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Unit 7 Grammar Revision


Читайте также:
  1. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  2. After having studied grammar (The Noun. The Number)
  3. All tenses revision
  4. Becoming Your Own Grammar Tutor
  5. But grammar gives them the willies
  6. Complete the following sentences using 'could' or 'was/were able to'. See grammar notes before doing the exercise.
  7. Complex Subject, Parenthesis; For-to-Infinitive and Revision


The Noun

Ex. 1. Decide if the statement is general or specific. Fill in the blanks with a, the or 0 article.

1.... dog is sleeping. 2. … dog has four legs. 3. … elephants have big ears. 4. … elephants are hungry. 5. … sun is bigger than …moon. 6. … women generally live longer than … men. 7. … women are talking over the telephone. 8. … window is broken. 9. … window is made of glass. 10. … children are playing. 11. … children can generally learn a foreign language faster than … adults. 12. … coffee is hot. 13. … coffee contains caffeine. 14. … sugar is on the shelf. 15. … sugar is sweet.


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with a / an where required.

A. 1. This is … book. It is my … book. 2. I have … sister. My sister is … engineer. My sister’s … husband is … doctor. 3. I have … spoon in my plate but I have no … soup in it. 4. Mr. Black lives in … flat 10. 5. I often get … letters from my friends. 6. Take … bus 9. It goes down … Pushkin Street. 7. I like … meat and my wife likes … fish. 8. … Australia is both … island and … continent. 9. Damascus is … ancient city in … Syria. 10. … uncle of mine told me … interesting story.

B. 1. The Jones have got … television. We haven’t got one. 2. Watching … television is how most people spend their free time. 3. … rice is very good with … chicken. 4. Do you like … boiled chicken? 5. … deer, … wild duck, … tiger are plentiful in this region. 6. … man has always fought, … woman has been the preserver. 7. A lot of people drink … coffee with milk. 8. My bus wasn’t due for twenty minutes, so I was having … nice coffee, just to pass the time. 9. … tooth for … tooth, … life for … life – that is … philosophy of … violence. 10. … water is essential for … life. 11. … life without … happiness is not … life at all.


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the where required.


A. 1. Books are … heavy things. 2. … books I bought were all second-hand. 3. I really dislike … cars. 4. … cars were waiting at the lights. 5. … dogs are animals. 6. … dogs are in the garden. 7. … gold is an important metal. 8. … gold in the ring is of high quality. 9. … honesty is always … best policy. 10. … honesty of Mr. Brown is above question. 11. … rice we eat is … brown rice. 12. … butter is made from … milk. 13. Where is … butter?

B. 1. In … theatres of Shakespeare’s time …actors were often treated like servants. 2. A doctor’s first duty is to preserve …life. 3. I’ve just been reading … life of Mozart. 4. In 1492 … Christopher Columbus sailed from … Spain for … Far East and landed in … San Salvador. 5. … rivers of … eastern part of … United States flow towards … Atlantic Ocean. 6. … climate of … southern Italy is very warm. 7. My son is studying in … Florida University. 8. … Hague is a city in … Netherlands. 9. … water in … lake Baikal is very clear. 10. … English of … Shakespeare is often difficult to understand. 11. … Robinson whom I know lives next door to … Browns. 12. … largest river in … Germany is … Rhein. 13. … lake Erie is one of … Great Lakes in … North America. 14. Rita plays … violin and her sister plays … guitar. 15. … Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.


Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with a / an, the where required.

A. 1. We have … big dog. … dog is very clever. 2. Yesterday I received … letter from my … friend. … letter was interesting. 3. This is … very difficult question. I don’t know … answer to it. 4. There is … very big piano in …hall. 5. This is … good book. Take … book from …table. 6. I can see … nice … coffee-table in … middle of … room to … right of … door. 7. There is … beautiful picture in … my father’s study. … picture is on … wall to … left of … window. 8. … people usually have … breakfast in … morning. 9. Yesterday father told us … very interesting story at … breakfast. 10. Every day my husband goes to …work, my son goes to … school and I go to … institute.

B. 1. … Florida State University is smaller than … University of Florida. 2. Ken’s brother is in … prison for robbery. Ken went to … prison to visit him. 3. Tom left … university without doing his exams. 4. How many people go to … university in your country? 5. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to … church every Sunday. 6. We stopped to visit … church. It was a beautiful building. 7. Two people were injured in the accident and were taken to … hospital. 8. When Ann was ill we all went to … hospital to visit her. 9. The British Prime Minister lives in … Downing Street. 10. We flew from London to … Orly Airport in Paris. 11. Which hotel are you staying at? – At … Hilton Hotel. 12. If you want to buy some new clothes, the shop I would recommend is … Harrison’s. 13. Mr. Jenkins reads …Daily Telegraph but his wife reads … Times. 14. … Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London. 15. One of the nicest parks in London is … St. James’s Park which is very near … Buckingham Palace.

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with a / an, the, some, any or 0.


A. Where are you going?

B. I’m going to … post office. I need to buy … stamps.

A. I’ll go with you. I want to mail … package to my parents.

B. What’s in … package?

A…. shirts for my father, … coat for my sister, and … money for my mother.

B. You should never send … money by mail.

A. I know. My mother never received … money that I sent in my last letter. But what can I do? I don’t have … checking account.

B. You can buy … money order at … bank.

A. How much does it cost?

B. Well, if you have … account in … bank, it’s usually free. If not, you’ll probably have to pay 50$ or more.

A. What about … currency exchange on Wright Street? Do they sell. … money orders?

B. Yes.

A. Why don’t we go there? We can save … time. It’s on … same street as … post office.


Conversation 1: between two students at the same school.

A. Is there … cafeteria at this school?

B. Yes, there is. It’s on … first floor of this building.

A. I want to buy … cup of coffee.

B. You don’t have to go to … cafeteria. There’s … coffee machine on this floor.

A. I only have a one-dollar bill. Do you have … change?

B. There’s … dollar-bill changer next to … coffee machine.

Conversation2: between two students (A and B) in the same class and, later, the teacher(T).

A. Where’s … teacher? It’s already 7:00.

B. Maybe she’s absent today.

A. I’ll go to … English office and ask if anyone knows where she is.

B. That’s … good idea.

A few minutes later…

A.I talked to … secretary in … English office. She said that … teacher just called. She’s going to be about 15 minutes late. She had … problem with her car.

Ten minutes later…

A. Here’s … teacher.

T. I’m sorry. I’m late.

A. Did you fix … problem with your car?

T.I didn’t have time. I left … car at home and took … taxi to school.


Ex. 6. Correct the following sentences where required.

Model: Everest was first climbed in 1953. – Right.

Milan is in north of Italy. – Wrong (the north).

1. Last year we visited Canada and United States. 2. South of England is warmer than north. 3. We went to Crimea and swam in Black Sea. 4. Jack has visited many places in USA. 5. A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in Middle East. 6. Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps. 7. Dnieper is longest river in Ukraine. 8. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

1. Єдина телевізійна програма, яку він дивиться, – новини. 2. Ми слухаємо радіо ввечері. 3. Це був гарний фільм? – Це був найкращий фільм, який я бачив. 4. Після обіду ми пішли на прогулянку до моря. 5. Говерла – найвища вершина Карпатських гір. 6. Друга світова війна закінчилася у 1945 році. 7. Чотири п’ятих населення Об’єднаного Королівства становлять англійці. Інші народи, які проживають у Британії, валлійці, ірландці, шотландці. 8. Темза і Северн – головні ріки Британії. 9. Де знаходиться Болівія? – У Південній Америці. 10. Ви коли-небудь бували в Об’єднаному Королівстві Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії? 11. Сполучені Штати Америки знаходяться між Мексикою та Канадою. 12. Ніл – найдовша ріка Єгипту. 13. Маніла – столиця Філіппін. 14. Скелясті гори – це хребет на заході Північної Америки. 15. Північне море знаходиться між Британією та Норвегією. 16. Панамський канал з’єднує Атлантичний та Тихий океани.

Ex. 8. Use is or are with the nouns.

A. News, physics, trunks, spectacles, phonetics, scissors, billiards, scales, gymnastics, troops, optics, mathematics, shorts, pyjamas, cards, drafts, arms, series, mumps, ethics, means.

B. 1. Politics … an interesting subject to study. 2. Darts … a game played in British pubs. 3. Their wages … too low. 4. Your trousers … a bit long. 5. His clothes … terribly old. 6. Athletics … becoming more and more popular these days. 7. Measles … a common illness. 8. My thanks … due to all of you for your kindness. 9. My glasses... dirty; I can’t see properly. 10. Mary’s binoculars … very powerful. 11. The Middle Ages … time of feudal rivalries. 12. The acoustics of this hall … excellent. 13. Two hours … hardly enough time to see all the sights. 14. Ten dollars … a fair price. 15. Five tons … too big a load for the truck. 16. The public … asked to help. A reward of $100 … offered; a hundred pounds … a lot of money. 17. That pair of pants … dirty. 18. “The New York Times” … a good newspaper. 19. The class … working on their individual projects today. 20. Those deer … old. 21. When a young deer … motionless, its colouring will hide it well. 22. The family … fighting among themselves constantly. 23. The fish in the aquarium … waiting for their daily feeding. 24. There bacteria … being studied by university scientists. 25. The Portuguese … fortunate to have such a beautiful coastline. 26. English … heard all over the world.

Ex. 9. Complete the sentences with the given nouns. Add final s / es if necessary. Use each noun only one time.


Advice, change, city, garbage, hardware, homework, information, junk, luggage/bag-gage, music, progress, river, screwdriver, stuff, thunder, traffic, travelling, trip.

1. I have some coins in my pocket. In other words, I have some … in my pocket. 2. The Mississippi, the Amazon, and the Nile are well-known … in the world. 3. I like to listen to operas, symphonies, and folk songs. I enjoy …. 4. Since I came to the United States, I have visited Chicago, New York, and Miami. I want to visit other … before I return to my country. 5. The street is full of cars, trucks, and buses. This street always has heavy …, especially during rush hour. 6. In the last couple of years, I’ve gone to France, India, and Canada. I like to take …. In other words, … is one of my favourite activities. 7. I put some banana peels, rotten food, and broken bottles in the waste can. The can is full of …. 8. They have a rusty car without an engine, broken chairs, and an old refrigerator in their front yard. Their yard is full of … 9. Paul has books, pens, papers, notebooks, a clock, scissors, a tape recorder, and some other things on his desk. He has a lot of … on his desk. 10. The children got scared when they heard … during the storm. 11. Tools that are used to fasten screws into wood are called …. 12. I went to the store to get some nails, hammers, and screws. In other words, I bought some …. 13. Tonight I have to read 20 pages in my history book, do 30 problems in algebra, and write a composition for my English teacher. In other words, I have a lot of … to do tonight. 14. Ann took three suitcases, a shoulder bag, and a cosmetics case. In other words, she took a lot of … in her trip. 15. Toronto is 356 ft./109 m above sea level. The population of the metropolitan area is over 3,000,000. I found (this, these) … in the encyclopaedia. 16. I didn’t feel good. Ann said, “You should see a doctor”. Tom said, “You should go home and go to bed”. Martha said, “You should drink fruit juice and rest”. I got … from three people. 17. My English is slowly getting better. My vocabulary is increasing. It’s getting easier for me to write and I make fewer mistakes. I can often understand people even when they talk fast. I’m satisfied with the …, I have made in learning English.


Ex. 10. Find the mistakes and correct them.


A. 1. She has two children. 2. One of her daughter is a doctor. 3. Eleven millions peoples died in the war. 4. The news are on TV at 6 o’clock. 5. His pants is very expensive. 6. Every students wants to pass this course. 7. Math is one of my favourite subject at school. 8. Five man left early. 9. The news aren’t as bad as we expected. 10. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn’t sharp enough. 11. The trousers you bought for me is not my size. 12. A word of thanks are enough.

B. 1. Mary always has fresh egg because she raises chicken in her yard. 2. Outside my window, I can see a lot of tree, bush, grass, dirt, and flower. 3. Tom gave me some good advice. Milly also gave me some good suggestion. 4. Yoko learned several new word today. 5. I drank two glass of water. 6. Window are made of glass. 7. Jack wears glass because he has poor eyesight. 8. It took me a lot of time to finish my homework. I had a lot of assignment. 9. I have been to Mexico three time. I’ve spent a lot of time there. 10. There are typewriter, copier, telephone, and staple in typical business office. A business office needs a lot of equipment. 11. The air is full of smoke, dust, carbon monoxide, and many other harmful substance. We must seek to reduce air pollution. 12. I like to read good literature. I especially like to read novel, poetry, and essay. My favourite poet are Longfellow and Wordsworth. I have always liked their poem. 13. You can find a lot of time – saving machine in a modern factory. Modern factory need modern machinery. 14. There are more star in the universe than there are grain of sand on the beaches on earth.


Ex. 11. Join the words according to the given model.

Model: The door / the room. The door of the room

The mother / Ann. Ann’s mother

A. 1. The camera / Tom. 2. The eyes / the cat. 3. The top / the page. 4. The toys/ the children. 5. The company / success. 6. Byron / poems. 7. The books / his grandchildren. 8. The parents / John. 9. The toys / the twins. 10. The profession / these men. 11. Books / students. 12. Secretary / Doctor Black.

B. 1.The daughter / Charles. 2. The father / James. 3. The surname / Helen and Peter. 4. The music / Glinka and Chaikovsky. 5. The name / her sister-in-law. 6. The birthday / his stepfather. 7. The newspaper / today. 8. The meeting / last Saturday. 9. The rain / last night. 10. The show / next evening. 11. The journey / a day. 12. An interval / two weeks. 13. The largest city / Italy. 14. System of Government / Britain. 15. The treasure / the world.

Ex. 12. Paraphrase the following sentences using the noun in the possessive case or the of – phrase. If two forms are possible, give them both.


1. John has a brother. 2. Thomas has a sister. 3. Sophocles wrote plays. 4. Keats wrote poetry. 5. The cow gives milk. 6. The captain made an error. 7. The ship has a siren. 8. The siren made a noise. 9. Some thing has a name. 10. The school has a history. 11. The world has problems.12. Europe has art treasure. 13. The holiday lasted a week. 14. The work took a year. 15. My brother-in-law has a house. 16. The book has pages. 17. The newspaper was published this evening. 18. The man over there has a strange name.


Ex. 13. Paraphrase the phrases below as in the model.

Model: John’s book – John has a book.

His father’s consent – His father gave his consent.

1. John’s beard. 2. John’s story. 3. John’s present. 4. John’s mistake. 5. John’s punishment. 6. John’s supper. 7. His father’s interest. 8. His father’s conclusion. 9. His father’s influence. 10. A picture of my mother’s. 11. A debtor’s prison. 12. A two weeks’ interval.


Ex 14. Complete the sentence with the possessive form of the noun given in brackets as in the model.


Model: The (boy) hat is red. – The boy’s hat is red.

1. (Mrs. Smith) husband often gives her flowers. 2. The (boy) hat is red. 3. The (children) toys are all over the floor. 4. I fixed (the child) bicycle. 5. (The baby) toys are in her crib. 6. (The babies) toys are in their cribs. 7. Tom and Bob are married. (Their wives) names are Cindy and Jane. 8. That is my (wife) coat. 9. (Sally) last name is White. 10. (Phyllis) last name is Young. 11. That’s my (boss) office. 12. These are my (bosses) offices. 13. This is a (woman) purse. 14. The store sells (women) clothes. 15. Do you know my (sister) husband? 16. Do you know my (sisters) husbands? 17. Did you read (yesterday) newspaper? 18. There are many problems in (today) world. 19. It would cost me (a month) salary to buy a new refrigerator.

Ex. 15. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form out of those given in brackets.


1. I stepped on (the tail of the cat, the cat’s tail). 2. (The job of Caroline, Caroline’s job) is difficult. 3. The (leaves of the trees, trees’ leaves) are turning golden. 4. Have you seen (the newspapers of this morning, this morning’s newspapers)? 5. Look! The cat is eating (the food of the dog, the dog’s food). 6. Be careful, (the back of the car, the car’s back) is very near a hole in the road. 7. Our maths teacher is (the husband of our French teacher, our French teacher’s husband). 8. John and his children are having (a holiday of three weeks, three weeks’ holiday) in France. 9. (The house’s front door, the front door of the house) is green. 10. (The sun’s rays, the rays of the sun) are very strong at the Equator.


Ex. 16. Translate into English.


A. 1.Ім’я чоловіка, якого я бачив вчора. 2. Новий менеджер компанії. 3.Рішення уряду. 4. Новий театр міста. 5. Назва книги. 6. Економічна політика країни. 7. Другий поверх будинку. 8. Садок наших сусідів. 9. Результат футбольного змагання. 10. Парламент Великої Британії. 11. Поезія Шекспіра.

В. Кімната мого друга, кімнати моїх друзів, учитель Бесс, книга Джеймса, сини нашого викладача, листи ваших економістів, подруга Мері, сукні моїх сестер, весілля Джека і Джил, будинок містера та місіс Картер, машина Браунів, вчорашня газета, вечірні новини, населення Землі, назва вулиці, тижнева відпустка, початок оповідання, капелюх полісмена, хвіст коня, п’ятихвилинна прогулянка, діти Дона та Лінди, сьогоднішній волейбольний матч, туризм нашого регіону, директор школи, міський кінотеатр, батьки Майка.


The Pronoun


Ex. 17. Replace the nouns underlined by personal pronouns as in the model.

Model: Sit with John. — Sit with him.

1. Close the door. 2. Open the window. 3. Talk to Mr. Brown. 4. Listen to Ann and me. 5. Repeat the question. 6. Sit with Alice. 7. Dance with Peter. 8. Look at those girls. 9. Listen to Mary. 10. His wife is in Moscow now. 11. Jane, buy a magazine for Granny. 12. Alec and Mary are engineers by profession.

1. John, give the book to Henry. 2. Tell the answer to the students. 3. My sister and I have got a room of our own. 4. Kate, read this story to Mary and me. 5. Peter, bring flowers for your mother. 6. Send the letter to your parents. 7. Can you and Mary get supper for you, Mary and me? 8. Can you, Mary and I get supper for you, Mary and me?



Ex. 18. Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns as in the model.

Model: Mr. Black is hungry. Bring … a sandwich.

Mr. Black is hungry. Bring him a sandwich.

A. 1. Ann is in the hospital. Take … these flowers. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Dale are in France. Write… a letter. 3. We are thirsty. Bring … a bottle of Coca-Cola. 4. Jim is in class. Take … this message. 5. Mrs. Brown is here. Give … those magazines.6. The children are hungry. Bring … the large red apples. 7. Al is here. Give … your telephone number. 8. Barbara is at home. Take … this book. 9. We’re in the kitchen. Bring … the glasses. 10. The class is too small. … is going to be cancelled.

B. 1. I have a wonderful family. I love … very much and … love me. 2. I looked up some information about the average American family. I found out that … consists of 2-3 children. 3. The soccer team felt unhappy because … had lost in the closing moment of the game. 4. A basketball team is relatively small. … doesn’t have as many members as a baseball team. 5. The audience clapped enthusiastically. Obviously … had enjoyed the concert. 6. The audience filled the room to overflowing. … was larger than I had expected. 7. The crowd became more and more excited as the premier’s motorcade approached. … began to shout and wave flags in the air. 8 The crowd at the soccer game was huge. … exceeded 100.000 people. 9. The office staff gave … boss a gold watch when she retired. 10. The office staff isn’t large. … consists of a secretary, a file clerk and receptionist. 11. When a student wants to study, … should try to find a quiet place. 12. Everyone who came to the picnic brought … own food. 13. Anyone can learn how to dance if … wants to. 14. Someone forgot … umbrella. I wonder whose it is. 15. Each student in Biology has to spend three hours per week in the laboratory where … does various experiments. 16. A pharmacist fills prescriptions but … is not allowed to prescribe medicine.


Ex. 19. Choose the correct form of the personal pronoun to complete the sentences below.


A. 1. When I came back from France I brought (they, them) all a present. 2. Here’s a snapshot of (he, him) and his dog. 3. Are you going to vote for (he, him) or (she, her)? 4. This is something for you and (I, me) to think about. 5. Bill won’t go to the party without (she, her). 6. We live closer to the school than (they, them) live. 7. The dress fits you better than (she, her). 8. The referee penalized (they, them) more often than (we, us). 9. Although I was just as guilty, the teacher scolded Fred more than (I, me). 10. You’ve been working much harder than (I, me) have.

B. 1. Mary and (I, me) both wanted to ring you yesterday. 2. (She, her) and (I, me) first met at Alice’s party. 3. Mr. Thomas always gave (she, her) and (I, me) the same marks. 4. Only (he, him) forgot about the test. 5. It was (she, her) that asked the question. 6. No one except (she, her) brought a lunch. 7. The first ones in line were Nancy, Jim and (he, him).8. They offered their seats to you and (I, me). 9. There should be no secrets between you and (he, him). 10. The picnic won’t be any fun without you and (they, them). 11. This is a picture of Scott, his sister and (I, me). 12. Everyone but (he, him) did well on the test. 13. If you were (I, me) where would you go for vacation? 14. My teacher thinks that I am more intelligent than (he, him).


Ex. 20. Choose the correct form of the possessive pronoun to complete the sentences below.

1. My parents have a car. (Their, theirs) doesn’t have air conditioning. 2. My wife and I have a car. (Our, ours) car is a Chevy. 3. Your car is old. (My, mine) is new. 4. My car has a new battery. (Your, yours) has an old battery. 5 Can I borrow (your, yours) car? (My, mine) is broken. 6. My sister has a car but (her, hers) car needs a new battery. 7. Is this bicycle (your, yours)? 8. This is (my, mine) typewriter. 9. This is (her, hers) problem. 10. Those glasses are (my, mine). 11. Are there (your, yours) shoes? – No, they are (their, theirs). 12. (Your, yours) suitcase is bigger than (my, mine).


Ex. 21. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model.

Model: He is my friend. — He is a friend of mine.

1. Kate is his distant relative. 2. Her uncle is in the Far East now. 3. Let me introduce my cousin to you. 4. Their great friend is a doctor. 5. Our grandson is a first-year student at the University. 6. Is Helen your niece? 7. It is my habit to get up early. 8. It is his favourite expression. 9. He is our colleague. 10. It is her idea.


Ex. 22. Fill the blanks with the correct forms of the possessive pronouns as in the model.

Model: We have … English class here. — We have our English class here.

A. 1. Paul keeps … books in the bookcase. 2. I usually go to see … friends in the evening. 3. They often take … children to this park. 4. Do you help … parents? 5. The film is very interesting but I don’t remember … title. 6. Mary does … work well. 7. Pete and Ann teach … children music. 8. Have you got a pencil? Kate has got no pencil to write with. Give her …. 9. Charlotte insisted that the coat was …. 10. Alice brought a friend of … to class yesterday. 11. I forgot my book so I borrowed ….12. The little boy dropped his ice-cream so his mother gave him ….

B. 1. Tell him not to forget his ticket, ask Helen not to forget … either. 2. Take … English magazines and give me …. 3. Look at the cat, … coat is so thick. 4. Everyone will feel proud if the team finishes … season without a loss. 5. The family has sold … summer home. 6. Everyone did … best on the homework. 7 Anyone who wishes can bring … husband to the party. 8. It is surprising that no one turned in … papers on time. 9. If I can do … homework, you should certainly be able to do …. 10. Neither of the boys had … hair cut lately. 11. Either the students or the teacher will give you … book. 12. Either Martin or Jones will give … report next. 13. Not only the players but also the coach has on … uniform. 14. Not only the director but also the members of the choir invited … friends. 15. Both the cat and the dog spend … days outside. 16. Both John and Mary are returning to … class.


Ex. 23. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the personal or possessive pronouns.


A. Fill in each blank with I, I’m, me, my or mine.

1. … a student. 2. … live in an apartment near school. 3. … apartment is on the first floor. 4. … parents often visit …. 5. They don’t have a computer. They use ….

B. Fill in each blank with we, we’re, us, our or ours.

1. … classroom is large. 2. … study English here. 3. … foreign students. 4. The teacher helps … learn English. 5. The teacher brings her book, and we bring ….

C. Fill in each blank with you, you’re, your or your s. Pretend you are talking directly to the teacher.

1. … the teacher. 2. … come from the U.S. 3. My first language is Polish. … is English. 4. … pronunciation is very good. 5. We see … every day.

D. Fill in each blank with he, he’s, his or him

1. I have a brother. … name is Paul. 2. … married. 3. … has four children. 4. My apartment is small. … is big. 5. I see …on the weekends.

E. Fill in each blank with she, she’s, her or hers.

1. I have a sister. … name is Marilyn. 2. I visit … twice a week. 3. … lives in a suburb. 4. … a teacher. … husband is a doctor. 5. My children go to private school. … go to public school.

F. Fill in each blank with it, it’s or its.

1. A dog is a good pet. … a good friend. 2. … teeth are sharp. 3. …bites when … angry. 4. … has a good sense of smell. 5. … wags … tail when … happy.

G. Fill in each blank with they, they’re, them, their or theirs.

1. My parents rent … apartment. 2. My apartment is small, but … is big. 3. … very old now. 4. … live in a suburb. 5. I visit … on the weekends.

Ex. 24. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the reflexive pronouns as in the model.

Model: I saw … in the mirror. — I saw myself in the mirror.

A. 1. Let me introduce …. 2. Go there …. 3. They know it …. 4. Let me speak with the child …. 5. Let her do the work …. 6. We prefer living by …. 7. She found … a job without much trouble. 8. She can’t solve the problem by …. 9. They talk about … at the meeting. 10. No one can help him. He needs to help …. 11. You should like … more. 12. I promised … to lose ten pounds.

B. 1. Helen! Do this exercise … and let Peter and Bob do it … too. 2. Children! Dress …! 3. You can’t expect a baby to take care of ….4. One can easily injure … while skiing. 5. I can’t help you, Bob. You’ll have to solve your problem by …. 6 Jane did not join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by …. 7. You may think Stan is telling the truth, but I … don’t believe him. 8. It is important for all of us to be honest with …. 9. Now that their children are grown, Mr. And Mrs. Grayson live by …. 10. You … have to make that decision, Ann. No one can make it for you. 11. I don’t know what to tell you, Sue and Jack. You will have to take care of that problem …. 12. When everybody else forgot his birthday, Ralph decided to give … a birthday present. He bought a new shirt for ….


Ex. 25. This is a conversation between two women at lunch. They are discussing weight. Fill in each blank with a reflexive pronoun.


A. Help … to a piece of cake.

B. I can’t. I’m on a diet.

A. But you look so thin.

B. I have to watch …. I go to an over-eating group.

What goes on at those groups? Do you just talk about food?

Food … is not the most important topic. We learn to like … better.

A. You mean you don’t like ….

B. When I’m overweight, I look at … and think I’m ugly. I don’t like … very much when I’m fat.

A. But you’re the same person, fat or thin.

B. I know that, but sometimes I don’t feel it.

A. Are people in your group successful at losing weight?

B. One woman promised … a year ago that she would lose 50 pounds by January, and she did. We’re so proud of her.

A. Every year I tell … that I’m going to lose 10 pounds, but it never happens. I get very angry at ….

B. You have to like … whether you’re fat or thin. You said so ….You should join our group.

A. I don’t know if other people can help me. My brother lost 30 pounds, and he did it by …. No one helped him.

B. That’s great. But some people can’t do it by …. They need the help of a group. Why don’t you come to our group next Tuesday night?

A. Let me think about it.


Ex. 26. Fill in the blanks with the interrogative pronouns.


1. … rides a bike to school? 2. … explains the grammar? 3. … of them speaks Spanish? 4. … usually sits near the door? 5. … student arrived first today? 6. … usually happens after classes? 7. … wants to repeat this course? 8. … needs help with this lesson? 9. … of her sons goes to private school? 10. … of our students came late today? 11. … is that girl over there? 12. … is your brother-in-law? 13. … old is your little daughter? 14. … many are you in the family? 15. … are you at home? 16. Here are the books. … is yours? 17. … will you be free? — Tomorrow. 18. … do you live with? — I live with my sister. 19. … has the right answer? — I have the right answer. 20. There’s no name on this book. … is it? 21. … parents speak English? — My parents do. 22. … gives you English books to read? — My friend does. 23. … are you looking at? — I’m looking at my son.


Ex. 27. Fill in the blanks with the relative pronouns as in the model.

Model: Do you know … time is? — Do you know what time is?

1. I couldn’t understand … she said. 2. That’s the man … wife works in the office. 3. The woman … lives across the street won a thousand dollars. 4. The girl … team lost the game is very unhappy. 5. The man doesn’t know … he’s doing. 6. The man … lives next door is very friendly. 7. We know a lot of people … live in London. 8. Where are the eggs … were in the fridge? 9. The woman … I wanted to see was away on holiday. 10. Do you know the girl … Tom is talking to? 11. We saw some people … car was broken down. 12. The hotel … we stayed wasn’t very clean. 13. The last time … I saw her, she looked very well. 14. The girl with … he fell in love left him. 15. Ben works for a company … makes typewriters. 16. Jack has three brothers all of … are married.


Ex. 28. Combine the following individual sentences into single sentences with relative clauses as in the model.

Model: A woman helped me. I thanked her. — I thanked the woman who helped me. Some boys are following us. Do you know them?

Do you know the boys who are following us?

1. A man repaired our television. We paid him. 2. Some girls took your magazines. I saw them. 3. A woman owns that company. We know her. 4. A policeman found her handbag. She thanked him. 5. Some tourists arrived at the airport. I met them. 6. A pretty girl works at the bank. Do you know her? 7. A tall man was here a little ago. Did you see him? 8. Some people are talking in the hall. I heard them. 9. Feline bought a camera. The camera has three lenses. 10. This book contains some useful information. I found the book last week. 11. The doctor is with a patient. The patient’s leg was broken in an accident. 12. John has received a scholarship. John’s grades are the highest at school. 13. This is a book. I have been looking for this book all year. 14. Mr. Bryant looks very sad. Mr. Bryant’s team has lost the game. 15. William wants to become a judge. William’s brother is a lawyer.


Ex. 29.Complete the sentences choosing the most suitable ending from the box and make it into relative clause.

he invented the telephone it makes clothes
she runs away from home it gives you the meaning of words
they are never on time it won the race
they stole my car it can support life
they used to hang on that wall it was found last week

1. John works for a company that makes clothes. 2. The book is about a girl …. 3. What was the name of the horse …. 4. The police have caught the men …. 5. Alexander Bell was the man …. 6. Where are the pictures …? 7. The police are still trying to identify the body …. 8. A dictionary is a book …. 9. I don’t like people …. 10. It seems that Earth is the only planet ….


Ex. 30. Fill in the demonstrative pronouns as in the model.

Model: … is tea and … is coffee. — This is tea and that is coffee.

1. … article is easy and … one is difficult. 2. Pass me … magazines. Thank you. 3. Who is … little girl at the window? 4. … books are mine and … are yours. 5. Are … men over there your friends? 6. … flowers are beautiful, aren’t they? 7. Leave … two dictionaries on my table and take … books on the table over there to the library. 8. … picture is framed and … one is not. 9. … roof is red and … one is green. 10. … are my friends. 11. … newspapers are old. 12. … are newspapers and … are magazines. 13 … are not my books, …are her books. 14. Is … Ann’s hat?


Ex. 31. Translate into English.


А. Цей хлопчик, та дівчинка, ці учні, ті студенти, ця сукня, та книга, ті яблука, ці зошити, та парта, ця дошка, ці дерева, ті окуляри, цей малюнок, ця газета.

В. 1. Це – моя книга, а то – ваша. 2. Це моя машина, а та – їхня. 3. Це – його портфель, а той – її. 4. Це зошити наших студентів. 5. Той годинник – його. 6. Я бачу цього кота. 7. Він бачив тих собак. 8. Чиї ці сукні? 9. Чий це годинник?


Ex. 32. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the indefinite pronouns as in the model.

Model: I have … money in my pocket. — I have some money in my pocket.

Do you have … time to help me? — Do you have any time to help me?

A. 1. Have you got … lessons tomorrow morning? 2. There are … books on the shelf. 3. Are there … apple-trees in the school garden? 4. Give me … time to think about it. 5. They did not bring … chairs into the room. 6. She translated … articles into English. 7. Do you know … proverbs in English? 8. We wanted to make … sandwiches but we found we hadn’t got … bread. 9. There aren’t … good films this week. 10. Please buy … stamps for me on your way to work.

B. 1. Will you have … tea? There is … hot water in the kettle. 2. You may read … book you like. 3. Where can I buy … flowers? 4. I’m interested in … information you can give me on this question. 5. May I have … water, please? 6. Give me … money if you have …. 7. If you have … idea about it, please tell it to me. 8. If you see … nice prints, buy them, please. 9. If we have … extra time, we’ll go over the homework. 10. He left home without … money. 11. Come to see me … time you want. 12. Sing … song you like. 13 Didn’t he give you … money? 14. Aren’t there … stamps in the drawer? 15. We did the work without … difficulty. 16. Before you go … further, we must agree on procedure. 17. I can’t stay here … longer.


Ex. 33. Translate into English.


1. Ви вивчали яку-небудь іноземну мову минулого року? 2. Хто має питання? — Дехто із нас має питання. 3. Деякі статті дуже цікаві. 4. Він прочитав які-небудь англійські книги минулого місяця? 5. Деякі учні роблять тут свої уроки. 6. Я не маю ніяких німецьких журналів вдома. 7. Ви маєте яких-небудь друзів у Києві? — Так, я маю декілька. 8. У нього нема ніяких запитань. 9. До обіду є хліб? 10. Вона не помітила ніяких помилок в цьому реченні. 11. Ваш батько розмовляє якою-небудь іноземною мовою? 12. У відрі немає ніякої води.

Ex. 34. Fill in the blanks with the compound forms of the indefinite pronouns as in the model.

Model: There is … important in the letter.

There is something important in the letter.

Is there … new? — Is there anything new?

A. 1. It’s dark here. I cannot see …. 2. She knows all about it, but she doesn’t want to tell us …. 3. You must do … to improve your pronunciation. 4. Ask … to help you in this work. 5. Did you say …? 6. Please give me … interesting to read. 7. Will … go to the library right after classes? 8. Did you hear … about this film? 9. There is … in the next room who wants to talk to you. 10. I haven’t any more money about me, so I cannot buy … else. 11. Is there … in your groups who lives in the hostel? 12. Can you see … through the fog?

B. 1. Will you give me … to eat? I’m hungry. 2. If … calls while I’m out, ask him to wait. 3. If there is … else you want, please let me know. 4. Where can I get … to drink? 5. When can I find … here who can give me some information on this question? 6. Let me know if … happens. 7. Do … you can to help him. 8. … of our students speak English during the break. 9. … of us know her address. 10. … of them must speak to the teacher about it. 11. If there is … interesting in this magazine, let me know. 12. Don’t ask him about ….


Ex. 35. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate indefinite or negative pronouns.


1. I haven’t read all of this book but I’ve read … of it. At least I know … about the subject. 2. It is a big book, but we must read it all during the year. We can’t leave … out. 3. Has smoking … to do with cancer? … people believe smoking has … to do with cancer at all. Others feel that it might have … to do with it, but they don’t know what. 4. I haven’t read … of the last four chapters yet, so I know … about them, I’m afraid. 5. … doctors insist that people should give up smoking. 6. Here are two keys. Will … of them fit this drawer? — No, … of them will. There is in fact … key for that drawer. 7. Where is the book? — It’s on the table. — But there is … there. 8. Please tell us the story … knows it yet. 9. Are there … letters for me? — No, there aren’t letters for you. There are … letters in the letter-box. 10. I have got … time to speak to you now. I’m very busy. 11. I know … about your town. Please tell me … about it. 12. The other day we went to see our friends, but … was at home.


Ex. 36. Fill in the blanks with the defining pronouns each or every.

1. … man in the crowd raised his hand. 2. There were police on … side of the square. 3 The crowd lined … side of the street. 4. Everyone in the team received a prize. … received a medal too. 5. The ceremony will be repeated … four years. 6. The players received $100 …. 7. They were … looking anxiously at the referee. 8. Not … horse can run fast. 9. … boy in the class passed the examination. 10. … seat in the theatre was taken.


Ex. 37. Fill in the blanks with the defining pronouns all, everything or everybody (everyone) as in the model.

Model: Ann knows … in the street.

Ann knows everybody (everyone) in the street.…

I’ve eaten today is a sandwich. — All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich.

1. Tom is very popular. … likes him. 2. … was very kind to us. They did … they could to help us. 3. Jill doesn’t do any of the housework. Her husband does …. 4. Margaret told me … about her new job. It sounds quite interesting. 5. Can … write their names on piece of paper, please? 6. I can’t lend you any money. … I’ve got is a pound and I need that. 7. I can’t stand him. He disagrees with … I say. 8. I didn’t spend much money in the shops. … I bought was a pair of gloves. 9. Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn’t …. 10. He didn’t say where he was going. … he said was that he was going away. 11. … has got his faults. Nobody is perfect. 12. … I want is peace and quiet. 13. … likes this song. No wonder you can hear it everywhere. 14. Thank you for your explanation. I understand … now.


Ex. 38. Make up sentences using both, neither, all and none as in the model.

Model: Both of those women are clever. — Neither of them is stupid.

None of these books are cheap. — All of them are expensive.

1. Both of those boys are tall. 2. All of those men are sick. 3. None of them are happy. 4. Neither of these hats is good. 5. Both of them are cheap. 6. All of those oranges are good. 7. None of those bottles are full. 8. Neither of these cups are clean. 9. Both of them are small.


Ex. 39. Fill in the blanks with the defining pronouns both, either, all or the negative pronouns neither, none, no. Use of if necessary.


1. … the three boys had any money, so they couldn’t go to the cinema. 2. I saw two films and liked … them very much. 3. She has two boyfriends but doesn’t want to marry … them. 4. … the two applicants was suitable for the job, so I didn’t employ … them. 5. … John and Mary will help you if they can. 6. … passengers must show their boarding passes. 7. … four boys thought that the competition was too difficult. 8. The Blues won the football match, but … the players played well; in fact … played quite badly. 9. … the men entered the competition but … them won. 10. … the two cars was suitable for the job, so we didn’t hire … them. 11. There are two solutions, but … is perfect, I don’t like … the alternatives. 12. I tried all keys but … them worked. 13. … pupils knew their new teacher. 14. … of them knew the way. 15. There are two windows in my room. It was very warm, so I had … them open.


Ex. 40. Use neithernor, eitheror, bothand in the sentences.


1. My sister and I were upset when we heard the news. 2. You can change trains at this station or the next one. 3. My friend and his wife were surprised when they saw me so late. 4. My son and I like football very much. 5. My sister and I have been to the museum. 6. The children and their parents enjoyed the play. 7. Books and magazines are sold in this shop. 8. A boat and a ship were seen in the distance. 9. They said the room was light and bright, but in fact it was not large or bright. 10. You can have some apples or fruit juice. 11. It’s urgent, so could you phone or telex? 12. He didn’t write or phone. 13. You must go at once or wait till tomorrow. 14. London and Paris are crowded in summer because they are famous.


Ex. 41. Make up sentences using another as in the model.

Model: There’s a magazine on the table (on the chair).

There’s another magazine on the chair.

1. Mr. Black has a clock in his office (in his bedroom). 2. Peter has a radio in his car (in his study). 3. There’s a library on Main Street (on Lime Street). 4. There’s a bottle on the shelf (on the floor). 5. Nancy has a mirror in her bathroom (in her bedroom). 6. She has a pen in her pocket (in her desk). 7. There’s a bus stop at the post office (at the bank). 8. There’s a notebook on the table (in the desk). 9. There’s a cat in the tree (on the roof).


Ex. 42. Make up sentences using one and the other as in the model.

Model: There are two dictionaries in the bookcase (Spanish/French). — One is Spanish and the other is French.

1. We have two lamps (yellow / green). 2. Al has two radios (cheap / expensive). 3. Barbara has two hats (new / old). 4. Sam has two brothers (tall / short). 5. Nancy has two cats (black / white). 6. There are two roses in the vase (red / white). 7. There are two girls at the bus stop (fat / thin). 8. There are two letters on the table (from England / from France). 9. There are two libraries in the city(on Maine Street / on Lime Street). 10. There are two houses on High Hill (modern / old).


Ex. 43. Translate into English.

Ще одна сорочка, ще одна сукня, ще один костюм, ще одна пара чобіт, інше пальто, інша валіза, інші костюми, інші магазини, інші адреси, інші речі; Роман, Олег та інші студенти; Марія, Ганна та багато інших; Київ, Одеса та інші міста; інші учні.


Ex. 44 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the defining pronoun other.

1. I got three letters. One from my father. … one was from my sister. … letter was from my girlfriend. 2. Look at your hand. There is a total of five fingers. One is your thumb, … is your index finger, … is your middle finger,… is your ring finger. And …finger (the last of the five) is your little finger. 3. Look at your hands. One is your right hand, … is your left hand. 4. I invited five people to my party. Out of those five people, only John and Mary can come. … can’t come. 5. I invited five people to my party. Out of those five people, only John and Mary can come. … people can’t come. 6. I would like some more books on this subject. Do you have any … that you could lend me? 7. I would like to read more books about this subject. Do you have any … books that you could lend me? 8. There are many means of transportation. The airplane is one means of transportation. The train is …. 9. There are many means of transportation. The airplane is one. … are the train, the automobile and the horse. 10. There are two women standing on the corner. One is Helen Jansen and … is Pat Hendricks. 11. Alice reads The New York Times every day. She doesn’t read any … newspapers. 12. Some people prefer classical music, but … prefer rock music. 13. He will graduate in … two years. 14. I’m almost finished. I just need … five minutes. 15. Two countries border on the United States. One is Canada. … is Mexico. 16. One of the countries I would like to visit is Sweden. … is Mexico. Of course, besides these two countries, there are many … places I would like to see. 17. Some people are tall; … are short. Some people are fat; … are thin.


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