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The Indefinite Form of the Verb in the Active Voice

USE OF ENGLISH | Consideration | SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST | UNIT 6 PEOPLE AND NATURE | Which section of the article mentions | USE OF ENGLISH | SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST | UNIT 7 GRAMMAR REVISION | The Adjective and the Adverb | Perfect, restless, unique, dead, active, lonely, serious, complete, helpful, wrong, total, futile, breakable, main, new, principal, right, sound, effective, good. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) The use of the Past Indefinite becomes obligatory with stative verbs.
  2. a) Использование Past Indefinite является обязательным с глаголами, которые
  3. A. Active nete2009 ≈ 39897
  5. Abstract void voice();
  6. Active and passive grammatical minima
  7. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key

Ex. 123. Translate from English into your native language. Explain the use of the Present Indefinite tense.

1. Leaves become green in spring and yellow in autumn. 2. Ann always brings some flowers with her when she comes to the office. 3. In the evening my parents watch TV or listen in. 4. Time passes at different speeds according to what you are doing. 5. Actions speak louder than words. 6. We have a class in English Grammar from 9 till 11 on Saturday. 7. She speaks three foreign languages. 8. Come to my place on Thursday if you are free. 9. Tell him to wait when he comes. 10. The train arrives in a few minutes. Let’s go to the platform. 11. The trains arrive and leave according to schedule. 12. My sister has a soft voice. She sings beautifully. 13. Do you hear that noise? 14. She knows how to tell the time in English. 15. They want to buy some new chairs. 16. The Sun rises in the East.


Ex. 124. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite tense.

1. My little sister (to go) to school every day. 2. Bad students never (to work) hard. 3. It often (to snow) in winter. 4. He (to wake up) at seven and (to have) breakfast at half past seven. 5. Mother always (to cook) in the morning. 6. There (to be) a girl downstairs who (to want) to talk to you. 7. My friend (to go) there nearly every week. 8. The children (to play) all the morning and (to sleep) in the afternoon. 9. She (to be) a school-girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 10. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 11. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 12. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 13. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 14. Your nephew (to read) English books in the original? 15. You (to understand) the words of this English song? — Yes, I (to think) that now I (to understand) them. 16. Whom you (to see) there? — I (not to know) this man but it (to seem) to me that it (to be) Doctor Sandford. 17. The girl (to sing) well but she (not to play) the piano. 18. How often he (to come) home so late? 19. How many foreign languages your grandfather (to speak)? 20. How long it (to take) your son to prepare a report in English?



Ex. 125. Translate into English.

1. Заходьте, будь ласка. Не звертайте уваги на безладдя. 2. Хто готує їжу у вашій сім¢ї? — Звичайно, мама. — Де ти звичайно обідаєш? — Звичайно, я обідаю дома, але інколи їм у заводській їдальні. 3. Я звичайно ходжу в кіно у суботу та неділю, бо в інші дні тижня я дуже зайнята. 4. Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я запалю? — Анітрохи. — Бажаєте цигарку? — Дякую вам, але я не палю. 5. Скільки вам потрібно часу, щоб приготувати сніданок вранці? — Я не готую сніданок вранці, тому що в мене мало часу; я випиваю чашку чаю або кави і з¢їдаю бутерброд. 6. Як правило, я не маю часу вранці підмітати підлогу, витирати пил та мити посуд. Я тільки прибираю постіль та відчиняю вікно, щоб провітрити кімнату.

Ex. 126. Translate from English into your native language. Explain the use of the Past Indefinite tense in the sentences.

1. She studied English a year ago. 2. He finished his design last night. 3. We walked home yesterday. 4. Yesterday I skied in the country. 5. The students went to London two years ago. 6. It rained a great deal last summer. 7. She didn’t come in time for dinner yesterday. 8. My daughter finished her report in time. 9. When did the last conference take place? 10. It took him some years to master English. 11. We saw the dean some minutes ago. 12. Pete didn’t forget to put his clock forward and so was not late in the morning. 13. They took the book by Dickens last week. 14. When my son was in the country in winter, he played snowballs almost every day. He used to skate and ski too. 15. The man entered the room, sat down at the table, ordered some food, and began to read a newspaper.


Ex. 127. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite tense.

1. He (to stay) at the Institute after classes on Monday. 2. Some years ago she (to live) in the country. 3. She (to make) an interesting report at the conference. 4. Last year he (to work) at the factory. 5. Yesterday we (to go) home by metro. 6. It (to take) me half an hour to get home on Sunday. 7. We (to see) the film a week ago. 8. He (to do) his best to learn to speak English correctly and to understand it. 9. Last night we (to watch) a hockey match. 10. I (not to go) to work yesterday. 11. Tom (not to shave) in the morning because he (not to have) time. 12. When you (to come) to this town? — I (to come) here before the war. 13. Where you (to buy) this dictionary? — I (to buy) it at the Central book shop two days ago. 14. She (not to say) anything about it yesterday. 15. He (not to rush) because he (not to be) in a hurry. 16. Whom you (to meet) at the conference? 17. She (not to be) interested in the book because she (to read) it last year. 18. How many exercises you (to do) at the last lesson?


Ex. 128. Translate into English.

1. Моя подруга Марія прийшла до мене в суботу після роботи. 2. Ми вирішили повторити перед диктантом слова з п’яти уроків. 3. Ми повторили граматичні правила та зробили багато вправ. 4. Чи дивилися ви вчора кіно по телевізору? — Так. Чи сподобалось воно вам? — Не дуже. 5. Чи записала ти лекцію вчора на магнітофон? — Так, а що? 6. Коли ти приїхав? — Я приїхав учора. 7. Де ви жили минулого року? Ми жили в Києві. 8. В минулому році я не дуже часто ходив до театру, бо в мене не було часу. 9. Тобі сподобалася ця картина, чи не так?


Ex. 129. Translate the following sentences into your native language. Pay attention to the expressions used to (would) + V0 and to get (be) used to + Ving. Use the models.

Model A: This is the town I used to leave in.

Це місто, в якому я раніше жив.

She would walk to the station when the weather was fine.

Вона, бувало, ходила на станцію пішки, коли погода була гарна.

1. In the evenings captain Brown would come to their place and they would play a game or two of chess. 2. She used to sit before the open window watching with the interest the busy life of the street. 3. The two sisters are no longer as much alike as they used to be. 4. It’s a pity she can’t sing as she used to any longer. 5. I used to get up early in the morning when I was a child. 6. She used to be my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer. 7. He never used to smoke. 8. He didn’t use to play chess, but now he plays very well.

Model B: John was used to swimming every day when he was at the University. Джон звик плавати кожного дня, коли він був в університеті.

1. We got used to cooking our own food when we had to live alone. 2. We were used to writing our exercises in our copy-books. 3. The man is used to reading his newspaper in the morning. 4. He got used to drinking tea without sugar. 5. She was used to getting up very early when she was a student. 6. They are used to staying alone.


Ex. 130. Translate into English.

1. Зараз дитина вже не плаче так часто, а раніше вона плакала щоночі. 2. Марія звикла пити каву щоранку? 3. Коли моя матуся хворіла, я, бувало, сиділа біля неї годинами. 4. Вчора моя подруга витратила дуже багато грошей, тому що купила собі дуже дорогу сукню. 5. Я не ходила вчора на роботу, бо дуже погано себе почувала. 6. Вона не прийшла на вечір, бо ми її не запросили. 7. А хіба ти вчора не ходив до своїх друзів? – Ні, я був дуже зайнятий.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The Preposition| Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense.

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