in the middle.


Ex. 332. Choose between the infinitive and the gerund to use it as a direct object to the predicate verb in the following sentence.

1. I wished (to be) quite far. 2. I expected (to find) him in the drawing room but he wasn’t there.3. I enjoyed (to listen) to her talk of Vietnamese society in the days of her youth. 4. Reggie promised (to look) in. 5. I wanted (to cheer) him up. 6. Jerry was enjoying himself and didn’t want (to go). I suggested (to leave) him and (to let) him meet use at the station. 7. Everything you’ve planned (to do) is sensible. 8. Riley offered (to drive) into town and (to get) some coffee. 9. He longs (to settle) down and (to live) a quiet country life. 10. Kate avoided (to see) John alone. 11. You keep (to say) things in Latin and you know I can’t understand. 12. He proceeded (to illustrate) this by his own story. 13. Her eyes were full and bright. She did not pretend (to hide) her nervousness. 14. Jack asked the stewardess for some stationery and, when it came, set about (to compose) a letter to his son. 15. Renny was often dead right, more often than I cared (to remember). 16. He sat there sullenly and refused (to answer). 17. I didn’t mind (to think) about them a bit.18. He has just finished (to strap) up his suitcase. 19. He did not hesitate (to employ) such methods. 20. He stopped (to whistle) and went into the bathroom to turn the water on for the bath.


Ex. 333. Choose between the infinitive and the ing-form to use it as a part of the Complex Object in the following sentences.

1. My will weakened. I wanted someone (to lean) on. 2. We stood for a while watching a man (to train) Alsatian puppy. 3. I can imagine people not (to like) him. 4. Although he was very tired, he made himself (to stand) up and (to move) into the bedroom. 5. He ordered a bottle of beer and some cheese (to send) up to his room. 6. There was a lot of noise all around now, and amongst it you could hear a plane (to fly) unusually low. 7. I heard Arthur (to make) a slight noise that may have been a sigh or a chuckle. 8. “Why do you always have him (to hang) around?” “He likes it”. 9. I don’t like girls (to smoke). It takes away the fragrance of youth. 10. After supper Willy switched on the wireless and John left him (to dance) round the drawing room to the sound of Mozart’s concerto. 11. We left him (to spend) the afternoon with his family. 12. I can’t imagine you (to be) anything but what you are. 13. I saw Mother (to look) at me. 14. I saw Mother (to look) at me and (to turn) away. 15. He guessed her age (to be) about eighteen. 16. We left the others (to chat) outside the house.


Ex. 334. Translate the following sentences into English using an infinitive or an ing -form as a part of the Complex Object.

1. Він стежив, як люди поспішали до поїзда (to watch). 2. Він запалив цигарку і намагався розслабитись, коли почув, що вхідні двері відчиняються (to hear). 3. Мені відомо, що він приїздив до них кілька разів у цьому році (to know). 4. Я вважаю цю новину дуже важливою (to regard). 5. Я вдячний твоєму батькові за те, що він позичив мені гроші (to appreciate). 6. Я залишив їх, щоб вони все обговорили (to leave). 7. Коли я залишав їх, вони розмовляли про політику (to leave). 8. Джон не міг примусити себе повернутися до Лондона (to bring oneself). 9. Легко уявити Кет, яка сиділа мовчки (to imagine). 10. Я відчував, що вже час кликати лікаря. 11. Я наказав Дену зателефонувати від мого імені (to get). 12. Він примусив мене пообіцяти відвідати його (to make).


Ex. 335. Choose between the infinitive and the ing -form to use it as a part of the Complex Subject in the following sentences.

1. When the car was heard (to approach), people fled anywhere to avoid the police. 2. He was understood (to be) a teacher in his youth. 3. I was made (to stand) at the gate. 4. She may have found the note because she was seen (to look) through the book. 5. I think you’d like to know, sir, that the train has been heard (to whistle). 6. He was instructed (to apply) for a special grant. 7. From the hill a man could be seen (to run) half a mile away. 8. He was forced (to get) out of his present job. 9. His clothes were left (to lie) where they happened to fall. 10. Two constables were left (to await) his arrival. 11. People can feel satisfaction if they are made (to feel) they are doing a useful service. 12. In your story he is shown (to do) a lot for other people.


Ex. 336. Choose the appropriate verbal to use it as an attribute in these sentences.

1. She looked at a (to frame) photograph of Jimmy. 2. John busied himself with the complex problem of a (to grow) city. 3. There were infrequent visitors and her books (to keep) her occupied. 4. In the room there were four men (to chat) over their coffee. 5. In the theatre there was always a seat (to reserve) for him. 6. Late at night he received a telegram from his father (to ask) him to come home at once. 7. In the drawer he kept the envelopes (to contain) his children’s letters. 8. He decided not to plant the fields because of the labour shortage (to create) by the war. 9. He outlined his plan (to obtain) the votes of the two men. 10. They were reluctant to fill out the small forms (to describe) the expenses they had made. 11. I helped him in handling problems (to create) by other deparments. 12. I made one (to joke) remark after another in an effort (to be) friendly.


Ex. 337. Translate the following sentences using ing -complexes.

1. Він бідкався, що в його кімнаті дуже холодно. 2. Він часто говорив про те, що йому необхідно знайти роботу, за яку гарно платять. 3. Вона покликала на допомогу. Але в неї не було ніякої надії, що допомога прийде. 4. Їй не подобалася ідея, що її син буде жити в одній кімнаті з якимсь брутальним хлопцем. 5. Він розповів, що в їхнього сина є можливість отримати кращу роботу. 6. Її непокоїла думка, що її дитиною опікуються якісь незнайомі люди. 7. Коли вона повідомила про день свого від’їзду, він не міг стримати сліз. 8. Джулія заховала цигарку так, що він цього не помітив. 9. Твій батько наполягає на тому, щоб ти отримав освіту в Оксфорді. 10. Він пообіцяв написати їй листа, і вона нетерпляче чекала на нього.


Ex. 338. Use the appropriate verbals in the following sentences.

A.1. They stared at each other, Dan still (to stand) with his teacup and Willy (to stretch) out in the chair. 2. While (to wait) for a flight, and without ever (to leave) the terminal, a visitor could have his hair (to cut), and suit (to press) and shoes (to shine). 3. The snow never stopped (to fall) that afternoon. It was dreadful (to be) outdoors. 4. Then we strolled round the place (to watch) preparations (to make) (to set) up the tent. 5. The door did not open. She left off (to ring), and, (to sit) down at the top of the stairs, buried her face in her hands. 6. The thought came (to flash) in his mind. 7. (To find) them in so short a time would have been next to impossible. 8. She took up the egg-cup and held it to the light (to see) if it might be tarnished a little. 9. I spent some time with Tom (to study) maps of the country. 10. He was accustomed to (to sleep) through the morning noises of the neighbour. 11. (To describe) the confusion that followed would be impossible. 12. She could not help (to bring) into her conversation the names of people she knew.

B.1. I walked down the street, not (to know) where (to turn) or what (to do). 2. She woke at half past ten in the morning (to find) her husband (to go). 3. He went out through the window so as not (to leave) the front door (to unfasten). 4. The only thing (to do) was (to call) the police. 5. She opened the door just in time (to see) Tom (to disappear) round the corner.6. He took the first opportunity (to apologize) for his rudeness. 7. The girl was only four but it delighted us (to talk) with her. 8. I had seen too many examples of the process (not to recognize) it now. 9. There were several ships (to anchor) in the harbour. 10. She tried (to insist) on (to come) with me but I finally managed (to talk) her out of it. 11. (To waste) gradually his small fortune, he preferred (to live) on the generosity of others rather than (to work). 12. I couldn’t resist (to show) my money or (to spend) it (to treat) my friends. 13. He was sitting with his hands (to clasp) round his knee, (to stare) at the water. 14. They said that Roger had been known (to visit) her between five and seven in the evening, on the dates (to set) down. 15. When Hugh came in, he found the painter (to put) the (to finish) touches to a picture of a beggar-man.



Ex. 339. Translate the sentences into English using proper verbals.

1. Цікаво, чому вона не хотіла, щоб я познайомився з вами. 2. Вважалося, що вони прожили дуже щасливе життя. 3. Він наказав водієві взяти машину і їхати зустрічати делегацію. 4. Я бачив, як Діана розмовляла з сусідкою. 5. Вона примусила мене перевдягнутися до вечері. 6. Він не хотів, щоб я погоджувався. 7. Я чув, як говорили, що Ліз могла стати чудовою піаністкою. 8. Ми залишили дітей, коли вони гралися на підлозі. 9. Хлопців піймали, коли вони крали вишні. 10. Мені не подобається, коли дівчата палять. 11. Вона посміхнулася, коли почула, що про неї говорять як про жінку середнього віку. 12. Мені наказали приготувати каву. 13. Його розповідь продовжувала веселити людей. 14. Вона застала всю родину разом. 15. Я дозволила йому супроводжувати мене до театру.


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