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Subject Subordinate Clauses

The Indefinite Form of the Verb in the Active Voice | Ex. 131. Translate from English into your native language paying attention to the use of the Future Indefinite tense. | The Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect form of the verb in the Active Voice | The Perfect Continuous form of the verb in the Active Voice | Tenses of the Verb in the Passive Voice | The sequence of tenses. Reported (Indirect) speech | General Review of the tense and voice forms of the verb | The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Subordinate Clauses | Adverbial clauses of concession |

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A. Substantive Clauses developed from the Volitive.
  3. Absolute (or indendent) subordinate clauses
  6. Adverbial clauses of cause (or causative clauses) express the reason, cause, or motivation of the action expressed in the main clause or of its content as a whole.
  7. Adverbial clauses of comparison


Ex. 248. Read and translate the following sentences. Comment on the use and the meaning of the verb forms in the subject subordinate clauses.

A. 1. It is important that wickedness shouldn’t triumph. 2. It was absolutely necessary that he should think what had happened. 3. It is desirable that you should be present here. 4. It was advisable that the boy should go out earlier than usual. 5. It is demanded that she should leave the house at once. 6. It was required that they become familiar with the facts. 7. It was arranged that the students should take their examinations in a week.

B. 1. It is a pity it should be raining so heavily. 2. It is a pity you’d have come so late. 3. It is natural that I’d look run down after the exam. 4. It was strange that they’d have changed their mind. 5. It’s time you should tell us the whole truth. 6. It is curious that she should have refused to keep them company. 7. It is better that he should stay away altogether. 8. It is right that you should have said it frankly.



Ex. 249. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood for the verbs in brackets.

1. It’s only natural that those two boys (to want) to play together. 2. It wasn’t strange that the son (to inherit) his father’s linguistic talents. 3. It seems surprising now that I (to get away) with it for so long. 4. She was jealous or surprised and it seemed better that the friendship (to cease). 5. It isn’t advisable that you (to sit) here alone. 6. It seems fortunate that you (to meet) us there. 7. It is impossible that the tickets (to be) so expensive. 8. It is unbelievable that fresh air and exercise (to do) anybody some harm. 9. It’s wonderful that they (to give) you a present. 10. Is it odd that I (to love) your brother? 11. It was necessary that the expedition (to have) a radio. 12. It’s high time she (to be serious). She is not a child already. 13. It’s high time she (to ring up) me. She promised to inform me about the result of the exam. 14. It is strange that he (to ask) that question. 15. It’s possible that he (not to review) the whole material if he got a three. 16. It was unbelievable that he (not to do) his homework. 17. It is desirable that the students (to speak) English to each other in class. 18. It was demanded that the labour conditions (to be) improved. 19. It is important that you (to answer) his letter not later than tomorrow. 20 It is desirable that the meeting (to take place) in three days.


Ex. 250. Translate the sentences into English.

A. 1. Необхідно, щоб студенти якомога більше читали англійських книжок. 2. Було вирішено, щоб студенти читали роман Джона Брейна “Шлях угору”. 3. Дуже важливо, щоб вони читали цю книгу в оригіналі. 4. Рекомендується, щоб ви переклали цей уривок, не користуючись словником. 5. Бажано, щоб студенти виписували цікаві вирази та застосовували їх у своїй мові. 6. Домовились, щоб ми провели конференцію за цією книгою в кінці семестру. 7. Необхідно, щоб усі студенти взяли участь у цій конференції.

В. 1. Дивно, що саме ви схвалюєте цю точку зору. 2. Дивно, що він досі не відповів на наш лист. 3. Шкода, що ви вже зателефонували йому. 4. Шкода, що він не знає французької мови. 5. Природно, що люди люблять волю. 6. Цілком природно, що дівчинка була задоволена подарунком. 7. Вам давно слід було вивчити вірші. 8. Речі запаковані; час посилати за машиною. 9. Жаль, що ви так мало розмовляєте англійською на уроках. 10. Вам час переконати її відмовитися від поїздки, яка не дасть їй нічого путнього. 11. Всім давно було вже час лягати спати, оскільки було дуже пізно. Але всі були зайняті роботою. 12. Вам час припинити ці суперечки. Все одно ніхто з вас не поступиться, і ви ніколи не дійдете згоди. 13. Вам час вже вирішити, як ви будете проводити свою відпустку. Час минає, а ще нічого не зроблено. 14. Вам давно час звернутися до лікаря; ви виглядаєте так, наче давно хворі. 15. Необхідно, щоб лікар ретельно обстежив дитину. 16. Дуже сумнівно, що він мав захворювання горла

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