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Adverbial clauses of concession

Perfect, restless, unique, dead, active, lonely, serious, complete, helpful, wrong, total, futile, breakable, main, new, principal, right, sound, effective, good. | The Preposition | The Indefinite Form of the Verb in the Active Voice | Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense. | The Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | Tenses of the Verb in the Passive Voice | The sequence of tenses. Reported (Indirect) speech | General Review of the tense and voice forms of the verb |

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A. Substantive Clauses developed from the Volitive.
  3. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  6. Adverbial clauses of cause (or causative clauses) express the reason, cause, or motivation of the action expressed in the main clause or of its content as a whole.
  7. Adverbial clauses of comparison

Ex. 242. Fill in the blanks using the proper mood form.

1. Even if her things (were, had been) packed, she couldn’t have been in time for the train. It started at two sharp. 2. I shouldn’t have visited her even if I (had, had had) time. 3. I shouldn’t have managed to read the book even if you (had brought, brought) it to me. I had no time. 4. I shouldn’t have read this article even if it (were, had been) published. I did not have this issue at home. 5. Even if your words (were taken, had been taken) into consideration, he wouldn’t have changed his decision. 6. I should not go there even if you (advised, had advised) me to do this. 7. We should go there even if you (did not go, had not gone) with us. 8. They should have come to you even if you (did not invite, had not invited) them. 9. He would not have met you even if you (sent, had sent) a telegram. 10. They would answer your letter even if they (were, had been) busy. 11. Even if I (booked, had booked) the tickets beforehand, we couldn’t go to the concert tonight. 12. He wouldn’t have won the race even if he (were, had been) a fast runner.


Ex. 243. Use the corresponding mood form instead of the infinitive in brackets.

A. 1. She (to tell) you nothing even if you (to ask) her. 2. They (not to come) today even if you (to wire) them. 3. The boy (to go) to school even if he (to be ill). 4. I (to ring up) you even if I (to have) little time. 5. We (to come to see) her even if we (to be) short of time. 6. He (not to go) to a holiday camp with you even though the weather (to be) fine. 7. She (to get up) early even though it (to be) Sunday. 8. We (to talk) about everything even though we (to know) each other for many years. 9. She (to speak) so loudly even though there (to be) many people round her. 10. You (to find) him at home even though you (to call on) him early in the morning.

B. 1. Even if you only (to think) that I could be of any help to you, I (to be) very happy to be allowed to stay around. 2. Why say it even if it (to be) true? 3. I (to get) there even if I (to walk) there all the way. 4. Even though you (to ask) him twice, he (to do) it again; he is a stubborn boy. 5. You (not to get) in touch with him even though you (to try): he wasn’t in town at that time. 6. Even though we (to know) in time, we (not to prevent) the catastrophe. 7. I (not to go) even if you (to try) to persuade me. 8. But even if you (to be) right, I (to prefer) to act in my own way. 9. We (not to achieve) any success even if he (to help) us. 10. Even though he (can pay) his hotel bill, they (not to give) him any more credit.


Ex. 244. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Ми все одно вивчили б усі слова, навіть якби нас і не просили. 2. Я все одно б зробила цю вправу, навіть якби ти не принесла мені книжку. 3. Ми б не запізнилися, навіть якби вийшли на 15 хвилин пізніше. 4. Вона встигла б на потяг, навіть якби пішла пішки на станцію. 5. Навіть якби ваш товариш був тут, він нічого не зміг би зробити. Усе вже вирішено. 6. Я не пішла б зараз на вулицю, навіть якби зараз не було дощу. 7. Навіть якби Джон постарався, він не зміг би цього зробити.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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