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Adverbial clauses of comparison

The Preposition | The Indefinite Form of the Verb in the Active Voice | Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense. | The Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | Tenses of the Verb in the Passive Voice | The sequence of tenses. Reported (Indirect) speech | General Review of the tense and voice forms of the verb | The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Subordinate Clauses |

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A. Substantive Clauses developed from the Volitive.
  3. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  6. Adverbial clauses of cause (or causative clauses) express the reason, cause, or motivation of the action expressed in the main clause or of its content as a whole.


Ex. 245. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the forms and the meaning of the Subjunctive Mood.

A. 1. He looked as though he were ill. 2. Her face was so white that she looked as if she were going to faint. 3. I felt as though I were making a bad joke. 4. It seemed as if he were burning me with his eyes. 5. It was as though he followed his soul’s thoughts. 6. It looked as if he weren’t interested in his uninvited guest. 7. He felt as though she did not love him. 8. He looked as though he knew it to be true. 9. He sat in his chair looking as if he were going to be sick. 10. It seemed as though he had worked an entire day. 11. It was as though nothing had happened. 12. I feel as if I had eaten too much.

B. 1. He felt awkward as if everybody were looking at him. 2. I’m sorry to talk about you as if you weren’t here. 3. Try to behave, my dear, as if nothing had happened. 4. He smiled as though he could read through my thoughts. 5. She spoke to me as if we had never quarrelled. 6. Everybody treats me as if I had a disease. 7. He began to shake as though he were cold. 8. She told me what to do as if she were a doctor. 9. You speak about him as if he had been cured. 10. The girl got very excited as though she had never travelled by air. 11. He looked at me sometimes as if he were sorry for me.

Ex. 246. Use the corresponding mood form instead of the infinitive in brackets.

1. Two American girls were eating their ices with concentration as if they (to make) an experiment at their college laboratory. 2. The girls were neat and clean and their noses, and even legs were identical as though they (to make) up to the same standard. 3. The girl’s glance was not like a woman’s but a man’s – very straightforward as if she (to speculate) on some course of action. 4. The Frenchwoman thanked me formally for her compact as if nothing (to happen). 5. What struck me most on the square was the silence. It looked as if it (to be) not a square crowded with the dead and their relatives but a church during Mass. 6. When Pyle saw blood on his shoes he looked as if he (to be) about to faint. 7. Your pearls are a very good imitation, they look as if they (to be) real. 8. The letter was written in block letters as if one (can) not identify the writer’s hand when the paper is written in block letters. 9. Coming to Kyiv on a flying visit after two years’ absence I felt as if I (not to leave) Kyiv for a single day. 10. You look so tired as if you (to work) all day long. 11. Waiting for Susan on Saturday evening I was so excited as if it (to be) the first time I’d taken a girl out.12. It was all very clean and shining, very nice too but it looked as if no human being (to live) ever there. 13. She did that as if nobody (to exist) in the room. 14. It was as if I (to attack) by an invisible enemy. 15. She had black hair and a fur jacket and sat bolt upright as if she (to give) the car its orders rather than driving it. 16. It seemed as if the soft hand gently caressing me (to turn) hard and big and struck me.


Ex. 247. Translate the sentences into English.

A. 1. Здавалося, що він нікому не вірить. 2. Мені здавалося, що я десь чула цей голос. 3. Що з вами? У вас такий вигляд, наче вам зле. 4. Ви виглядаєте так, наче все літо провели на півдні. 5. Хоча нікого не було видно, у мене було таке відчуття, неначе за мною спостерігали. 6. Вони поводилися з дівчиною, наче з іграшкою. 7. У кімнаті було парко, неначе вікна не відчинялися вічність. 8. Він поводиться так, наче знайомий з усіма. 9. Вона розмовляла з нами так, наче ми були у чомусь винні. 10. Він почервонів, наче його згнітило моє зауваження. 11. Дівчинка дивилась на батька так, неначе ось-ось заплаче. 12. Він говорив про книгу з таким поважним виглядом, неначе сам був її автором. 13. Я пам’ятаю цей роман, неначе тільки що прочитав його. 14. Ви говорите так, неначе вам не шкода своєї власної доньки. 15. Жінка йшла обережно, неначе підлога була слизькою.

В. 1. Містер Келада подивився на мене здивовано, наче він не розумів, чому я хочу облишити цю тему. 2. Схоже на те, що невдовзі буде дощ, захопи парасольку про всяк випадок. 3. Дівчина подивилася на нього прямо, неначе вона розмірковувала, чи варто його попереджати про вибух. 4. Вони знищили всі папери, неначе папери були єдиним свідком їх злочинів. 5. Вибух почувся на великій відстані від кафе, здавалося, що хтось сильно грюкнув дверима. 6. Здавалося, що увесь світ розлетівся на частини: я опинився в оточенні уламків стільців, столів і розбитих пляшок 7. Джо із нетерпінням чекав повернення у будинок тітоньки, неначе він не мріяв вибратися з нього всього три місяці тому. 8. Джо був одягнений у свій вихідний костюм і почувався так, наче було велике свято. 9. Його шинель була сильно зім’ята і пахла гумою, неначе він спав у ній під дощем багато днів.

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